Various other forms of security by obscurity have been proposed.
Such things as special events that fire on login and log off to call user
functions to prevent or deny access. Such features may offer some limited
use for closed source systems, where the obscurity of the implementation
helps to hide exactly how information is being protected. But for an open
source system the work around for such hacks is to simply build your own
version of the server that bypasses the event or code which is preventing
access. It is difficult to offer obscurity in an open source
Consider also what happens when you distribute your compiled
executables. Compiled programs are great examples of obscurity. No
encryption is used (usually), all steps of the code are there to be
analysed by anyone with the time and knowledge and, indeed, there are
decompilers available to assist with this process. Once a person discovers
what libraries your code was compiled with, isolating the results to only
your own “secret” code makes the whole process much faster.
Have you written to Borland, Microsoft or whoever requesting that they
somehow encrypt their compiled binaries?