Build Your Own FreeBSD Update Server

Jason Helfman

Jason Helfman 

Revision: 45567

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Last modified on 2014-09-08 by jgh.

This article describes building an internal FreeBSD Update Server. The freebsd-update-server is written by Colin Percival , Security Officer Emeritus of FreeBSD. For users that think it is convenient to update their systems against an official update server, building their own FreeBSD Update Server may help to extend its functionality by supporting manually-tweaked FreeBSD releases or by providing a local mirror that will allow faster updates for a number of machines.

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Table of Contents
1. Acknowledgments
2. Introduction
3. Prerequisites
4. Configuration: Installation & Setup
5. Building Update Code
6. Building a Patch
7. Tips

1. Acknowledgments

This article was subsequently printed at BSD Magazine.

2. Introduction

Experienced users or administrators are often responsible for several machines or environments. They understand the difficult demands and challenges of maintaining such an infrastructure. Running a FreeBSD Update Server makes it easier to deploy security and software patches to selected test machines before rolling them out to production. It also means a number of systems can be updated from the local network rather than a potentially slower Internet connection. This article outlines the steps involved in creating an internal FreeBSD Update Server.

3. Prerequisites

To build an internal FreeBSD Update Server some requirements should be met.

  • A running FreeBSD system.


    At a minimum, updates require building on a FreeBSD release greater than or equal to the target release version for distribution.

  • A user account with at least 4 GB of available space. This will allow the creation of updates for 7.1 and 7.2, but the exact space requirements may change from version to version.

  • An ssh(1) account on a remote machine to upload distributed updates.

  • A web server, like Apache, with over half of the space required for the build. For instance, test builds for 7.1 and 7.2 consume a total amount of 4 GB, and the webserver space needed to distribute these updates is 2.6 GB.

  • Basic knowledge of shell scripting with Bourne shell, sh(1).

4. Configuration: Installation & Setup

Download the freebsd-update-server software by installing devel/subversion, and execute:

% svn co

Update scripts/build.conf appropriately. It is sourced during all build operations.

Here is the default build.conf, which should be modified to suit your environment.

# Main configuration file for FreeBSD Update builds.  The
# release-specific configuration data is lower down in
# the scripts tree.

# Location from which to fetch releases
export FTP=

# Host platform
export HOSTPLATFORM=`uname -m`

# Host name to use inside jails
export BUILDHOSTNAME=${HOSTPLATFORM}-builder.daemonology.net2

# Location of SSH key
export SSHKEY=/root/.ssh/id_dsa3

# SSH account into which files are uploaded
[email protected]4

# Directory into which files are uploaded

This is the location where ISO images are downloaded from (by the fetchiso() subroutine of scripts/build.subr). The location configured is not limited to FTP URIs. Any URI scheme supported by standard fetch(1) utility should work fine.

Customizations to the fetchiso() code can be installed by copying the default build.subr script to the release and architecture-specific area at scripts/RELEASE/ARCHITECTURE/build.subr and applying local changes.


The name of the build host. This information will be displayed on updated systems when issuing:

% uname -v


The SSH key for uploading files to the update server. A key pair can be created by typing ssh-keygen -t dsa. This parameter is optional; standard password authentication will be used as a fallback authentication method when SSHKEY is not defined.

The ssh-keygen(1) manual page has more detailed information about SSH and the appropriate steps for creating and using one.


Directory on the update server where files are uploaded to.

The default build.conf shipped with the freebsd-update-server sources is suitable for building i386 releases of FreeBSD. As an example of building an update server for other architectures, the following steps outline the configuration changes needed for amd64:

  1. Create a build environment for amd64:

    % mkdir -p /usr/local/freebsd-update-server/scripts/7.2-RELEASE/amd64
  2. Install a build.conf in the newly created build directory. The build configuration options for FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE on amd64 should be similar to:

    # SHA256 hash of RELEASE disc1.iso image.
    export RELH=1ea1f6f652d7c5f5eab7ef9f8edbed50cb664b08ed761850f95f48e86cc71ef51
    # Components of the world, source, and kernels
    export WORLDPARTS="base catpages dict doc games info manpages proflibs lib32"
    export SOURCEPARTS="base bin contrib crypto etc games gnu include krb5  \
                    lib libexec release rescue sbin secure share sys tools  \
                    ubin usbin cddl"
    export KERNELPARTS="generic"
    # EOL date
    export EOL=12752892001 

    The sha256(1) hash key for the desired release, is published within the respective release announcement.


