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Languages for Expressions and Predicates

In the definition of a route, it is frequently necessary to evaluate expressions and predicates. For example, if a route includes a filter processor, you need to evaluate a predicate to determine whether or not a message is to be allowed through the filter. To facilitate the evaluation of expressions and predicates, FUSE Mediation Router supports multiple language plug-ins, which can be accessed through XML elements.

Table 3.1 lists the elements that you can insert whenever the context demands an expression or a predicate. The content of the element must be a script written in the relevant language. At runtime, the return value of the script is read by the parent element.

Table 3.1. Elements for Expression and Predicate Languages

simple N/AA simple expression language, native to FUSE Mediation Router (see Simple).
xpath XPathThe XPath language, which is used to select element, attribute, and text nodes from XML documents (see The XPath expression is applied to the current message.
xquery XQueryThe XQuery language, which is an extension of XPath (see The XQuery expression is applied to the current message.
sql JoSQLThe JoSQL language, which is a language for extracting and manipulating data from collections of Java objects, using a SQL-like syntax (see
ognl OGNLThe OGNL (Object Graph Navigation Language) language (see
el ELThe Unified Expression Language (EL), originally developed as part of the JSP standard (see
groovy GroovyThe Groovy scripting language (see
javaScript JavaScriptThe JavaScript scripting language (see, also known as ECMAScript (see
php PHPThe PHP scripting language (see
python PythonThe Python scripting language (see
ruby RubyThe Ruby scripting language (see
bean BeanNot really a language. The bean element is actually a mechanism for integrating with Java beans. You use the bean element to obtain an expression or predicate by invoking a method on a Java bean.