A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


absoluteProjectPath(String) - Method in Project
AbstractArchiveTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling
AbstractArchiveTask is the base class for all archive tasks.
AbstractClasspathEntry - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
AbstractClasspathEntry(String) - Constructor in AbstractClasspathEntry
AbstractCompile - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
The base class for all JVM-based language compilation tasks.
AbstractCopyTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
AbstractCopyTask is the base class for all copy tasks.
AbstractCopyTask() - Constructor in AbstractCopyTask
AbstractDependencyReportTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.diagnostics
Displays the dependency tree for a configuration.
AbstractExecTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
AbstractExecTask is the base class for all exec tasks.
AbstractExecTask(Class<T>) - Constructor in AbstractExecTask
AbstractJettyRunTask - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty
Base class for all tasks which deploy a web application to an embedded Jetty web container.
AbstractLibrary - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
AbstractLibrary(FileReference) - Constructor in AbstractLibrary
AbstractLinkTask - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform.tasks
AbstractLinkTask() - Constructor in AbstractLinkTask
AbstractNativeCompileTask - Class in org.gradle.language.nativeplatform.tasks
Compiles native source files into object files.
AbstractNativeCompileTask() - Constructor in AbstractNativeCompileTask
AbstractNativePCHCompileTask - Class in org.gradle.language.nativeplatform.tasks
Compiles native header source files into object files.
AbstractNativeSourceCompileTask - Class in org.gradle.language.nativeplatform.tasks
Compiles native source files into object files.
AbstractNativeSourceCompileTask() - Constructor in AbstractNativeSourceCompileTask
AbstractOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
Base class for compilation-related options.
AbstractPublishToMaven - Class in org.gradle.api.publish.maven.tasks
Base class for tasks that publish a MavenPublication.
AbstractPublishToMaven() - Constructor in AbstractPublishToMaven
AbstractReportTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.diagnostics
The base class for all project report tasks.
AbstractReportTask() - Constructor in AbstractReportTask
AbstractScalaCompile - Class in org.gradle.language.scala.tasks
An abstract Scala compile task sharing common functionality for compiling scala.
AbstractScalaCompile(BaseScalaCompileOptions) - Constructor in AbstractScalaCompile
AbstractSignatureType - Class in org.gradle.plugins.signing.type
AbstractSignatureTypeProvider - Class in org.gradle.plugins.signing.type
accept(Artifact, File) - Method in PublishFilter
AccessRule - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
AccessRule(def, def) - Constructor in AccessRule
Action - Interface in org.gradle.api
Performs some action against objects of type T.
action(BuildAction<T>) - Method in ProjectConnection
Creates an executer which can be used to run the given action.
action(Scriptable, Context) - Method in RhinoWorkerUtils.DefaultScopeOperation
action(Scriptable, Context) - Method in RhinoWorkerUtils.ScopeOperation
add(String, Object, Closure) - Method in ArtifactHandler
Adds an artifact to the given configuration.
add(ArtifactRepository) - Method in ArtifactRepositoryContainer
Adds a repository to this container, at the end of the repository sequence.
add(String, Object, Closure) - Method in DependencyHandler
Adds a dependency to the given configuration, and configures the dependency using the given closure.
add(Map<String, String>) - Method in ExcludeRuleContainer
Adds an exclude rule to this container.
add(String, Object) - Method in ExtensionContainer
Adding an extension of name 'foo' will:
  • add 'foo' dynamic property
  • add 'foo' dynamic method that accepts a closure that is a configuration script block
  • add(FileCollection) - Method in FileCollection
    add(String, String, String) - Method in IvyExtraInfoSpec
    Puts the specified extra element into the list of extra info elements.
    add(T) - Method in NamedDomainObjectCollection
    Adds an object to the collection, if there is no existing object in the collection with the same name.
    addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in NamedDomainObjectCollection
    Adds any of the given objects to the collection that do not have the same name as any existing element.
    addArtifact(PublishArtifact) - Method in MavenDeployment
    Adds an additional artifact to this deployment.
    addArtifact(DependencyArtifact) - Method in ModuleDependency
    addAssetDir(File) - Method in PublicAssets
    Add an asset directory to this binary.
    addBooleanOption(String, boolean) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    addBuildListener(BuildListener) - Method in Gradle
    Adds a BuildListener to this Build instance.
    addClasspathEntry(Node, Map<String, ?>) - Method in AbstractClasspathEntry
    addConfiguration(ConfigurationContainer, DependencyHandler, EnvJsExtension) - Method in EnvJsPlugin
    addConfiguration(ConfigurationContainer, DependencyHandler, JsHintExtension) - Method in JsHintPlugin
    addDependency(ModuleDependency) - Method in ClientModule
    Add a dependency to the client module.
    addEnumOption(String, T) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    addFileOption(String, File) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    addFilter(String, Closure) - Method in PomFilterContainer
    Adds a publish filter.
    addFirst(ArtifactRepository) - Method in ArtifactRepositoryContainer
    Adds a repository to this container, at the start of the repository sequence.
    addInitScript(File) - Method in StartParameter
    Adds the given file to the list of init scripts that are run before the build starts.
    additionalClassDirs(FileCollection) - Method in JacocoReport
    Adds additional class directories to those that will be included in the report.
    additionalLinkFiles(FileCollection) - Method in StaticLibraryBinarySpec
    Add some additional files required by consumers of this library at link time.
    additionalSourceDirs(FileCollection) - Method in JacocoReport
    Adds additional source directories to be used for any classes included in the report.
    addLast(ArtifactRepository) - Method in ArtifactRepositoryContainer
    Adds a repository to this container, at the end of the repository sequence.
    addListener(Object) - Method in Gradle
    Adds the given listener to this build.
    addMapping(int, Configuration, String) - Method in Conf2ScopeMappingContainer
    addMultilineStringsOption(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    addOption(JavadocOptionFileOption<T>) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    addParticipant(File) - Method in GradleConnectionBuilder
    Adds a new participant build to this connection, returning a build for further configuration.
    addPathOption(String, String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    addPathVariable(String, File) - Method in PathFactory
    addProgressListener(ProgressListener, OperationType) - Method in ConfigurableLauncher
    addProgressListener(ProgressListener, OperationType) - Method in LongRunningOperation
    Adds a progress listener which will receive progress events as the operations of the requested type run.
    addProjectEvaluationListener(ProjectEvaluationListener) - Method in Gradle
    Adds a listener to this build, to receive notifications as projects are evaluated.
    addProtocolProviderJars(Collection<File>) - Method in MavenDeployer
    Out of the box only uploading to the filesysten and via http is supported.
    addResourceDir(File) - Method in JvmClasses
    Add a resource directory to this binary.
    addRule(String, Closure) - Method in NamedDomainObjectCollection
    Adds a rule to this collection.
    addSignatureSpecConventions(SignatureSpec) - Method in SigningExtension
    Adds conventions to the given spec, using this settings object's default signatory and signature type as the default signatory and signature type for the spec.
    addSignaturesToConfiguration(Sign, Configuration) - Method in SigningExtension
    addStandardErrorListener(StandardOutputListener) - Method in LoggingOutput
    Adds a listener which receives output written to standard error by the Gradle logging system.
    addStandardOutputListener(StandardOutputListener) - Method in LoggingOutput
    Adds a listener which receives output written to standard output by the Gradle logging system.
    addStringOption(String, String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    addStringsOption(String, String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    addTarTask(Project, Distribution) - Method in DistributionPlugin
    addTaskExecutionGraphListener(TaskExecutionGraphListener) - Method in TaskExecutionGraph
    addTaskExecutionListener(TaskExecutionListener) - Method in TaskExecutionGraph
    addTestListener(TestListener) - Method in Test
    Registers a test listener with this task.
    addTestOutputListener(TestOutputListener) - Method in Test
    Registers a output listener with this task.
    addToAntBuilder(Object, String) - Method in AntBuilderAware
    addToAntBuilder(Object, String) - Method in FileCollection
    Adds this collection to an Ant task as a nested node.
    addToAntBuilder(Object, String) - Method in PatternSet
    addToNode(Node) - Method in Dependency
    addToNode(Node) - Method in ModuleDependency
    addToNode(Node) - Method in ModuleLibrary
    addToNode(Node, PathFactory) - Method in ProjectLibrary
    addZipTask(Project, Distribution) - Method in DistributionPlugin
    afterActions(Task) - Method in TaskActionListener
    This method is called immediately after the task has completed performing its actions.
    afterConfigured - Field in GeneratorTask
    afterEach(Class<S>, Action<? super S>) - Method in ModelMap
    Applies the given action to each item of the given type in the collection, as each item is required.
    afterEach(Action<? super T>) - Method in ModelSet
    Apply the given action to each set element just before it is considered to be realised.
    afterEvaluate(Closure) - Method in Project
    afterEvaluate(Project, ProjectState) - Method in ProjectEvaluationListener
    afterExecute(Task, TaskState) - Method in TaskExecutionAdapter
    afterExecute(Task, TaskState) - Method in TaskExecutionListener
    This method is call immediately after a task has been executed.
    afterExecute(Task, TaskState) - Method in TaskExecutionLogger
    afterProject(Closure) - Method in Gradle
    Adds a closure to be called immediately after a project is evaluated.
    afterResolve(ResolvableDependencies) - Method in DependencyResolutionListener
    This method is called immediately after a set of dependencies are resolved.
    afterResolve(Closure) - Method in ResolvableDependencies
    Adds an action to be executed after the dependencies of this set have been resolved.
    afterSuite(Closure) - Method in Test
    afterSuite(TestDescriptor, TestResult) - Method in TestListener
    Called after a test suite is finished.
    afterTask(Closure) - Method in TaskExecutionGraph
    afterTest(Closure) - Method in Test
    Adds a closure to be notified after a test has executed.
    afterTest(TestDescriptor, TestResult) - Method in TestListener
    Called after an atomic test is finished.
    aggregate(Reporting<? extends ReportContainer<?>>) - Method in GenerateBuildDashboard
    Configures which reports are to be aggregated in the build dashboard report generated by this task.
    all(Object) - Method in ComponentMetadataHandler
    Adds a rule that may modify the metadata of any resolved software component.
    all(Object) - Method in ComponentSelectionRules
    Adds a rule-source backed component selection rule that will apply to all resolved components.
    all(Action<? super DependencySubstitution>) - Method in DependencySubstitutions
    Adds a dependency substitution rule that is triggered for every dependency (including transitive) when the configuration is being resolved.
    all(Closure) - Method in DomainObjectCollection
    Executes the given closure against all objects in this collection, and any objects subsequently added to this collection.
    all(Action<? super T>) - Method in ModelMap
    Applies the given action to each item in the collection, as each item is required.
    allComponents(Closure) - Method in ResolutionResult
    Applies given closure for each component.
    allDependencies(Closure) - Method in ResolutionResult
    Applies given closure for each dependency.
    allprojects(Action<? super Project>) - Method in Gradle
    Adds an action to execute against all projects of this build.
    allprojects(Closure) - Method in Project
    ALWAYS_ACCEPT - Field in PublishFilter
    analyze() - Method in SonarAnalyze
    and(Closure) - Method in AndSpec
    and(Collection<? extends Spec<? super T>>) - Method in Specs
    Returns a spec that selects the intersection of those items selected by the given specs.
    AndSpec - Class in org.gradle.api.specs
    A CompositeSpec which requires all its specs to be true in order to evaluate to true.
    AndSpec(Iterable<? extends Spec<? super T>>) - Constructor in AndSpec
    announce(String, String) - Method in AnnouncePluginExtension
    Sends an announcement of the given type.
    AnnouncePlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.announce
    This plugin allows to send announce messages to Twitter.
    AnnouncePluginExtension - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.announce
    AnnouncePluginExtension(ProjectInternal) - Constructor in AnnouncePluginExtension
    Announcer - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins.announce
    An Announcer allows messages to be sent.
    ANT_IVY_2_SLF4J_LEVEL_MAPPER - Field in Logging
    ant(Closure) - Method in Project
    AntBuilder - Class in org.gradle.api
    AntBuilderAware - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
    An AntBuilderAware represents an object which can add itself to Ant tasks, using an AntBuilder.
    AntGroovydoc - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.javadoc
    Generates groovy doc using Ant.
    AntGroovydoc(IsolatedAntBuilder, ClassPathRegistry) - Constructor in AntGroovydoc
    antlr(Closure) - Method in AntlrSourceVirtualDirectory
    Configures the Antlr source for this set.
    ANTLR_CONFIGURATION_NAME - Field in AntlrPlugin
    AntlrPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.antlr
    A plugin for adding Antlr support to java projects.
    AntlrPlugin(SourceDirectorySetFactory) - Constructor in AntlrPlugin
    AntlrSourceVirtualDirectory - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins.antlr
    Contract for a Gradle "convention object" that acts as a handler for what I call a virtual directory mapping, injecting a virtual directory named 'antlr' into the project's various source.
    AntlrTask - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.antlr
    Generates parsers from Antlr grammars.
    AntScalaDoc - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.scala
    AntScalaDoc(IsolatedAntBuilder, Iterable<File>, Iterable<File>) - Constructor in AntScalaDoc
    AntTarget - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.ant
    A task which executes an Ant target.
    ApiJar - Class in org.gradle.jvm.tasks.api
    Assembles an "API Jar" containing only the members of a library's public API.
    appDirName(String) - Method in EarPluginConvention
    Allows changing the application directory.
    append(boolean, String) - Method in RelativePath
    Appends the given names to the end of this path.
    appendNode(Node) - Method in AbstractClasspathEntry
    appendNode(Node) - Method in AbstractLibrary
    appendNode(Node) - Method in ClasspathEntry
    appendNode(Node) - Method in Facet
    appendNode(Node) - Method in Output
    appendNode(Node) - Method in SourceFolder
    appendNode(Node) - Method in WbDependentModule
    appendNode(Node) - Method in WbProperty
    appendNode(Node) - Method in WbResource
    Application - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A software application.
    ApplicationBinarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A binary produced from a `ApplicationSpec`.
    ApplicationPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    ApplicationPluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    ApplicationPluginConvention(Project) - Constructor in ApplicationPluginConvention
    ApplicationSpec - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A specification of a Application.
