Batch commands

This command has a long list of subcommands that allow different operations on the user interface and the database.


frepplectl subcommand [options] [args]

Type ‘ help <subcommand>’ for help on a specific subcommand.

Some subcommands optionally expect application names as arguments. The frePPLe user interface has the following applications: “input”, “output”, “execute”, “common”, “auth”, “forecast” (Enterprise Edition only) and “quoting” (Enterprise Edition only).

Commonly used subcommands are:

  • dumpdata:
    Output the contents of the database as a fixture of the given format.
  • frepple_copy:
    Creates a copy of a database schema into another database schema.
  • frepple_flush:
    Deletes the data from the frePPLe database.
  • frepple_loadfromfolder:
    Load CSV-formatted data files in to the frePPLe database.
  • frepple_import_openbravo:
    Execute the openbravo import connector, which downloads data from openbravo.
  • frepple_export_openbravo:
    Execute the openbravo export connector, which uploads data to openbravo.
  • frepple_run:
    Runs the frePPLe planning engine.
    This subcommand is a wrapper around the frepple(.exe) executable.
  • frepple_loadxml:
    Loads an XML file into the database.
  • frepple_runserver:
    Runs a production web server for environments with very few users.
    For a more scalable solution, deploying frePPLe on Apache with mod_wsgi is required.
  • help:
    Display help on the available subcommands or a specific subcommands.
  • loaddata:
    Installs a dataset in the format of a fixture in the database.
  • runserver:
    Run a development web server. Do not use for actual production.
  • syncdb:
    Obsolete from v3.0 onwards. Please use the migrate command instead.
  • migrate:
    Update the database structure with the latest definitions.
    This is used to generate the initial database schema.
    From version 3.0 onwards it is also used to upgrade an existing frePPLe database from a previous release to the new release.
  • frepple_backup:
    Backs up the content of the database to a file.
  • frepple_restore:
    Restores the content of the database from a file.
  • frepple_createbuckets:
    Initializes the date bucketization table in the database.
  • frepple_createmodel:
    Generates a sample model in the database. Only useful during testing and demoing.
  • test:
    Run the test suite

Less commonly used:

  • changepassword
  • cleanup
  • compilemessages
  • createcachetable
  • createsuperuser
  • dbshell
  • diffsettings
  • flush
  • inspectdb
  • makemessages
  • reset
  • runfcgi
  • shell
  • sql
  • sqlall
  • sqlclear
  • sqlcustom
  • sqlflush
  • sqlindexes
  • sqlinitialdata
  • sqlreset
  • sqlsequencereset
  • startapp
  • testserver
  • validate


  • –database=DATABASE:
    Specifies which database to run the command for. The database names are defined in the
  • -v VERBOSITY, –verbosity=VERBOSITY:
    Verbosity level: 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=all output.
  • –settings=SETTINGS:
    The Python path to a settings module, normally leave to the default “freppledb.settings”.
  • –pythonpath=PYTHONPATH:
    A directory to add to the Python path, e.g. “/home/frepple/myproject”.
  • –traceback:
    Print traceback on exception.
  • –version:
    Show program’s version number and exit.
  • -h, –help:
    Show a help message either showing all commands or help on a specific command.

More detailed information on the commands which frePPLe inherits from the Django framework can be found at