Eventually, you will receive payment from your customers for outstanding invoices. To register these payments, use the Process Payment application found in
→ → .The Process Payment application consists of:
Payment Information - Customer - the
customer who paid you. If you remember the company name
you entered in the New Customer window for this customer,
start to type it in this field and GnuCash
will try auto complete
it for you. Else, press the button to access the Find
Customer window described in Section 12.5.2, “Find and Edit”. Highlight the customer
you are looking for with a click in the search results, then press the
Payment Information - Invoice - the invoice
for which payment was received. If you remember the invoice ID,
start to type it in this field and GnuCash
will try auto complete
it for you. Else, press the button to access the Find
Invoice window described in Section 12.6.4, “Find”. Highlight the invoice
you are looking for with a click in the search results, then press the
Payment Information - Date - the date you you received payment.
Payment Information - Amount - the amount of money received.
Payment Information - Num - the check number.
Payment Information - Memo - any comments about this payment.
Post To - the A/Receivable account to which to post this transaction.
Transfer Account - the account where the money will be deposited (a checking account for example).
Below is the GnuCash
Accounts Receivable payment window.
Process Payment Window