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00001 {        SYBEICONVI,        EXINFO,     "WARNING! Some character(s) could not be converted into client's character set. Unconverted bytes were changed to question marks ('?')."},
00002 {        SYBEICONVO,        EXUSER,     "Error converting client characters into server's character set. Some character(s) could not be converted."},
00003 {        SYBEAAMT,       EXPROGRAM,     "User attempted a dbaltbind() with mismatched column and variable types."},
00004 {        SYBEABMT,       EXPROGRAM,     "User attempted a dbbind() with mismatched column and variable types."},
00005 {        SYBEABNC,       EXPROGRAM,     "Attempt to bind to a non-existent column."},
00006 {        SYBEABNP,       EXPROGRAM,     "Attempt to bind using NULL pointers."},
00007 {        SYBEABNV,       EXPROGRAM,     "Attempt to bind to a NULL program variable."},
00008 {        SYBEACNV,    EXCONVERSION,     "Attemp to do conversion with NULL destination variable."},
00009 {        SYBEADST,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Error in attempting to determine the size of a pair of translation tables."},
00010 {        SYBEAICF,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Error in attempting to install custom format."},
00011 {        SYBEALTT,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Error in attempting to load a pair of translation tables."},
00012 {        SYBEAOLF,      EXRESOURCE,     "Error in attempting to open a localization file."},
00013 {        SYBEAPCT,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Error in attempting to perform a character-set translation."},
00014 {        SYBEAPUT,       EXPROGRAM,     "Attempt to print unknown token."},
00015 {        SYBEARDI,      EXRESOURCE,     "Error in attempting to read datetime information from a localization file."},
00016 {        SYBEARDL,      EXRESOURCE,     "Error in attempting to read the dblib.loc localization file."},
00017 {        SYBEASEC,       EXPROGRAM,     "Attempt to send an empty command buffer to the SQL Server."},
00018 {        SYBEASNL,       EXPROGRAM,     "Attempt to set fields in a null loginrec."},
00019 {        SYBEASTF,               1,     "VMS: Unable to setmode for control_c ast."},
00020 {        SYBEASTL,       EXPROGRAM,     "Synchronous IO attempted at AST level."},
00021 {        SYBEASUL,       EXPROGRAM,     "Attempt to set unknown loginrec field."},
00022 {     SYBEATTNACK,               1,     "Timed out waiting for server to acknowledge attention."},
00023 {        SYBEAUTN,       EXPROGRAM,     "Attempt to update the timestamp of a table which has no timestamp column."},
00024 {       SYBEBADPK,          EXINFO,     "Packet size of %1! not supported. -- size of %2! used instead."},
00025 {     SYBEBADTYPE,               1,     "Illegal value for type parameter  given to %1!."},
00026 {        SYBEBBCI,          EXINFO,     "Batch successfully bulk-copied to SQL Server."},
00027 {        SYBEBBFL,               1,     "-001- Batch failed in bulk-copy to SQL Server."},
00028 {         SYBEBBL,       EXPROGRAM,     "Bad bindlen parameter passed to dbsetnull()."},
00029 {        SYBEBCBC,       EXPROGRAM,     "bcp_columns() must be called before bcp_colfmt() and bcp_colfmt_ps()."},
00030 {      SYBEBCBNPR,       EXPROGRAM,     "bcp_bind(): if varaddr is NULL, prefixlen must be 0 and no terminator should be specified."},
00031 {     SYBEBCBNTYP,       EXPROGRAM,     "bcp_bind(): if varaddr is NULL and varlen greater than 0, the table column type must be SYBTEXT or SYBIMAGE and the program variable type must be SYBTEXT, SYBCHAR, SYBIMAGE or SYBBINARY."},
00032 {     SYBEBCBPREF,       EXPROGRAM,     "Illegal prefix length. Legal values are 0, 1, 2 or 4."},
00033 {        SYBEBCFO,          EXUSER,     "Bcp host-files must contain at least one column."},
00034 {      SYBEBCHLEN,       EXPROGRAM,     "host_collen should be greater than or equal to -1."},
00035 {        SYBEBCIS,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Attempt to bulk-copy an illegally-sized column value to the SQL Server."},
00036 {        SYBEBCIT,       EXPROGRAM,     "It's illegal to use BCP terminators with program variables other than SYBCHAR, SYBBINARY, SYBTEXT, or SYBIMAGE."},
