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Topics maintain a dispatch queue and a pending cursor for every consumer subscribed to the topic regardless of whether the subscription is durable or transient. You can configure the cursor implementation used by durable subscribers separately from the cursor implementation used by transient subscribers.

You configure the cursor implementation used by durable subscribers by adding PendingDurableSubscriberMessageStoragePolicy child element to the topic's policyEntry element. Table 4.1 describes the possible children of PendingDurableSubscriberMessageStoragePolicy.

You configure the cursor implementation used by transient subscribers by adding pendingSubscriberPolicy child element to the topic's policyEntry element. Table 4.2 describes the possible children of pendingSubscriberPolicy.

Example 4.1 shows a configuration snip-it that configures a topic to use VM cursors for its transient subscribers and file-based cursors for its durable subscribers.

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