/** * @class Ext.grid.GridView * @extends Ext.misc.AbstractGridView *

This class encapsulates the user interface of an {@link Ext.grid.GridPanel}. * Methods of this class may be used to access user interface elements to enable * special display effects. Do not change the DOM structure of the user interface.


This class does not provide ways to manipulate the underlying data. The data * model of a Grid is held in an {@link Ext.data.Store}.

* @constructor * @param {Object} config */ Ext.grid.GridView = Ext.extend(Ext.misc.AbstractGridView, {
/** * Override this function to apply custom CSS classes to rows during rendering. You can also supply custom * parameters to the row template for the current row to customize how it is rendered using the rowParams * parameter. This function should return the CSS class name (or empty string '' for none) that will be added * to the row's wrapping div. To apply multiple class names, simply return them space-delimited within the string * (e.g., 'my-class another-class'). Example usage:

viewConfig: {
    forceFit: true,
    showPreview: true, // custom property
    enableRowBody: true, // required to create a second, full-width row to show expanded Record data
    getRowClass: function(record, rowIndex, rp, ds){ // rp = rowParams
            rp.body = '<p>'+record.data.excerpt+'</p>';
            return 'x-grid3-row-expanded';
        return 'x-grid3-row-collapsed';
* @param {Record} record The {@link Ext.data.Record} corresponding to the current row. * @param {Number} index The row index. * @param {Object} rowParams A config object that is passed to the row template during rendering that allows * customization of various aspects of a grid row. *

If {@link #enableRowBody} is configured true, then the following properties may be set * by this function, and will be used to render a full-width expansion row below each grid row:

* * The following property will be passed in, and may be appended to: * * @param {Store} store The {@link Ext.data.Store} this grid is bound to * @method getRowClass * @return {String} a CSS class name to add to the row. */
/** * @cfg {Boolean} enableRowBody True to add a second TR element per row that can be used to provide a row body * that spans beneath the data row. Use the {@link #getRowClass} method's rowParams config to customize the row body. */ cellCls: 'x-grid3-cell', firstCellCls: 'x-grid3-cell-first', lastCellCls: 'x-grid3-cell-last', dirtyCellCls: 'x-grid3-dirty-cell', selectedCellCls: 'x-grid3-cell-selected', focusedCellCls: 'x-grid3-cell-focus', rowCls: 'x-grid3-row', firstRowCls: 'x-grid3-row-first', lastRowCls: 'x-grid3-row-last', dirtyRowCls: 'x-grid3-dirty-row', altRowCls: 'x-grid3-row-alt', rowOverCls: 'x-grid3-row-over', selectedRowCls: 'x-grid3-row-selected', focusedRowCls: 'x-grid3-row-focus', rowBodyCls: 'x-grid3-row-body', // private rowClsRe: /(?:^|\s+)x-grid3-row-(first|last|alt)(?:\s+|$)/g,
/** * @cfg {String} rowBodySelector The selector used to find row bodies internally (defaults to 'div.x-grid3-row') */ rowBodySelectorDepth: 10, buildSelectors: function() { Ext.grid.GridView.superclass.buildSelectors.call(this); this.rowBodySelector = '.' + this.rowBodyCls; }, /* -------------------------------- UI Specific ----------------------------- */
/** * The template to use when rendering the body. Has a default template * @property bodyTpl * @type Ext.Template */ bodyTpl: new Ext.Template('{rows}'),
/** * The template to use to render each cell. Has a default template * @property cellTpl * @type Ext.Template */ cellTpl: new Ext.Template( '', '
', '' ), /** * @private * Provides default templates if they are not given for this particular instance. Most of the templates are defined on * the prototype, the ones defined inside this function are done so because they are based on Grid or GridView configuration */ initTemplates : function() { var templates = this.templates || {}, template, name, rowBodyText = [ '', '', '