    To generate the "End of Life" number for build.conf, refer to the "Estimated EOL" posted on the FreeBSD Security Website. The value of EOL can be derived from the date listed on the web site, using the date(1) utility, for example:

    % date -j -f '%Y%m%d-%H%M%S' '20090401-000000' '+%s'

5. Building Update Code

The first step is to run scripts/ This will build some binaries, create directories, and generate an RSA signing key used for approving builds. In this step, a passphrase will have to be supplied for the final creation of the signing key.

# sh scripts/
cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe   findstamps.c  -o findstamps
findstamps.c: In function 'usage':
findstamps.c:45: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'exit'
cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe   unstamp.c  -o unstamp
install findstamps ../bin
install unstamp ../bin
rm -f findstamps unstamp
Generating RSA private key, 4096 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)

Public key fingerprint:

Encrypting signing key for root
enter aes-256-cbc encryption password:
Verifying - enter aes-256-cbc encryption password:


Keep a note of the generated key fingerprint. This value is required in /etc/freebsd-update.conf for binary updates.

At this point, we are ready to stage a build.

# cd /usr/local/freebsd-update-server
# sh scripts/ amd64 7.2-RELEASE

What follows is a sample of an initial build run.

# sh scripts/ amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Mon Aug 24 16:04:36 PDT 2009 Starting fetch for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
/usr/local/freebsd-update-server/work/7.2-RELE100% of  588 MB  359 kBps 00m00s
Mon Aug 24 16:32:38 PDT 2009 Verifying disc1 hash for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Mon Aug 24 16:32:44 PDT 2009 Extracting components for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Mon Aug 24 16:34:05 PDT 2009 Constructing world+src image for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Mon Aug 24 16:35:57 PDT 2009 Extracting world+src for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Mon Aug 24 23:36:24 UTC 2009 Building world for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Tue Aug 25 00:31:29 UTC 2009 Distributing world for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Tue Aug 25 00:32:36 UTC 2009 Building and distributing kernels for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Tue Aug 25 00:44:44 UTC 2009 Constructing world components for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Tue Aug 25 00:44:56 UTC 2009 Distributing source for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Mon Aug 24 17:46:18 PDT 2009 Moving components into staging area for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Mon Aug 24 17:46:33 PDT 2009 Identifying extra documentation for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Mon Aug 24 17:47:13 PDT 2009 Extracting extra docs for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Mon Aug 24 17:47:18 PDT 2009 Indexing release for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Mon Aug 24 17:50:44 PDT 2009 Indexing world0 for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE

Files built but not released:
Files released but not built:
Files which differ by more than contents:
Files which differ between release and build:

Then the build of the world is performed again, with world patches. A more detailed explanation may be found in scripts/build.subr.


During this second build cycle, the network time protocol daemon, ntpd(8), is turned off. Per Colin Percival , Security Officer Emeritus of FreeBSD, "the freebsd-update-server build code needs to identify timestamps which are stored in files so that they can be ignored when comparing builds to determine which files need to be updated. This timestamp-finding works by doing two builds 400 days apart and comparing the results."

Mon Aug 24 17:54:07 PDT 2009 Extracting world+src for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Wed Sep 29 00:54:34 UTC 2010 Building world for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Wed Sep 29 01:49:42 UTC 2010 Distributing world for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Wed Sep 29 01:50:50 UTC 2010 Building and distributing kernels for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Wed Sep 29 02:02:56 UTC 2010 Constructing world components for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Wed Sep 29 02:03:08 UTC 2010 Distributing source for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Tue Sep 28 19:04:31 PDT 2010 Moving components into staging area for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Mon Aug 24 19:04:46 PDT 2009 Extracting extra docs for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Mon Aug 24 19:04:51 PDT 2009 Indexing world1 for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Mon Aug 24 19:08:04 PDT 2009 Locating build stamps for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Mon Aug 24 19:10:19 PDT 2009 Cleaning staging area for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Mon Aug 24 19:10:19 PDT 2009 Preparing to copy files into staging area for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Mon Aug 24 19:10:20 PDT 2009 Copying data files into staging area for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Mon Aug 24 12:16:57 PDT 2009 Copying metadata files into staging area for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Mon Aug 24 12:16:59 PDT 2009 Constructing metadata index and tag for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE

Files found which include build stamps:

Finally, the build completes.

Values of build stamps, excluding library archive headers:
v1.2 (Aug 25 2009 00:40:36)
v1.2 (Aug 25 2009 00:38:22)
@(#)FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE #0: Tue Aug 25 00:38:29 UTC 2009
FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE #0: Tue Aug 25 00:38:29 UTC 2009
    [email protected]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC
Mon Aug 24 23:55:25 UTC 2009
Mon Aug 24 23:55:25 UTC 2009
##### built by [email protected] on Tue Aug 25 00:16:15 UTC 2009
##### built by [email protected] on Tue Aug 25 00:16:15 UTC 2009
##### built by [email protected] on Tue Aug 25 00:16:15 UTC 2009
##### built by [email protected] on Tue Aug 25 00:16:15 UTC 2009
Mon Aug 24 23:46:47 UTC 2009
ntpq 4.2.4p5-a Mon Aug 24 23:55:53 UTC 2009 (1)
 * Copyright (c) 1992-2009 The FreeBSD Project.
Mon Aug 24 23:46:47 UTC 2009
Mon Aug 24 23:55:40 UTC 2009
Aug 25 2009
ntpd 4.2.4p5-a Mon Aug 24 23:55:52 UTC 2009 (1)
ntpdate 4.2.4p5-a Mon Aug 24 23:55:53 UTC 2009 (1)
ntpdc 4.2.4p5-a Mon Aug 24 23:55:53 UTC 2009 (1)
Tue Aug 25 00:21:21 UTC 2009
Tue Aug 25 00:21:21 UTC 2009
Tue Aug 25 00:21:21 UTC 2009
Mon Aug 24 23:46:47 UTC 2009

FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE initialization build complete.  Please
review the list of build stamps printed above to confirm that
they look sensible, then run
# sh -e amd64 7.2-RELEASE
to sign the release.

Approve the build if everything is correct. More information on determining this can be found in the distributed source file named USAGE. Execute scripts/, as directed. This will sign the release, and move components into a staging area suitable for uploading.

# cd /usr/local/freebsd-update-server
# sh scripts/
# sh -e scripts/ amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Wed Aug 26 12:50:06 PDT 2009 Signing build for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Wed Aug 26 12:50:06 PDT 2009 Copying files to patch source directories for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Wed Aug 26 12:50:06 PDT 2009 Copying files to upload staging area for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Wed Aug 26 12:50:07 PDT 2009 Updating databases for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
Wed Aug 26 12:50:07 PDT 2009 Cleaning staging area for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE

After the approval process is complete, the upload procedure may be started.

# cd /usr/local/freebsd-update-server
# sh scripts/ amd64 7.2-RELEASE


In the event update code needs to be re-uploaded, this may be done by changing to the public distributions directory for the target release and updating attributes of the uploaded file.

# cd /usr/local/freebsd-update-server/pub/7.2-RELEASE/amd64
# touch -t 200801010101.01 uploaded

The uploaded files will need to be in the document root of the webserver in order for updates to be distributed. The exact configuration will vary depending on the web server used. For the Apache web server, please refer to the Configuration of Apache servers section in the Handbook.

Update client's KeyPrint and ServerName in /etc/freebsd-update.conf, and perform updates as instructed in the FreeBSD Update section of the Handbook.


In order for FreeBSD Update Server to work properly, updates for both the current release and the release one wants to upgrade to need to be built. This is necessary for determining the differences of files between releases. For example, when upgrading a FreeBSD system from 7.1-RELEASE to 7.2-RELEASE, updates will need to be built and uploaded to your distribution server for both versions.

