    // defaultPROPERTY removed in favor of standard
    // defaults provided by Ext.container.Container.
/** * @cfg {Number} defaultWidth (optional) The width of columns which have no {@link #width} * specified (defaults to 100). This property shall preferably be configured through the * {@link #defaults} config property. */ defaultWidth: 100,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} defaultSortable (optional) Default sortable of columns which have no * sortable specified (defaults to false). This property shall preferably be configured * through the {@link #defaults} config property. */ defaultSortable: false,
/** *

Reconfigures this column model according to the passed Array of column definition objects. * For a description of the individual properties of a column definition object, see the * Config Options.


Causes the {@link #configchange} event to be fired. A {@link Ext.grid.GridPanel GridPanel} * using this ColumnModel will listen for this event and refresh its UI automatically.

* @param {Array} config Array of Column definition objects. * @param {Boolean} initial Specify true to bypass cleanup which deletes the totalWidth * and destroys existing editors. */ setConfig : function(config, initial) { this.config = config; //var i, c, len; // //if (!initial) { // cleanup // delete this.totalWidth; // // for (i = 0, len = this.config.length; i < len; i++) { // c = this.config[i]; // // if (c.setEditor) { // //check here, in case we have a special column like a CheckboxSelectionModel // c.setEditor(null); // } // } //} // //// backward compatibility //this.defaults = Ext.apply({ // width: this.defaultWidth, // sortable: this.defaultSortable //}, this.defaults); // //this.config = config; //this.lookup = {}; // //for (i = 0, len = config.length; i < len; i++) { // c = Ext.applyIf(config[i], this.defaults); // // // if no id, create one using column's ordinal position // if (Ext.isEmpty(c.id)) { // c.id = Ext.id(); // } // // if (!c.isColumn) { // var Cls = Ext.grid.Column.types[c.xtype || 'gridcolumn']; // c = new Cls(c); // config[i] = c; // } // // this.lookup[c.id] = c; //} // //if (!initial) { // this.fireEvent('configchange', this); //} }, /** * @private * Called by the SplitDragZone when a drag has been completed. Resizes the columns */ onColumnSplitterMoved : function(cellIndex, width) { this.userResized = true; this.setColumnWidth(cellIndex, width, true); if (this.forceFit) { this.fitColumns(true, false, cellIndex); this.updateAllColumnWidths(); } else { this.updateColumnWidth(cellIndex, width); this.syncHeaderScroll(); } this.grid.fireEvent('columnresize', cellIndex, width); }, /** * @private * Click handler for the shared column dropdown menu, called on beforeshow. Builds the menu * which displays the list of columns for the user to show or hide. */ beforeColMenuShow : function() { var colModel = this.cm, colCount = colModel.getColumnCount(), colMenu = this.colMenu, i; colMenu.removeAll(); for (i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { if (colModel.config[i].hideable !== false) { colMenu.add(new Ext.menu.CheckItem({ text : colModel.getColumnHeader(i), itemId : 'col-' + colModel.getColumnId(i), checked : !colModel.isHidden(i), disabled : colModel.config[i].hideable === false, hideOnClick: false })); } } }, /** * @private * Attached as the 'itemclick' handler to the header menu and the column show/hide submenu (if available). * Performs sorting if the sorter buttons were clicked, otherwise hides/shows the column that was clicked. */ handleHdMenuClick : function(item) { var store = this.ds, dataIndex = this.cm.getDataIndex(this.hdCtxIndex); switch (item.getItemId()) { case 'asc': store.sort(dataIndex, 'ASC'); break; case 'desc': store.sort(dataIndex, 'DESC'); break; default: this.handleHdMenuClickDefault(item); } return true; },
