GT 4.0.1 Incremental Release Notes: OGSA-DAI

1. Introduction

These release notes are for the incremental release 4.0.1. It includes a summary of changes since 4.0.0, bug fixes since 4.0.0 and any known problems that still exist at the time of the 4.0.1 release. This page is in addition to the top-level 4.0.1 release notes at

For release notes about 4.0 (including feature summary, technology dependencies, etc) go to the OGSA-DAI 4.0 Release Notes.

2. Changes Summary

No OGSA-DAI WSRF-specific changes have been made for this release.

The following general OGSA-DAI changes have been made for this release:

  • Core OGSA-DAI functionality (the engine and data resource connection classes) has been abstracted out into a service-level independent module. OGSA-DAI OGSI, WSI and WSRF share exactly the same core code. Core OGSA-DAI functionality and activities are now Globus-independent.
  • The namespaces of OGSA-DAI configuration, Perform and Response documents have been completely changed:

    • Perform and response documents are now declared within the namespace.
    • Data resource and activity configuration documents and roleMap documents are now declared within the namespace.
  • The deliverToStream activity now delivers to a URL of form http://HOST:PORT/WEBAPP/servlet/DeliverToStreamServlet?url=http://HOST:PORT/WEBAPP/ogsadai/DataService&streamId=NAME - gsh has been renamed to url.
  • Control flow constraints can now be expressed within Perform documents. This means you can ensure that one activity will not start until another has completed e.g. ensuring that a new table is not filled with data until it has been created.
  • Server-side exceptions outwith client control and authorisation failures have been refactored. The problems are logged in detail server-side and tagged with a unique ID. This ID, with a request to contract the service deployer, is returned to the client.
  • All OGSA-DAI data services now provide a getVersion operation which returns the OGSA-DAI flavour and version number.
  • GUI installation tools now allow required JARs to be selected via a file browser.
  • GUI installation tools now render yes/no options as check boxes.

3. Bug Fixes

No OGSA-DAI WSRF-specific bug fixes have been made for this release.

The following general OGSA-DAI bug fixes have been made for this release:

  • Client toolkit now raises an authorisation error if roleMapping fails server-side.
  • sqlQueryStatement activity can now retrieve BLOB or IMAGE fields from databases.
  • GridFTP-related delivery activities have had their JavaDoc, and the associated client toolkit JavaDoc revised to include details about how security credentials are used.
  • WebRowSet processing code for SQL activities no longer has option to make results human-readable.
  • Perform document schema property provided by OGSA-DAI service now includes required import statements.
  • Response documents constructed in-code now meet the Response document XML Schema.
  • User doc front page now includes link to JavaDoc in binary distributions.
  • Errors in stringTokenizerActivity JavaDoc have been corrected.
  • Various user doc revisions and corrections have been made.
  • GUI installation tools now no longer occasionally freeze.
  • Installation tools now no longer need to edit the Tomcat server configuration file so problems with its location or format no longer arise.

4. Known Problems

The following problems are known to exist for OGSA-DAI at the time of the 4.0.1 release:

  • Problems retrieving BLOBS

    When trying to retrieve BLOBs from a relational database you will get zero rows returned (or an error). The following error message will be logged:

    Base64Provider has not been set up with a Base64 implementation

    This will be fixed in the next release. In the meantime if you have the source version of the release, you can correct this bug by changing two files and rebuilding OGSA-DAI. See BLOB Error Workaround for details.

  • DeliverToStream activity is broken.

    The DeliverToStream activity has a bug in the WSRF implementation. The service URL passed to the servlet is 'null' rather than the correct URL.

    Thus where the documentation says the data will be available from a URL of the form:

    http://host:port/ogsa/servlet/DeliverToStreamServlet?url= http://host:port/ogsa/ogsadai/DataService&streamId=NAME

    It will actually be available from a URL in the form:


    This will be fixed for the next release.

  • Client toolkit asynchronous result set broken.

    The ResultSet object returned by the OutputStreamActivity class' getResultSet methods do not work for WSRF 1.0. This is because the code attempts to use the getNBlocks service operation which is not implemented in WSRF 1.0. This will be fixed in our next release.

    There are two possible work arounds to this problem:

    1. Use synchronous delivery. The ResultSet returned by the SQLQuery activity's getResultSet() method does work.
    2. Alter the client toolkit code to use the getBlock() service operation. Unfortunately this option will be very slow as only one row will be retrieved at a time.

5. For More Information

Click here for more information about this component.