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Documentation for Firebird docwriters

Table of Contents

Getting and building the Firebird manual module
Introduction: Purpose of this Howto – Intended audience
Getting the manual module from SourceForge
Building the Firebird docs
Keeping your manual module up to date
If things go wrong
Advanced topic: Improving the PDF
Firebird Docwriting Guide
Where the docmakers meet
Picking a subject
Preparing to write: make an outline!
DocBook XML – an introduction
DocBook XML authoring tools
Setting up your DocBook doc
Elements we use frequently
Language and style
Copyright issues
Adding your document to the manual module
Using non-Western fonts in your Firebird docs
How the PDF is created
Step 1: Find the fonts you need
Step 2: Override the stylesheet fonts
Step 3: Create metrics files
Step 4: Create a FOP userconfig file
Step 5: Build the PDF and commit your work

List of Tables

1. Format of XML tags
2. poll: Database of the year 2003
3. An HTML-style table

List of Examples

1. An SQL example
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