GT 4.0 RFT Public Interface Guide

1. Semantics and syntax of APIs

1.1. Programming Model Overview

The Reliable Transfer Service (RFT) is a WSRF based service that provides interfaces for controlling and monitoring third party file transfers using GridFTP servers. The client controlling the transfers (in this case RFT) is hosted inside of a Grid service so it can be managed using the soft state model. It is essentially a reliable and recoverable version of the GT2 globus-url-copy tool and more. In GT 4.0 RFT can also perform file deletion and recursive directory deletion operations. It is also used by GRAM to perform all the staging operations and cleanup operations.

1.2. Component API

Some relevant APIs:

2. Semantics and syntax of the WSDL

2.1. Protocol overview

The RFT service implementation in GT 4.0 uses standard SOAP messages over HTTP to submit and manage a set of 3rd party GridFTP transfers and to delete files using GridFTP. The user creates an RFT resource by submitting a list of URL pairs of files that need to be transferred/deleted to the RFT Factory service. The user also specifies the time to live for the resource the user is creating to the GT 4.0 Container in which RFT is deployed and configured. The resource is created after the user is properly authorized and authenticated. RFT service implementation exposes operations to control and manages the transfers (the resource). The operations exposed by both the RFT factory and the RFT service are briefly described below. The resource the user created also exposes the state of the transfer as a resource property to which the user can either subscribe for changes or poll for the changes in state periodically using standard command line clients.

2.2. Operations

Please find below operations of both RFT Factory and RFT Service Implementation.

2.2.1. RFT Factory Service

Used to create a Reliable File Transfer resource. The operations exposed by the factory are as follows:

  • createReliableFileTransfer: Creates a Reliable File Transfer resource.

    • Input Parameters: Initial Termination time, Transfer Request or Delete Request.
    • Output parameters: Termination time, Current time, Endpoint reference of the Resource created. This should be stored by the user, as it is needed to query the status of the resource and to perform any further operations on the resource.
    • Fault: createReliableFileTransferFault.

2.2.2. RFT Service

Used to manage the Resource created using the RFT Factory Service. The operations exposed by the service are as follows:

  • start:Starts executing the transfers/deletes.

    • Input Parameters: None
    • Output Parameters: None
    • Fault: RepeatedlyStartedFault
  • getStatus:To get the status of a particular file.

    • Input Parameters: A source URL of the file that is part of the request.
    • Output Parameters: Transfer Status Type
    • Fault: RFTDatabaseFault
  • getStatusSet: To get the status of a set of files in a request.

    • Input Parameters: int from (the relative position of the transfer in the request) and int offset (the number of files queried).
    • Output Parameters: An array of TransferStatusType.
    • Fault: RFTDatabaseFault
  • cancel: To cancel a transfer that is part of a resource.

    • Input Parameters: int from (the relative position of the transfer in the request) and int to.
    • Output Parameters: None
    • Fault: RFTDatabaseFault

2.3. Resource Properties

The resource properties of RFT Factory (which acts both as a resource and a service at the same time) and RFT Resource are found below:

2.3.1. RFT Factory Resource Properties

  • ActiveResourceInstances: A dynamic resource property of the total number of active RFT resources in the container at a given point of time.
  • TotalNumberOfTransfers: A dynamic resource property of the total number of transfers/deletes performed since the RFT service was deployed in this container.
  • TotalNumberOfActiveTransfers: A dynamic resource property of the number of active transfers across all rft resources in a container at a given point of time.
  • TotalNumberOfBytesTransferred: A dynamic resource property of the total number of bytes transferred by all RFT resources created since the deployment of the service.
  • RFTFactoryStartTime: Time when the service was deployed in the container. Used to calculate uptime.
  • DelegationServiceEPR: The end point reference of the Delegation resource that holds the delegated credential used in executing the resource.