For reference, the entire run of is attached.

6. Building a Patch

Every time a security advisory or security notice is announced, a patch update can be built.

For this example, 7.1-RELEASE will be used.

A couple of assumptions are made for a different release build:

  • Setup the correct directory structure for the initial build.

  • Perform an initial build for 7.1-RELEASE.

Create the patch directory of the respective release under /usr/local/freebsd-update-server/patches/.

% mkdir -p /usr/local/freebsd-update-server/patches/7.1-RELEASE/
% cd /usr/local/freebsd-update-server/patches/7.1-RELEASE

As an example, take the patch for named(8). Read the advisory, and grab the necessary file from FreeBSD Security Advisories. More information on interpreting the advisory, can be found in the FreeBSD Handbook.

In the security brief, this advisory is called SA-09:12.bind. After downloading the file, it is required to rename the file to an appropriate patch level. It is suggested to keep this consistent with official FreeBSD patch levels, but its name may be freely chosen. For this build, let us follow the currently established practice of FreeBSD and call this p7. Rename the file:

% cd /usr/local/freebsd-update-server/patches/7.1-RELEASE/; mv bind.patch 7-SA-09:12.bind 


When running a patch level build, it is assumed that previous patches are in place. When a patch build is run, it will run all patches contained in the patch directory.

There can be custom patches added to any build. Use the number zero, or any other number.


It is up to the administrator of the FreeBSD Update Server to take appropriate measures to verify the authenticity of every patch.

At this point, a diff is ready to be built. The software checks first to see if a scripts/ has been run on the respective release prior to running the diff build.

# cd /usr/local/freebsd-update-server
# sh scripts/ amd64 7.1-RELEASE 7

What follows is a sample of a differential build run.

# sh -e scripts/ amd64 7.1-RELEASE 7
Wed Aug 26 10:09:59 PDT 2009 Extracting world+src for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Wed Aug 26 17:10:25 UTC 2009 Building world for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Wed Aug 26 18:05:11 UTC 2009 Distributing world for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Wed Aug 26 18:06:16 UTC 2009 Building and distributing kernels for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Wed Aug 26 18:17:50 UTC 2009 Constructing world components for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Wed Aug 26 18:18:02 UTC 2009 Distributing source for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Wed Aug 26 11:19:23 PDT 2009 Moving components into staging area for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Wed Aug 26 11:19:37 PDT 2009 Extracting extra docs for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Wed Aug 26 11:19:42 PDT 2009 Indexing world0 for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Wed Aug 26 11:23:02 PDT 2009 Extracting world+src for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Thu Sep 30 18:23:29 UTC 2010 Building world for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Thu Sep 30 19:18:15 UTC 2010 Distributing world for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Thu Sep 30 19:19:18 UTC 2010 Building and distributing kernels for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Thu Sep 30 19:30:52 UTC 2010 Constructing world components for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Thu Sep 30 19:31:03 UTC 2010 Distributing source for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Thu Sep 30 12:32:25 PDT 2010 Moving components into staging area for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Wed Aug 26 12:32:39 PDT 2009 Extracting extra docs for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Wed Aug 26 12:32:43 PDT 2009 Indexing world1 for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Wed Aug 26 12:35:54 PDT 2009 Locating build stamps for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Wed Aug 26 12:36:58 PDT 2009 Reverting changes due to build stamps for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Wed Aug 26 12:37:14 PDT 2009 Cleaning staging area for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Wed Aug 26 12:37:14 PDT 2009 Preparing to copy files into staging area for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Wed Aug 26 12:37:15 PDT 2009 Copying data files into staging area for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Wed Aug 26 12:43:23 PDT 2009 Copying metadata files into staging area for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Wed Aug 26 12:43:25 PDT 2009 Constructing metadata index and tag for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
Files found which include build stamps:
Values of build stamps, excluding library archive headers:
v1.2 (Aug 26 2009 18:13:46)
v1.2 (Aug 26 2009 18:11:44)
@(#)FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE-p7 #0: Wed Aug 26 18:11:50 UTC 2009
FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE-p7 #0: Wed Aug 26 18:11:50 UTC 2009
    [email protected]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC
Wed Aug 26 17:29:15 UTC 2009
Wed Aug 26 17:29:15 UTC 2009
##### built by [email protected] on Wed Aug 26 17:49:58 UTC 2009
##### built by [email protected] on Wed Aug 26 17:49:58 UTC 2009
##### built by [email protected] on Wed Aug 26 17:49:58 UTC 2009
##### built by [email protected] on Wed Aug 26 17:49:58 UTC 2009
Wed Aug 26 17:20:39 UTC 2009
ntpq 4.2.4p5-a Wed Aug 26 17:29:42 UTC 2009 (1)
 * Copyright (c) 1992-2009 The FreeBSD Project.
Wed Aug 26 17:20:39 UTC 2009
Wed Aug 26 17:29:30 UTC 2009
Aug 26 2009
ntpd 4.2.4p5-a Wed Aug 26 17:29:41 UTC 2009 (1)
ntpdate 4.2.4p5-a Wed Aug 26 17:29:42 UTC 2009 (1)
ntpdc 4.2.4p5-a Wed Aug 26 17:29:42 UTC 2009 (1)
Wed Aug 26 17:55:02 UTC 2009
Wed Aug 26 17:55:02 UTC 2009
Wed Aug 26 17:55:02 UTC 2009
Wed Aug 26 17:20:39 UTC 2009

Updates are printed, and approval is requested.

New updates:
FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE update build complete.  Please review
the list of build stamps printed above and the list of updated
files to confirm that they look sensible, then run
# sh -e amd64 7.1-RELEASE
to sign the build.

Follow the same process as noted before for approving a build:

# sh -e scripts/ amd64 7.1-RELEASE
Wed Aug 26 12:50:06 PDT 2009 Signing build for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE
Wed Aug 26 12:50:06 PDT 2009 Copying files to patch source directories for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE
Wed Aug 26 12:50:06 PDT 2009 Copying files to upload staging area for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE
Wed Aug 26 12:50:07 PDT 2009 Updating databases for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE
Wed Aug 26 12:50:07 PDT 2009 Cleaning staging area for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE

The FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE update build has been signed and is
ready to be uploaded.  Remember to run
# sh -e
to unmount the decrypted key once you have finished signing all
the new builds.

After approving the build, upload the software:

# cd /usr/local/freebsd-update-server
# sh scripts/ amd64 7.1-RELEASE

For reference, the entire run of is attached.

7. Tips

  • If a custom release is built using the native make release procedure, freebsd-update-server code will work from your release. As an example, a release without ports or documentation can be built by clearing functionality pertaining to documentation subroutines findextradocs (), addextradocs () and altering the download location in fetchiso (), respectively, in scripts/build.subr. As a last step, change the sha256(1) hash in build.conf under your respective release and architecture and you are ready to build off your custom release.

    # Compare ${WORKDIR}/release and ${WORKDIR}/$1, identify which parts
    	# of the world|doc subcomponent are missing from the latter, and
    	# build a tarball out of them.
    	findextradocs () {
    	# Add extra docs to ${WORKDIR}/$1
    	addextradocs () {
  • Adding -j NUMBER flags to buildworld and obj targets in the scripts/build.subr script may speed up processing depending on the hardware used, however it is not necessary. Using these flags in other targets is not recommended, as it may cause the build to become unreliable.

                   # Build the world
    		   log "Building world"
    		   cd /usr/src &&
    		   make -j 2 ${COMPATFLAGS} buildworld 2>&1
    		# Distribute the world
    		   log "Distributing world"
    		   cd /usr/src/release &&
    		   make -j 2 obj &&
    		   make ${COMPATFLAGS} release.1 release.2 2>&1
  • Create an appropriate DNS SRV record for the update server, and put others behind it with variable weights. Using this facility will provide update mirrors, however this tip is not necessary unless you wish to provide a redundant service.                  IN SRV   0 2 80
    							     SRV   0 1 80
    							     SRV   0 0 80