', '', '' ].join(""), innerText = [ '', '', '{cells}', this.enableRowBody ? rowBodyText : '', '', '
' ].join(""); if (!templates.master) { templates.master = new Ext.Template( '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
' ); } Ext.applyIf(templates, { cell : this.cellTpl, body : this.bodyTpl, row : new Ext.Template('
' + innerText + '
'), rowInner: new Ext.Template(innerText) }); for (name in templates) { template = templates[name]; if (template && Ext.isFunction(template.compile) && !template.compiled) { template.disableFormats = true; template.compile(); } } this.templates = templates; // Provides a matching group to lookup the column of a particular // cell in the Grid. this.colRe = new RegExp('x-grid3-td-([^\\s]+)', ''); }, // Get the columnIndex within an element getCellIndex : function(el) { if (el) { var match = el.className.match(this.colRe); if (match && match[1]) { return this.grid.colModel.getIndexById(match[1]); } } return false; },
/** * Return the HtmlElement representing the grid row body which contains the passed element. * @param {HTMLElement} el The target HTMLElement * @return {HTMLElement} The row body element, or null if the target element is not within a row body of this GridView. */ findRowBody : function(el) { if (!el) { return false; } return this.fly(el).findParent(this.rowBodySelector, this.rowBodySelectorDepth); }, // getter methods for fetching elements dynamically in the grid /** * @private * Called after a column's width has been updated, this resizes all of the cells for that column in each row * @param {Number} column The column index */ updateColumnWidth : function(column, width) { var columnWidth = this.getColumnWidth(column), totalWidth = this.getTotalWidth(), nodes = this.getRows(), nodeCount = nodes.length, row, i = 0, firstChild; this.updateHeaderWidth(); for (; i < nodeCount; i++) { row = nodes[i]; firstChild = row.firstChild; row.style.width = totalWidth; if (firstChild) { firstChild.style.width = totalWidth; firstChild.rows[0].childNodes[column].style.width = columnWidth; } } this.onColumnWidthUpdated(column, columnWidth, totalWidth); }, /** * @private * Sets the hidden status of a given column. * @param {Number} col The column index * @param {Boolean} hidden True to make the column hidden */ updateColumnHidden : function(col, hidden) { var totalWidth = this.getTotalWidth(), display = hidden ? 'none' : '', rows = this.getRows(), rowLength = rows.length, row, rowFirstChild, i = 0; for (; i < rowLength; i++) { row = rows[i]; row.style.width = totalWidth; rowFirstChild = row.firstChild; if (rowFirstChild) { rowFirstChild.style.width = totalWidth; rowFirstChild.rows[0].childNodes[col].style.display = display; } } this.onColumnHiddenUpdated(col, hidden, totalWidth); }, /** * @private * Renders all of the rows to a string buffer and returns the string. This is called internally * by renderRows and performs the actual string building for the rows - it does not inject HTML into the DOM. * @param {Array} columns The column data acquired from getColumnData. * @param {Array} records The array of records to render * @param {Ext.data.Store} store The store to render the rows from * @param {Number} startRow The index of the first row being rendered. Sometimes we only render a subset of * the rows so this is used to maintain logic for striping etc * @param {Number} colCount The total number of columns in the column model * @param {Boolean} stripe True to stripe the rows * @return {String} A string containing the HTML for the rendered rows */ doRender : function(columns, records, store, startRow, colCount, stripe) { var templates = this.templates, cellTemplate = templates.cell, rowTemplate = templates.row, last = colCount - 1, tstyle = 'width:' + this.getTotalWidth() + ';', // buffers rowBuffer = [], colBuffer = [], rowParams = {tstyle: tstyle}, meta = {}, len = records.length, alt, column, record, i, j, rowIndex; //build up each row's HTML for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { record = records[j]; colBuffer = []; rowIndex = j + startRow; //build up each column's HTML for (i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { column = columns[i]; meta.id = column.id; meta.css = i === 0 ? (this.firstCellCls + ' ') : (i === last ? (this.lastCellCls + ' ') : ''); meta.attr = meta.cellAttr = ''; meta.style = column.style; meta.value = column.renderer.call(column.scope, record.data[column.name], meta, record, rowIndex, i, store); if (Ext.isEmpty(meta.value)) { meta.value = ' '; } if (this.markDirty && record.dirty && typeof record.modified[column.name] !== 'undefined') { meta.css += ' ' + this.dirtyCellCls; } colBuffer[colBuffer.length] = cellTemplate.apply(meta); } alt = []; //set up row striping and row dirtiness CSS classes if (stripe && ((rowIndex + 1) % 2 === 0)) { alt[0] = this.altRowCls; } if (record.dirty) { alt[1] = ' ' + this.dirtyRowCls; } rowParams.cols = colCount; if (this.getRowClass) { alt[2] = this.getRowClass(record, rowIndex, rowParams, store); } rowParams.alt = alt.join(' '); rowParams.cells = colBuffer.join(''); rowBuffer[rowBuffer.length] = rowTemplate.apply(rowParams); } return rowBuffer.join(''); }, // private processEvent : function(name, e) { var target = e.getTarget(), grid = this.grid, //header = this.findHeaderIndex(target), row, cell, col, body; grid.fireEvent(name, e); //if (header !== false) { //grid.fireEvent('header' + name, grid, header, e); //} else { row = this.findRowIndex(target); // Grid's value-added events must bubble correctly to allow cancelling via returning false: cell->column->row // We must allow a return of false at any of these levels to cancel the event processing. // Particularly allowing rowmousedown to be cancellable by prior handlers which need to prevent selection. if (row !== false) { cell = this.findCellIndex(target); if (cell !== false) { col = grid.colModel.getColumnAt(cell); if (grid.fireEvent('cell' + name, grid, row, cell, e) !== false) { if (!col || (col.processEvent && (col.processEvent(name, e, grid, row, cell) !== false))) { grid.fireEvent('row' + name, grid, row, e); } } } else { if (grid.fireEvent('row' + name, grid, row, e) !== false) { (body = this.findRowBody(target)) && grid.fireEvent('rowbody' + name, grid, row, e); } } } else { grid.fireEvent('container' + name, grid, e); } //} }, // private insertRows : function(dm, firstRow, lastRow, isUpdate) { var last = dm.getCount() - 1; if (!isUpdate && firstRow === 0 && lastRow >= last) { this.fireEvent('beforerowsinserted', this, firstRow, lastRow); this.refresh(); this.fireEvent('rowsinserted', this, firstRow, lastRow); } else { if (!isUpdate) { this.fireEvent('beforerowsinserted', this, firstRow, lastRow); } var html = this.renderRows(firstRow, lastRow), before = this.getRow(firstRow); if (before) { if (firstRow === 0) { this.fly(this.getRow(0)).removeClass(this.firstRowCls); } Ext.core.DomHelper.insertHtml('beforeBegin', before, html); } else { var r = this.getRow(last - 1); if (r) { this.fly(r).removeClass(this.lastRowCls); } Ext.core.DomHelper.insertHtml('beforeEnd', this.mainBody.dom, html); } if (!isUpdate) { this.fireEvent('rowsinserted', this, firstRow, lastRow); this.processRows(firstRow); } else if (firstRow === 0 || firstRow >= last) { //ensure first/last row is kept after an update. this.fly(this.getRow(firstRow)).addClass(firstRow === 0 ? this.firstRowCls : this.lastRowCls); } } this.syncFocusEl(firstRow); }, /** * @private * Refreshes a row by re-rendering it. Fires the rowupdated event when done */ refreshRow: function(record) { var store = this.ds, colCount = this.grid.colModel.getColumnCount(), columns = this.getColumnData(), last = colCount - 1, cls = [this.rowCls], rowParams = { tstyle: String.format("width: {0};", this.getTotalWidth()) }, colBuffer = [], cellTpl = this.templates.cell, rowIndex, row, column, meta, css, i; if (Ext.isNumber(record)) { rowIndex = record; record = store.getAt(rowIndex); } else { rowIndex = store.indexOf(record); } //the record could not be found if (!record || rowIndex < 0) { return; } //builds each column in this row for (i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { column = columns[i]; if (i === 0) { css = this.firstCellCls; } else { css = (i === last) ? (this.lastCellCls + ' ') : ''; } meta = { id : column.id, style : column.style, css : css, attr : "", cellAttr: "" }; // Need to set this after, because we pass meta to the renderer meta.value = column.renderer.call(column.scope, record.data[column.name], meta, record, rowIndex, i, store); if (Ext.isEmpty(meta.value)) { meta.value = ' '; } if (this.markDirty && record.dirty && typeof record.modified[column.name] !== 'undefined') { meta.css += ' ' + this.dirtyCellCls; } colBuffer[i] = cellTpl.apply(meta); } row = this.getRow(rowIndex); row.className = ''; if (this.grid.stripeRows && ((rowIndex + 1) % 2 === 0)) { cls.push(this.altRowCls); } if (this.getRowClass) { rowParams.cols = colCount; cls.push(this.getRowClass(record, rowIndex, rowParams, store)); } this.fly(row).addClass(cls).setStyle(rowParams.tstyle); rowParams.cells = colBuffer.join(""); row.innerHTML = this.templates.rowInner.apply(rowParams); this.fireEvent('rowupdated', this, rowIndex, record); } }); // private // This is a support class used internally by the Grid components Ext.grid.GridView.SplitDragZone = Ext.extend(Ext.dd.DDProxy, { constructor: function(grid) { this.grid = grid; this.view = grid.getView(); this.marker = this.view.resizeMarker; this.proxy = this.view.resizeProxy; Ext.grid.GridView.SplitDragZone.superclass.constructor.call(this, grid.getColumnModel().getEl(), 'gridSplitters' + this.grid.getViewEl().id, { dragElId: Ext.id(this.proxy.dom), resizeFrame: false } ); this.scroll = false; this.hw = this.view.splitHandleWidth || 5; }, b4StartDrag : function(x, y) { this.dragHeadersDisabled = this.view.headersDisabled; this.view.headersDisabled = true; var h = this.view.mainWrap.getHeight(); this.marker.setHeight(h); this.marker.show(); this.marker.alignTo(this.view.getHeaderCell(this.cellIndex), 'tl-tl', [-2, 0]); this.proxy.setHeight(h); var w = this.grid.colModel.getColumnWidth(this.cellIndex), minw = Math.max(w - this.grid.minColumnWidth, 0); this.resetConstraints(); this.setXConstraint(minw, 1000); this.setYConstraint(0, 0); this.minX = x - minw; this.maxX = x + 1000; this.startPos = x; Ext.dd.DDProxy.prototype.b4StartDrag.call(this, x, y); }, allowHeaderDrag : function(e) { return true; }, handleMouseDown : function(e) { var t = this.view.findHeaderCell(e.getTarget()); if (t && this.allowHeaderDrag(e)) { var xy = this.view.fly(t).getXY(), x = xy[0], exy = e.getXY(), ex = exy[0], w = t.offsetWidth, adjust = false; if ((ex - x) <= this.hw) { adjust = -1; } else if ((x + w) - ex <= this.hw) { adjust = 0; } if (adjust !== false) { this.cm = this.grid.colModel; var ci = this.view.getCellIndex(t); if (adjust === -1) { if (ci + adjust < 0) { return; } while (this.cm.isHidden(ci + adjust)) { --adjust; if (ci + adjust < 0) { return; } } } this.cellIndex = ci + adjust; this.split = t.dom; if (this.cm.isResizable(this.cellIndex) && !this.cm.isFixed(this.cellIndex)) { Ext.grid.GridView.SplitDragZone.superclass.handleMouseDown.apply(this, arguments); } } else if (this.view.columnDrag) { this.view.columnDrag.callHandleMouseDown(e); } } }, endDrag : function(e) { this.marker.hide(); var v = this.view, endX = Math.max(this.minX, e.getPageX()), diff = endX - this.startPos, disabled = this.dragHeadersDisabled; v.onColumnSplitterMoved(this.cellIndex, this.cm.getColumnWidth(this.cellIndex) + diff); setTimeout(function() { v.headersDisabled = disabled; }, 50); }, autoOffset : function() { this.setDelta(0, 0); } });