2.3.2. RFT Resource Properties

  • OverallStatus: This is a complex type providing the overall status of an RFT resource by providing the number of transfers pending, active, finished, retrying, failed, and cancelled. Each of these values can be obtained by invoking getTransfers(Finished/Active/Failed/Restarted/Pending/Cancelled) on OverallStatus Resource Property. Note that this Resource Property gets updated every time one of the transfers changes state, so there can be and will be more than one update in the life time of a RFT resource if you subscribe to this RP. This Resource Property also includes the last fault (if thrown) from a transfer and can be accessed by invoking getFault on OverallStatus. This will indicate why a transfer has failed.
  • RequestStatus: This is a complex type resource property providing the status of an RFT resource in the form of Pending/Active/Done/Failed. The status can be obtained from RequestStatusType by invoking getRequestStatus(). This will result in one of four status strings (Pending/Active/Done/Failed/Cancelled). This RP also contains a fault that denotes the last fault in a RFT resource and can be accessed by invoking getFault(). If a client is subscribed to this RP, there will be only be 2 updates in the life time of an RFT resource (Pending->Active->Done, Pending->Active->Failed, Pending->Active->Cancelled, and Pending->Cancelled).
  • TotalBytes: This provides the total number of bytes transferred by the resource.
  • TotalTime: This provides the total time taken to transfer the above-mentioned total bytes.

2.4. Faults

Faults from the RFT Factory Service and RFT Service can be found below:

2.4.1. RFT Factory Service

  • createReliableFileTransferFault: All the errors encountered during the creation of the RFT resource are mapped to this fault. Any security related errors are caught before the factory and are thrown to the user/client.

2.4.2. RFT Service

  • RepeatedlyStartedFault: This is raised if a client calls start more than once on a resource.
  • RFTDatabaseFault: This is thrown when the service is unable to find the resource the user/client is querying for.

2.5. WSDL and Schema Definition

You can find links to all the RFT schemas here.

3. Command-line tools

Please see the RFT Command Reference.

4. Overview of Graphical User Interface

There is no GUI for the RFT service in this release.

5. Semantics and syntax of domain-specific interface

5.1. Request Schema

Please go here to view the entire RFT transfer request schema documentation.

5.2. Request Options

5.2.1. General Options

These options are set in the transferRequest and deleteRequest elements and apply similarly for each.

  • concurrency

    This denotes number of files in the request that needs to be transferred at one time.

  • maxAttempts

    Maximum number of attempts after transient errors to execute the transfer or deletion before giving up and raising an error.

  • finishBy

    (Not Implemented) In future versions of RFT this will be used to enforce time constraints on a transfer.

5.2.2. Transfer Options

These options are set in the rftOptions element (see RFTOptionsType for more details) and are specific to file transfers. They can be specified as defaults for all transfers under the transferRequest element, and/or individually under each transfer element (see TransferType for more details):

                <-- option elements here -->


                    <-- option elements here -->
  • binary

    Transfer as a binary file. Default is "true".

  • blockSize

    Specifies the size of the data blocks to use in the transfer.

  • tcpBufferSize

    Specifies the TCP buffer size used for the transfer.

  • notpt

    If set to "true", third-party transfer mode will not be use. Instead, a client thread will be started that will GET data from the source server and and PUT data to the destination server. Default is "false".

  • parallelStreams

    Specifies the number of parallel streams to use during the transfer. Default is 1.

  • dcau

    Specifies whether or not to use data channel authentication. Default is true.

  • subjectName

    Specifies the credential subject to use for authenticating both the source and destination servers.

  • destinationSubjectName

    Specifies the credential subject to use for authenticating the destination server.

  • sourceSubjectName

    Specifies the credential subject to use for authenticating the source server.

  • userName

    Specifies the username to be used to perform the transfer which sometimes may not be the same as transfer requester.

5.2.3. Deletion Options

These options are set in the deleteOptions element (see DeleteOptionsType for more details), and are specific to file deletions. They can be specified as defaults for all deletions under the deleteRequest element, and/or individually under each deletion element (see DeleteType for more details):

                <-- option elements here -->


                    <-- option elements here -->
  • subjectName

    Specifies the credential subject to use for authenticating the target server.

  • userName

    Specifies the username to be used to perform the deletion.

6. Configuration interface

Please see the Configuring RFT.

7. Environment variable interface

The only environment variable that needs to be set for RFT is GLOBUS_LOCATION, in order to run the command line clients, which should be set to the location of the globus installation.