GT 4.0 Component Guide to Public Interfaces: MyProxy

1. Semantics and syntax of APIs

A Java API is available.

2. Semantics and syntax of the WSDL

MyProxy does not have a WSDL interface.

3. Command-line tools

Please see the MyProxy Command Reference.

4. Graphical User Interface

MyProxy does not have a GUI.

5. Semantics and syntax of domain-specific interface

MyProxy does not provide any domain-specific interfaces.

6. Configuration interface

A typical MyProxy configuration has one dedicated myproxy-server for the site, with MyProxy clients installed on all systems where other Globus Toolkit client software is installed.

No additional configuration is required to use MyProxy clients after they are installed, although you may want to set the MYPROXY_SERVER environment variable to the hostname of your myproxy-server in the default user environment on your systems.

To configure the myproxy-server you must modify the myproxy-server.config template provided at $GLOBUS_LOCATION/share/myproxy/myproxy-server.config and copy it to /etc/myproxy-server.config (if you have root access) or $GLOBUS_LOCATION//etc/myproxy-server.config (if you don't have root access). If you skip this step, your myproxy-server will not start. To enable all myproxy-server features uncomment the provided sample policy at the top of the myproxy-server.config config file, as follows:

# Complete Sample Policy
# The following lines define a sample policy that enables all
# myproxy-server features.  See below for more examples.
accepted_credentials       "*"
authorized_retrievers      "*"
default_retrievers         "*"
authorized_renewers        "*"
default_renewers           "none"
authorized_key_retrievers  "*"
default_key_retrievers     "none"
trusted_retrievers         "*"
default_trusted_retrievers "none"

Please see below for additional documentation on the myproxy-server.config options.

The myproxy-server.config file sets the policy for the myproxy-server(8), specifying what credentials may be stored in the server's repository and who is authorized to retrieve credentials. By default, the myproxy-server(8) looks for this file in /etc/myproxy-server.config and if it is not found there, it looks in $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/myproxy-server.config. The myproxy-server -c option can be used to specify an alternative location. The file installed by default does not allow any requests.

The file also supports a passphrase_policy_program command for specifying an external program for evaluating the quality of users' passphrases. A sample program is installed in $GLOBUS_LOCATION/share/myproxy/myproxy-passphrase-policy but is not enabled by default.

Lines in the configuration file use limited regular expressions for matching the distinguished names (DNs) of classes of users. The limited regular expressions support the shell-style characters '*' and '?', where '*' matches any number of characters and '?' matches any single character.

The DN limited regexes should be delimited with double quotes ("DN regex").

The configuration file has the following types of lines:

Table 1. myproxy-server.config lines

accepted_credentials "DNregex" Each of these lines allows any clients whose DNs match the given limited regex to connect to the myproxy-server and store credentials with it for future retrieval. Any number of these lines may appear. For backwards compatibility, these lines can also start with allowed_clients instead of accepted_credentials.
authorized_retrievers "DN regex" Each of these lines allows the server administrator to set server-wide policies for authorized retrievers. If the client DN does not match the given limited regex, the client is not allowed to retrieve the credentials previously stored by a client. In addition to the server-wide policy, MyProxy also provides support for per-credential policy. The user can specify the regex DN of the allowed retrievers of the credential when uploading the credential (using myproxy-init(1)). The retrieval client DN must also match the user specified regex. In order to retrieve credentials the client also needs to know the name and pass phrase provided by the client when the credentials were stored. Any number of these lines may appear. For backwards compatibility, these lines can also start with allowed_services instead of authorized_retrievers.
default_retrievers "DN regex" Each of these lines allows the server administrator to set server-wide default policies. The regex specifies the clients who can access the credentials. The default retriever policy is enforced if a per-credential policy is not specified on upload (using myproxy-init(1)). In other words, the client can override this policy for a credential on upload. The per-credential policy is enforced in addition to the server-wide policy specified by the authorized_retrievers line (which clients can not override). Any number of these lines may be present. For backwards compatibility, if no default_retrievers line is specified, the default policy is "*", which allows any client to pass the per-credential policy check. (The client must still pass the authorized_retrievers check).
authorized_renewers "DN regex" Each of these lines allows the server administrator to set server-wide policies for authorized renewers. If the client DN does not match the given limited regex the client is not allowed to renew the credentials previously stored by a client. In addition to the server-wide policy, MyProxy also provides support for per-credential policy. The user can specify the regex DN of the allowed renewers of the credential on upload (using myproxy-init(1)). The renewal client DN must match both this regex and the user specified regex. In this case, the client must also already have a credential with a DN matching the DN of the credentials to be retrieved, to be used in a second authorization step (see the -a option for myproxy-logon(1)).
default_renewers "DN regex" Each of these lines allows the server administrator to set server-wide default renewer policies. The regex specifies the clients who can renew the credentials. The default renewer policy is enforced if a per-credential policy is not specified on upload (using myproxy-init(1)). This is enforced in addition to the server-wide policy specified by the authorized_renewers line. Any number of these lines may appear. For backwards compatibility, if no default_renewers line is specified, the default policy is "*", which allows any client to pass the per-credential policy check. (The client must still pass the authorized_renewers check).
passphrase_policy_program full-path-to-script This line specifies a program to run whenever a passphrase is set or changed for implementing a local password policy. The program is passed the new passphrase via stdin and is passed the following arguments: username, distinguished name, credential name (if any), per-credential retriever policy (if any), and per-credential renewal policy (if any). If the passphrase is acceptable, the program should exit with status 0. Otherwise, it should exit with non-zero status, causing the operation in progress (credential load, passphrase change) to fail with the error message provided by the program's stdout. Note: You must specify the full path to the external program. $GLOBUS_LOCATION can't be used in the myproxy-server.config file.
max_proxy_lifetime hours This line specifies a server-wide maximum lifetime for retrieved proxy credentials. By default, no server-wide maximum is enforced. However, if this option is specified, the server will limit the lifetime of any retrieved proxy credentials to the value given.

