Chapter 5 The X Window System

Table of Contents
5.1 Synopsis
5.2 Understanding X
5.3 Installing X11
5.4 X11 Configuration
5.5 Using Fonts in X11
5.6 The X Display Manager
5.7 Desktop Environments
Updated for X.Org's X11 server by Ken Tom and Marc Fonvieille.

5.1 Synopsis

FreeBSD uses X11 to provide users with a powerful graphical user interface. X11 is a freely available version of the X Window System that is implemented in Xorg (and other software packages not discussed here). The default and official flavor of X11 in FreeBSD is Xorg, the X11 server developed by the X.Org Foundation under a license very similar to the one used by FreeBSD. Commercial X servers for FreeBSD are also available.

For more information on the video hardware that X11 supports, check the Xorg web site.

After reading this chapter, you will know:

Before reading this chapter, you should: