
grid-cert-request — Create a new certificate request



Tool description

grid-cert-request generates an X.509 certificate request.

Command syntax

grid-cert-request [-help] [ options ...]

Example Usage:

Creating a user certificate:


Creating a host or gatekeeper certificate:

 grid-cert-request -host []

Creating a LDAP server certificate:

 grid-cert-request -service ldap -host []


Table 9. Command line options

-versionDisplay version.
-?, -h, -helpDisplays help.
-usage Displays usage.
-cn <name>, -commonname <name>Common name of the user.
-service <service>Creates a certificate for a service. Requires the -host option and implies that the generated key will not be password protected (ie implies -nopw).
-host <FQDN>Creates a certificate for a host named <FQDN>.
-dir <dir_name> Changes the directory the private key and certificate request will be placed in. By default user certificates are placed in $HOME/.globus, host certificates are placed in /etc/grid-security and service certificates are placed in /etc/grid-security/<service>.
-prefix <prefix>Causes the generated files to be named <prefix>cert.pem, <prefix>key.pem and <prefix>cert_request.pem.
-nopw,-nodes,-nopassphraseCreates a certificate without a password.
-verboseDon't clear the screen.
-int[eractive]Prompts the user for each component of the DN.
-forceOverwrites preexisting certificates.
-caWill ask which CA is to be used (interactive).
-ca <hash>Will use the CA with hash value <hash>.


Nothing applicable