GT 4.0 Development Release Notes for Pre-WS MDS


Please note that in the GT4 pre-WS build, MDS2 is not installed by default. This is because of security concerns with two third-party libraries, Open LDAP v.2.0.22 and Cyrus SASL (v. 1.5.27). That version of OpenLDAP has security vulnerabilities that are no longer being patched due to the age of the version (the current version is 2.2.25). This means that anyone who runs MDS2 on their server has a chance of being affected by this, although we have no reported cases of this occurring. A similar situation exists for the version of Cyrus SASL we are using although this can be avoided by not using MDS2 in secure-mode.

An unsupported, minimally-tested version of MDS2 based on more recent, more secure versions of OpenLDAP and Cyrus SASL is available for download here; however, we strongly recommend that any MDS2 users upgrade their system to use the new WSRF-based MDS4, and we will be happy to work with you to make this possible for your project. Please note that in GT4, MDS2 is a deprecated component, which means that it will not be included in the GT4.2 release, nor supported once GT4.4 exists.

1. Component Overview

Pre-WS MDS provides a standard mechanism for publishing and discovering resource status and configuration information. It provides a uniform, flexible interface to data collected by lower-level information providers. It has a decentralized structure that allows it to scale, and it can handle static or dynamic data. A project can also restrict access to data by combining GSI (Grid Security Infrastructure) credentials and authorization features provided by MDS. Pre-WS MDS is essentially MDS 2.4 that came out with Globus Toolkit 2.4 and is based on LDAP and GRIS/GIIS protocols.

2. Feature Summary

Features new in release 4.0

  • None.

Other Supported Features

  • Please view the existing documentation about MDS 2.4 features here.

Deprecated Features

  • None.

3. Bug Fixes

  • Bugzilla url here
  • ...
  • Bugzilla url here

4. Known Problems

  • Bugzilla url here
  • ...
  • Bugzilla url here

5. Technology Dependencies

Pre-WS MDS does not depend on other GT components:

Pre-WS MDS depends on the following 3rd party software (all of these are installed with Pre-WS MDS):

  • OpenLDAP 2.0.22
  • OpenSSL 0.9.6b (0.9.6a is also supported)
  • SASL cyrus-sasl 1.5.27

For more information, see the MDS 2.2 system requirements here.

6. Tested Platforms

Please view the existing documentation about MDS 2.2 tested platforms here.

7. Backward Compatibility Summary

Pre-WS MDS (MDS2) has not changed from the version in GT3.2, so should be fully compatible.

8. For More Information

Click here for more information about this component.