GT 4.0 Execution Management

Execution management tools are concerned with the initiation, monitoring, management, scheduling, and/or coordination of remote computations. GT4 supports the Grid Resource Allocation and Management (GRAM) interface as a basic mechanism for these purposes. The GT4 GRAM server is typically deployed in conjunction with the Delegation and RFT service to address data staging, delegation of proxy credentials, and computation monitoring and management in an integrated manner. C, Java, and Python client APIs, as well as command line tools, are provided for both systems.  More information is provided in GT4 Execution Management: Key Concepts.

GT4 includes two different GRAM implementations:

  • WS GRAM [pdf] builds on Web services technologies and is the recommended system for most users due to its superior scalability and its support for WS-Security mechanisms.
  • Pre-WS GRAM [pdf] is the GRAM implementation first introduced in GT2.

GT 4.0 Execution Management also includes a contribution for the Community Scheduler Framework (CSF) [pdf] and a tech preview version of the Workspace Management Service (WMS) [pdf].