GT 4.0 Component Fact Sheet: Globus Teleoperations Control Protocol (GTCP, Tech Preview)

1. Brief component overview

Globus Teleoperations Control Protocol (GTCP) is a service interface for telecontrol. It is the WSRF version of the NEESgrid Teleoperations Control Protocol (NTCP), which is used to control heterogeneous physical and computational simulations coupled in geographically-distributed earthquake engineering experiments. It has also been used to control data acquisition systems (triggering the collection of data) and high-resolution cameras (triggering image acquisition) during earthquake engineering experiments, and, to a lesser extent, to control the positioning, focal length, etc. of electron microscopes in a neuroscience application.

GTCP exposes two interfaces: a WSRF-compliant service interface used by clients to control remote instruments and simulations, and a "plugin" interface to facilitate integrating new back ends (physical or computational simulation platforms) to the GTCP server. The plugin interface is a Java interface definition that includes methods for each platform-specific action; a new platform is integrated by writing a class that implements this interface definition

2. Summary of features

Features new in release GT 4.0:

  • GTCP is a new component; all features are new

Other Supported Features

  • GTCP is a new component; all features are new

Deprecated Features

  • None

3. Backward compatibility summary

Protocol changes since GT version 3.2:

  • GTCP is a new technology preview and was not present in GT version 3.2

API changes since GT version 3.2:

  • GTCP is a new technology preview and was not present in GT version 3.2

Exception changes since GT version 3.2:

  • GTCP is a new technology preview and was not present in GT version 3.2

Schema changes since GT version 3.2:

  • GTCP is a new technology preview and was not present in GT version 3.2

4. Technology dependencies

GTCP depends on the following GT components:

  • Globus Java WS Core

GTCP does not depend on any 3rd party software

5. Tested platforms

Tested Platforms for GTCP

  • Linux (i386)

6. Associated standards

Associated standards for GTCP:

  • WS-ResourceProperties

7. For More Information

Click here for more information about this component.