GT 4.0.1 Incremental Release Notes: WS MDS Aggregator Framework

1. Introduction

These release notes are for the incremental release 4.0.1. It includes a summary of changes since 4.0.0, bug fixes since 4.0.0 and any known problems that still exist at the time of the 4.0.1 release. This page is in addition to the top-level 4.0.1 release notes at

For release notes about 4.0 (including feature summary, technology dependencies, etc) go to the WS MDS Aggregator 4.0 Release Notes.

2. Changes Summary

The following features have been added to the WS MDS Aggregator component:

  • Two additional configuration options have been added to the AggregatorConfiguration JNDI bean type that allow administrators more control over when notifications are sent out to listeners that have subscribed to the service group 'Entry' resource property. These changes consist of two boolean parameters, "notifyOnEntryLifetimeExtension" and "notifyOnEntryContentChange". By default, if the parameters are not supplied, "notifyOnEntryLifetimeExtension" is set to TRUE and "notifyOnEntryContentChange" is set to FALSE. The "notifyOnEntryLifetimeExtension" parameter causes a notification to be generated whenever a service group entry is added, removed, or refreshed. The "notifyOnEntryContentChange" causes a notification to be generated whenever an entry has is aggregate content updated. The syntax for specifying these configuration parameters is as follows:

          <resource name="configuration"

  • An additional configuration option has been added to the AggregatorConfiguration JNDI bean type to allow adminstrators to configure the interval in milliseconds at which the the service group's sweeper thread purges out stale registrant entries. The syntax for specifying the sweeper interval is:

        <resource name="configuration"

  • An additional configuration option has been added to the AggregatorConfiguration JNDI bean type to allow adminstrators to specify a developer supplied callback function that will be invoked when a service group entry is removed from the service group. See the API documentation for the AggregatorServiceGroupEntryRemovedCallback interface for implementation details.

        <resource name="configuration"

3. Bug Fixes

The following bugs were fixed for WS MDS ServiceGroup:

  • Bug 3500: ServiceGroupRegistrationClient.terminate( ) failure
  • Bug 3470: Unregister functionality missing in ServiceGroupRegistrationClient?

The following bugs were fixed for WS MDS Aggregator:

  • Bug 3393: Notifications need to be sent by an AggregatingServiceGroupResource when registrants successfully update the terminationTime of a member AggregatingServiceGroupEntryResource
  • Bug 3177: AggregatingServiceGroup EntrySweeper interval needs to be user configurable
  • Bug 3150: AggregatingServiceGroup* needs to provide Resource.RemoveCallback for entry resources (or equivalent functionality) for derived code

4. Known Problems

There are no known problems with the WS MDS Aggregator API at the time of the 4.0.1 release.

5. For More Information

Click here for more information about this component.