00037 {    SYBEBCITBLEN,       EXPROGRAM,     "bcp_init(): tblname parameter is too long."},
00038 {     SYBEBCITBNM,       EXPROGRAM,     "bcp_init(): tblname parameter cannot be NULL."},
00039 {      SYBEBCMTXT,       EXPROGRAM,     "bcp_moretext() may be used only when there is at least one text or image column in the server table."},
00040 {        SYBEBCNL,      EXNONFATAL,     "Negative length-prefix found in BCP data-file."},
00041 {        SYBEBCNN,          EXUSER,     "Attempt to bulk-copy a NULL value into Server column 0,  which does not accept NULL values."},
00042 {        SYBEBCNT,          EXUSER,     "Attempt to use Bulk Copy with a non-existent Server table."},
00043 {        SYBEBCOR,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Attempt to bulk-copy an oversized row to the SQL Server."},
00044 {        SYBEBCPB,       EXPROGRAM,     "bcp_bind(), bcp_moretext() and bcp_sendrow() may NOT be used after bcp_init() has been passed a non-NULL input file name."},
00045 {     SYBEBCPCTYP,       EXPROGRAM,     "bcp_colfmt(): If table_colnum is 0, host_type cannot be 0."},
00046 {        SYBEBCPI,       EXPROGRAM,     "bcp_init() must be called before any other bcp routines."},
00047 {        SYBEBCPN,       EXPROGRAM,     "bcp_bind(), bcp_collen(), bcp_colptr(), bcp_moretext() and bcp_sendrow() may be used only after bcp_init() has been called with the copy direction set to DB_IN."},
00048 {      SYBEBCPOPT,               1,     "The  option cannot be called while a bulk copy operation is progress."},
00049 {      SYBEBCPREC,      EXNONFATAL,     "Column %1!: Illegal precision value encountered."},
00050 {      SYBEBCPREF,       EXPROGRAM,     "Illegal prefix length. Legal values are -1, 0, 1, 2 or 4."},
00051 {        SYBEBCRE,      EXNONFATAL,     "IO error while reading bcp data-file."},
00052 {        SYBEBCRO,          EXINFO,     "The BCP hostfile '' contains only 0 rows. It was impossible to read the requested 0 rows."},
00053 {        SYBEBCSA,          EXUSER,     "The BCP hostfile '' contains only 0 rows. Skipping all of these rows is not allowed."},
00054 {       SYBEBCSET,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Unknown character-set encountered."},
00055 {        SYBEBCSI,       EXPROGRAM,     "Host-file columns may be skipped only when copying INto the Server."},
00056 {    SYBEBCSNDROW,       EXPROGRAM,     "bcp_sendrow() may NOT be called unless all text data for the previous row has been sent using bcp_moretext()."},
00057 {     SYBEBCSNTYP,       EXPROGRAM,     "column number %1!: if varaddr is NULL and varlen greater than 0, the table column type must be SYBTEXT or SYBIMAGE and the program variable type must be SYBTEXT, SYBCHAR, SYBIMAGE or SYBBINARY."},
00058 {        SYBEBCUC,      EXRESOURCE,     "Bcp: Unable to close host data-file."},
00059 {        SYBEBCUO,      EXRESOURCE,     "Bcp: Unable to open host data-file."},
00060 {        SYBEBCVH,       EXPROGRAM,     "bcp_exec() may be called only after bcp_init() has been passed a valid host file."},
00061 {      SYBEBCVLEN,       EXPROGRAM,     "varlen should be greater than or equal to -1."},
00062 {        SYBEBCWE,      EXNONFATAL,     "IO error while writing bcp data-file."},
00063 {        SYBEBDIO,       EXPROGRAM,     "Bad bulk-copy direction.  Must be either IN or OUT."},
00064 {        SYBEBEOF,      EXNONFATAL,     "Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file."},
00065 {        SYBEBIHC,       EXPROGRAM,     "Incorrect host-column number found in bcp format-file."},
00066 {        SYBEBIVI,       EXPROGRAM,     "bcp_columns(), bcp_colfmt() and bcp_colfmt_ps() may be used only after bcp_init() has been passed a valid input file."},
00067 {        SYBEBNCR,       EXPROGRAM,     "Attempt to bind user variable to a non-existent compute row."},
00068 {        SYBEBNUM,       EXPROGRAM,     "Bad numbytes parameter passed to dbstrcpy()."},
00069 {        SYBEBOOL,               1,     "Boolean parameters must be TRUE or FALSE."},
00070 {        SYBEBPKS,       EXPROGRAM,     "In DBSETLPACKET(), the packet size parameter must be between 0 and 999999."},
00071 {       SYBEBPREC,       EXPROGRAM,     "Illegal precision specified."},