    AppliedPlugin - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins
    Represents a plugin that has been applied.
    apply(Project) - Method in AnnouncePlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in AntlrPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in ApplicationPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in AssemblerLangPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in AssemblerPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in BasePlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in BinaryBasePlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in BuildAnnouncementsPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in BuildDashboardPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in BuildInitPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in CdtIdePlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in ClangCompilerPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in CLangPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in CoffeeScriptBasePlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in CompareGradleBuildsPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in ComponentBasePlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in ComponentModelBasePlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in CPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in CppLangPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in CppPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in CUnitConventionPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in CUnitPlugin
    apply(ProjectInternal) - Method in DistributionPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in EarPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in EnvJsPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in GccCompilerPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in GoogleTestConventionPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in GoogleTestPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in GroovyBasePlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in GroovyPlugin
    apply(ProjectInternal) - Method in HelpTasksPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in IvyPublishPlugin
    apply(ProjectInternal) - Method in JacocoPlugin
    apply(ProjectInternal) - Method in JavaBasePlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in JavaLanguagePlugin
    apply(ProjectInternal) - Method in JavaLibraryDistributionPlugin
    apply(ProjectInternal) - Method in JavaPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in JavaScriptBasePlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in JettyPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in JsHintPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in JUnitTestSuitePlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in JvmComponentPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in JvmResourcesPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in LanguageBasePlugin
    apply(ProjectInternal) - Method in LifecycleBasePlugin
    apply(ProjectInternal) - Method in MavenPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in MavenPublishPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in MicrosoftVisualCppPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in NativeBinariesTestPlugin
    apply(ProjectInternal) - Method in NativeComponentModelPlugin
    apply(ProjectInternal) - Method in NativeComponentPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in ObjectiveCLangPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in ObjectiveCPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in ObjectiveCppLangPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in ObjectiveCppPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in OsgiPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in PlayApplicationPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in PlayCoffeeScriptPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in PlayJavaScriptPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in PlayPlugin
    apply(T) - Method in Plugin
    Apply this plugin to the given target object.
    apply(Map<String, ?>) - Method in PluginAware
    Applies a plugin or script, using the given options provided as a map.
    apply(Class<T>) - Method in PluginContainer
    Applies a plugin to the project.
    apply(Class<?>) - Method in PluginManager
    Applies the given plugin.
    apply(Project) - Method in ProjectReportsPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in PublishingPlugin
    apply(ProjectInternal) - Method in ReportingBasePlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in RhinoPlugin
    apply(String) - Method in Rule
    Applies this rule for the given unknown domain object.
    apply(Project) - Method in ScalaBasePlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in ScalaLanguagePlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in ScalaPlugin
    apply(Map<String, ?>) - Method in Script
    apply(Project) - Method in SigningPlugin
    apply(ProjectInternal) - Method in SonarPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in SonarRunnerPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in TestingModelBasePlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in VisualStudioPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in WarPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in WindowsResourceScriptPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in WindowsResourcesPlugin
    apply(Project) - Method in WrapperPlugin
    applyJettyXml() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    applyJettyXml() - Method in JettyRun
    applyJettyXml() - Method in JettyRunWar
    applyTo(CprojectDescriptor) - Method in CprojectSettings
    applyTo(TaskCollection) - Method in JacocoPluginExtension
    Applies Jacoco to all of the given tasks.
    applyTo(ProjectDescriptor) - Method in ProjectSettings
    Apply this logical model to the physical descriptor
    Architecture - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.platform
    A cpu architecture.
    architecture(String) - Method in NativePlatform
    Sets the cpu architecture being targeted.
    ARCHIVES_CONFIGURATION - Field in Dependency
    args(Iterable<?>) - Method in AbstractExecTask
    args(Iterable<?>) - Method in ExecSpec
    Adds arguments for the command to be executed.
    args(Iterable<?>) - Method in JavaExec
    args(Iterable<?>) - Method in JavaExecSpec
    Adds args for the main class to be executed.
    args(Iterable<?>) - Method in RhinoShellExec
    args(String) - Method in Tool
    Adds a number of arguments to be passed to the tool.
    ArmoredSignatureType - Class in org.gradle.plugins.signing.type.pgp
    Artifact - Interface in org.gradle.api.component
    An artifact of a software component that may be requested in the result of an artifact query.
    artifact(Object, Action<? super IvyArtifact>) - Method in IvyArtifactSet
    Creates and adds a IvyArtifact to the set, which is configured by the associated action.
    artifact(String) - Method in IvyPatternRepositoryLayout
    Adds an Ivy artifact pattern to define where artifacts are located in this repository.
    artifact(Object, Action<? super IvyArtifact>) - Method in IvyPublication
    Creates an IvyArtifact to be included in the publication, which is configured by the associated action.
    artifact(Object, Action<? super MavenArtifact>) - Method in MavenArtifactSet
    Creates and adds a MavenArtifact to the set, which is configured by the associated action.
    artifact(Object, Action<? super MavenArtifact>) - Method in MavenPublication
    Creates an MavenArtifact to be included in the publication, which is configured by the associated action.
    artifact(Closure) - Method in ModuleDependency
    ArtifactHandler - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl
    This class is for defining artifacts to be published and adding them to configurations.
    ArtifactIdentifier - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    The identifier for a module artifact.
    artifactPattern(String) - Method in IvyArtifactRepository
    Adds an independent pattern that will be used to locate artifact files in this repository.
    ArtifactRepository - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories
    A repository for resolving and publishing artifacts.
    ArtifactRepositoryContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    ArtifactResolutionControl - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.cache
    Command methods for controlling artifact resolution via the DSL.
    ArtifactResolutionQuery - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.query
    A builder to construct a query that can resolve selected software artifacts of the specified components.
    ArtifactResolutionResult - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.result
    The result of executing an artifact resolution query.
    ArtifactResult - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.result
    The result of resolving an artifact.
    artifacts(Closure) - Method in Project
    artifactUrls(Object) - Method in MavenArtifactRepository
    Adds some additional URLs to use to find artifact files.
    asBuilder() - Method in TextProvider
    Get the content as a StringBuilder, permitting direct modification.
    asElement() - Method in XmlProvider
    Returns the XML document as a DOM Element.
    asFile() - Method in TextResource
    Same as asFile(Charset.defaultCharset().name()).
    asMap() - Method in IvyExtraInfo
    Returns a map view of the 'extra' info elements such that each key is a javax.xml.namespace.QName representing the namespace and name of the element and each value is the content of the element.
    asNode() - Method in XmlProvider
    Returns the XML document as a Groovy groovy.util.Node.
    asReader() - Method in TextResource
    Returns an unbuffered Reader that allows the resource's text to be read.
    Assemble - Class in org.gradle.language.assembler.tasks
    Translates Assembly language source files into object files.
    Assemble() - Constructor in Assemble
    ASSEMBLE_TASK_NAME - Field in BasePlugin
    ASSEMBLE_TASK_NAME - Field in LifecycleBasePlugin
    AssemblerLangPlugin - Class in org.gradle.language.assembler.plugins
    Adds core Assembler language support.
    AssemblerPlugin - Class in org.gradle.language.assembler.plugins
    A plugin for projects wishing to build native binary components from Assembly language sources.
    AssemblerSourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.assembler
    A set of assembly language sources.
    assertNormalExitValue() - Method in ExecResult
    Throws an org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException if the process exited with a non-zero exit value.
    assertScalaClasspathIsNonEmpty() - Method in ScalaCompile
    asString() - Method in TextResource
    Returns a string containing the resource's text
    asString() - Method in XmlProvider
    Returns the XML document as a StringBuilder.
    asType(Class<?>) - Method in FileCollection
    Attributes - Interface in org.gradle.api.java.archives
    Represent the attributes of a manifest section.
    attributes(Map<String, ?>, String) - Method in Manifest
    Adds content to the given section of the manifest.
    Authentication - Interface in org.gradle.authentication
    Base interface for transport authentication schemes.
    authentication(Action<? super AuthenticationContainer>) - Method in AuthenticationSupported
    AuthenticationContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories
    Container for configuring repository authentication schemes of type Authentication.
    AuthenticationSupported - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories
    An artifact repository which supports username/password authentication.
    author() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    AwsCredentials - Interface in org.gradle.api.credentials
    Represents credentials used to authenticate with Amazon Web Services.


    BaseBinarySpec - Class in org.gradle.platform.base.binary
    Base class that may be used for custom BinarySpec implementations.
    BaseBinarySpec() - Constructor in BaseBinarySpec
    BaseComponentSpec - Class in org.gradle.platform.base.component
    Base class that may be used for custom GeneralComponentSpec implementations.
    BaseComponentSpec() - Constructor in BaseComponentSpec
    BaseExecSpec - Interface in org.gradle.process
    Specifies options for launching a child process.
    BaseForkOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
    Fork options for compilation.
    BaseLanguageSourceSet - Class in org.gradle.language.base.sources
    Base class that may be used for custom LanguageSourceSet implementations.
    BaseLanguageSourceSet() - Constructor in BaseLanguageSourceSet
    BasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    BasePlugin(ProjectPublicationRegistry, ProjectConfigurationActionContainer) - Constructor in BasePlugin
    BasePluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    BasePluginConvention(Project) - Constructor in BasePluginConvention
    BaseScalaCompileOptions - Class in org.gradle.language.scala.tasks
    Options for Scala platform compilation, excluding any options for compilation with Ant.
    BasicAuthentication - Interface in org.gradle.authentication.http
    Authentication scheme for basic access authentication over HTTP.
    BasicGradleProject - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.gradle
    Provides some basic details about a Gradle project.
    BasicIdeaProject - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.idea
    IdeaProject that does not provide/resolve any external dependencies.
    beforeActions(Task) - Method in TaskActionListener
    This method is called immediately before the task starts performing its actions.
    beforeApply() - Method in FindBugsPlugin
    beforeConfigured - Field in GeneratorTask
    beforeDeployment(Closure) - Method in MavenResolver
    Adds a closure to be executed immediately before a deployment to this resolver.
    beforeEach(Class<S>, Action<? super S>) - Method in ModelMap
    Applies the given action to each item of the given type in this collection, as each item is required.
    beforeEach(Action<? super T>) - Method in ModelSet
    Apply the given action to each set element just after it is created.
    beforeEvaluate(Closure) - Method in Project
    beforeEvaluate(Project) - Method in ProjectEvaluationListener
    This method is called immediately before a project is evaluated.
    beforeExecute(Task) - Method in TaskExecutionAdapter
    beforeExecute(Task) - Method in TaskExecutionListener
    This method is called immediately before a task is executed.
    beforeExecute(Task) - Method in TaskExecutionLogger
    beforeMerged(Closure) - Method in FileContentMerger
    Adds a closure to be called after content is loaded from existing file but before gradle build information is merged
    beforeProject(Closure) - Method in Gradle
    Adds a closure to be called immediately before a project is evaluated.
    beforeResolve(ResolvableDependencies) - Method in DependencyResolutionListener
    This method is called immediately before a set of dependencies are resolved.
    beforeResolve(Closure) - Method in ResolvableDependencies
    Adds an action to be executed before the dependencies in this set are resolved.
    beforeSuite(Closure) - Method in Test
    beforeSuite(TestDescriptor) - Method in TestListener
    Called before a test suite is started.
    beforeTask(Closure) - Method in TaskExecutionGraph
    beforeTest(Closure) - Method in Test
    Adds a closure to be notified before a test is executed.
    beforeTest(TestDescriptor) - Method in TestListener
    Called before an atomic test is started.
    belongsToChangingModule() - Method in ArtifactResolutionControl
    Binary - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A physical binary artifact, which can run on a particular platform or runtime.
    BinaryBasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.platform.base.plugins
    Base plugin for binaries support.
    BinaryContainer - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A container for project binaries, which represent physical artifacts that can run on a particular platform or runtime.
    BinarySignatureType - Class in org.gradle.plugins.signing.type
    BinarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    Represents a binary that is the result of building a component.
    BinaryTasks - Annotation Type in org.gradle.platform.base
    Declares the tasks to build a custom BinarySpec binary.
    BinaryTasksCollection - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A collection of tasks associated to a binary
    BinaryType - Annotation Type in org.gradle.platform.base
    No longer supported.
    bootClasspath(File) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    bootClasspath(File) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    bootstrapClasspath(Object) - Method in JavaExec
    bootstrapClasspath(Object) - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Adds the given values to the end of the bootstrap classpath for the process.
    bootstrapClasspath(Object) - Method in Test
    bottom(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    breakIterator() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    breakIterator() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    BrowserEvaluate - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.envjs.browser
    BrowserEvaluate() - Constructor in BrowserEvaluate
    BrowserEvaluator - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.envjs.browser
    BUILD_DASHBOARD_TASK_NAME - Field in BuildDashboardPlugin
    build() - Method in DependencySpecBuilder
    Builds a concrete immutable DependencySpec instance.
    BUILD_DEPENDENTS_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaBasePlugin
    build() - Method in GradleConnectionBuilder
    Builds the connection.
    build() - Method in GradleRunner
    Executes a build, expecting it to complete without failure.
    BUILD_GROUP - Field in BasePlugin
    BUILD_GROUP - Field in LifecycleBasePlugin
    BUILD_NEEDED_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaBasePlugin
    build() - Method in ProjectBuilder
    Creates the project.
    BUILD_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaBasePlugin
    BUILD_TASK_NAME - Field in LifecycleBasePlugin
    Buildable - Interface in org.gradle.api
    A Buildable represents an artifact or set of artifacts which are built by one or more Task instances.
    BuildableComponentSpec - Interface in org.gradle.api
    A ComponentSpec that is directly Buildable via a specified task.
    BuildableElement - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
    Represents an element which has Gradle tasks associated with it.
    BuildAction - Interface in org.gradle.tooling
    An action that executes against a Gradle build and produces a result of type T.
    BuildActionExecuter - Interface in org.gradle.tooling
    Used to execute a BuildAction in the build process.
    BuildActionFailureException - Class in org.gradle.tooling
    Thrown when a BuildAction fails.
    BuildActionFailureException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in BuildActionFailureException
    BuildAdapter - Class in org.gradle
    A BuildListener adapter class for receiving build events.
    buildAll(String, Project) - Method in ToolingModelBuilder
    buildAndFail() - Method in GradleRunner
    Executes a build, expecting it to complete with failure.
    BuildAnnouncementsPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.announce
    A plugin which announces interesting build lifecycle events.
    BuildCancelledException - Class in org.gradle.api
    BuildCancelledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in BuildCancelledException
    BuildCommand - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    BuildCommand(String, Map) - Constructor in BuildCommand
    buildCommand(String) - Method in EclipseProject
    Adds a build command to the eclipse project.
    BuildController - Interface in org.gradle.tooling
    Provides a BuildAction various ways to control a Gradle build and access information about the build.
    BuildDashboardPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.reporting.plugins
    Adds a task, "buildDashboard", that aggregates the output of all tasks that produce reports.
    BuildDashboardReports - Interface in org.gradle.api.reporting
    The reporting configuration for the GenerateBuildDashboard task.
    BuildEnvironment - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.build
    Informs about the build environment, like Gradle version or the Java home in use.
    BuildEnvironmentReportTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.diagnostics
    Provides information about the build environment for the project that the task is associated with.
    BuildEnvironmentReportTask() - Constructor in BuildEnvironmentReportTask
    builder() - Method in ProjectBuilder
    Creates a project builder.
    BuildException - Class in org.gradle.tooling
    Thrown when a Gradle build fails or when a model cannot be built.
    BuildException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in BuildException
    BuildExceptionReporter - Class in org.gradle
    A BuildListener which reports the build exception, if any.
    BuildExceptionReporter(StyledTextOutputFactory, LoggingConfiguration, BuildClientMetaData) - Constructor in BuildExceptionReporter
    buildFinished(BuildResult) - Method in BuildAdapter
    buildFinished(BuildResult) - Method in BuildExceptionReporter
    buildFinished(BuildResult) - Method in BuildListener
    buildFinished(BuildResult) - Method in BuildLogger
    buildFinished(BuildResult) - Method in BuildResultLogger
    buildFinished(Closure) - Method in Gradle
    Adds a closure to be called when the build is completed.
    BuildIdentifier - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
    Identifies a Gradle build.
    BuildInitPlugin - Class in org.gradle.buildinit.plugins
    The build init plugin.
    BuildInvocations - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.gradle
    A model providing access to Launchable instances that can be used to initiate Gradle build.
