
grid-cert-info — Display information obtained from a certificate



Tool description

grid-cert-info displays information contained in an X.509 certificate.

Command syntax

grid-cert-info [-help] [-file certfile] [-all] [-subject] [...]

Displays certificate information. Unless the optional -file argument is given, the default location of the file containing the certificate is assumed:

  • The location pointed to by the X509_USER_CERT.
  • If X509_USER_CERT not set, $HOME/.globus/usercert.pem.

Several options can be given. The output of

grid-cert-info -subject -issuer

is equivalent to that of

grid-cert-info -subject ; grid-cert-info -issuer


General options:

Table 7. Common command line options

-help, -usage Display usage
-version Display version
-file certfile |-f Use 'certfile' at non-default location

Options determining what to print from certificate:

Table 8. Certificate specific command line options

-all Whole certificate
-subject|-s Subject string of the cert
-issuer|-i Issuer
-startdate|-sd Validity of cert: start date
-enddate|-ed Validity of cert: end date


Nothing applicable