GT 4.0 Samples for C WS Core

1. Counter Client (Provided by BuzzTroll)

The Counter Client consists of a set of client programs that can be run to interact with the CounterService by creating new counter resources, calling add on those resources, and finally destroying those resources. The reference to each resource (the EPR) is stored in a file.

The sample is a good way to get going fast with C WS-Core client programming, as the user does not have to install/deploy the CounterService—it is installed by default in GT4 containers.

  • create_count.c - this program invokes the createCounter operation on the CounterService and stores the resulting EPR that points to the new counter resource in a file.

  • add_count.c - this program reads the EPR file and invokes the add operation on the resource (of the CounterService) pointed to by the EPR.

  • destroy_count.c - this program reads the EPR file and destroys the resource pointed to by the EPR. Once the resource is destroyed, the EPR is no longer valid, so the file is removed.

  • Makefile - a Makefile to use for building the counter samples.

  • makefile_header - the makefile header generated by globus-makefile-header. This gets included by the Makefile. The user should generate his own makefile_header with the globus-makefile-header command.