Up: Invoking gnutls-serv

8.4.2 Example server PSK connection

To set up a PSK server with gnutls-serv you need to create PSK password file (see Invoking psktool). In the example below, I type password at the prompt.

     $ ./psktool -u psk_identity -p psks.txt -n psk_identity_hint
     Enter password:
     Key stored to psks.txt
     $ cat psks.txt

After this, start the server pointing to the password file. We disable DHE-PSK.

     $ ./gnutls-serv --pskpasswd psks.txt  --pskhint psk_identity_hint --priority NORMAL:-DHE-PSK
     Set static Diffie-Hellman parameters, consider --dhparams.
     Echo Server ready. Listening to port '5556'.

You can now connect to the server using a PSK client (see Example client PSK connection).