9.8. Links


Links are also in-line elements.

9.8.1. xml:id Attributes

Most DocBook elements accept an xml:id attribute to give that part of the document a unique name. The xml:id can be used as a target for a crossreference or link.

Any portion of the document that will be a link target must have an xml:id attribute. Assigning an xml:id to all chapters and sections, even if there are no current plans to link to them, is a good idea. These xml:ids can be used as unique anchor reference points by anyone referring to the HTML version of the document.

Example 9.34. xml:id on Chapters and Sections
<chapter xml:id="introduction">

  <para>This is the introduction.  It contains a subsection,
    which is identified as well.</para>

  <sect1 xml:id="introduction-moredetails">
    <title>More Details</title>

    <para>This is a subsection.</para>

Use descriptive values for xml:id names. The values must be unique within the entire document, not just in a single file. In the example, the subsection xml:id is constructed by appending text to the chapter xml:id. This ensures that the xml:ids are unique. It also helps both reader and anyone editing the document to see where the link is located within the document, similar to a directory path to a file.

To allow the user to jump into a specific portion of the document, even in the middle of a paragraph or an example, use anchor. This element has no content, but takes an xml:id attribute.

Example 9.35. anchor
<para>This paragraph has an embedded
  <anchor xml:id="para1"/>link target in it.  It will not
  show up in the document.</para>

9.8.2. Crossreferences with xref

xref provides the reader with a link to jump to another section of the document. The target xml:id is specified in the linkend attribute, and xref generates the link text automatically.

Example 9.36. Using xref

Assume that this fragment appears somewhere in a document that includes the xml:id example shown above:

<para>More information can be found
  in <xref linkend="introduction"/>.</para>

<para>More specific information can be found
  in <xref linkend="introduction-moredetails"/>.</para>

The link text will be generated automatically, looking like (emphasized text indicates the link text):

More information can be found in Chapter 1, Introduction.

More specific information can be found in Section 1.1, More Details.

The link text is generated automatically from the chapter and section number and title elements.


xref cannot link to an xml:id attribute on an anchor element. The anchor has no content, so the xref cannot generate the link text.

9.8.3. Linking to the Same Document or Other Documents on the Web

The link elements described here allow the writer to define the link text. It is very important to use descriptive link text to give the reader an idea of where the link will take them. Remember that DocBook can be rendered to multiple types of media. The reader may be looking at a printed book or other form of media where there are no links. If the link text is not descriptive enough, the reader may not be able to locate the linked section. Links to the Same Document

link is used to create a link within the same document. The target xml:id is specified in the linkend attribute. This element wraps content, which is used for the link text.

Example 9.37. Using link

Assume that this fragment appears somewhere in a document that includes the xml:id example.

<para>More information can be found in the
  <link linkend="introduction">sample introduction</link>.</para>

<para>More specific information can be found in the
  <link linkend="introduction-moredetails">sample introduction with more
    details</link> section.</para>

This output will be generated (emphasized text is used to show the link text):

More information can be found in the sample introduction.

More specific information can be found in the sample introduction with more details section.


link can be used to include links to the xml:id of an anchor element, since the link content defines the link text. Linking to Other Documents on the Web

The ulink is used to link to external documents on the web. The url attribute is the URL of the page that the link points to, and the content of the element is the text that will be displayed for the user to activate.

Example 9.38. link to a FreeBSD Documentation Web Page

Link to the book or article URL entity. To link to a specific chapter in a book, add a slash and the chapter file name, followed by an optional anchor within the chapter. For articles, link to the article URL entity, followed by an optional anchor within the article. URL entities can be found in doc/share/xml/urls.ent.

Usage for book links:

<para>Read the <link
    introduction</link>, then pick the nearest mirror from
  the list of <link
    mirror sites</link>.</para>


Read the SVN introduction, then pick the nearest mirror from the list of Subversion mirror sites.

Usage for article links:

<para>Read this
  <link xlink:href="&url.articles.bsdl-gpl;">article
    about the BSD license</link>, or just the
  <link xlink:href="&url.articles.bsdl-gpl;#intro">introduction</link>.</para>


Read this article about the BSD license, or just the introduction.

Example 9.39. link to a FreeBSD Web Page


<para>Of course, you could stop reading this document and go to the
  <link xlink:href="&url.base;/index.html">FreeBSD home page</link> instead.</para>


Of course, you could stop reading this document and go to the FreeBSD home page instead.

Example 9.40. ulink to an External Web Page


<para>Wikipedia has an excellent reference on
    Partition Tables</link>.</para>


Wikipedia has an excellent reference on GUID Partition Tables.

The link text can be omitted to show the actual URL:

<para>Wikipedia has an excellent reference on
  GUID Partition Tables: <link


Wikipedia has an excellent reference on GUID Partition Tables: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table.

All FreeBSD documents are available for download at http://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/doc/

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Send questions about this document to <[email protected]>.