GT 4.0: Security: Pre-Web Services Authentication and Authorization

Table of Contents

Key Concepts
4.0.0 Release Notes
4.0.1 Release Notes
4.0.2 Release Notes
4.0.3 Release Notes
4.0.4 Release Notes
Admin Guide
User's Guide
Developer's Guide
Fact Sheet
Public Interfaces
Quality Profile
Migrating Guide
I. GT 4.0 Pre-WS AA Command Reference
grid-cert-info - Display information obtained from a certificate
grid-cert-request - Create a new certificate request
grid-default-ca - Set the default CA to use for certificate requests
grid-change-pass-phrase - Change the pass phrase on a private key
grid-proxy-init - Generate a new proxy certificate
grid-proxy-destroy - Destroy the current proxy certificate
grid-proxy-info - Display information obtained from a proxy certificate
grid-mapfile-add-entry - Add an entry to a grid map file
grid-mapfile-check-consistency - Check the internal consistency of a grid map file
grid-mapfile-delete-entry - Delete an entry from a grid map file
GT 4.0 Security Glossary