00072 {  SYBEBPROBADDEF,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "bcp protocol error: illegal default column id received."},
00073 {  SYBEBPROBADLEN,               1,     "bcp protocol error: illegal datatype length received."},
00074 { SYBEBPROBADPREC,               1,     "bcp protocol error: illegal precision value received."},
00075 {  SYBEBPROBADSCL,               1,     "bcp protocol error: illegal scale value received."},
00076 {  SYBEBPROBADTYP,               1,     "bcp protocol error: unknown column datatype."},
00077 {     SYBEBPROCOL,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "bcp protocol error: returned column count differs from the actual number of columns received."},
00078 {     SYBEBPRODEF,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "bcp protocol error: expected default information and got none."},
00079 {   SYBEBPRODEFID,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "bcp protocol error: default column id and actual column id are not same."},
00080 {  SYBEBPRODEFTYP,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "bcp protocol error:  default value datatype differs from column datatype."},
00081 {  SYBEBPROEXTDEF,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "bcp protocol error: more than one row of default information received."},
00082 {  SYBEBPROEXTRES,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "bcp protocol error: unexpected set of results received."},
00083 {   SYBEBPRONODEF,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "bcp protocol error:  default value received for column that does not have default."},
00084 {  SYBEBPRONUMDEF,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "bcp protocol error: expected number of defaults differs from the actual number of defaults received."},
00085 {        SYBEBRFF,      EXRESOURCE,     "IO error while reading bcp format-file."},
00086 {      SYBEBSCALE,       EXPROGRAM,     "Illegal scale specified."},
00087 {        SYBEBTMT,       EXPROGRAM,     "Attempt to send too much TEXT data via the bcp_moretext() call."},
00088 {        SYBEBTOK,          EXCOMM,     "Bad token from SQL Server: Data-stream processing out of sync."},
00089 {        SYBEBTYP,       EXPROGRAM,     "Unknown bind type passed to DB-LIBRARY function."},
00090 {     SYBEBTYPSRV,       EXPROGRAM,     "Datatype is not supported by the server."},
00091 {        SYBEBUCE,      EXRESOURCE,     "Bcp: Unable to close error-file."},
00092 {        SYBEBUCF,       EXPROGRAM,     "Bcp: Unable to close format-file."},
00093 {        SYBEBUDF,       EXPROGRAM,     "Bcp: Unrecognized datatype found in format-file."},
00094 {        SYBEBUFF,       EXPROGRAM,     "Bcp: Unable to create format-file."},
00095 {        SYBEBUFL,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "DB-LIBRARY internal error - send buffer length corrupted."},
00096 {        SYBEBUOE,      EXRESOURCE,     "Bcp: Unable to open error-file."},
00097 {        SYBEBUOF,       EXPROGRAM,     "Bcp: Unable to open format-file."},
00098 {        SYBEBWEF,      EXNONFATAL,     "IO error while writing bcp error-file."},
00099 {        SYBEBWFF,      EXRESOURCE,     "IO error while writing bcp format-file."},
00100 {         SYBECAP,          EXCOMM,     "DB-Library capabilities not accepted by the Server."},
00101 {      SYBECAPTYP,          EXCOMM,     "Unexpected capability type in CAPABILITY datastream."},
00102 {        SYBECDNS,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Datastream indicates that a compute column is derived from a non-existent select-list member."},
00103 {     SYBECDOMAIN,    EXCONVERSION,     "Source field value is not within the domain of legal values."},
00104 {   SYBECINTERNAL,    EXCONVERSION,     "Internal Conversion error."},
00105 {        SYBECLOS,          EXCOMM,     "Error in closing network connection."},
00106 {     SYBECLOSEIN,               1,     "Unable to close interface file."},
00107 {        SYBECLPR,    EXCONVERSION,     "Data-conversion resulted in loss of precision."},
00108 {        SYBECNOR,       EXPROGRAM,     "Column number out of range."},
00109 {        SYBECNOV,    EXCONVERSION,     "Attempt to set variable to NULL resulted in overflow."},
