GT 4.0.2 Incremental Release Notes: JGlobus module of the Java CoG Kit

1. Introduction

These release notes are for the incremental release GT 4.0.2. It includes a summary of changes since GT 4.0.1, bug fixes since GT 4.0.1 and any known problems that still exist at the time of the GT 4.0.2 release. This page is in addition to the top-level GT 4.0.2 release notes at

For release notes about GT 4.0 (including feature summary, technology dependencies, etc.) go to the GT 4.0 JGlobus module Release Notes.

2. Changes Summary

The following changes have occurred for JGlobus module of Java CoG Kit.

  • Added support for HTTP POST operation for the https/httpg URL connection handler.
  • The proxy refresh code was updated to reload the proxy file automatically whenever the file changes in any way.
  • The GridFTP client library was optimized to use one less thread during data transfer and to use buffered I/O.
  • Fixed the getDefault() methods in TrustedCertificates and CertificationRevocationList classes to differentiate scenarios when the default certificate locations are used vs. when non-default locations are used.
  • Updated GssSocket to automatically close itself if getOutputStream() or getInputStream() fails with an error.

3. Bug Fixes

The following bugs were fixed for JGlobus module of the Java CoG Kit:

  • Bug 3623: org.globus.gsi.CertUtil functionality/comment problem
  • Bug 3669: org/globus/util/ classloader issues
  • Bug 3819: DN parsing error
  • Bug 3963: Tabs in the grid-mapfile cause errors for secure services
  • Bug 4188: Container fails on expired proxy and cannot recover

4. Known Problems

The following problems are known to exist for JGlobus module of the Java CoG Kit at the time of the 4.0.2 release:

  • Bug 1056: FTP client in extended block mode after receiving EODC does not wait for EOD on the same channel
  • Bug 2277: GridFTPClient bug Parallel, Passive, EBlockImageDCReader does not receive EOF
  • Bug 2345: Allow for a way to set cert and key location using environment variables
  • Bug 2413: A rare decrypt error
  • Bug 3299: Extended Key Usage certificate extension not supported

5. For More Information

Please see JGlobus documentation and API documentation for more information.

Please see the Java CoG Kit web site for more information about the entire Java Commodity Grid Kit.