GT 4.0 Component Guide to Public Interfaces: RLS

1. Semantics and syntax of APIs

1.1. Programming Model Overview

The RLS provides a Client API for C and Java based clients. The RLS Client C API is provided in the form of a library (e.g., .so file). Any installation of RLS will include the shared library as part of the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/include and $GLOBUS_LOCATION/lib directories. The RLS Client Java API depends on the shared library, which it links to via the Java Native Interface (JNI).

2. Semantics and syntax of the WSDL

There is no support for this type of interface for RLS.

3. Command line tools

Please see the RLS Command Reference.

4. Overview of Graphical User Interface

There is no support for this type of interface for RLS.

5. Semantics and syntax of domain-specific interface

There is no support for this type of interface for RLS.

6. Configuration interface

6.1. Configuration overview

Configuration settings for the RLS are specified in the globus-rls-server.conf file.

If the configuration file is not specified on the command line (see the -c option) then it is looked for in both:

  • $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/globus-rls-server.conf
  • /usr/local/etc/globus-rls-server.conf if GLOBUS_LOCATION is not set

NOTE: command line options always override items found in the configuration file.

The configuration file is a sequence of lines consisting of a keyword, whitespace, and a value. Comments begin with # and end with a newline.

6.2. Syntax of the interface

Table 1. Settings

acl user: permission [permission]

acl entries may be a combination of DNs and local usernames. If a DN is not found in the gridmap file then the file is used to search the acl list.

A gridmap file may also be used to map DNs to local usernames, which in turn are matched against the regular expressions in the acl list to determine the user's permissions.

user is a regular expression matching distinguished names (or local usernames if a gridmap file is used) of users allowed to make calls to the server.

There may be multiple acl entries, with the first match found used to determine a user's privileges.

[permission] is one or more of the following values:

  • lrc_read Allows client to read an LRC.
  • lrc_update Allows client to update an LRC.
  • rli_read Allows client to read an RLI.
  • rli_update Allows client to update an RLI.
  • admin Allows client to update an LRC's list of RLIs to send updates to.
  • stats Allows client to read performance statistics.
  • all Allows client to do all of the above.
authentication true|false

Enable or disable GSI authentication.

The default value is true.

If authentication is enabled (true), clients should use the URL schema rls: to connect to the server.

If authentication is not enabled (false), clients should use the URL schema rlsn:.

db_pwd password

Password to use to connect to the database server.

The default value is changethis.

db_user databaseuser

Username to use to connect to database server.

The default value is dbperson.

idletimeout seconds

Seconds after which idle connections close.

The default value is 900.

loglevel N Sets loglevel to N (default is 0). Higher levels mean more verbosity.
lrc_bloomfilter_numhash N

Number of hash functions to use in Bloom filters.

The default value is 3.

Possible values are 1 through 8.

This value, in conjunction withlrc_bloomfilter_ratio, will determine the number of false positives that may be expected when querying an RLI that is updated via Bloom filters.

Note: The default values of 3 and 10 give a false positive rate of approximately 1%.

lrc_bloomfilter_ratio N

Sets ratio of bloom filter size (in bits) to number of LFNs in the LRC catalog (in other words, size of the Bloom filter as a multiple of the number of LFNs in the LRC database.) This is only meaningful if Bloom filters are used to update an RLI. Too small a value will generate too many false positives, while too large a value wastes memory and network bandwidth.

The default value is 10.

Note: The default values of 3 and 10 give a false positive rate of approximately 1%.

lrc_buffer_time N

LRC to RLI updates are buffered until either the buffer is full or this much time in seconds has elapsed since the last update.

The default value is 30.


Name of LRC database.

The default value is lrcdb.

lrc_server true|false

If LRC server, the value should be true.

The default value is false.

lrc_update_bf seconds

Interval in seconds between LRC to RLI updates when the RLI is updated by Bloom filters. In other words, how often an LRC server does a Bloom filter soft state update.

This can be much smaller than the interval between updates without using Bloom filters (lrc_update_ll).

