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ANSI SQL defines four transaction isolation levels, as follows:

Databases generally do not support all of the different transaction isolation levels. For example, some free databases support only READ_UNCOMMITTED. Also, some databases implement transaction isolation levels in ways that are subtly different from the ANSI standard. Isolation is a complicated issue, which involves trade offs with database performance (for example, see Isolation in Wikipedia).

In order for a resource to participate in a transaction involving multiple resources, it needs to support the X/Open XA standard. You also need to check whether the resource's implementation of the XA standard is subject to any special restrictions. For example, some implementations of the XA standard are restricted to a single database connection (which implies that only one thread at a time can process a transaction involving that resource).

A key differentiator for transaction managers is the ability to support multiple resources. This normally entails support for the XA standard, where the transaction manager provides a way for resources to register their XA switches.


Strictly speaking, the XA standard is not the only approach you can use to support multiple resources, but it is the most practical one. The alternative typically involves writing tedious (and critical) custom code to implement the algorithms normally provided by an XA switch.

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