
Page Contents

Date of release: 2005-01-04

Maintenance (with some important new features) and bugfix release.

Possible backward compatibility issue

There is a bugfix that may affect the behavior of you Web application if you use JSP tags in FreeMarker templates: FreeMarker's implementation of javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext.getSession() was incorrect. The getSession() method is a convenience method by which the custom tag can get the current HttpSession object (possibly null if there is no session). Till now, if the session didn't existed then it has created it automatically, so it never returned null. This was a bug, so starting from 2.3.1 it never creates the session, just returns null if it doesn't exist. The old incorrect behavior could cause page rendering to fail if the method is called after the page is partially flushed. But beware, the old behavior has possibly hidden some bugs of the Web application, where it forgot to create the session, so with the new correct behavior you may face malfunction caused by previously cloaked bugs of the Web application. (It's the task of the MVC Controller to create the session, except if the JSP tag that needs a session is written so it creates it automatically, but then it doesn't expects that getSession() will do it.)

Changes on the FTL side

Changes on the Java side

Other changes

The history of the releases before the final version

Differences between the preview release and final release

FreeMarker Manual -- For FreeMarker 2.3.22
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