Chapter 12. Configuration and Tuning

Written by Chern Lee.
Based on a tutorial written by Mike Smith.
Also based on tuning(7) written by Matt Dillon.
Table of Contents
12.1. Synopsis
12.2. Starting Services
12.3. Configuring cron(8)
12.4. Managing Services in FreeBSD
12.5. Setting Up Network Interface Cards
12.6. Virtual Hosts
12.7. Configuring System Logging
12.8. Configuration Files
12.9. Tuning with sysctl(8)
12.10. Tuning Disks
12.11. Tuning Kernel Limits
12.12. Adding Swap Space
12.13. Power and Resource Management

12.1. Synopsis

One of the important aspects of FreeBSD is proper system configuration. This chapter explains much of the FreeBSD configuration process, including some of the parameters which can be set to tune a FreeBSD system.

After reading this chapter, you will know:

  • The basics of rc.conf configuration and /usr/local/etc/rc.d startup scripts.

  • How to configure and test a network card.

  • How to configure virtual hosts on network devices.

  • How to use the various configuration files in /etc.

  • How to tune FreeBSD using sysctl(8) variables.

  • How to tune disk performance and modify kernel limitations.

Before reading this chapter, you should:

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