/** * Called by handleHdMenuClick if any button except a sort ASC/DESC button was clicked. The default implementation provides * the column hide/show functionality based on the check state of the menu item. A different implementation can be provided * if needed. * @param {Ext.menu.BaseItem} item The menu item that was clicked */ handleHdMenuClickDefault: function(item) { var colModel = this.cm, itemId = item.getItemId(), index = colModel.getIndexById(itemId.substr(4)); if (index != -1) { // this has been changed to a MC so we'd use getCount if we port it... if (item.checked && colModel.getColumnsBy(this.isHideableColumn, this).length <= 1) { this.onDenyColumnHide(); return false; } colModel.setHidden(index, item.checked); } }, /** * @private * Called when a header cell is clicked - shows the menu if the click happened over a trigger button */ handleHdDown : function(e, target) { if (Ext.fly(target).hasCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid3-hd-btn')) { e.stopEvent(); var colModel = this.cm, header = this.findHeaderCell(target), index = this.getCellIndex(header), sortable = colModel.isSortable(index), menu = this.hmenu, menuItems = menu.items, menuCls = this.headerMenuOpenCls; this.hdCtxIndex = index; Ext.fly(header).addCls(menuCls); menuItems.get('asc').setDisabled(!sortable); menuItems.get('desc').setDisabled(!sortable); menu.on('hide', function() { Ext.fly(header).removeCls(menuCls); }, this, {single:true}); menu.show(target, 'tl-bl?'); } }, /** * @private * Attached to the headers' mousemove event. This figures out the CSS cursor to use based on where the mouse is currently * pointed. If the mouse is currently hovered over the extreme left or extreme right of any header cell and the cell next * to it is resizable it is given the resize cursor, otherwise the cursor is set to an empty string. */ handleHdMove : function(e) { var header = this.findHeaderCell(this.activeHdRef); if (header && !this.headersDisabled) { var handleWidth = this.splitHandleWidth || 5, activeRegion = this.activeHdRegion, headerStyle = header.style, colModel = this.cm, cursor = '', pageX = e.getPageX(); if (this.grid.enableColumnResize !== false) { var activeHeaderIndex = this.activeHdIndex, currentResizable = colModel.isResizable(activeHeaderIndex), previousResizable = colModel.isResizable(activeHeaderIndex - 1), inLeftResizer = pageX - activeRegion.left <= handleWidth, inRightResizer = activeRegion.right - pageX <= (!this.activeHdBtn ? handleWidth : 2); if (inLeftResizer && previousResizable) { cursor = Ext.isAir ? 'move' : Ext.isWebKit ? 'e-resize' : 'col-resize'; // col-resize not always supported } else if (inRightResizer && currentResizable) { cursor = Ext.isAir ? 'move' : Ext.isWebKit ? 'w-resize' : 'col-resize'; } } headerStyle.cursor = cursor; } }, /** * @private * Tied to the header element's mouseover event - adds the over class to the header cell if the menu is not disabled * for that cell */ handleHdOver : function(e, target) { var header = this.findHeaderCell(target); if (header && !this.headersDisabled) { var fly = this.fly(header); this.activeHdRef = target; this.activeHdIndex = this.getCellIndex(header); this.activeHdRegion = fly.getRegion(); if (!this.isMenuDisabled(this.activeHdIndex, fly)) { fly.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid3-hd-over'); this.activeHdBtn = fly.down('.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid3-hd-btn'); if (this.activeHdBtn) { this.activeHdBtn.dom.style.height = (header.firstChild.offsetHeight - 1) + 'px'; } } } }, /** * @private * Tied to the header element's mouseout event. Removes the hover class from the header cell */ handleHdOut : function(e, target) { var header = this.findHeaderCell(target); if (header && (!Ext.isIE || !e.within(header, true))) { this.activeHdRef = null; this.fly(header).removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid3-hd-over'); header.style.cursor = ''; } }, /** * @private * Used by {@link #handleHdOver} to determine whether or not to show the header menu class on cell hover * @param {Number} cellIndex The header cell index * @param {Ext.core.Element} el The cell element currently being hovered over */ isMenuDisabled: function(cellIndex, el) { return this.cm.isMenuDisabled(cellIndex); } });