Sencha Documentation

Sub classes

Provides the ability to execute one or more arbitrary tasks in a multithreaded manner. Generally, you can use the singleton Ext.TaskMgr instead, but if needed, you can create separate instances of TaskRunner. Any number of separate tasks can be started at any time and will run independently of each other. Example usage:
// Start a simple clock task that updates a div once per second
var updateClock = function(){'clock').update(new Date().format('g:i:s A'));
var task = {
    run: updateClock,
    interval: 1000 //1 second
var runner = new Ext.util.TaskRunner();

// equivalent using TaskMgr
    run: updateClock,
    interval: 1000

See the start method for details about how to configure a task object.

Also see Ext.util.DelayedTask.


start( Object task ) : Object
Starts a new task.
Starts a new task.


  • task : Object

    A config object that supports the following properties:

    • run : Function

      The function to execute each time the task is invoked. The function will be called at each interval and passed the args argument if specified, and the current invocation count if not.

      If a particular scope (this reference) is required, be sure to specify it using the scope argument.

      Return false from this function to terminate the task.

    • interval : Number
      The frequency in milliseconds with which the task should be invoked.
    • args : Array
      (optional) An array of arguments to be passed to the function specified by run. If not specified, the current invocation count is passed.
    • scope : Object
      (optional) The scope (this reference) in which to execute the run function. Defaults to the task config object.
    • duration : Number
      (optional) The length of time in milliseconds to invoke the task before stopping automatically (defaults to indefinite).
    • repeat : Number
      (optional) The number of times to invoke the task before stopping automatically (defaults to indefinite).

    Before each invocation, Ext injects the property taskRunCount into the task object so that calculations based on the repeat count can be performed.


  • Object   The task
stop( Object task ) : Object
Stops an existing running task.
Stops an existing running task.


  • task : Object
    The task to stop


  • Object   The task
stopAll : Void
Stops all tasks that are currently running.
Stops all tasks that are currently running.