    BuildLauncher - Interface in org.gradle.tooling
    A BuildLauncher allows you to configure and execute a Gradle build.
    BuildListener - Interface in org.gradle
    BuildLogger - Class in org.gradle
    A BuildListener which logs the build progress.
    BuildLogger(Logger, StyledTextOutputFactory, StartParameter, BuildRequestMetaData) - Constructor in BuildLogger
    BuildResult - Class in org.gradle
    BuildResult(Gradle, Throwable) - Constructor in BuildResult
    BuildResultLogger - Class in org.gradle
    A BuildListener which logs the final result of the build.
    BuildResultLogger(StyledTextOutputFactory, Clock) - Constructor in BuildResultLogger
    buildscript(Closure) - Method in Project
    buildscript(Closure) - Method in Script
    Configures the classpath for this script.
    buildStarted(Gradle) - Method in BuildAdapter
    buildStarted(Gradle) - Method in BuildListener
    buildStarted(Gradle) - Method in BuildLogger
    buildStarted(Closure) - Method in Gradle
    Adds a closure to be called when the build is started.
    BuildTask - Interface in org.gradle.testkit.runner
    A task that was executed when running a specific build.
    BuildType - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    Specifies a build-type for a native binary.
    BuildTypeContainer - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    A container of BuildTypes.
    builtBy(Object) - Method in BuildableComponentSpec
    Adds tasks required to build this component.
    builtBy(Object) - Method in ConfigurableFileCollection
    Registers some tasks which build the files of this collection.
    builtBy(Object) - Method in ConfigurableFileTree
    Registers some tasks which build the files of this collection.
    builtBy(Object) - Method in ConfigurablePublishArtifact
    Registers some tasks which build this artifact.
    builtBy(Object) - Method in IvyArtifact
    Registers some tasks which build this artifact.
    builtBy(Object) - Method in MavenArtifact
    Registers some tasks which build this artifact.
    bzip2(Object) - Method in ResourceHandler
    Creates resource that points to a bzip2 compressed file at the given path.


    cacheChangingModulesFor(int, TimeUnit) - Method in ResolutionStrategy
    Sets the length of time that changing modules will be cached.
    cacheDynamicVersionsFor(int, TimeUnit) - Method in ResolutionStrategy
    Sets the length of time that dynamic versions will be cached.
    cacheFor(int, TimeUnit) - Method in ResolutionControl
    States that the cached value should be used if it is no older than the specified duration.
    canBuild(String) - Method in ToolingModelBuilder
    cancel() - Method in CancellationTokenSource
    Initiates cancel request.
    CancellationToken - Interface in org.gradle.tooling
    Token that propagates notification that an operation should be cancelled.
    CancellationTokenSource - Interface in org.gradle.tooling
    A CancellationTokenSource allows you to issue cancellation requests to one or more LongRunningOperation instances.
    captureStandardError(LogLevel) - Method in LoggingManager
    Requests that output written to System.err be routed to Gradle's logging system.
    captureStandardOutput(LogLevel) - Method in LoggingManager
    Requests that output written to System.out be routed to Gradle's logging system.
    CCompile - Class in org.gradle.language.c.tasks
    Compiles C source files into object files.
    CdtIdePlugin - Class in org.gradle.ide.cdt
    charSet(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    CHECK_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaBasePlugin
    CHECK_TASK_NAME - Field in LifecycleBasePlugin
    Checkstyle - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    Runs Checkstyle against some source files.
    Checkstyle() - Constructor in Checkstyle
    CheckstyleExtension - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    CheckstyleExtension(Project) - Constructor in CheckstyleExtension
    CheckstylePlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    CheckstyleReports - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    The reporting configuration for the Checkstyle task.
    childScope(Scriptable, ScopeOperation<R>) - Method in RhinoWorkerUtils
    CircularReferenceException - Class in org.gradle.api
    CircularReferenceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in CircularReferenceException
    Clang - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain
    The Clang tool chain.
    ClangCompilerPlugin - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain.plugins
    A Plugin which makes the Clang compiler available for compiling C/C++ code.
    CLangPlugin - Class in org.gradle.language.c.plugins
    Adds core C language support.
    ClassDirectoryBinarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.jvm
    An exploded binary containing resources and compiled class files.
    CLASSES_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaPlugin
    CLASSIFIER - Field in Dependency
    Classpath - Interface in org.gradle.jvm
    A collection of files to be used as a class path.
    Classpath() - Constructor in Classpath
    CLASSPATH_CONFIGURATION_NAME - Field in RhinoExtension
    CLASSPATH_CONFIGURATION - Field in ScriptHandler
    The name of the configuration used to assemble the script classpath.
    classpath(File) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    classpath(Closure) - Method in EclipseModel
    Configures eclipse classpath information
    classpath(Object) - Method in JavaExec
    classpath(Object) - Method in JavaExecSpec
    Adds elements to the classpath for executing the main class.
    classpath(File) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    classpath(Object) - Method in War
    Adds files to the classpath to include in the WAR archive.
    ClasspathEntry - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    Represents an entry in the Eclipse classpath.
    clean() - Method in Delete
    CLEAN_TASK_NAME - Field in BasePlugin
    CLEAN_TASK_NAME - Field in LifecycleBasePlugin
    ClientModule - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    To model a module in your dependency declarations.
    close() - Method in GradleConnection
    Closes this connection.
    close() - Method in ProjectConnection
    Closes this connection.
    CodeNarc - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    Runs CodeNarc against some source files.
    CodeNarc() - Constructor in CodeNarc
    CodeNarcExtension - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    CodeNarcExtension(Project) - Constructor in CodeNarcExtension
    CodeNarcPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    CodeNarcReports - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    The reporting configuration for the CodeNarc test.
    CodeQualityExtension - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    CoffeeScriptBasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.coffeescript
    CoffeeScriptCompile - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.coffeescript
    CoffeeScriptCompileOptions - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.coffeescript
    CoffeeScriptCompiler - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.coffeescript
    CoffeeScriptCompileSpec - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.coffeescript
    CoffeeScriptExtension - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.coffeescript
    CoffeeScriptSourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.coffeescript
    Represents a source set for CoffeeScript sources
    combinedExtension(File) - Method in AbstractSignatureType
    combinedExtension(File) - Method in SignatureType
    commandLine(Iterable<?>) - Method in AbstractExecTask
    commandLine(Iterable<?>) - Method in ExecSpec
    Sets the full command line, including the executable to be executed plus its arguments.
    CommandLineToolConfiguration - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain
    An executable tool that forms part of a tool chain.
    compare(T, T) - Method in Namer.Comparator
    CompareGradleBuilds - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.buildcomparison.gradle
    Executes two Gradle builds (that can be the same build) with specified versions and compares the outcomes.
    CompareGradleBuilds() - Constructor in CompareGradleBuilds
    CompareGradleBuildsPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.buildcomparison.gradle
    Preconfigures the project to run a gradle build comparison.
    compareTo(PgpKeyId) - Method in PgpKeyId
    compareTo(RelativePath) - Method in RelativePath
    compile() - Method in AbstractCompile
    compile(IncrementalTaskInputs) - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    compile() - Method in AbstractScalaCompile
    compile(CoffeeScriptCompileSpec) - Method in CoffeeScriptCompiler
    COMPILE - Field in Conf2ScopeMappingContainer
    COMPILE_CONFIGURATION - Field in PlayPluginConfigurations
    compile() - Method in GroovyCompile
    COMPILE_JAVA_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaPlugin
    compile() - Method in JavaCompile
    COMPILE_PRIORITY - Field in MavenPlugin
    COMPILE_TEST_JAVA_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaPlugin
    compile(IncrementalTaskInputs) - Method in WindowsResourceCompile
    compiledBy(Object) - Method in SourceSet
    Registers a set of tasks which are responsible for compiling this source set into the classes directory.
    CompileOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
    Main options for Java compilation.
    Component - Interface in org.gradle.api.component
    A software component that can be queried via the Artifact Query API.
    COMPONENT_DEPENDENCY_ATTRIBUTE - Field in AbstractClasspathEntry
    component(Closure) - Method in EclipseWtp
    Configures wtp component.
    COMPONENT_NON_DEPENDENCY_ATTRIBUTE - Field in AbstractClasspathEntry
    ComponentArtifactIdentifier - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.component
    An immutable identifier for an artifact that belongs to some component instance.
    ComponentArtifactsResult - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.result
    The result of successfully resolving a component with a set of artifacts.
    ComponentBasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.platform.base.plugins
    Base plugin for ComponentSpec support.
    ComponentBinaries - Annotation Type in org.gradle.platform.base
    Declares the binaries that should be built for a custom ComponentSpec type.
    ComponentIdentifier - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.component
    An opaque identifier for a component instance.
    ComponentMetadata - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    Provides a read-only view of a resolved component's metadata, which typically originates from a component descriptor (Ivy file, Maven POM).
    ComponentMetadataDetails - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    Describes a resolved component's metadata, which typically originates from a component descriptor (Ivy file, Maven POM).
    ComponentMetadataHandler - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl
    Allows the build to provide rules that modify the metadata of depended-on software components.
    ComponentModelBasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.language.base.plugins
    Base plugin for component support.
    ComponentModuleMetadata - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    Contains immutable component module metadata information.
    ComponentModuleMetadataDetails - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    Contains and allows configuring component module metadata information.
    ComponentModuleMetadataHandler - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl
    Allows to modify the metadata of depended-on software components.
    ComponentReport - Class in org.gradle.api.reporting.components
    Displays some details about the software components produced by the project.
    ComponentResult - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.result
    The result of resolving a component.
    components(Action<? super ComponentMetadataHandler>) - Method in DependencyHandler
    Configures component metadata for this project.
    COMPONENTS_TASK - Field in HelpTasksPlugin
    ComponentSelection - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    Represents a tuple of the component selector of a module and a candidate version to be evaluated in a component selection rule.
    componentSelection(Action<? super ComponentSelectionRules>) - Method in ResolutionStrategy
    The componentSelection block provides rules to filter or blacklist certain components from appearing in the resolution result.
    ComponentSelectionReason - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.result
    Answers the question why a component was selected during the dependency resolution.
    ComponentSelectionRules - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    Represents a container for component selection rules.
    ComponentSelector - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.component
    Represents some opaque criteria used to select a component instance during dependency resolution.
    ComponentSpec - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A software component that is built by Gradle.
    ComponentSpecContainer - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A container of software components.
    ComponentType - Annotation Type in org.gradle.platform.base
    Declares a custom ComponentSpec type.
    CompositeSpec - Class in org.gradle.api.specs
    A Spec which aggregates a sequence of other Spec instances.
    CompositeSpec(Iterable<? extends Spec<? super T>>) - Constructor in CompositeSpec
    Compression - Enum in org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling
    Specifies the compression which should be applied to a TAR archive.
    computeSonarProperties(Project, Map<String, Object>, Map<Project, ActionBroadcast<SonarProperties>>) - Method in SonarRunnerPlugin
    Conf2ScopeMapping - Class in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
    An immutable mapping to map a dependency configuration to a Maven scope.
    Conf2ScopeMapping(Integer, Configuration, String) - Constructor in Conf2ScopeMapping
    Constructs a Conf2ScopeMapping.
    Conf2ScopeMappingContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
    Defines a set of rules for how to map the Gradle dependencies to a POM.
    ConfigFile - Interface in org.gradle.ide.visualstudio
    A configuration file generated for Visual Studio.
    ConfigurableFileCollection - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
    ConfigurableFileTree - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
    ConfigurableLauncher - Interface in org.gradle.tooling
    A ConfigurableLauncher allows you to configure a long running operation.
    ConfigurablePublishArtifact - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    A PublishArtifact whose properties can be modified.
    ConfigurableReport - Interface in org.gradle.api.reporting
    A file based report to be created with a configurable destination.
    Configuration - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    A Configuration represents a group of artifacts and their dependencies.
    Configuration.Namer - Class in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    A Namer namer for configurations that returns getName().
    Configuration.State - Enum in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    The states a configuration can be into.
    CONFIGURATION_NAME - Field in EnvJsExtension
    CONFIGURATION_NAME - Field in JsHintExtension
    ConfigurationContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    ConfigurationCycleException - Class in org.gradle.model
    Thrown when a cycle is encountered while configuring a model element.
    ConfigurationCycleException(String) - Constructor in ConfigurationCycleException
    configurations(Action<? super IvyConfigurationContainer>) - Method in IvyPublication
    Defines some IvyConfigurations that should be included in the published ivy module descriptor file.
    configurations(Closure) - Method in Project
    configure(List) - Method in Classpath
    configure(Class<T>, Action<? super T>) - Method in ExtensionContainer
    Looks for the extension of the specified type and configures it with the supplied action.
    configure(Classpath) - Method in GenerateEclipseClasspath
    configure(Jdt) - Method in GenerateEclipseJdt
    configure(Project) - Method in GenerateEclipseProject
    configure(WtpComponent) - Method in GenerateEclipseWtpComponent
    configure(WtpFacet) - Method in GenerateEclipseWtpFacet
    configure(VisualStudioFiltersFile) - Method in GenerateFiltersFileTask
    configure(Module) - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
    configure(Project) - Method in GenerateIdeaProject
    configure(Workspace) - Method in GenerateIdeaWorkspace
    configure(VisualStudioProjectFile) - Method in GenerateProjectFileTask
    configure(Path, Set, Set, Set, Set, Boolean, Path, Path, Set, String, String) - Method in Module
    configure(Closure) - Method in NamedDomainObjectContainer
    configure(SigningExtension, Closure) - Method in PgpSignatoryProvider
    configure(Iterable<T>, Action<? super T>) - Method in Project
    Configures a collection of objects via an action.
    configure(T) - Method in PropertiesGeneratorTask
    configure(SigningExtension, Closure) - Method in SignatoryProvider
    Evaluates the given DSL-containing-closure as signatory configuration.
    configure(Closure) - Method in SignOperation
    Executes the given closure against this object.
    configure(Closure) - Method in Task
    configure(String, String, List) - Method in WtpComponent
    configure(List<Facet>) - Method in WtpFacet
    configure(T) - Method in XmlGeneratorTask
    configureConfigurations(ConfigurationContainer) - Method in WarPlugin
    configureDefaultOutputPathForJacocoMerge() - Method in JacocoPlugin
    configureDefaultRhinoDependency(Configuration, DependencyHandler, RhinoExtension) - Method in RhinoPlugin
    configureForSourceSet(SourceSet, Checkstyle) - Method in CheckstylePlugin
    configureForSourceSet(SourceSet, CodeNarc) - Method in CodeNarcPlugin
    configureForSourceSet(SourceSet, FindBugs) - Method in FindBugsPlugin
    configureForSourceSet(SourceSet, AbstractCompile) - Method in JavaBasePlugin
    configureForSourceSet(SourceSet, JDepend) - Method in JDependPlugin
    configureForSourceSet(SourceSet, Pmd) - Method in PmdPlugin
    configureIncrementalCompilation(ScalaCompileSpec) - Method in AbstractScalaCompile
    configureIncrementalCompilation(ScalaCompileSpec) - Method in ScalaCompile
    configureInstallTasks(Task) - Method in ApplicationPlugin
    configureJavaExec(JavaExecSpec) - Method in RhinoExtension
    configureRuntimeClasspath(JvmTestSuiteBinarySpecInternal, ServiceRegistry, ModelSchemaStore) - Method in JvmTestSuiteBasePlugin
    configureScanner() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    configureScanner() - Method in JettyRun
    configureScanner() - Method in JettyRunWar
    configureSpec(NativeCompileSpec) - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    configureSpec(NativeCompileSpec) - Method in AbstractNativeSourceCompileTask
    configureTaskDefaults(Checkstyle, String) - Method in CheckstylePlugin
    configureTaskDefaults(CodeNarc, String) - Method in CodeNarcPlugin
    configureTaskDefaults(FindBugs, String) - Method in FindBugsPlugin
    configureTaskDefaults(JDepend, String) - Method in JDependPlugin
    configureTaskDefaults(Pmd, String) - Method in PmdPlugin
    configureWebApplication() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    Subclasses should invoke this to setup basic info on the webapp.
    configureWebApplication() - Method in JettyRun
    configureWebApplication() - Method in JettyRunWar
    ConflictResolution - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    The conflict resolution
    connect() - Method in GradleConnector
    Creates a connection to the project in the specified project directory.
    consoleScanner - Field in AbstractJettyRunTask
    A scanner to check ENTER hits on the console.