7. Environment variable interface

Table 2. Environment variables

MYPROXY_SERVER Specifies the hostname where the myproxy-server is running. This environment variable can be used in place of the -s option.
MYPROXY_SERVER_PORT Specifies the port where the myproxy-server is running. This environment variable can be used in place of the -p option.
MYPROXY_SERVER_DN Specifies the distinguished name (DN) of the myproxy-server. All MyProxy client programs authenticate the server's identity. By default, MyProxy servers run with host credentials, so the MyProxy client programs expect the server to have a distinguished name of the form "host/<fqhn>" or "myproxy/<fqhn>" (where <fqhn> is the fully-qualified hostname of the server). If the server is running with some other DN, you can set this environment variable to tell the MyProxy clients to accept the alternative DN.
X509_USER_CERT Specifies a non-standard location for the certificate from which the proxy credential is created by myproxy-init. It also specifies an alternative location for the server's certificate. By default, the server uses /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem when running as root or ~/.globus/usercert.pem when running as non-root.
X509_USER_KEY Specifies a non-standard location for the private key from which the proxy credential is created by myproxy-init. It also specifies an alternative location for the server's private key. By default the server uses /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem when running as root or ~/.globus/userkey.pem when running as non-root.
X509_USER_PROXY Specifies an alternative location for the server's certificate and private key (in the same file). Use when running the server with a proxy credential. Note that the proxy will need to be periodically renewed before expiration to allow the myproxy-server to keep functioning. When the myproxy-server runs with a non-host credential, clients must have the MYPROXY_SERVER_DN environment variable set to the distinguished name of the certificate being used by the server.
GLOBUS_LOCATION Specifies the root of the MyProxy installation, used to find the default location of the myproxy-server.config file and the credential storage directory.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH The MyProxy server is typically linked dynamically with Globus security libraries, which must be present in the dynamic linker's search path. This typically requires $GLOBUS_LOCATION/lib to be included in the list in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, which is set by the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/libexec/globus-script-initializer script, which should be called from any myproxy-server startup script. Alternatively, to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH appropriately for the Globus libraries in an interactive shell, source $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/ (for sh shells) or $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/globus-user.env.csh (for csh shells).
GT_PROXY_MODE Set to "old" to use the "legacy globus proxy" format. By default, MyProxy uses the RFC 3820 compliant proxy (also known as "proxy draft compliant") format. If GT_PROXY_MODE is set to "old", then myproxy-init will store a legacy proxy and myproxy-logon will retrieve a legacy proxy (if possible). Note that if the repository contains a proxy certificate, rather than an end-entity certificate, the retrieved proxy will be of the same type as the stored proxy, regardless of the setting of this environment variable.