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FreeTDS API Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
_tds_compiletime_settingsA structure to hold all the compile-time settings
_tds_cursorHolds informations about a cursor
_tds_encodingInformation relevant to libiconv
TDS8_COLLATIONTDS 8.0 collation informations
tds_blobInformation about blobs (e.g
tds_columnMetadata about columns in regular and compute rows
tds_dynamicHolds information for a dynamic (also called prepared) query
tds_envCurrent environment as reported by the server
tds_result_infoHold information for any results
tds_socketHold information for a server connection
tdsdaterecInformation on data, used by tds_datecrack

Generated on Wed May 7 19:22:10 2008 for FreeTDS API by  doxygen 1.4.1