    Container - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    Container(String) - Constructor in Container
    container(Class<T>, Closure) - Method in Project
    containers(String) - Method in EclipseClasspath
    Further classpath containers to be added.
    containerWithType(Class<U>) - Method in PolymorphicDomainObjectContainer
    Creates a regular container that wraps the polymorphic container presenting all elements of a specified type.
    contains(File) - Method in FileCollection
    Determines whether this collection contains the given file.
    containsKey(Object) - Method in ModelMap
    Returns true if this collection contains an item with the given name.
    containsValue(Object) - Method in ModelMap
    Returns true if this collection contains the given item.
    contentEquals(Dependency) - Method in Dependency
    Returns whether two dependencies have identical values for their properties.
    ContentFilterable - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
    Represents some binary resource whose content can be filtered.
    contents(Action<? super CopySpec>) - Method in Distribution
    Configures the contents of the distribution.
    contributeCommandLineOptions(ExecSpec) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    contributeCommandLineOptions(ExecSpec) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    Convention - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins
    ConventionProperty - Class in org.gradle.api.dsl
    ConventionProperty can be assigned but cannot be mutated (even if the object is mutable!)
    ConventionValue - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
    A ConventionValue can be assigned to a org.gradle.api.internal.IConventionAware task.
    convert() - Method in ModelToPropertiesConverter
    convertClosureToSpec(Closure) - Method in Specs
    Copy - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
    Copies files into a destination directory.
    copy() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    copy() - Method in ClientModule
    copy(Closure) - Method in Configuration
    Takes a closure which gets coerced into a Spec.
    copy() - Method in Dependency
    Creates and returns a new dependency with the property values of this one.
    copy() - Method in ExternalDependency
    copy() - Method in ExternalModuleDependency
    copy() - Method in ModuleDependency
    copy() - Method in ProcessResources
    copy(Action<? super CopySpec>) - Method in Project
    Copies the specified files.
    copy() - Method in ProjectDependency
    copy(Closure) - Method in Script
    Copy the specified files.
    copyFrom(PatternFilterable) - Method in PatternSet
    CopyProcessingSpec - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
    Specifies the destination of a copy.
    copyRecursive(Closure) - Method in Configuration
    Takes a closure which gets coerced into a Spec.
    CopySourceSpec - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
    Specifies sources for a file copy.
    CopySpec - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
    A set of specifications for copying files.
    copySpec() - Method in Project
    Creates a CopySpec which can later be used to copy files or create an archive.
    copySpec(Closure) - Method in Script
    Creates a CopySpec which can later be used to copy files or create an archive.
    copyTo(ProcessForkOptions) - Method in AbstractExecTask
    copyTo(File) - Method in FileTreeElement
    Copies this file to the given target file.
    copyTo(ProcessForkOptions) - Method in JavaExec
    copyTo(JavaForkOptions) - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Copies these options to the given options.
    copyTo(ProcessForkOptions) - Method in ProcessForkOptions
    Copies these options to the given target options.
    copyTo(JavaForkOptions) - Method in Test
    CoreJavadocOptions - Class in org.gradle.external.javadoc
    Provides the core Javadoc Options.
    CoreJavadocOptions(JavadocOptionFile) - Constructor in CoreJavadocOptions
    CPlugin - Class in org.gradle.language.c.plugins
    A plugin for projects wishing to build native binary components from C sources.
    CppCompile - Class in org.gradle.language.cpp.tasks
    Compiles C++ source files into object files.
    CppLangPlugin - Class in org.gradle.language.cpp.plugins
    Adds core C++ language support.
    CppPlugin - Class in org.gradle.language.cpp.plugins
    A plugin for projects wishing to build native binary components from C++ sources.
    CppPreCompiledHeaderCompile - Class in org.gradle.language.cpp.tasks
    Compiles C++ header source files into object files.
    CppSourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.cpp
    A set of C++ source files.
    CPreCompiledHeaderCompile - Class in org.gradle.language.c.tasks
    Compiles C header source files into object files.
    CprojectDescriptor - Class in org.gradle.ide.cdt.model
    The actual .cproject descriptor file.
    CprojectDescriptor() - Constructor in CprojectDescriptor
    CprojectSettings - Class in org.gradle.ide.cdt.model
    Exposes a more logical view of the actual .cproject descriptor file
    CprojectSettings(NativeComponentSpec, ProjectInternal) - Constructor in CprojectSettings
    create(Class<? extends BinarySpec>, Class<T>, ComponentSpecIdentifier, MutableModelNode, MutableModelNode, Instantiator, ITaskFactory) - Method in BaseBinarySpec
    create(Class<? extends LanguageSourceSet>, Class<T>, ComponentSpecIdentifier, SourceDirectorySetFactory) - Method in BaseLanguageSourceSet
    create(String, Class<T>, Action<? super T>) - Method in BinaryTasksCollection
    create(Object, Closure) - Method in DependencyHandler
    Creates a dependency without adding it to a configuration, and configures the dependency using the given closure.
    create(String, Class<T>, Object) - Method in ExtensionContainer
    Adds a new extension to this container, that itself is dynamically made ExtensionAware.
    create() - Method in GenerateEclipseClasspath
    create() - Method in GenerateEclipseJdt
    create() - Method in GenerateEclipseProject
    create() - Method in GenerateEclipseWtpComponent
    create() - Method in GenerateEclipseWtpFacet
    create() - Method in GenerateFiltersFileTask
    create() - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
    create() - Method in GenerateIdeaProject
    create() - Method in GenerateIdeaWorkspace
    create() - Method in GenerateProjectFileTask
    create() - Method in GradleRunner
    Creates a new Gradle runner.
    create(String, Class<S>, Action<? super S>) - Method in ModelMap
    Defines an item with the given name and type.
    create(Action<? super T>) - Method in ModelSet
    Declares a new set element, configured by the given action.
    create(String, Action<? super T>) - Method in NamedDomainObjectContainer
    Creates a new item with the given name, adding it to this container, then configuring it with the given action.
    create(String) - Method in NamedDomainObjectFactory
    Creates a new object with the given name.
    create(String, Class<U>, Action<? super U>) - Method in PolymorphicDomainObjectContainer
    Creates a domain object with the specified name and type, adds it to the container, and configures it with the specified action.
    create() - Method in PropertiesGeneratorTask
    create(Iterable<File>, Class<T>, Class<? extends T>, LogLevel, Action<JavaExecSpec>) - Method in RhinoWorkerHandleFactory
    create(String, Class<T>, Action<? super T>) - Method in TaskContainer
    create() - Method in XmlGeneratorTask
    createAntBuilder() - Method in Project
    createApiJar() - Method in ApiJar
    createArtifactResolutionQuery() - Method in DependencyHandler
    Creates an artifact resolution query.
    createCompileSpec() - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    createCompileSpec() - Method in CCompile
    createCompileSpec() - Method in CppCompile
    createCompileSpec() - Method in CppPreCompiledHeaderCompile
    createCompileSpec() - Method in CPreCompiledHeaderCompile
    createCompileSpec() - Method in ObjectiveCCompile
    createCompileSpec() - Method in ObjectiveCppCompile
    createCompileSpec() - Method in ObjectiveCppPreCompiledHeaderCompile
    createCompileSpec() - Method in ObjectiveCPreCompiledHeaderCompile
    createCopyAction() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    createCopyAction() - Method in Copy
    createCopyAction() - Method in Sync
    createCopyAction() - Method in Tar
    createCopyAction() - Method in Zip
    createExtension() - Method in CheckstylePlugin
    createExtension() - Method in CodeNarcPlugin
    createExtension() - Method in FindBugsPlugin
    createExtension() - Method in JDependPlugin
    createExtension() - Method in PmdPlugin
    createId(String) - Method in CprojectDescriptor
    createLinkerSpec() - Method in AbstractLinkTask
    createLinkerSpec() - Method in LinkExecutable
    createLinkerSpec() - Method in LinkSharedLibrary
    createRootSpec() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    createRootSpec() - Method in Copy
    createRootSpec() - Method in Sync
    createServer() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    create a proxy that wraps a particular jetty version Server object.
    createServer() - Method in JettyRun
    createServer() - Method in JettyRunWar
    createSignatory(String, PGPSecretKey, String) - Method in PgpSignatoryFactory
    createSignatoryProvider() - Method in SigningExtension
    Provides the signatory provider.
    createSignatureGenerator() - Method in PgpSignatory
    createSignatureTypeProvider() - Method in SigningExtension
    Provides the signature type provider.
    createSpec() - Method in AbstractScalaCompile
    CreateStartScripts - Class in org.gradle.jvm.application.tasks
    Creates start scripts for launching JVM applications.
    CreateStaticLibrary - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform.tasks
    Assembles a static library from object files.
    CreateStaticLibrary() - Constructor in CreateStaticLibrary
    Credentials - Interface in org.gradle.api.credentials
    Base interface for credentials used for different authentication purposes.
    credentials(Class<T>, Action<? super T>) - Method in AuthenticationSupported
    Configures the credentials for this repository using the supplied action.
    CSourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.c
    A set of C source files.
    CUnitConventionPlugin - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.cunit.plugins
    A plugin that applies the CUnitPlugin and adds conventions on top of it.
    CUnitPlugin - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.cunit.plugins
    A plugin that sets up the infrastructure for testing native binaries with CUnit.
    CUnitTestSuiteBinarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.cunit
    An executable which run a CUnit test suite.
    CUnitTestSuiteSpec - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.cunit
    Test suite of CUnit tests.
    current() - Method in JavaVersion
    Returns the version of the current JVM.
    CustomizableHtmlReport - Interface in org.gradle.api.reporting
    A HTML Report whose generation can be customized with a XSLT stylesheet.


    daemonServer - Field in ScalaCompileOptions
    database(Closure) - Method in SonarRootModel
    Configures database configuration options.
    debug(Map<String, Object>) - Method in CompileOptions
    Convenience method to set DebugOptions with named parameter syntax.
    debug(String, Object) - Method in Logger
    Multiple-parameters friendly debug method
    debug(Action<TestLogging>) - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Configures logging options for debug level.
    DebugOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
    Debug options for Java compilation.
    DEFAULT_ARTIFACT_POM_NAME - Field in PomFilterContainer
    DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR_NAME - Field in Project
    The default build directory name.
    DEFAULT_BUILD_FILE - Field in Project
    The default project build file name.
    DEFAULT_CHECKSTYLE_VERSION - Field in CheckstylePlugin
    DEFAULT_CODENARC_VERSION - Field in CodeNarcPlugin
    DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION - Field in Dependency
    DEFAULT_DEPENDENCY_GROUP - Field in EnvJsExtension
    DEFAULT_DEPENDENCY_GROUP - Field in JsHintExtension
    DEFAULT_DEPENDENCY_MODULE - Field in EnvJsExtension
    DEFAULT_DEPENDENCY_MODULE - Field in JsHintExtension
    DEFAULT_DEPENDENCY_VERSION - Field in EnvJsExtension
    DEFAULT_DEPENDENCY_VERSION - Field in JsHintExtension
    DEFAULT_EXTENSION - Field in Jar
    DEFAULT_FINDBUGS_VERSION - Field in FindBugsPlugin
    DEFAULT_GRADLE_USER_HOME - Field in StartParameter
    The default user home directory.
    DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT - Field in PlayApplicationPlugin
    DEFAULT_JDEPEND_VERSION - Field in JDependPlugin
    DEFAULT_JS_DEPENDENCY_GROUP - Field in CoffeeScriptExtension
    DEFAULT_JS_DEPENDENCY_MODULE - Field in CoffeeScriptExtension
    DEFAULT_JS_DEPENDENCY_VERSION - Field in CoffeeScriptExtension
    DEFAULT_MAVEN_CENTRAL_REPO_NAME - Field in ArtifactRepositoryContainer
    DEFAULT_MAVEN_DEPLOYER_NAME - Field in MavenRepositoryHandlerConvention
    DEFAULT_MAVEN_INSTALLER_NAME - Field in MavenRepositoryHandlerConvention
    DEFAULT_MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO_NAME - Field in ArtifactRepositoryContainer
    DEFAULT_PMD_VERSION - Field in PmdPlugin
    DEFAULT_REPORTS_DIR_NAME - Field in ReportingExtension
    The default name of the base directory for all reports, relative to Project.getBuildDir ({@value}).
    DEFAULT_RHINO_DEPENDENCY_GROUP - Field in RhinoExtension
    DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE - Field in Settings
    DEFAULT_SONAR_RUNNER_VERSION - Field in SonarRunnerRootExtension
    The version of Sonar Runner used if another version was not specified with setToolVersion(String).
    DEFAULT_STATUS - Field in Module
    DEFAULT_STATUS - Field in Project
    DEFAULT_TASKS - Field in CompareGradleBuilds
    DEFAULT_TYPE - Field in DependencyArtifact
    DEFAULT_VERSION - Field in Project
    defaultDependencies(Action<? super DependencySet>) - Method in Configuration
    Execute the given action if the configuration has no defined dependencies when it first participates in dependency resolution.
    defaultImplementation(Class<?>) - Method in TypeBuilder
    Allows the plugin to register the implementation type.
    Defaults - Annotation Type in org.gradle.model
    Denotes that the RuleSource method rule carrying this annotation initializes the rule subject with default values.
    DefaultSignatureTypeProvider - Class in org.gradle.plugins.signing.type
    DefaultSignatureTypeProvider() - Constructor in DefaultSignatureTypeProvider
    DefaultTask - Class in org.gradle.api
    DefaultTask is the standard Task implementation.
    defaultTasks(String) - Method in Project
    DeferredConfigurable - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.plugins
    Indicates that the annotated object is designed to be configured only once, and that changes to configuration inputs made after configuration should not be allowed.
    define(Map<String, Object>) - Method in AbstractOptions
    define(String, String) - Method in PreprocessingTool
    Defines a named preprocessor macro with a value, which will be used when compiling this binary.
    Delete - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
    delete(Object) - Method in Delete
    Adds some files to be deleted by this task.
    delete(Object) - Method in DeleteAction
    Deletes files and directories.
    delete(Object) - Method in DeleteSpec
    Specifies the files to delete.
    delete(Action<? super DeleteSpec>) - Method in Project
    Deletes the specified files.
    delete(Object) - Method in Script
    Deletes files and directories.
