GT 4.0.1 Incremental Release Notes: Workspace Management Service (WMS)

1. Introduction

These release notes are for the incremental release 4.0.1. It includes a summary of changes since 4.0.0, bug fixes since 4.0.0 and any known problems that still exist at the time of the 4.0.1 release. This page is in addition to the top-level 4.0.1 release notes at

For release notes about 4.0 (including feature summary, technology dependencies, etc) go to the WMS 4.0 Release Notes.

2. Changes Summary

The following changes have occurred for the Workspace Management Service (WMS) since 4.0.0 (the tech_preview_4 release is included):

  • Persistence was added, workspaces persist after container reboots
  • (optional) support for multiple workspaces per credential was added
  • The service will no longer compile without a separate download (see admin guide)
  • A queryPDP for use with other services (e.g., GRAM) was added
  • A banlistPDP was added for the workspace service itself, which allows a site to ban particular DNs and attributes (as well as ban clients from adding these entities to workspace access and management policies)

3. Bug Fixes

No bugs were fixed for Workspace Management Service (WMS).

4. Known Problems

No problems are known to exist for the Workspace Management Service (WMS) at the time of the 4.0.1 release.

5. For More Information

Click here for more information about this component.