GT 4.0 Release Notes: pyGridWare

1. Component Overview

pyGridWare, the python WS Core, provides a basic python toolset for creating WSRF enabled web services, proven to interoperate with the Java WSRF. Performance is a primary concern and motivation. This WSRF project realizes a significant speedup by using C implementations at the performance critical security and DOM layers.

WSRF support includes WS-Resource Lifetime, WS-Resource Properties, and WS-Notification. Updated security support for WS-Secure Conversation and Secure Message is also included.

Client and service stubs have been generated from the most recent OASIS drafts and WS-Secure Conversation specification, but the bindings can be easily regenerated from WSDL via the setup script at install whenever WSDL needs to be updated.

2. Feature Summary

Features new in release GT 4.0:

  • [list features]

Other Supported Features

  • [list features]

Deprecated Features

  • [list features]

3. Technology Dependencies

Required (Use newest version if possible):

Optional: WS-Security: XML Digital Signatures, Secure Conversation, etc.

4. Supported Platforms

Tested Platforms for pyGridWare:

  • [list platforms for which component has been tested]

5. Backward Compatibility Summary

This implementation will not be backward compatible with any previous GT3 release.

6. For More Information

Click here for more information about this component.