    DeleteAction - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
    Deletes files and directories.
    deleteAllActions() - Method in Task
    DeleteSpec - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
    A specification for deleting files from the filesystem.
    depend(Map<String, Object>) - Method in CompileOptions
    Convenience method to set DependOptions with named parameter syntax.
    dependencies(Closure<?>) - Method in JvmApiSpec
    Specify the dependencies of this API.
    dependencies(Closure) - Method in Project
    dependencies(Closure) - Method in ScriptHandler
    Configures the dependencies for the script.
    DEPENDENCIES_TASK - Field in HelpTasksPlugin
    Dependency - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
    Represents a dependency of an IDEA module.
    DEPENDENCY_INSIGHT_TASK - Field in HelpTasksPlugin
    DEPENDENCY_REPORT - Field in ProjectReportsPlugin
    DependencyArtifact - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    DependencyHandler - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl
    DependencyInsightReportTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.diagnostics
    Generates a report that attempts to answer questions like:
    • Why is this dependency in the dependency graph?
    DependencyReportContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.reporting.dependencies
    The set of reports that can be generated by the HtmlDependencyReportTask task type.
    DependencyReportTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.diagnostics
    Displays the dependency tree for a project.
    DependencyResolutionControl - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.cache
    Command methods for controlling dependency resolution via the DSL.
    DependencyResolutionListener - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    A DependencyResolutionListener is notified as dependencies are resolved.
    DependencyResolveDetails - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    Provides details about a dependency when it is resolved.
    DependencyResult - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.result
    An edge in the dependency graph.
    DependencySet - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    A set of artifact dependencies.
    DependencySpec - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A dependency onto a Gradle component.
    DependencySpecBuilder - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A builder of a DependencySpec.
    DependencySpecContainer - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A container for dependency specifications.
    DependencySubstitution - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    Provides means to substitute a different dependency during resolution.
    dependencySubstitution(Action<? super DependencySubstitutions>) - Method in ResolutionStrategy
    Configures the set of dependency substitution rules for this configuration.
    DependencySubstitutions - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    Allows replacing dependencies with other dependencies.
    DependencySubstitutions.Substitution - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    Provides a DSL-friendly mechanism for specifying the target of a substitution.
    DependentSourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.nativeplatform
    A source set that depends on one or more NativeDependencySets to be built.
    DependOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
    Options for the Ant Depend task.
    dependsOn(Object) - Method in Task
    dependsOnTaskDidWork() - Method in Task
    DeploymentDescriptor - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.ear.descriptor
    A deployment descriptor such as application.xml.
    deploymentDescriptor(Closure) - Method in Ear
    Configures the deployment descriptor for this EAR archive.
    deploymentDescriptor(Closure) - Method in EarPluginConvention
    Configures the deployment descriptor for this EAR archive.
    depthCompare(Project) - Method in Project
    descriptor(Action<? super IvyModuleDescriptorSpec>) - Method in IvyPublication
    Configures the descriptor that will be published.
    destinationDirectory(File) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    destinationDirectory(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    detachedConfiguration(Dependency) - Method in ConfigurationContainer
    Creates a configuration, but does not add it to this container.
    determineName(Configuration) - Method in Configuration.Namer
    determineName(Named) - Method in Named.Namer
    determineName(T) - Method in Namer
    Determines the name of the given object.
    determineName(Task) - Method in Task.Namer
    DigestAuthentication - Interface in org.gradle.authentication.http
    Authentication scheme for digest access authentication over HTTP.
    dir(Object) - Method in FlatDirectoryArtifactRepository
    Adds a directory where this repository will look for artifacts.
    dir(Object) - Method in SourceSetOutput
    Registers an extra output dir.
    dir(Object) - Method in TaskInputs
    Registers an input directory hierarchy.
    dir(Object) - Method in TaskOutputs
    Registers an output directory for this task.
    DirectoryReport - Interface in org.gradle.api.reporting
    A directory based report to be created.
    DirectoryTree - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
    dirs(Object) - Method in FlatDirectoryArtifactRepository
    Adds some directories where this repository will look for artifacts.
    DIST_LIFECYCLE_TASK_NAME - Field in PlayDistributionPlugin
    Distribution - Interface in org.gradle.api.distribution
    A distribution allow to bundle an application or a library including dependencies,sources...
    DISTRIBUTION_GROUP - Field in PlayDistributionPlugin
    DistributionContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.distribution
    A DistributionContainer manages a set of Distribution objects.
    DistributionPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.distribution.plugins
    DistributionPlugin(Instantiator, FileOperations) - Constructor in DistributionPlugin
    docEncoding(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    docFilesSubDirs() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    doclet(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    doclet(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    docletpath(File) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    docletpath(File) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    doCompile() - Method in CoffeeScriptCompile
    doCompile() - Method in PlayCoffeeScriptCompile
    doCopyFrom(PatternSet) - Method in PatternSet
    docTitle(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    DOCUMENTATION_GROUP - Field in JavaBasePlugin
    doFirst(Closure) - Method in Task
    doGenerate() - Method in GenerateIvyDescriptor
    doGenerate() - Method in GenerateMavenPom
    doJsHint() - Method in JsHint
    doLast(Closure) - Method in Task
    domainObject - Field in GeneratorTask
    DomainObjectCollection - Interface in org.gradle.api
    DomainObjectSet - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
    A set of domain objects of type T.
    doSignOperation(Closure) - Method in SigningExtension
    Dsl - Class in org.gradle.plugins.signing.signatory.pgp
    Dsl(Project, Map<String, PgpSignatory>, PgpSignatoryFactory) - Constructor in Dsl
    DuplicateFileCopyingException - Class in org.gradle.api.file
    Thrown when more than one file with the same relative path name is to be copied and the DuplicatesStrategy is set to DuplicatesStrategy.FAIL
    DuplicateFileCopyingException(String) - Constructor in DuplicateFileCopyingException
    DuplicatesStrategy - Enum in org.gradle.api.file
    Strategies for dealing with the potential creation of duplicate files for or archive entries.


    Each - Annotation Type in org.gradle.model
    Signals that a RuleSource rule should be applied to all matching descendant elements of the scope instead of the scope itself.
    eachArtifact(Action<? super ArtifactResolutionControl>) - Method in ResolutionRules
    Apply a rule to control resolution of artifacts.
    eachDependency(Action<? super DependencyResolutionControl>) - Method in ResolutionRules
    Apply a rule to control resolution of dependencies.
    eachDependency(Action<? super DependencyResolveDetails>) - Method in ResolutionStrategy
    Adds a dependency substitution rule that is triggered for every dependency (including transitive) when the configuration is being resolved.
    eachEntry(Closure<?>) - Method in ManifestMergeSpec
    Adds an action to be applied to each key-value tuple in a merge operation.
    eachFile(Closure) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    eachFile(Closure) - Method in CopyProcessingSpec
    Adds an action to be applied to each file as it about to be copied into its destination.
    eachFile(Closure) - Method in CopySpec
    eachModule(Action<? super ModuleResolutionControl>) - Method in ResolutionRules
    Apply a rule to control resolution of modules.
    eachPlatform(Action<? super GccPlatformToolChain>) - Method in GccCompatibleToolChain
    Adds an action that can fine-tune the tool configuration for each platform supported by this tool chain.
    eachPlatform(Action<? super VisualCppPlatformToolChain>) - Method in VisualCpp
    Adds an action that can fine-tune the tool configuration for each platform supported by this tool chain.
    Ear - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ear
    Assembles an EAR archive.
    Ear() - Constructor in Ear
    EAR_EXTENSION - Field in Ear
    EAR_TASK_NAME - Field in EarPlugin
    EarModule - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.ear.descriptor
    A module element in a deployment descriptor like application.xml.
    EarPlugin - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ear
    EarPlugin(Instantiator, FileResolver) - Constructor in EarPlugin
    EarPluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ear
    EarPluginConvention(FileResolver, Instantiator) - Constructor in EarPluginConvention
    EarSecurityRole - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.ear.descriptor
    A security-role element in a deployment descriptor like application.xml.
    EarWebModule - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.ear.descriptor
    A module element in a deployment descriptor like application.xml that has a web child element.
    EclipseBuildCommand - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.eclipse
    An Eclipse build command is a reference to a project builder object which automatically executes whenever a resource in the associate project changes.
    EclipseClasspath - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    The build path settings for the generated Eclipse project.
    EclipseClasspath(Project) - Constructor in EclipseClasspath
    EclipseDomainModel - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    For now, we only need the Project.
    EclipseJavaSourceSettings - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.eclipse
    Describes Eclipse Java source settings for compiling and running some Java source code.
    EclipseJdt - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    Enables fine-tuning jdt details of the Eclipse plugin
    EclipseJdt(PropertiesFileContentMerger) - Constructor in EclipseJdt
    EclipseLinkedResource - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.eclipse
    Linked resources are files and folders that are stored in locations in the file system outside of the project's location.
    EclipseModel - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    DSL-friendly model of the Eclipse project information.
    EclipsePlugin - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse
    EclipsePlugin(Instantiator) - Constructor in EclipsePlugin
    EclipseProject - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    Enables fine-tuning project details (.project file) of the Eclipse plugin
    EclipseProject.DeprecationWarningDecoratedProject - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    EclipseProject.DeprecationWarningDecoratedProject(Project) - Constructor in EclipseProject.DeprecationWarningDecoratedProject
    EclipseProject(XmlFileContentMerger) - Constructor in EclipseProject
    EclipseProjectDependency - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.eclipse
    Represents a dependency on another Eclipse project.
    EclipseProjectNature - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.eclipse
    An Eclipse project nature definition.
    EclipseSourceDirectory - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.eclipse
    A source directory in an Eclipse project.
    EclipseWtp - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    Enables fine-tuning wtp/wst details of the Eclipse plugin
    EclipseWtp(EclipseClasspath) - Constructor in EclipseWtp
    @param eclipseClasspath - wtp needs access to classpath
    EclipseWtpComponent - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    Enables fine-tuning wtp component details of the Eclipse plugin
    EclipseWtpComponent(Project, XmlFileContentMerger) - Constructor in EclipseWtpComponent
    EclipseWtpFacet - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    Enables fine-tuning wtp facet details of the Eclipse plugin
    EclipseWtpFacet(XmlFileContentMerger) - Constructor in EclipseWtpFacet
    EclipseWtpPlugin - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse
    EclipseWtpPlugin(Instantiator) - Constructor in EclipseWtpPlugin
    Element - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
    Described model element.
    EmptyFileVisitor - Class in org.gradle.api.file
    The EmptyFileVisitor can be extends by implementations that only require to implement one of the 2 visit methods (dir or file).
    encoding(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    encoding(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    environment(Map<String, ?>) - Method in AbstractExecTask
    environment(Map<String, ?>) - Method in JavaExec
    environment(String, Object) - Method in ProcessForkOptions
    Adds an environment variable to the environment for this process.
    environment(String, Object) - Method in Test
    EnvJsExtension - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.envjs
    EnvJsPlugin - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.envjs
    EnvJsPlugin(WorkerProcessFactory) - Constructor in EnvJsPlugin
    equals(def) - Method in AbstractClasspathEntry
    equals(def) - Method in AbstractLibrary
    equals(def) - Method in AccessRule
    equals(def) - Method in BuildCommand
    equals(def) - Method in Classpath
    equals(Object) - Method in CompositeSpec
    equals(Object) - Method in Conf2ScopeMapping
    equals(def) - Method in Facet
    equals(Object) - Method in Groovydoc.Link
    equals(def) - Method in IdeaLanguageLevel
    equals(def) - Method in JarDirectory
    equals(def) - Method in Jdk
    equals(def) - Method in Link
    equals(def) - Method in Module
    equals(def) - Method in ModuleDependency
    equals(def) - Method in ModuleLibrary
    equals(Object) - Method in Namer.Comparator
    equals(def) - Method in Output
    equals(def) - Method in Path
    equals(Object) - Method in PatternSet
    equals(Object) - Method in PgpKeyId
    equals(def) - Method in Project
    equals(Object) - Method in ProjectLibrary
    equals(Object) - Method in RelativePath
    equals(def) - Method in SourceFolder
    equals(Object) - Method in StartParameter
    equals(def) - Method in WbDependentModule
    equals(def) - Method in WbProperty
    equals(def) - Method in WbResource
    equals(def) - Method in WtpComponent
    equals(def) - Method in WtpFacet
    error(Action<TestLogging>) - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Configures logging options for error level.
    evaluate(String, Writer) - Method in BrowserEvaluator
    evaluationDependsOn(String) - Method in Project
    evaluationDependsOnChildren() - Method in Project
    events(Object) - Method in TestLogging
    Sets the events to be logged.
    exclude(Closure) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    exclude(Map<String, String>) - Method in Configuration
    Adds an exclude rule to exclude transitive dependencies for all dependencies of this configuration.
    exclude(Closure) - Method in CopySpec
    exclude() - Method in FileCopyDetails
    Excludes this file from the copy.
    exclude() - Method in ManifestMergeDetails
    Excludes this key from being in the manifest after the merge.
    exclude(Map<String, String>) - Method in ModuleDependency
    Adds an exclude rule to exclude transitive dependencies of this dependency.
    exclude(Closure) - Method in PatternFilterable
    Adds an exclude spec.
    exclude(Closure) - Method in PatternSet
    exclude(Closure) - Method in SourceTask
    exclude(Closure) - Method in Test
    excludeCategories(String) - Method in JUnitOptions
    excludeDocFilesSubDir(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    excludeFromAntProperties(String) - Method in AbstractOptions
    excludeFromAntProperties(String) - Method in BaseForkOptions
    excludeFromAntProperties(String) - Method in CompileOptions
    excludeFromAntProperties(String) - Method in DependOptions
    excludeFromAntProperties(String) - Method in ForkOptions
    excludeFromAntProperties(String) - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    excludeFromAntProperties(String) - Method in ScalaCompileOptions
    excludeGroups(String) - Method in TestNGOptions
    ExcludeRule - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    An ExcludeRule is used to describe transitive dependencies that should be excluded when resolving dependencies.
    ExcludeRuleContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    excludeSpecs(Iterable<Spec<FileTreeElement>>) - Method in PatternSet
    Exec - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
    Executes a command line process.
    exec() - Method in AbstractExecTask
    Exec() - Constructor in Exec
    exec() - Method in JavaExec
    exec(Action<? super ExecSpec>) - Method in Project
    Executes an external command.
    exec() - Method in RhinoShellExec
    exec() - Method in RunTestExecutable
    exec(Action<? super ExecSpec>) - Method in Script
    Executes an external command.
    ExecResult - Interface in org.gradle.process
    Represents the result of running an external process.