The default value is 300.

lrc_update_factor N If lrc_update_immediate mode is on, and the LRC server is in sync with an RLI server (an LRC and RLI are synced if there have been no failed updates since the last full soft state update), then the interval between RLI updates for this server (lrc_update_ll) is multiplied by the value of this option.
lrc_update_immediate true|false

Turns LRC to RLI immediate mode updates on (true) or off (false).

The default value is false.

lrc_update_ll seconds

Number of seconds before an LRC server does an LFN list soft state update.

The default value is 86400.

lrc_update_retry seconds

Seconds to wait before an LRC server will retry to connect to an RLI server that it needs to update.

The default value is 300.

maxbackoff seconds

Maximum seconds to wait before re-trying listen in the event of an I/O error.

The default value is 300.

maxfreethreads N

Maximum number of idle threads. Excess threads are killed.

The default value is 5.

maxconnections N

Maximum number of simultaneous connections.

The default value is 100.

maxthreads N

Maximum number of threads running at one time.

The default value is 30.

myurl URL

URL of server.

The default value is rls://<hostname>:port

odbcini filename

Sets environment variable ODBCINI.

If not specified, and ODBCINI is not already set, then the default value is $GLOBUS_LOCATION/var/odbc.ini.

pidfile filename

Filename where pid file should be written.

The default value is $GLOBUS_LOCATION/var/<programname>.pid.

port N

Port the server listens on.

The default value is 39281.

result_limit limit

Sets the maximum number of results returned by a query.

The default value is 0 (zero), which means no limit.

If a query request includes a limit greater than this value, an error (GLOBUS_RLS_BADARG) is returned.

If the query request has no limit specified, then at most result_limit records are returned by a query.


rli_bloomfilter true|false

RLI servers must have this set to accept Bloom filter updates.

If true, then only Bloom filter updates are accepted from LRCs.

If false, full LFN lists are accepted.

Note: If Bloom filters are enabled, then the RLI does not support wildcarded queries.

rli_bloomfilter_dir none|default|pathname

If an RLI is configured to accept bloom filters (rli_bloomfilter true), then Bloom filters may be saved to this directory after updates.

This directory is scanned when an RLI server starts up and is used to initialize Bloom filters for each LRC that updated the RLI.

This option is useful when you want the RLI to recover its data immediately after a restart rather than wait for LRCs to send another update.

If the LRCs are updating frequently, this option is unnecessary and may be wasteful in that each Bloom filter is written to disk after each update.

  • none

    Bloom filters are not saved to disk.

    This is the default.

  • default

    Bloom filters are saved to the default directory:

    • $GLOBUS_LOCATION/var/rls-bloomfilters if GLOBUS_LOCATION is set
    • else, /tmp/rls-bloomfilters
  • pathname

    Bloom filters are saved to the named directory.

    Any other string is used as the directory name unchanged.

    The Bloom filter files in this directory have the name of the URL of the LRC that sent the Bloom filter, with slashes(/) changed to percent signs (%) and ".bf" appended.

rli_dbname database

Name of the RLI database.

The default value is rlidb.

rli_expire_int seconds

Interval (in seconds) between RLI expirations of stale entries. In other words, how often an RLI server will check for stale entries in its database.

The default value is 28800.

rli_expire_stale seconds

Interval (in seconds) after which entries in the RLI database are considered stale (presumably because they were deleted in the LRC).

The default value is 86400.

This value should be no smaller than lrc_update_ll.

Stale RLI entries are not returned in queries.

Note: If the LRC server is responding, this value is not used. Instead the value of lrc_update_ll or lrc_update_bf is retrieved from the LRC server, multiplied by 1.2, and used as the value for this option.

rli_server true|false

If an RLI server, the value should be true.

The default value is false.

rlscertfile filename

Name of the X.509 certificate file identifying the server.

This value is set by setting environment variable X509_USER_CERT.

rlskeyfile filename

Name of the X.509 key file for the server.

This value is set by setting environment variable X509_USER_KEY.

startthreads N

Number of threads to start initially.

The default value is 3.

timeout seconds Timeout (in seconds) for calls to other RLS servers (e.g., for LRC calls to send an update to an RLI).

7. Environment variable interface

There is no support for this type of interface for RLS.