GT 4.0 Migrating Guide for OGSA-DAI

The following provides available information about migrating from previous versions of the Globus Toolkit.

1. Migrating from GT2

OGSA-DAI was not a GT2 component. There is no upgrade path from OGSA-DAI.

2. Migrating from GT3

The version of OGSA-DAI distributed with the Globus Toolkit 4.0.1 adds the new client toolkit libraries which were absent in the OGSA-DAI version distributed with Globus Toolkit 4.0.0, as well as a number of other additions which brings the functionality close to that found in the previous OGSI versions of OGSA-DAI.

The two remaining issues outstanding in this distribution are that message level security is not supported 'out of the box' and there is no support for concurrent requests, due to the removal of the OGSI based Grid Data Service Factory. Both of these issues will be remedied in the next release.

This release is suitable for evaluation and development of OGSA-DAI on the GT4.0.x platform, and the upgrade path to future releases for production systems should be straightforward.