    ExecSpec - Interface in org.gradle.process
    Specified the options for executing some command.
    executable(Object) - Method in AbstractExecTask
    executable(Object) - Method in JavaExec
    executable(Object) - Method in ProcessForkOptions
    Sets the name of the executable to use.
    executable(Object) - Method in Test
    executables(Action<? super NamedDomainObjectContainer<? super NativeExecutableSpec>>) - Method in NativeComponentExtension
    Configure the NativeExecutableSpec components produced by the build.
    execute(T) - Method in Action
    Performs this action against the given object.
    execute(FileCollection, File, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, Link>, Iterable<File>, Iterable<File>, Project) - Method in AntGroovydoc
    execute(IncrementalTaskInputs) - Method in AntlrTask
    execute(FileCollection, File, Iterable<File>, Iterable<File>, ScalaDocOptions) - Method in AntScalaDoc
    execute() - Method in ArtifactResolutionQuery
    Actually execute the query, returning a query result.
    execute(BuildController) - Method in BuildAction
    Executes this action and returns the result.
    execute(Throwable) - Method in BuildExceptionReporter
    execute() - Method in SignOperation
    Generates actual signature files for all of the registered signatures.
    executeAntTarget() - Method in AntTarget
    executeTests() - Method in Test
    executionData(TaskCollection) - Method in JacocoMerge
    Adds execution data generated by the given tasks to the list of those merged.
    executionData(TaskCollection) - Method in JacocoReport
    Adds execution data generated by the given tasks to the list of those used during coverage analysis.
    expand(Map<String, ?>) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    expand(Map<String, ?>) - Method in ContentFilterable
    expand(Map<String, ?>) - Method in CopySpec
    exports(String) - Method in JvmApiSpec
    Specify a package to be exported as part of the library API.
    extDirs(File) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    extDirs(File) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    extend(String) - Method in IvyConfiguration
    Add the name of a configuration that this configuration extends.
    extendsFrom(Configuration) - Method in Configuration
    Adds the given configurations to the set of configuration which this configuration extends from.
    ExtensiblePolymorphicDomainObjectContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api
    A PolymorphicDomainObjectContainer that can be extended at runtime to create elements of new types.
    EXTENSION_NAME - Field in ExtraPropertiesExtension
    The name of this extension in all ExtensnionContainers, {@value}.
    ExtensionAware - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins
    Objects that can be extended at runtime with other objects.
    ExtensionContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins
    Allows adding 'namespaced' DSL extensions to a target object.
    ExternalDependency - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    ExternalModuleDependency - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    extraArgs(String) - Method in FindBugs
    extraInfo(String, String, String) - Method in IvyModuleDescriptorSpec
    Adds a new extra info element to the publication
    ExtraPropertiesExtension - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins
    Additional, ad-hoc, properties for Gradle domain objects.
    ExtraPropertiesExtension.UnknownPropertyException - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    The exception that will be thrown when an attempt is made to read a property that is not set.
    ExtraPropertiesExtension.UnknownPropertyException(ExtraPropertiesExtension, String) - Constructor in ExtraPropertiesExtension.UnknownPropertyException


    Facet - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    Facet.FacetType - Enum in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    An installed facet is really present on an Eclipse project whereas facet type fixed means that this facet is locked and cannot be simply removed.
    facet(Closure) - Method in EclipseWtp
    Configures wtp facet.
    facet(Map<String, ?>) - Method in EclipseWtpFacet
    Adds a facet.
    Facet(Facet.FacetType, String, String) - Constructor in Facet
    factory(Closure) - Method in GenerateMetadataFileTask
    FailedModelResult - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.connection
    The result of a failed model request.
    failOnVersionConflict() - Method in ResolutionStrategy
    In case of conflict, Gradle by default uses the newest of conflicting versions.
    Failure - Interface in org.gradle.tooling
    Represents a failure.
    FailureResult - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events
    Describes how an operation finished with failures.
    file(Closure) - Method in EclipseClasspath
    Enables advanced configuration like tinkering with the output XML or affecting the way that the contents of an existing .classpath file is merged with Gradle build information.
    file(Closure) - Method in EclipseJdt
    Enables advanced configuration like affecting the way existing jdt file content is merged with gradle build information
    file(Closure) - Method in EclipseProject
    Enables advanced configuration like tinkering with the output XML or affecting the way existing .project content is merged with gradle build information
    file(Closure) - Method in EclipseWtpComponent
    Enables advanced configuration like tinkering with the output XML or affecting the way existing wtp component file content is merged with gradle build information
    file(Closure) - Method in EclipseWtpFacet
    Enables advanced configuration like tinkering with the output XML or affecting the way existing wtp facet file content is merged with gradle build information
    file(Object, PathValidation) - Method in Project
    file(String) - Method in ReportingExtension
    Creates a file object for the given path, relative to getBaseDir().
    file(Object, PathValidation) - Method in Script
    file(Object) - Method in TaskInputs
    Registers some input file for this task.
    file(Object) - Method in TaskOutputs
    Registers some output file for this task.
    FileCollection - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
    FileCollection.AntType - Enum in org.gradle.api.file
    Ant types which a FileCollection can be mapped to.
    fileCollection(Dependency) - Method in Configuration
    Resolves this configuration lazily.
    FileCollectionDependency - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    A FileCollectionDependency is a Dependency on a collection of local files which are not stored in a repository.
    FileContentMerger - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.api
    Models the generation/parsing/merging capabilities.
    FileCopyDetails - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
    fileFor(File) - Method in AbstractSignatureType
    fileFor(File) - Method in SignatureType
    FilePath - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
    A Path that keeps the reference to the File
    FilePath(File, String, String, String) - Constructor in FilePath
    FileReference - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    A reference to a file in eclipse.
    files(Dependency) - Method in Configuration
    Resolves this configuration.
    files(Object, Closure) - Method in Project
    files(Object, Closure) - Method in Script
    files(Object) - Method in TaskInputs
    Registers some input files for this task.
    files(Object) - Method in TaskOutputs
    Registers some output files for this task.
    filesMatching(String, Action<? super FileCopyDetails>) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    filesMatching(String, Action<? super FileCopyDetails>) - Method in CopySpec
    Configure the FileCopyDetails for each file whose path matches the specified Ant-style pattern.
    filesNotMatching(String, Action<? super FileCopyDetails>) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    filesNotMatching(String, Action<? super FileCopyDetails>) - Method in CopySpec
    Configure the FileCopyDetails for each file whose path does not match the specified Ant-style pattern.
    FileTree - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
    fileTree(Map<String, ?>) - Method in Project
    fileTree(Object, Closure) - Method in Script
    FileTreeElement - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
    Information about a file in a FileTree.
    FileVisitDetails - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
    Provides access to details about a file or directory being visited by a FileVisitor.
    FileVisitor - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
    filter(Closure) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    filter(Closure) - Method in ContentFilterable
    Adds a content filter based on the provided closure.
    filter(Closure) - Method in CopySpec
    filter(Spec<? super File>) - Method in FileCollection
    filter(Closure) - Method in PomFilterContainer
    Sets the default publish filter.
    filter(Action<TestFilter>) - Method in Test
    Executes the action against the getFilter().
    filterForClasspath(Map<File, File>, Iterable<File>) - Method in AbstractScalaCompile
    Finalize - Annotation Type in org.gradle.model
    Denotes that the RuleSource method rule carrying this annotation finalizes the rule subject.
    finalizedBy(Object) - Method in Task
    findAll(Closure) - Method in DomainObjectCollection
    Returns a collection which contains the objects in this collection which meet the given closure specification.
    findAll(Closure) - Method in DomainObjectSet
    findAll(Closure) - Method in NamedDomainObjectList
    findAll(Closure) - Method in NamedDomainObjectSet
    FindBugs - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    Analyzes code with FindBugs.
    FindBugs() - Constructor in FindBugs
    FindBugsExtension - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    Configuration options for the FindBugs plugin.
    FindBugsExtension(Project) - Constructor in FindBugsExtension
    FindBugsPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    A plugin for the FindBugs byte code analyzer.
    FindBugsReports - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    The reporting configuration for the FindBugs task.
    FindBugsXmlReport - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    The single file XML report for FindBugs.
    findBuildCommand(Closure) - Method in ProjectDescriptor
    findByName(String) - Method in ExtensionContainer
    Looks for the extension of a given name.
    findByName(String) - Method in NamedDomainObjectCollection
    Locates an object by name, returning null if there is no such object.
    findByPath(String) - Method in GradleProject
    Searches all descendants (children, grand-children, etc.), including self, by given path.
    findByPath(String) - Method in TaskContainer
    findByType(Class<T>) - Method in ExtensionContainer
    Looks for the extension of a given type (useful to avoid casting).
    findJettyWebXmlFile(File) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    Try and find a jetty-web.xml file, using some historical naming conventions if necessary.
    findModel(Model, Class<T>) - Method in BuildController
    Fetches a snapshot of the model of the given type, if available.
    findPlugin(Class<T>) - Method in Convention
    Locates the plugin convention object with the given type.
    findPlugin(Class<T>) - Method in PluginContainer
    Returns the plugin for the given type.
    findPlugin(String) - Method in PluginManager
    Returns the information about the plugin that has been applied with the given ID, or null if no plugin has been applied with the given ID.
    findProject(String) - Method in Project
    findProject(File) - Method in Settings
    findProperty(String) - Method in Project
    findScalaJar(Iterable<File>, String) - Method in ScalaRuntime
    Searches the specified class path for a Scala Jar file (scala-compiler, scala-library, scala-jdbc, etc.) with the specified appendix (compiler, library, jdbc, etc.).
    finishConfigurationBeforeStart() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    finishConfigurationBeforeStart() - Method in JettyRun
    finishConfigurationBeforeStart() - Method in JettyRunWar
    FinishEvent - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events
    An event that informs about an operation having finished its execution.
    flatDir(Action<? super FlatDirectoryArtifactRepository>) - Method in RepositoryHandler
    Adds an configures a repository which will look for dependencies in a number of local directories.
    FlatDirectoryArtifactRepository - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories
    A repository that looks into a number of directories for artifacts.
    Flavor - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    Defines a custom variant that differentiate a NativeBinary.
    FlavorContainer - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    A container of Flavors.
    footer(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    force(Object) - Method in ResolutionStrategy
    Allows forcing certain versions of dependencies, including transitive dependencies.
    forClassVersion(int) - Method in JavaVersion
    forComponents(ComponentIdentifier) - Method in ArtifactResolutionQuery
    Specifies the set of components to include in the result.
    fork(Map<String, Object>) - Method in CompileOptions
    Convenience method to set ForkOptions with named parameter syntax.
    fork(Map<String, Object>) - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Convenience method to set GroovyForkOptions with named parameter syntax.
    fork - Field in ScalaCompileOptions
    ForkOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
    Fork options for Java compilation.
    forkOptions(Action<? super JavaForkOptions>) - Method in SonarRunnerRootExtension
    Configure the forkOptions.
    forLaunchables(Iterable<? extends Launchable>) - Method in BuildLauncher
    Sets the launchables to execute.
    forProjectDirectory(File) - Method in GradleConnector
    Specifies the working directory to use.
    forTasks(Iterable<? extends Task>) - Method in BuildLauncher
    Sets the tasks to be executed.
    forTasks(Iterable<String>) - Method in ModelBuilder
    Specifies the tasks to execute before building the model.
    forType(Class<? extends T>) - Method in Named.Namer
    forwardOutput() - Method in GradleRunner
    Forwards the output of executed builds to the System.out stream.
    forwardStdError(Writer) - Method in GradleRunner
    Configures the runner to forward standard error output from builds to the given writer.
    forwardStdOutput(Writer) - Method in GradleRunner
    Configures the runner to forward standard output from builds to the given writer.
    from(Object, Closure) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    from(Object) - Method in ConfigurableFileCollection
    Adds a set of source paths to this collection.
    from(Object) - Method in ConfigurableFileTree
    Specifies base directory for this file tree using the given path.
    from(Object, Closure) - Method in CopySourceSpec
    Specifies the source files or directories for a copy and creates a child CopySourceSpec.
    from(Object, Closure) - Method in CopySpec
    from(SoftwareComponent) - Method in IvyPublication
    Provides the software component that should be published.
    from(Object, Closure<?>) - Method in Manifest
    Specifies other manifests to be merged into this manifest.
    from(Object) - Method in ManifestMergeSpec
    Adds a merge path to a manifest that should be merged into the base manifest.
    from(SoftwareComponent) - Method in MavenPublication
    Provides the software component that should be published.
    from(Object) - Method in ObjectConfigurationAction
    Adds a script to use to configure the target objects.
    fromArchiveEntry(Object, String) - Method in TextResourceFactory
    Same as fromArchiveEntry(archive, path, Charset.defaultCharset().name()).
    fromFile(Object) - Method in TextResourceFactory
    Same as fromFile(file, Charset.defaultCharset()).
    fromString(String) - Method in TextResourceFactory
    Creates a text resource backed by the given string.
    FunctionalSourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.base
    A container holding LanguageSourceSets with a similar function (production code, test code, etc.).


    Gcc - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain
    The GNU GCC tool chain.
    GccCommandLineToolConfiguration - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain
    An executable tool used for GCC that allows customizing the executable.
    GccCompatibleToolChain - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain
    A ToolChain that can handle additional platforms simply by configuring the NativeBinary.
    GccCompilerPlugin - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain.plugins
    A Plugin which makes the GNU GCC/G++ compiler available for compiling C/C++ code.
    GccPlatformToolChain - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain
    GCC specific settings for the tools used to build for a particular platform.
    GeneralComponentSpec - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A general purpose component specification, that can be used to represent some software component built from source and producing multiple output variants.
    generate(Project) - Method in AbstractDependencyReportTask
    generate(Project) - Method in AbstractReportTask
    generate() - Method in BuildEnvironmentReportTask
    generate() - Method in CreateStartScripts
    generate() - Method in GenerateCUnitLauncher
    generate() - Method in Groovydoc
    generate() - Method in HtmlDependencyReportTask
    generate() - Method in JacocoReport
    generate() - Method in Javadoc
    generate(Project) - Method in ProjectReportTask
    generate(Project) - Method in PropertyReportTask
    generate() - Method in ScalaDoc
    generate() - Method in Sign
    Generates the signature files.
    generate() - Method in Signature
    Generates the signature file.
    generate(Project) - Method in TaskReportTask
    GenerateBuildDashboard - Class in org.gradle.api.reporting
    Generates build dashboard report.
    GenerateBuildDashboard() - Constructor in GenerateBuildDashboard
    GenerateCUnitLauncher - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.cunit.tasks
    Generated the Gradle CUnit launcher: main method and header.
    generatedBy(Task) - Method in LanguageSourceSet
    GenerateEclipseClasspath - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse
    Generates an Eclipse .classpath file.
    GenerateEclipseClasspath() - Constructor in GenerateEclipseClasspath
    GenerateEclipseJdt - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse
    Generates the Eclipse JDT configuration file.
    GenerateEclipseJdt() - Constructor in GenerateEclipseJdt
    GenerateEclipseProject - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse
    Generates an Eclipse .project file.
    GenerateEclipseProject() - Constructor in GenerateEclipseProject
    GenerateEclipseWtpComponent - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse
    Generates the org.eclipse.wst.common.component settings file for Eclipse WTP.
    GenerateEclipseWtpComponent() - Constructor in GenerateEclipseWtpComponent
    GenerateEclipseWtpFacet - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse
    Generates the org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core settings file for Eclipse WTP.
    GenerateEclipseWtpFacet() - Constructor in GenerateEclipseWtpFacet
    GenerateFiltersFileTask - Class in org.gradle.ide.visualstudio.tasks
    GenerateIdeaModule - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea
    Generates an IDEA module file.
    GenerateIdeaProject - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea
    Generates an IDEA project file for root project *only*.
    GenerateIdeaWorkspace - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea
    Generates an IDEA workspace file *only* for root project.
    GenerateIvyDescriptor - Class in org.gradle.api.publish.ivy.tasks
    Generates an Ivy XML Module Descriptor file.
