GT 4.0 DRS: Developer's Guide

1. Introduction

This guide contains information of interest to developers working with DRS. It provides reference information for application developers, including APIs, architecture, procedures for using the APIs and code samples.

2. Before you begin

2.1. Feature summary

Features new in release GT 4.0.1:

  • Improved implementation of the Data Replication Service: a WS-Resource, called the Replicator, which accepts a request from a client to locate, transfer, and register new replicas of data files in the Grid environment.
  • A set of command-line tools to create (globus-replication-create), start (globus-replication-start), stop (globus-replication-stop), suspend (globus-replication-suspend), resume (globus-replication-resume) replication requests, and find item status (globus-replication-finditems).
  • WSDL-defined SOAP operations to create, start, stop, suspsend, and resume a replication request, along with operations to get the status of individual replicas in the request. For details, click here to view a listing of the WSDL-defined interface from the Globus CVS repository.
  • APIs to allows users to implement custom replica source selection algorithms.

Other Supported Features

  • Supports secure transport, secure conversation, and secure message communication as provided by GT 4.0.

Deprecated Features

  • Database-backed State Persistence: State is now maintained in memory and lasts only for the lifetime of the WS-Resource or as dictated by the service container. This change simplifies setup of the DRS. We intend to reintroduce other persistence model(s) after we have collected additional user feedback on the DRS.

2.2. Tested platforms

Tested Platforms for DRS

  • Linux (RedHat, Debian)

2.3. Backward compatibility summary

Protocol changes since GT version 3.2:

  • None

API changes since GT version 3.2:

  • None

Exception changes since GT version 3.2:

  • None

Schema changes since GT version 3.2:

  • None

2.4. Technology dependencies

DRS depends on the following GT components:

  • Java WS Core
  • WS Authentication and Authorization
  • Delegation Service
  • RFT
  • RLS

DRS depends on the following 3rd party software:

  • None

2.5. Security considerations

2.5.1. Service configuration files

The service configuration files such as the JNDI configuration file,jndi-config.xml, and the Web service deployment descriptor, server-config.wsdd, located in the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/globus_wsrf_replicator directory, contain sensitive information such as database username and password. It is important to ensure that these files are readable only by the system administrator that is responsible for the container. During deployment, the permissions on these files are adjusted automatically, however, you should verify the permissions to ensure that they have been correctly set for your specific platform.

2.5.2. Delegated proxy credential files

Creating a Replicator requires that the user supply a delegated credential to the DRS during the initial creation request. The service retrieves the delegated credential from the Delegation Service and stores it on the file system. As part of the DRS configuration (see installation and configuration instructions), the user selects a directory to use for storage of delegated credentials. The default setting is for the DRS to store the file in the system's designated temporary directory (e.g., /tmp on many platforms). The service sets the permissions on the temporary file such that it can only be accessed by the user account used to run the container.

3. Architecture and design overview

For a review of the DRS architecture and design please see Wide Area Data Replication for Scientific Collaboration.

4. Public interface

The semantics and syntax of the APIs for this component can be found in the public interface guide.

5. Usage scenarios

Not available.

6. Debugging

Not available.

7. Troubleshooting

Not available.

8. Related Documentation

Not available.