00110 {        SYBECOFL,    EXCONVERSION,     "Data-conversion resulted in overflow."},
00111 {        SYBECONN,          EXCOMM,     "Unable to connect socket -- SQL Server is unavailable or does not exist."},
00112 {        SYBECRNC,       EXPROGRAM,     "The current row is not a result of compute clause 0, so it is illegal to attempt to extract that data from this row."},
00113 {      SYBECRSAGR,       EXPROGRAM,     "Aggregate functions are not allowed in a  cursor statement."},
00114 {     SYBECRSBROL,       EXPROGRAM,     "Backward scrolling cannot be used in a  forward scrolling cursor."},
00115 {    SYBECRSBSKEY,       EXPROGRAM,     "Keyset cannot be scrolled backward in mixed  cursors with a previous fetch type."},
00116 {     SYBECRSBUFR,       EXPROGRAM,     "Row buffering should not be turned on when  using cursor APIs."},
00117 {      SYBECRSDIS,       EXPROGRAM,     "Cursor statement contains one of the  disallowed phrases 'compute', 'union', 'for browse', or 'select into'."},
00118 {    SYBECRSFLAST,       EXPROGRAM,     "Fetch type LAST requires fully keyset  driven cursors."},
00119 {    SYBECRSFRAND,       EXPROGRAM,     "Fetch types RANDOM and RELATIVE can only be  used within the keyset of keyset driven  cursors."},
00120 {    SYBECRSFROWN,       EXPROGRAM,     "Row number to be fetched is outside valid  range."},
00121 {    SYBECRSFTYPE,      EXRESOURCE,     "Unknown fetch type."},
00122 {      SYBECRSINV,       EXPROGRAM,     "Invalid cursor statement."},
00123 {  SYBECRSINVALID,      EXRESOURCE,     "The cursor handle is invalid."},
00124 {    SYBECRSMROWS,      EXRESOURCE,     "Multiple rows are returned, only one is expected."},
00125 {   SYBECRSNOBIND,       EXPROGRAM,     "Cursor bind must be called prior to updating cursor."},
00126 {  SYBECRSNOCOUNT,       EXPROGRAM,     "The DBNOCOUNT option should not be  turned on when doing updates or deletes with  dbcursor()."},
00127 {   SYBECRSNOFREE,       EXPROGRAM,     "The DBNOAUTOFREE option should not be  turned on when using cursor APIs."},
00128 {    SYBECRSNOIND,       EXPROGRAM,     "One of the tables involved in the cursor  statement does not have a unique index."},
00129 {   SYBECRSNOKEYS,      EXRESOURCE,     "The entire keyset must be defined for KEYSET cursors."},
00130 {    SYBECRSNOLEN,      EXRESOURCE,     "No unique index found."},
00131 {   SYBECRSNOPTCC,      EXRESOURCE,     "No OPTCC was found."},
00132 {   SYBECRSNORDER,      EXRESOURCE,     "The order of clauses must be from, where, and order by."},
00133 {    SYBECRSNORES,       EXPROGRAM,     "Cursor statement generated no results."},
00134 {  SYBECRSNOTABLE,      EXRESOURCE,     "Table name is NULL."},
00135 {    SYBECRSNOUPD,       EXPROGRAM,     "Update or delete operation did not affect  any rows."},
00136 {  SYBECRSNOWHERE,       EXPROGRAM,     "A WHERE clause is not allowed in a cursor  update or insert."},
00137 {    SYBECRSNROWS,      EXRESOURCE,     "No rows returned, at least one is expected."},
00138 {  SYBECRSNUNIQUE,      EXRESOURCE,     "No unique keys associated with this view."},
00139 {      SYBECRSORD,       EXPROGRAM,     "Only fully keyset driven cursors can have 'order by', ' group by', or 'having' phrases."},
00140 {       SYBECRSRO,       EXPROGRAM,     "Data locking or modifications cannot be  made in a READONLY cursor."},
00141 {      SYBECRSSET,       EXPROGRAM,     "A SET clause is required for a cursor  update or insert."},
00142 {      SYBECRSTAB,       EXPROGRAM,     "Table name must be determined in operations  involving data locking or modifications."},
00143 {    SYBECRSUPDNB,       EXPROGRAM,     "Update or insert operations cannot use bind  variables when binding type is NOBIND."},
00144 {   SYBECRSUPDTAB,       EXPROGRAM,     "Update or insert operations using bind  variables require single table cursors."},
00145 {      SYBECRSVAR,      EXRESOURCE,     "There is no valid address associated with this bind."},
00146 {     SYBECRSVIEW,       EXPROGRAM,     "A view cannot be joined with another table  or a view in a cursor statement."},
00147 {    SYBECRSVIIND,       EXPROGRAM,     "The view used in the cursor statement does  not include all the unique index columns of  the underlying tables."},
00148 {          SYBECS,               1,     "-004- cs context Error."},