    GenerateIvyDescriptor() - Constructor in GenerateIvyDescriptor
    GenerateMavenPom - Class in org.gradle.api.publish.maven.tasks
    Generates a Maven module descriptor (POM) file.
    GenerateMavenPom() - Constructor in GenerateMavenPom
    GenerateMetadataFileTask - Class in org.gradle.ide.cdt.tasks
    GenerateMetadataFileTask() - Constructor in GenerateMetadataFileTask
    GenerateProjectFileTask - Class in org.gradle.ide.visualstudio.tasks
    generateScript(JavaAppStartScriptGenerationDetails, Writer) - Method in ScriptGenerator
    Generate the script.
    GenerateSolutionFileTask - Class in org.gradle.ide.visualstudio.tasks
    GenerateSolutionFileTask() - Constructor in GenerateSolutionFileTask
    generator - Field in GeneratorTask
    GeneratorTask - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.api
    GeneratorTask() - Constructor in GeneratorTask
    get(String) - Method in ExtraPropertiesExtension
    Returns the value for the registered property with the given name.
    get(String, String) - Method in IvyExtraInfo
    Returns the value of the element with the name and namespace provided.
    get(ResultHandler<? super T>) - Method in ModelBuilder
    Starts fetching the model, passing the result to the given handler when complete.
    get(String) - Method in ModelMap
    Returns the item with the given name, if any.
    get(LogLevel) - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Returns logging options for the specified level.
    getAbsolutePath() - Method in SourceFolder
    getAccessKey() - Method in AwsCredentials
    Returns the access key to use to authenticate with AWS.
    getActions() - Method in Task
    getActivePomFilters() - Method in PomFilterContainer
    getActorFactory() - Method in Test
    getAdditionalImports() - Method in RoutesCompile
    Returns the additional imports of the Play Routes compiler.
    getAdditionalParameters() - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    Additional parameters passed to the compiler.
    getAdditionalParameters() - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Returns the additional parameters passed to the compiler.
    getAdditionalRuntimeJars() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    Returns the classpath to make available to the web application.
    getAll() - Method in Configuration
    Returns all the configurations belonging to the same configuration container as this configuration (including this configuration).
    getAll() - Method in DomainObjectSet
    Returns the elements of this set in the set's iteration order.
    getAllArtifacts() - Method in Configuration
    Returns the artifacts of this configuration including the artifacts of extended configurations.
    getAllArtifacts(ResolvedDependency) - Method in ResolvedDependency
    Returns the parent artifacts of this dependency and its children.
    getAllClassDirs() - Method in JacocoReport
    Gets the class directories that coverage will be reported for.
    getAllComponents() - Method in ResolutionResult
    Retrieves all instances of ResolvedComponentResult from the graph, e.g. all nodes of the dependency graph.
    getAllDependencies() - Method in Configuration
    getAllDependencies() - Method in ResolutionResult
    Retrieves all dependencies, including unresolved dependencies.
    getAllGroovy() - Method in GroovySourceSet
    All Groovy source for this source set.
    getAllInitScripts() - Method in StartParameter
    Returns all init scripts, including explicit init scripts and implicit init scripts.
    getAllJava() - Method in SourceSet
    All Java source files for this source set.
    getAllJvmArgs() - Method in JavaExec
    getAllJvmArgs() - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Returns the full set of arguments to use to launch the JVM for the process.
    getAllJvmArgs() - Method in Test
    getAllModuleArtifacts() - Method in ResolvedDependency
    Returns the module artifacts belonging to this ResolvedDependency and recursively to its children.
    getAllprojects() - Method in Project
    getAllScala() - Method in ScalaSourceSet
    All Scala source for this source set.
    getAllSource() - Method in SourceSet
    All source files for this source set.
    getAllSourceDirs() - Method in JacocoReport
    Gets the source directories for the classes that will be reported on.
    getAllTasks(boolean) - Method in Project
    getAllTasks() - Method in TaskExecutionGraph
    getAltDeployDescriptor() - Method in EarModule
    The alt-dd element specifies an optional URI to the post-assembly version of the deployment descriptor file for a particular Java EE module.
    getAnalysisFile() - Method in IncrementalCompileOptions
    Returns the file path where results of code analysis are to be stored.
    getAnnotations() - Method in TestNGOptions
    getAnt() - Method in AntBuilder
    Returns this AntBuilder.
    getAnt() - Method in Project
    getAnt() - Method in Task
    getAntBuilder() - Method in Checkstyle
    getAntBuilder() - Method in CodeNarc
    getAntBuilder() - Method in JacocoMerge
    getAntBuilder() - Method in JacocoReport
    getAntBuilder() - Method in JDepend
    getAntBuilder() - Method in Pmd
    getAntBuilder() - Method in ScalaDoc
    getAntBuilderFactory() - Method in JavaCompile
    getAntGroovydoc() - Method in Groovydoc
    getAntlr() - Method in AntlrSourceVirtualDirectory
    All Antlr source for this source set.
    getAntlrClasspath() - Method in AntlrTask
    Returns the classpath containing the Ant ANTLR task implementation.
    getAntPropertyName(String) - Method in AbstractOptions
    getAntPropertyName(String) - Method in CompileOptions
    getAntPropertyName(String) - Method in ScalaCompileOptions
    getAntPropertyName(String) - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    getAntPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in AbstractOptions
    getAntPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in CompileOptions
    getAntPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in ScalaCompileOptions
    getAntPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    getApi() - Method in JvmLibrarySpec
    The public API of this library.
    getApi() - Method in NativeLibrarySpec
    Converts this library to a native library requirement that uses the api library linkage.
    getApiDocTitle() - Method in ReportingExtension
    getApiJarFile() - Method in JarBinarySpec
    The API jar file output for this binary.
    getAppendix() - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
    Returns the appendix part of the archive name, if any.
    getApplication() - Method in ApplicationBinarySpec
    The application that this binary belongs to.
    getApplication() - Method in NativeExecutableBinarySpec
    getApplication() - Method in PlayApplicationBinarySpec
    getApplicationJar() - Method in PlayRun
    The Play application jar to run.
    getApplicationName() - Method in CreateStartScripts
    The application's name.
    getApplicationName() - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    The application name.
    getApplicationName() - Method in JavaAppStartScriptGenerationDetails
    The display name of the application
    getAppNameSystemProperty() - Method in JavaAppStartScriptGenerationDetails
    This system property to use to pass the script name to the application.
    getArchitecture() - Method in NativePlatform
    The cpu architecture being targeted.
    getArchiveBase() - Method in Wrapper
    The archive base specifies whether the unpacked wrapper distribution should be stored in the project or in the gradle user home dir.
    getArchiveName() - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
    Returns the archive name.
    getArchivePath() - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
    The path where the archive is constructed.
    getArchivePath() - Method in Wrapper
    Returns the path where the gradle distributions archive should be saved (i.e. the parent dir).
    getArgs() - Method in AbstractExecTask
    getArgs() - Method in ExecSpec
    Returns the arguments for the command to be executed.
    getArgs() - Method in JavaExec
    getArgs() - Method in JavaExecSpec
    Returns the arguments passed to the main class to be executed.
    getArgs() - Method in RhinoShellExec
    getArgs() - Method in TaskExecutionRequest
    The arguments to use to select and optionally configure the tasks, as if provided on the command-line.
    getArgs() - Method in Tool
    The arguments passed when executing this tool.
    getArgument() - Method in InvalidActionClosureException
    The argument the action was executed with.
    getArguments() - Method in AntlrTask
    List of command-line arguments passed to the antlr process
    getArguments() - Method in EclipseBuildCommand
    The arguments supplied for the build command.
    getArguments() - Method in GradleBuildInvocationSpec
    The command line arguments (excluding tasks) to invoke the build with.
    getArguments() - Method in GradleRunner
    The build arguments.
    getArtifactId() - Method in MavenDependency
    The artifactId value for this dependency.
    getArtifactId() - Method in MavenPom
    Returns the artifact id for this POM.
    getArtifactId() - Method in MavenPublication
    Returns the artifactId for this publication.
    getArtifacts(Class<? extends Artifact>) - Method in ComponentArtifactsResult
    getArtifacts() - Method in Configuration
    Returns the artifacts of this configuration excluding the artifacts of extended configurations.
    getArtifacts() - Method in IvyPublication
    The complete set of artifacts for this publication.
    getArtifacts(Spec<? super Dependency>) - Method in LenientConfiguration
    Gets successfully resolved artifacts for dependencies that match given dependency spec.
    getArtifacts() - Method in MavenDeployment
    Returns the artifacts which will be deployed.
    getArtifacts() - Method in MavenPublication
    Returns the complete set of artifacts for this publication.
    getArtifacts() - Method in ModuleDependency
    Returns the artifacts belonging to this dependency.
    getArtifacts() - Method in Project
    Returns a handler for assigning artifacts produced by the project to configurations.
    getArtifacts(ResolvedDependency) - Method in ResolvedDependency
    Returns the parent artifacts of this dependency.
    getArtifacts() - Method in Upload
    Returns the artifacts which will be uploaded.
    getArtifactUrls() - Method in MavenArtifactRepository
    Returns the additional URLs to use to find artifact files.
    getAsArg() - Method in JacocoTaskExtension.Output
    Gets type in format of agent argument.
    getAsExcludeSpec() - Method in PatternSet
    getAsFileTree() - Method in FileCollection
    Converts this collection to a FileTree.
    getAsFileTree() - Method in FileTree
    Returns this.
    getAsIncludeSpec() - Method in PatternSet
    getAsJvmArg() - Method in JacocoTaskExtension
    Gets all properties in the format expected of the agent JVM argument.
    getAsMap() - Method in NamedDomainObjectCollection
    getAsPath() - Method in FileCollection
    Returns the contents of this collection as a platform-specific path.
    getAssembler() - Method in GccPlatformToolChain
    Returns the settings to use for the assembler.
    getAssembler() - Method in NativeBinarySpec
    The configuration of the assembler used when compiling assembly sources this binary.
    getAssembler() - Method in VisualCppPlatformToolChain
    Returns the settings to use for the assembler.
    getAssemblerArgs() - Method in Assemble
    Additional arguments to provide to the assembler.
    getAssetDirs() - Method in PublicAssets
    A set of asset directories for this binary.
    getAssets() - Method in PlayApplicationBinarySpec
    A buildable object representing the public assets that will be included in the assets jar file.
    getAssetsDirs() - Method in PlayRun
    The directories of the assets for the Play application (for live reload functionality).
    getAssetsJar() - Method in PlayRun
    The assets jar to run with the Play application.
    getAssetsJarFile() - Method in PlayApplicationBinarySpec
    The assets jar file produced for this binary.
    getAsSpec() - Method in PatternSet
    getAt(String) - Method in ArtifactRepositoryContainer
    getAt(String) - Method in ConfigurationContainer
    getAt(int) - Method in DomainObjectSet
    Returns the element at the given index according to the set's iteration order.
    getAt(String) - Method in NamedDomainObjectCollection
    Locates an object by name, failing if there is no such task.
    getAt(Class<T>) - Method in PluginContainer
    Returns a plugin with the specified type if this plugin has been used in the project.
    getAt(String) - Method in TaskCollection
    getAttachedArtifacts() - Method in MavenDeployment
    Returns the additional artifacts for this deployment.
    getAttempted() - Method in UnresolvedDependencyResult
    Returns the selector that was attempted to be resolved.
    getAttemptedReason() - Method in UnresolvedDependencyResult
    Returns the reasons why the failed selector was attempted.
    getAttributes() - Method in Manifest
    Returns the main attributes of the manifest.
    getAuthentication() - Method in AuthenticationSupported
    Returns the authentication schemes for this repository.
    getAvailableBuildTypes() - Method in InitBuild
    getAvailableTestFrameworks() - Method in InitBuild
    getBaseDir() - Method in AntTarget
    Returns the Ant project base directory to use when executing the target.
    getBaseDir() - Method in ReportingExtension
    The base directory for all reports
    getBaseName() - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
    Returns the base name of the archive.
    getBaseName() - Method in Distribution
    The baseName of the distribution, used in naming the distribution archives.
    getBaseName() - Method in NativeComponentSpec
    The name that is used to construct the output file names when building this component.
    getBaseName() - Method in Resource
    Short name that concisely describes this resource
    getBasePlugin() - Method in CodeNarcPlugin
    getBaseValue() - Method in ManifestMergeDetails
    Returns the value for the key of the manifest that is the target of the merge.
    getBatchScript() - Method in Wrapper
    Returns the file to write the wrapper batch script to.
    getBinaries() - Method in BaseComponentSpec
    getBinaries() - Method in PrebuiltLibrary
    The binaries that are built for this component.
    getBinaries() - Method in VariantComponentSpec
    The variants of this component.
    getBinary() - Method in PlayDistribution
    The binary this distribution is associated with
    getBinaryBuildAbility() - Method in BaseBinarySpec
    getBinaryRenderer() - Method in ComponentReport
    getBinResultsDir() - Method in Test
    Returns the root folder for the test results in internal binary format.
    getBootClasspath() - Method in CompileOptions
    Returns the bootstrap classpath to be used for the compiler process.
    getBootClasspath() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    getBootClasspath() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    getBootstrapClasspath() - Method in JavaExec
    getBootstrapClasspath() - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Returns the bootstrap classpath to use for the process.
    getBootstrapClasspath() - Method in Test
    getBottom() - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Returns the HTML text to appear in the bottom text for each page.
    getBottom() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    getBranch() - Method in IvyModuleDescriptor
    Returns the branch attribute of the info element in this descriptor.
    getBranch() - Method in IvyModuleDescriptorSpec
    Returns the branch for this publication
    getBuild() - Method in BinaryTasksCollection
    The task that can be used to assemble this binary.
    getBuildAbility() - Method in BaseBinarySpec
    getBuildCommands() - Method in EclipseProject
    Returns the Eclipse build commands configured on the project.
    getBuildDependencies() - Method in Buildable
    Returns a dependency which contains the tasks which build this artifact.
    getBuildDependencies() - Method in Configuration
    Returns a TaskDependency object containing all required dependencies to build the internal dependencies (e.g.
    getBuildDir() - Method in Project
    getBuildDirectory() - Method in GradleProject
    Returns the build directory for this project.
    getBuilder(String) - Method in ToolingModelBuilderRegistry
    getBuildFile() - Method in GradleBuild
    Returns the build file that should be used for this build.
    getBuildFile() - Method in Project
    getBuildFile() - Method in ProjectDescriptor
    Returns the build file for this project.
    getBuildFile() - Method in StartParameter
    Returns the build file to use to select the default project.
    getBuildFileName() - Method in ProjectDescriptor
    Returns the name of the build file for this project.
    getBuildIdentifier() - Method in BuildEnvironment
    Returns the identifier for the Gradle project that these invocations originate from.
    getBuildIdentifier() - Method in FailedModelResult
    Identifier of the build that originated this failure.
    getBuildIdentifier() - Method in GradleBuild
    Returns the identifier for this Gradle build.
    getBuildIdentifier() - Method in ProjectIdentifier
    Identifier of the build this project is a member of.
    getBuildModel() - Method in BuildController
    Returns an overview of the Gradle build, including some basic details of the projects that make up the build.
    getBuildOperationProcessor() - Method in Test
    getBuildOperationProcessor() - Method in TestReport
    getBuildResult() - Method in UnexpectedBuildResultException
    The result of the build execution.
