Sencha Documentation

This class provides the default UI implementation for Ext TreeNodes. The TreeNode UI implementation is separate from the tree implementation, and allows customizing of the appearance of tree nodes.

If you are customizing the Tree's user interface, you may need to extend this class, but you should never need to instantiate this class.

This class provides access to the user interface components of an Ext TreeNode, through Ext.tree.TreeNode.getUI


addCls( String/Array className ) : Void
Adds one or more CSS classes to the node's UI element. Duplicate classes are automatically filtered out.
Adds one or more CSS classes to the node's UI element. Duplicate classes are automatically filtered out.


  • className : String/Array
    The CSS class to add, or an array of classes


  • Void
getAnchor : HtmlElement
Returns the <a> element that provides focus for the node's UI.
Returns the <a> element that provides focus for the node's UI.
getEl : HtmlElement
Returns the element which encapsulates this node.
Returns the element which encapsulates this node.
getIconEl : HtmlElement
Returns the icon <img> element.
Returns the icon <img> element.
getTextEl : HtmlNode
Returns the text node.
Returns the text node.
hide : Void
Hides this node.
Hides this node.
isChecked : Boolean
Returns the checked status of the node. If the node was rendered with no checkbox, it returns false.
Returns the checked status of the node. If the node was rendered with no checkbox, it returns false.
removeCls( String/Array className ) : Void
Removes one or more CSS classes from the node's UI element.
Removes one or more CSS classes from the node's UI element.


  • className : String/Array
    The CSS class to remove, or an array of classes


  • Void
show : Void
Shows this node.
Shows this node.
toggleCheck( [Boolean value] ) : Void
Sets the checked status of the tree node to the passed value, or, if no value was passed, toggles the checked status....
Sets the checked status of the tree node to the passed value, or, if no value was passed, toggles the checked status. If the node was rendered with no checkbox, this has no effect.


  • value : Boolean
    (optional) The new checked status.


  • Void