00149 {        SYBECSYN,    EXCONVERSION,     "Attempt to convert data stopped by syntax error in source field."},
00150 {        SYBECUFL,    EXCONVERSION,     "Data-conversion resulted in underflow."},
00151 {        SYBECWLL,               1,     "Attempt to set column width less than 1."},
00152 {        SYBEDBPS,      EXRESOURCE,     "Maximum number of DBPROCESSes already allocated."},
00153 {         SYBEDCL,               1,     "-004- DCL Error."},
00154 {        SYBEDDNE,          EXINFO,     "DBPROCESS is dead or not enabled."},
00155 {        SYBEDIVZ,          EXUSER,     "Attempt to divide by $0.00 in function %1!."},
00156 {        SYBEDNTI,       EXPROGRAM,     "Attempt to use dbtxtsput() to put a new text-timestamp into a column whose datatype is neither SYBTEXT nor SYBIMAGE."},
00157 {        SYBEDPOR,       EXPROGRAM,     "Out-of-range datepart constant."},
00158 {        SYBEDVOR,       EXPROGRAM,     "Day values must be between 1 and 7."},
00159 {        SYBEECAN,          EXINFO,     "Attempted to cancel unrequested event notification."},
00160 {        SYBEECRT,               1,     "Must call dbregdefine() before dbregcreate()."},
00161 {        SYBEEINI,          EXINFO,     "Must call dbreginit() before dbregraise()."},
00162 {        SYBEEQVA,               1,     "Error in queueing VMS AST routine."},
00163 {    SYBEERRLABEL,               1,     "An illegal value was returned from the security label handler."},
00164 {        SYBEESSL,               1,     "Login security level entered does not agree with operating system level."},
00165 {         SYBEETD,       EXPROGRAM,     "Failure to send the expected amount of  TEXT or IMAGE data via dbmoretext()."},
00166 {        SYBEEUNR,          EXCOMM,     "Unsolicited event notification received."},
00167 {        SYBEEVOP,          EXINFO,     "Called dbregwatch() with a bad options parameter."},
00168 {        SYBEEVST,          EXINFO,     "Must initiate a transaction before calling dbregparam()."},
00169 {        SYBEFCON,          EXCOMM,     "SQL Server connection failed."},
00170 {        SYBEFENC,               1,     "Password Encryption failed."},
00171 {        SYBEFGTL,               1,     "Bcp: Row number of the first row to be copied cannot be greater than the row number for the last row to be copied."},
00172 {       SYBEFMODE,               1,     "ReadWriteAppend mode denied on file."},
00173 {        SYBEFRES,         EXFATAL,     "Challenge-Response function failed."},
00174 {        SYBEFSHD,      EXRESOURCE,     "Error in attempting to find the Sybase home directory."},
00175 {        SYBEFUNC,       EXPROGRAM,     "Functionality not supported at the specified version level."},
00176 {       SYBEGENOS,               1,     "General Operating System Error."},
00177 {         SYBEICN,       EXPROGRAM,     "Invalid computeid or compute column number."},
00178 {        SYBEIDCL,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Illegal datetime column length returned by DataServer. Legal datetime lengths are 4 and 8 bytes."},
00179 {      SYBEIDECCL,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Invalid decimal column length returned by the server."},
00180 {        SYBEIFCL,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Illegal floating-point column length returned by DataServer. Legal floating-point lengths are 4 and 8 bytes."},
00181 {        SYBEIFNB,       EXPROGRAM,     "Illegal field number passed to bcp_control()."},
00182 {        SYBEIICL,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Illegal integer column length returned by SQL Server. Legal integer lengths are 1, 2, and 4 bytes."},
00183 {        SYBEIMCL,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Illegal money column length returned by DataServer. Legal money lengths are 4 and 8 bytes."},
00184 {        SYBEINLN,          EXUSER,     "Interface file: unexpected end-of-line."},
00185 {        SYBEINTF,          EXUSER,     "Server name not found in interface file."},
00186 {      SYBEINUMCL,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Invalid numeric column length returned by the server."},
00187 {         SYBEIPV,          EXINFO,     "%1! is an illegal value for the %2! parameter of %3!."},
