GT 4.0 Release Notes: Index Service

1. Component Overview

The Index Service collects monitoring and discovery information from Grid resources, and publishes it in a single location; generally, it is expected that a virtual organization will deploy one or more index services which will collect data on all of the Grid resources available within that virtual organization.

2. Feature Summary

Features new in release 4.0

  • Based on WSRF rather than OGSI

    • Aggregated data is published through WS-Resource Properties mechanisms
    • The aggregator framework module (basis of the index service) collects data from monitored resources using WS-Resource Properties collection mechanisms, including the base WS-Resource Properties poll operations and WS-Notification.

  • Persistent configuration of aggregations has been refactored. The service no longer has its own config file for specifying aggregations. Instead a separate client is used to make appropriate registrations. This client may be started alongside the container for the equivalent effect. The client may also be deployed elsewhere to support resource-side configuration (providing similar functionality to the GT3.2 RegistryPublishProvider) or at a third location.

Other Supported Features

  • The index appears as a ServiceGroup (defined in WSRF) which lists registered resources alongside dynamically collected information from those resources. This information can be examined using (for example) XPath queries to discover resources that match desired constraints.

Deprecated Features

  • Support for Xindice and aggregated data persistence has been removed.
  • The ability to specify default aggregations in service config file has been removed (see item in 'New Features').
  • Non-ServiceGroupRegistration methods for managing aggregations have been removed; the equivalent functionality is available through the ServiceGroupRegistration port type which is available in both GT3.2 and GT versions of the index service.

5. Technology Dependencies

The Index Service depends on the following GT components:

The Index Service depends on the following 3rd party software:

  • None

6. Tested Platforms

Tested Platforms for WS-MDS Index Service:

  • Linux on i386
  • Windows XP

Tested containers for WS-MDS Index Service:

  • Java WS Core container
  • Tomcat 5.0.28

7.  Backward Compatibility Summary

Protocol changes since GT version 3.2

  • Generally incompatible with the GT3.2 index service as the service has been remodelled to use WSRF instead of OGSI.

API changes since GT version 3.2

  • The aggregator framework API used internally has retained the general flavor of the GT3.2 aggregator framework API, but is not directly compatible with it.

Schema changes since GT version 3.2

  • Schemas used for configuration and publishing are conceptually similar but are not compatible, primarily due to WSRF remodelling.

8. For More Information

Click here for more information about this component.