Sencha Documentation

A mixin to add floating capability to a Component


alignTo( Mixed element, String position, [Array offsets] ) : Component
Aligns this floating Component to the specified element
Aligns this floating Component to the specified element


  • element : Mixed
    The element to align to.
  • position : String
    (optional, defaults to "tl-bl?") The position to align to (see Ext.core.Element.alignTo for more details).
  • offsets : Array
    (optional) Offset the positioning by [x, y]


  • Component   this
center : Component
Center this Component in its container.
Center this Component in its container.
constructor( config undefined ) : Void
Construction of a floating Component involves transforming the el into a Layer based around that el.
Construction of a floating Component involves transforming the el into a Layer based around that el.


  • undefined : config


  • Void
Moves this floating Component into a constrain region. By default, this Component is constrained to be within the con...

Moves this floating Component into a constrain region.

By default, this Component is constrained to be within the container it was added to, or the element it was rendered to.

An alternative constraint may be passed.

setActive( Boolean active ) : Void
Makes this the active Component by showing its shadow, or deactivates it by hiding its shadow. This method also fire...
Makes this the active Component by showing its shadow, or deactivates it by hiding its shadow. This method also fires the activate or deactivate event depending on which action occurred. This method is called internally by Ext.ZIndexManager.


  • active : Boolean
    True to activate the Component, false to deactivate it (defaults to false)


  • Void
toBack : Component
Sends this Component to the back of (lower z-index than) any other visible windows
Sends this Component to the back of (lower z-index than) any other visible windows
toFront( [Boolean preventFocus] ) : Component
Brings this floating Component to the front of any other visible, managed, floating Components
Brings this floating Component to the front of any other visible, managed, floating Components


  • preventFocus : Boolean
    (optional) Specify false to prevent the Component from being focused.


  • Component   this