00188 {        SYBEISOI,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Invalid sort-order information found."},
00189 {    SYBEISRVPREC,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Illegal precision value returned by the server."},
00190 {     SYBEISRVSCL,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Illegal scale value returned by the server."},
00191 {        SYBEITIM,       EXPROGRAM,     "Illegal timeout value specified."},
00192 {       SYBEIVERS,       EXPROGRAM,     "Illegal version level specified."},
00193 {        SYBEKBCI,          EXINFO,     "Bcp: 1000 rows sent to SQL Server."},
00194 {        SYBEKBCO,          EXINFO,     "1000 rows successfully bulk-copied to host-file."},
00195 {       SYBELBLEN,               1,     "Security labels should be less than 256 characters long."},
00196 {         SYBEMEM,      EXRESOURCE,     "Unable to allocate sufficient memory."},
00197 {         SYBEMOV,          EXUSER,     "Money arithmetic resulted in overflow in function %1!."},
00198 {        SYBEMPLL,          EXUSER,     "Attempt to set maximum number of DBPROCESSes lower than 1."},
00199 {        SYBEMVOR,       EXPROGRAM,     "Month values must be between 1 and 12."},
00200 {        SYBENBUF,          EXINFO,     "called dbsendpassthru() with a NULL buf pointer."},
00201 {        SYBENBVP,       EXPROGRAM,     "Cannot pass dbsetnull() a NULL bindval pointer."},
00202 {         SYBENDC,       EXPROGRAM,     "Cannot have negative component in date in numeric form."},
00203 {        SYBENDTP,       EXPROGRAM,     "Called dbdatecrack() with a NULL datetime  parameter."},
00204 {         SYBENEG,          EXCOMM,     "Negotiated login attempt failed."},
00205 {        SYBENEHA,               1,     "Called dbreghandle() with a NULL handler parameter."},
00206 {        SYBENHAN,          EXINFO,     "called dbrecvpassthru() with a NULL handler parameter."},
00207 {        SYBENLNL,               1,     "Program not linked with specified network library."},
00208 {        SYBENMOB,       EXPROGRAM,     "No such member of 'order by' clause."},
00209 {        SYBENOEV,          EXINFO,     "dbpoll() cannot be called if registered procedure notifications have been disabled."},
00210 {        SYBENOTI,               1,     "No event handler installed."},
00211 {     SYBENOVALUE,               1,     "Security labels require both a name and a value."},
00212 {        SYBENPRM,       EXPROGRAM,     "NULL parameter not allowed for this dboption."},
00213 {        SYBENSIP,       EXPROGRAM,     "Negative starting index passed to dbstrcpy()."},
00214 {        SYBENTLL,          EXUSER,     "Name too long for loginrec field."},
00215 {        SYBENTST,               1,     "The file being opened must be a stream_lf."},
00216 {        SYBENTTN,       EXPROGRAM,     "Attempt to use dbtxtsput() to put a new text-timestamp into a non-existent data row."},
00217 {        SYBENULL,          EXINFO,     "NULL DBPROCESS pointer passed to DB-Library."},
00218 {        SYBENULP,       EXPROGRAM,     "Called  with a NULL  parameter."},
00219 {         SYBENUM,               1,     "Incorrect number of arguments given  to DB-Library."},
00220 {        SYBENXID,      EXNONFATAL,     "The Server did not grant us a distributed-transaction ID."},
00221 {        SYBEONCE,       EXPROGRAM,     "Function can be called only once."},
00222 {         SYBEOOB,          EXCOMM,     "Error in sending out-of-band data to SQL Server."},
00223 {        SYBEOPIN,      EXNONFATAL,     "Could not open interface file."},
00224 {        SYBEOPNA,      EXNONFATAL,     "The textimage facility is available only when using a SQL Server whose version number is 4.0 or greater."},
00225 {       SYBEOPTNO,               1,     "Option is not allowed or is unreconized."},
00226 {        SYBEOREN,          EXINFO,     "Warning: an out-of-range error-number was encountered in dblib.loc. The maximum permissible error-number is defined as DBERRCOUNT in sybdb.h."},
00227 {        SYBEORPF,          EXUSER,     "Attempt to set remote password would overflow the login-record's remote-password field."},
00228 {        SYBEOSSL,               1,     "Operating system login level not in range of Secure SQL Server."},
