GT 4.0.2 Incremental Release Notes: Data Replication Service (DRS)

1. Introduction

These release notes are for the incremental release 4.0.2. It includes a summary of changes since 4.0.1, bug fixes since 4.0.1 and any known problems that still exist at the time of the 4.0.2 release. This page is in addition to the top-level 4.0.2 release notes at

For release notes about 4.0 (including feature summary, technology dependencies, etc) go to the DRS 4.0 Release Notes.

2. Changes Summary

As indicated in the release notes for the 4.0.1 release of the DRS, we have stabilized the interfaces to the service. The WSDL remains unchanged from the 4.0.1 release. The bug fixes for this release significantly improve the scalability of the service. We have tested concurrent operations and scalability and resolved problems in the DRS code as well as in its dependent components (Java WS Core and RFT) which affected DRS performance.

3. Bug Fixes

  • Bug 4202: Replication requests fail or perpetually pending due to erroneous RFT status code
  • Bug 4203: Internal replication operations performed synchronously due to WorkManager bug
  • Bug 4224: DRS misinterprets RFT failure status
  • Bug 4230: DRS deadlocks in thread scheduling

4. Known Problems

The following problems are known to exist for DRS at the time of the 4.0.2 release:

  • See Java WS Core buglist concerning container freeze, which may affect DRS performance: Bug 3502: Container freezes (CPU spin) when making remote call between ws-resources. See record for WORKAROUND.
  • Bug 4231: DRS does not implement subscription/notification

5. For More Information

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