Chapter 8. Accelerator Mode

Table of Contents
When to use Accelerator Mode
Accelerator Configuration Options
Related Configuration Options
Example Configurations

Some cache servers can act as web servers (or vis versa). These servers accept requests in both the standard web-request format (where only the path and filename are given), and in the proxy-specific format (where the entire URL is given).

The Squid designers have decided not to let Squid be configured in this way. This avoids various complicated issues, and reduces code complexity, making Squid more reliable. All in all, Squid is a web cache, not a web server.

By adding a translation layer into Squid, we can accept (and understand) web requests, since the format is essentially the same. The additional layer can re-write incoming web requests, changing the destination server and port. This re-written request is then treated as a normal request: the remote server is contacted, the data requested and the results cached. This lets you get Squid to pretend to be a web server, re-writing requests so that they are passed on to some other web server.

When to use Accelerator Mode

Accelerator mode should not be enabled unless you need it. There are a limited set of circumstances in which it is needed, so if one of the following setups applies to you, you should have a look at the remainder of this chapter.