00229 {        SYBEPAGE,               1,     "wrong resource type or length given for  dbpage() operation."},
00230 {        SYBEPOLL,          EXINFO,     "Only one dbpoll() can be active at a time."},
00231 {        SYBEPRTF,          EXINFO,     "dbtracestring() may only be called from a printfunc()."},
00232 {         SYBEPWD,          EXUSER,     "Incorrect password."},
00233 {        SYBERDCN,    EXCONVERSION,     "Requested data-conversion does not exist."},
00234 {        SYBERDNR,       EXPROGRAM,     "Attempt to retrieve data from a non-existent row."},
00235 {        SYBEREAD,          EXCOMM,     "Read from SQL Server failed."},
00236 {        SYBERESP,       EXPROGRAM,     "Response function address passed to dbresponse() must be non-NULL."},
00237 {       SYBERFILE,               1,     "Can not open resource file."},
00238 {        SYBERPCS,          EXINFO,     "Must call dbrpcinit() before dbrpcparam()."},
00239 {        SYBERPIL,       EXPROGRAM,     "It is illegal to pass -1 to dbrpcparam() for the datalen of parameters which are of type SYBCHAR, SYBVARCHAR, SYBBINARY, or SYBVARBINARY."},
00240 {        SYBERPNA,      EXNONFATAL,     "The RPC facility is available only when using a SQL Server whose version number is 4.0 or greater."},
00241 {        SYBERPND,       EXPROGRAM,     "Attempt to initiate a new SQL Server operation with results pending."},
00242 {      SYBERPNULL,       EXPROGRAM,     "value parameter for dbprcparam() can be NULL, only if the datalen parameter is 0."},
00243 {     SYBERPTXTIM,       EXPROGRAM,     "RPC parameters cannot be of type TextImage."},
00244 {        SYBERPUL,       EXPROGRAM,     "When passing a SYBINTN, SYBDATETIMN, SYBMONEYN, or SYBFLTN parameter via dbrpcparam(), it's necessary to specify the parameter's maximum or actual length, so that DB-Library can recognize it as a SYBINT1, SYBINT2, SYBINT4, SYBMONEY, or SYBMONEY4, etc."},
00245 {        SYBERTCC,       EXPROGRAM,     "dbreadtext() may not be used to receive the results of a query which contains a COMPUTE clause."},
00246 {        SYBERTSC,       EXPROGRAM,     "dbreadtext() may only be used to receive the results of a query which contains a single result column."},
00247 {       SYBERTYPE,               1,     "Invalid resource type given to DB-Library."},
00248 {        SYBERXID,      EXNONFATAL,     "The Server did not recognize our distributed-transaction ID."},
00249 {      SYBESECURE,       EXPROGRAM,     "Secure Server function not supported in this version."},
00250 {        SYBESEFA,       EXPROGRAM,     "DBSETNOTIFS cannot be called if connections are present."},
00251 {        SYBESEOF,          EXCOMM,     "Unexpected EOF from SQL Server."},
00252 {        SYBESFOV,       EXPROGRAM,     "dbsafestr() overflowed its destination buffer."},
00253 {        SYBESLCT,               1,     "Could not select or copy field specified."},
00254 {        SYBESMSG,        EXSERVER,     "General SQL Server error: Check messages from the SQL Server."},
00255 {        SYBESOCK,          EXCOMM,     "Unable to open socket."},
00256 {        SYBESPID,       EXPROGRAM,     "Called dbspid() with a NULL dbproc."},
00257 {        SYBESYNC,          EXCOMM,     "Read attempted while out of synchronization with SQL Server."},
00258 {        SYBETEXS,          EXINFO,     "Called dbmoretext() with a bad size parameter."},
00259 {        SYBETIME,          EXTIME,     "SQL Server connection timed out."},
00260 {        SYBETMCF,       EXPROGRAM,     "Attempt to install too many custom formats via dbfmtinstall()."},
00261 {        SYBETMTD,       EXPROGRAM,     "Attempt to send too much TEXT data via the dbmoretext() call."},
00262 {        SYBETPAR,       EXPROGRAM,     "No SYBTEXT or SYBIMAGE parameters were defined."},
00263 {        SYBETPTN,          EXUSER,     "Syntax error: only two periods are permitted in table names."},
00264 {        SYBETRAC,          EXINFO,     "Attempted to turn off a trace flag that was not on."},
00265 {        SYBETRAN,          EXINFO,     "DBPROCESS is being used for another transaction."},
00266 {        SYBETRAS,          EXINFO,     "DB-Library internal error - trace structure not found."},
