FreeBSD Documentation Project Primer for New Contributors

The FreeBSD Documentation Project

Revision: 44895
Last modified on 2014-05-21 by hrs.

Thank you for becoming a part of the FreeBSD Documentation Project. Your contribution is extremely valuable, and we appreciate it.

This primer covers details needed to start contributing to the FreeBSD Documentation Project, or FDP, including tools, software, and the philosophy behind the Documentation Project.

This is a work in progress. Corrections and additions are always welcome.

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Table of Contents
1. Shell Prompts
2. Typographic Conventions
3. Notes, Tips, Important Information, Warnings, and Examples
4. Acknowledgments
1. Overview
1.1. The FreeBSD Documentation Set
1.2. Quick Start
2. Tools
2.1. Required Tools
2.2. Optional Tools
3. The Working Copy
3.1. Documentation and Manual Pages
3.2. Choosing a Mirror
3.3. Choosing a Directory
3.4. Checking Out a Copy
3.5. Updating a Working Copy
3.6. Reverting Changes
3.7. Making a Diff
3.8. Subversion References
4. Documentation Directory Structure
4.1. The Top Level, doc/
4.2. The lang.encoding/ Directories
4.3. Document-Specific Information
5. The Documentation Build Process
5.1. The FreeBSD Documentation Build Toolset
5.2. Understanding Makefiles in the Documentation Tree
5.3. FreeBSD Documentation Project Make Includes
6. The Website
6.1. Build the Web Pages
6.2. Install the Web Pages
6.3. Environment Variables
7. XML Primer
7.1. Overview
7.2. Elements, Tags, and Attributes
7.3. The DOCTYPE Declaration
7.4. Escaping Back to XML
7.6. Entities
7.7. Using Entities to Include Files
7.8. Marked Sections
7.9. Conclusion
8. XHTML Markup
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Formal Public Identifier (FPI)
8.3. Sectional Elements
8.4. Block Elements
8.5. In-line Elements
9. DocBook Markup
9.1. Introduction
9.2. FreeBSD Extensions
9.3. Formal Public Identifier (FPI)
9.4. Document Structure
9.5. Block Elements
9.6. In-line Elements
9.7. Images
9.8. Links
10. Style Sheets
10.1. CSS
11. Translations
12. Writing Style
12.1. Tips
12.2. Guidelines
12.3. Style Guide
12.4. Word List
13. Editor Configuration
13.1. Vim
13.2. Emacs
13.3. nano
14. See Also
14.1. The FreeBSD Documentation Project
14.2. XML
14.3. HTML
14.4. DocBook
A. Examples
A.1. DocBook book
A.2. DocBook article
List of Examples
1. A Sample Example
7.1. Using an Element (Start and End Tags)
7.2. Using an Element Without Content
7.3. Elements Within Elements; em
7.4. Using an Element with an Attribute
7.5. Single Quotes Around Attributes
7.6. XML Generic Comment
7.7. Erroneous XML Comments
7.8. Defining General Entities
7.9. Defining Parameter Entities
7.10. Using General Entities to Include Files
7.11. Using Parameter Entities to Include Files
7.12. Structure of a Marked Section
7.13. Using a CDATA Marked Section
7.14. Using INCLUDE and IGNORE in Marked Sections
7.15. Using a Parameter Entity to Control a Marked Section
8.1. Normal XHTML Document Structure
8.2. h1, h2, and Other Header Tags
8.3. p
8.4. blockquote
8.5. ul and ol
8.6. Definition Lists with dl
8.7. pre
8.8. Simple Use of table
8.9. Using rowspan
8.10. Using colspan
8.11. Using rowspan and colspan Together
8.12. em and strong
8.13. tt
8.14. Using <a href="...">
8.15. Creating an Anchor
8.16. Linking to a Named Part of a Different Document
8.17. Linking to a Named Part of the Same Document
9.1. Boilerplate book with info
9.2. Boilerplate article with info
9.3. A Simple Chapter
9.4. Empty Chapters
9.5. Sections in Chapters
9.6. para
9.7. blockquote
9.8. tip and important
9.9. example
9.11. itemizedlist and orderedlist
9.12. variablelist
9.13. procedure
9.14. programlisting
9.15. co and calloutlist
9.16. informaltable
9.17. Tables Where frame="none"
9.18. screen, prompt, and userinput
9.19. emphasis
9.20. Acronyms
9.21. Quotations
9.22. Keys, Mouse Buttons, and Combinations
9.23. Applications, Commands, and Options
9.24. filename
9.25. package Tag
9.26. systemitem and Classes
9.27. email with a Hyperlink
9.28. email Without a Hyperlink
9.29. buildtarget and varname
9.30. literal
9.31. replaceable
9.32. guibutton
9.33. errorname
9.34. xml:id on Chapters and Sections
9.35. anchor
9.36. Using xref
9.37. Using link
9.38. link to a FreeBSD Documentation Web Page
9.39. link to a FreeBSD Web Page
9.40. ulink to an External Web Page
A.1. DocBook book
A.2. DocBook article

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