00267 {        SYBETRSN,          EXINFO,     "Bad numbytes parameter passed to dbtracestring()."},
00268 {        SYBETSIT,          EXINFO,     "Attempt to call dbtsput() with an invalid timestamp."},
00269 {         SYBETTS,          EXUSER,     "The table which bulk-copy is attempting to copy to a host-file is shorter than the number of rows which bulk-copy was instructed to skip."},
00270 {        SYBETYPE,          EXINFO,     "Invalid argument type given to DB-Library."},
00271 {        SYBEUACS,               1,     "VMS: Unable to assign channel to sys$command."},
00272 {        SYBEUAVE,               1,     "Unable to allocate VMS event flag."},
00273 {        SYBEUCPT,          EXUSER,     "Unrecognized custom-format parameter-type encountered in dbstrbuild()."},
00274 {        SYBEUCRR,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Internal software error: Unknown connection result reported by dbpasswd()."},
00275 {        SYBEUDTY,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Unknown datatype encountered."},
00276 {        SYBEUFDS,          EXUSER,     "Unrecognized format encountered in dbstrbuild()."},
00277 {        SYBEUFDT,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Unknown fixed-length datatype encountered."},
00278 {        SYBEUHST,          EXUSER,     "Unknown host machine name."},
00279 {        SYBEUMSG,          EXCOMM,     "Unknown message-id in MSG datastream."},
00280 {        SYBEUNAM,         EXFATAL,     "Unable to get current username from operating system."},
00281 {        SYBEUNOP,      EXNONFATAL,     "Unknown option passed to dbsetopt()."},
00282 {         SYBEUNT,          EXUSER,     "Unknown network type found in interface file."},
00283 {        SYBEURCI,      EXRESOURCE,     "Unable to read copyright information from the dblib localization file."},
00284 {        SYBEUREI,      EXRESOURCE,     "Unable to read error information from the dblib localization file."},
00285 {        SYBEUREM,      EXRESOURCE,     "Unable to read error mnemonic from the dblib localization file."},
00286 {        SYBEURES,      EXRESOURCE,     "Unable to read error string from the dblib localization file."},
00287 {        SYBEURMI,      EXRESOURCE,     "Unable to read money-format information from the dblib localization file."},
00288 {        SYBEUSCT,          EXCOMM,     "Unable to set communications timer."},
00289 {        SYBEUTDS,          EXCOMM,     "Unrecognized TDS version received from SQL Server."},
00290 {        SYBEUVBF,       EXPROGRAM,     "Attempt to read an unknown version of BCP format-file."},
00291 {        SYBEUVDT,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "Unknown variable-length datatype encountered."},
00292 {        SYBEVDPT,          EXUSER,     "For bulk copy, all variable-length data must have either a length-prefix or a terminator specified."},
00293 {         SYBEVMS,               1,     "Sendflush: VMS IO error."},
00294 {     SYBEVOIDRET,               1,     "Parameter of type SYBVOID cannot  be a return parameter."},
00295 {        SYBEWAID,   EXCONSISTENCY,     "DB-LIBRARY internal error: ALTFMT following ALTNAME has wrong id."},
00296 {        SYBEWRIT,          EXCOMM,     "Write to SQL Server failed."},
00297 {        SYBEXOCI,      EXNONFATAL,     "A character-set translation overflowed its destination buffer while using bcp to copy data from a host-file to the SQL Server."},
00298 {        SYBEXTDN,       EXPROGRAM,     "Warning:  the xlt_todisp parameter to dbfree_xlate() was NULL.  The space associated with the xlt_tosrv parameter has been freed."},
00299 {         SYBEXTN,       EXPROGRAM,     "The xlt_todisp and xlt_tosrv parameters to dbfree_xlate() were NULL."},
00300 {        SYBEXTSN,       EXPROGRAM,     "Warning:  the xlt_tosrv parameter to dbfree_xlate() was NULL.  The space associated with the xlt_todisp parameter has been freed."},
00301 {        SYBEZTXT,          EXINFO,     "Attempt to send zero length TEXT or  IMAGE to dataserver via dbwritetext()."},
00302 {               0,               0,     "Please add a description for this error to src/tds/error_table.h ($Id: error_table.h,v 1.3 2003/12/22 08:32:14 freddy77 Exp $)"}

Generated on Wed May 7 19:22:09 2008 for FreeTDS API by  doxygen 1.4.1