    getBuildScript() - Method in GradleProject
    Returns the build script for this project.
    getBuildscript() - Method in Project
    Returns the build script handler for this project.
    getBuildscript() - Method in Script
    Returns the script handler for this script.
    getBuildTask() - Method in BuildableComponentSpec
    Returns the task responsible for building this component.
    getBuildType() - Method in NativeBinary
    Returns the BuildType used to construct this binary.
    getBuildType() - Method in NativeBinarySpec
    Returns the BuildType used to construct this binary.
    getBuiltBy() - Method in ConfigurableFileCollection
    Returns the set of tasks which build the files of this collection.
    getBuiltBy() - Method in ConfigurableFileTree
    Returns the set of tasks which build the files of this collection.
    getByName(String, Closure) - Method in ArtifactRepositoryContainer
    getByName(String, Closure) - Method in ConfigurationContainer
    getByName(String) - Method in ExtensionContainer
    Looks for the extension of a given name.
    getByName(String, Closure) - Method in NamedDomainObjectCollection
    Locates an object by name, failing if there is no such object.
    getByName(String) - Method in TaskCollection
    getByPath(String) - Method in TaskContainer
    getByType(Class<T>) - Method in ExtensionContainer
    Looks for the extension of a given type (useful to avoid casting).
    getCachedResult() - Method in ResolutionControl
    Returns the cached result file or null if the result has not been cached.
    getCacheRepository() - Method in JavaCompile
    getCandidate() - Method in ComponentSelection
    Gets the candidate version of the module.
    getCandidateClassFiles() - Method in Test
    Returns the classes files to scan for test classes.
    getCauses() - Method in Failure
    Returns the underlying causes for this failure, if any.
    getCauses() - Method in ListenerFailedException
    getcCompiler() - Method in GccPlatformToolChain
    Returns the settings to use for the C compiler.
    getcCompiler() - Method in NativeBinarySpec
    The configuration of the C compiler used when compiling C sources for this binary.
    getcCompiler() - Method in VisualCppPlatformToolChain
    Returns the settings to use for the C compiler.
    getCharSet() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    getChildModels() - Method in SonarModel
    Returns the Sonar model objects for this project's child projects.
    getChildProjects() - Method in Project
    getChildren() - Method in BasicGradleProject
    Returns the child projects of this project, or the empty set if there are no child projects.
    getChildren() - Method in EclipseProject
    getChildren() - Method in GradleProject
    getChildren() - Method in HierarchicalEclipseProject
    getChildren() - Method in HierarchicalElement
    Returns the child elements, or the empty set if there are no child elements.
    getChildren() - Method in IdeaProject
    Returns the modules of this IDEA project.
    getChildren() - Method in ProjectDescriptor
    Returns the children of this project, if any.
    getChildren() - Method in ResolvedDependency
    Returns the transitive ResolvedDependency instances of this resolved dependency.
    getClasses() - Method in PlayApplicationBinarySpec
    A buildable object representing the class files and resources that will be included in the application jar file.
    getClassesDir() - Method in JDepend
    Returns the directory containing the classes to be analyzed.
    getClassesDir() - Method in JvmBinarySpec
    The classes directory for this binary.
    getClassesDir() - Method in JvmClasses
    The classes directory for this binary.
    getClassesDir() - Method in OsgiManifest
    Returns the classes dir.
    getClassesDir() - Method in SourceSetOutput
    Returns the directory to assemble the compiled classes into.
    getClassesTaskName() - Method in SourceSet
    Returns the name of the classes task for this source set.
    getClassifier() - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
    Returns the classifier part of the archive name, if any.
    getClassifier() - Method in ArtifactIdentifier
    Returns the classifier of this artifact, if any.
    getClassifier() - Method in DependencyArtifact
    Returns the classifier of this dependency artifact.
    getClassifier() - Method in IvyArtifact
    The classifier used to publish the artifact file.
    getClassifier() - Method in MavenArtifact
    The classifier used to publish the artifact file.
    getClassifier() - Method in PublishArtifact
    Returns the classifier of this published artifact, if any.
    getClassifier() - Method in ResolvedArtifact
    getClassifier() - Method in Signature
    The classifier of the signature artifact.
    getClassLoader() - Method in ScriptHandler
    Returns the ClassLoader which contains the classpath for this script.
    getClassLoaderCache() - Method in Test
    getClassLoaderFactory() - Method in SonarAnalyze
    getClassName() - Method in JvmTestOperationDescriptor
    Returns the name of the test class, if any.
    getClassName() - Method in TestDescriptor
    Returns the test class name for this test, if any.
    getClasspath() - Method in AbstractCompile
    Returns the classpath to use to compile the source files.
    getClasspath() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    getClasspath() - Method in CreateStartScripts
    The class path for the application.
    getClasspath() - Method in DependOptions
    Returns the compile classpath for which dependencies should also be checked.
    getClasspath() - Method in EclipseProject
    Returns the external dependencies which make up the classpath of this project.
    getClasspath() - Method in Groovydoc
    Returns the classpath used to locate classes referenced by the documented sources.
    getClasspath() - Method in JavaAppStartScriptGenerationDetails
    The classpath, relative to the application home directory.
    getClasspath() - Method in Javadoc
    Returns the classpath to use to resolve type references in the source code.
    getClasspath() - Method in JavaExec
    getClasspath() - Method in JavaExecSpec
    Returns the classpath for executing the main class.
    getClasspath() - Method in JettyRun
    Returns the classpath for the web application.
    getClasspath() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    getClasspath() - Method in OsgiManifest
    Returns the classpath.
    getClasspath() - Method in RhinoExtension
    getClasspath() - Method in ScalaDoc
    getClasspath() - Method in Test
    Returns the classpath to use to execute the tests.
    getClasspath() - Method in War
    Returns the classpath to include in the WAR archive.
    getClassPathFiles() - Method in JettyRun
    getClientMetaData() - Method in AbstractReportTask
    getClientMetaData() - Method in BuildEnvironmentReportTask
    getClosure() - Method in InvalidActionClosureException
    The closure being used as an action.
    getCoffeeScriptJs() - Method in CoffeeScriptCompile
    getCoffeeScriptJs() - Method in CoffeeScriptCompileSpec
    getCommandLine() - Method in AbstractExecTask
    getCommandLine() - Method in BaseExecSpec
    Returns the full command line, including the executable plus its arguments.
    getCommandLine() - Method in JavaExec
    getCompileClasspath() - Method in JavaSourceSet
    getCompileClasspath() - Method in ScalaLanguageSourceSet
    getCompileClasspath() - Method in SourceSet
    Returns the classpath used to compile this source.
    getCompileClasspathConfigurationName() - Method in SourceSet
    Returns the name of the compile classpath configuration for this source set.
    getCompileConfigurationName() - Method in SourceSet
    Returns the name of the compile configuration for this source set.
    getCompileJavaTaskName() - Method in SourceSet
    Returns the name of the compile Java task for this source set.
    getCompileOnlyConfigurationName() - Method in SourceSet
    Returns the name of the compile only configuration for this source set.
    getCompiler(ScalaJavaJointCompileSpec) - Method in AbstractScalaCompile
    getCompiler() - Method in GroovyCompile
    getCompiler(ScalaJavaJointCompileSpec) - Method in PlatformScalaCompile
    getCompiler(ScalaJavaJointCompileSpec) - Method in ScalaCompile
    getCompilerArgs() - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    Additional arguments to provide to the compiler.
    getCompilerArgs() - Method in CompileOptions
    Returns any additional arguments to be passed to the compiler.
    getCompilerArgs() - Method in WindowsResourceCompile
    Additional arguments to provide to the compiler.
    getCompilerOutput() - Method in IdeaModule
    Returns information about idea compiler output (output dirs, inheritance of output dir, etc.)
    getCompileTaskName(String) - Method in SourceSet
    Returns the name of a compile task for this source set.
    getComponent() - Method in BaseBinarySpec
    getComponent() - Method in CUnitTestSuiteBinarySpec
    getComponent() - Method in GoogleTestTestSuiteBinarySpec
    getComponent() - Method in NativeBinarySpec
    The component that this binary was built from.
    getComponent() - Method in NativeExecutableBinarySpec
    getComponent() - Method in NativeLibraryBinarySpec
    getComponent() - Method in NativeTestSuiteBinarySpec
    getComponent() - Method in VisualStudioProject
    The component that this project represents.
    getComponent() - Method in VisualStudioSolution
    The component that this solution represents.
    getComponentAs(Class<T>) - Method in BaseBinarySpec
    getComponentIdentifier() - Method in ComponentArtifactIdentifier
    Returns the id of the component that this artifact belongs to.
    getComponents() - Method in ArtifactResolutionResult
    getComponents() - Method in DependencyHandler
    Returns the component metadata handler for this project.
    getComponents() - Method in Project
    Returns the software components produced by this project.
    getComponentSelection() - Method in ResolutionStrategy
    Returns the currently configured version selection rules object.
    getCompression() - Method in Tar
    Returns the compression that is used for this archive.
    getCompressor() - Method in Zip
    getConf2ScopeMappings() - Method in MavenPluginConvention
    Returns the set of rules for how to map Gradle dependencies to Maven scopes.
    getConf() - Method in IvyArtifact
    A comma separated list of public configurations in which this artifact is published.
    getConfigFailurePolicy() - Method in TestNGOptions
    Option for what to do for other tests that use a configuration step when that step fails.
    getConfigFile() - Method in Checkstyle
    The Checkstyle configuration file to use.
    getConfigFile() - Method in CheckstyleExtension
    The Checkstyle configuration file to use.
    getConfigFile() - Method in CodeNarc
    The CodeNarc configuration file to use.
    getConfigFile() - Method in CodeNarcExtension
    The CodeNarc configuration file to use.
    getConfiguration() - Method in Conf2ScopeMapping
    Returns the dependency configuration name.
    getConfiguration() - Method in ModuleDependency
    Returns the configuration of this dependency module (not the configurations this dependency belongs too).
    getConfiguration() - Method in ResolvedDependency
    Returns the configuration under which this instance was resolved.
    getConfiguration() - Method in SigningExtension
    The configuration that signature artifacts are added to.
    getConfiguration() - Method in Upload
    Returns the configuration to upload.
    getConfigurations() - Method in AbstractDependencyReportTask
    Returns the configurations to generate the report for.
    getConfigurations() - Method in CprojectDescriptor
    getConfigurations() - Method in IvyPublication
    Returns the complete set of configurations for this publication.
    getConfigurations() - Method in MavenPom
    Returns the configuration container used for mapping configurations to Maven scopes.
    getConfigurations() - Method in Project
    Returns the configurations of this project.
    getConfigurations() - Method in ScriptHandler
    Returns the configurations of this handler.
    getConfigurationScript() - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    A Groovy script file that configures the compiler, allowing extensive control over how the code is compiled.
    getConfiguredContextHandlers() - Method in JettyRun
    getConfMapping() - Method in IvyDependency
    The configuration mapping string that will be output for this dependency.
    getConnectors() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    getContent() - Method in BrowserEvaluate
    getContentRoot() - Method in HttpFileServer
    getContentRoot() - Method in SimpleHttpFileServer
    getContentRoots() - Method in IdeaModule
    All content roots.
    getContents() - Method in Distribution
    The contents of the distribution.
    getContextPath() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    Returns the context path to use to deploy the web application.
    getContextRoot() - Method in EarWebModule
    The context-root element specifies the context root of a web application.
    getConvention() - Method in Project
    getConvention() - Method in Task
    getCppCompiler() - Method in GccPlatformToolChain
    Returns the settings to use for the C++ compiler.
    getCppCompiler() - Method in NativeBinarySpec
    The configuration of the C++ compiler used when compiling C++ sources for this binary.
    getCppCompiler() - Method in VisualCppPlatformToolChain
    Returns the settings to use for the C++ compiler.
    getCreateStaticLib() - Method in StaticLibraryBinarySpec.TasksCollection
    The create static library task.
    getCredentials(Class<T>) - Method in AuthenticationSupported
    Returns the credentials of the specified type used to authenticate with this repository.
    getCsv() - Method in JacocoReportsContainer
    The JaCoCo (single file) CSV report
    getCurrentDir() - Method in StartParameter
    Returns the directory to use to select the default project, and to search for the settings file.
    getDaemonServer() - Method in ScalaCompileOptions
    Server (host:port) on which the compile daemon is running.
    getDate() - Method in PublishArtifact
    Returns the date that should be used when publishing this artifact.
    getDate() - Method in Signature
    The date of the signature artifact.
    getDebug() - Method in JavaExec
    getDebug() - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Returns true if debugging is enabled for the process.
    getDebug() - Method in Test
    getDebug() - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Returns logging options for debug level.
    getDebugLevel() - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    Generate debugging information.
    getDebugLevel() - Method in DebugOptions
    Tells which debugging information is to be generated.
    getDebugOptions() - Method in CompileOptions
    Returns options for generating debugging information.
    getDeclaredConfigurationName() - Method in AbstractLibrary
    getDeclaredConfigurationName() - Method in ProjectDependency
    getDefaultCharacterEncoding() - Method in JavaExec
    getDefaultCharacterEncoding() - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Returns the default character encoding to use.
    getDefaultCharacterEncoding() - Method in Test
    getDefaultConfiguration() - Method in SigningExtension
    Provides the configuration that signature artifacts are added to.
    getDefaultExtension() - Method in Compression
    getDefaultImports() - Method in TwirlCompile
    Returns the default imports that will be used when compiling templates.
    getDefaultImports() - Method in TwirlSourceSet
    The default imports that should be added to generated source files
    getDefaultJvmOpts() - Method in CreateStartScripts
    The application's default JVM options.
    getDefaultJvmOpts() - Method in JavaAppStartScriptGenerationDetails
    getDefaultResourceName() - Method in Classpath
    getDefaultResourceName() - Method in CprojectDescriptor
    getDefaultResourceName() - Method in Jdt
    getDefaultResourceName() - Method in Module
    getDefaultResourceName() - Method in Project
    getDefaultResourceName() - Method in ProjectDescriptor
    getDefaultResourceName() - Method in Workspace
    getDefaultResourceName() - Method in WtpComponent
    getDefaultResourceName() - Method in WtpFacet
    getDefaultSignatory(Project) - Method in PgpSignatoryProvider
    getDefaultSignatory(Project) - Method in SignatoryProvider
    getDefaultTargetJdk(JavaVersion) - Method in PmdPlugin
    getDefaultTasks() - Method in Project
    getDefaultType() - Method in AbstractSignatureTypeProvider
    getDefaultType() - Method in SignatureTypeProvider
    getDelete() - Method in Delete
    Returns the set of files which will be deleted by this task.
    getDependencies() - Method in ClientModule
    Returns all the dependencies added to the client module.
    getDependencies() - Method in Configuration
    Gets the set of dependencies directly contained in this configuration (ignoring superconfigurations).
    getDependencies() - Method in DependencySpecContainer
    Returns an immutable view of dependencies stored in this container.
    getDependencies() - Method in DependentSourceSet
    getDependencies() - Method in IdeaModule
    dependencies of this module (i.e. module dependencies, library dependencies, etc.)
    getDependencies() - Method in JvmApiSpec
    The dependencies of this API.
    getDependencies() - Method in JvmLibrarySpec
    The component-level dependencies of this library.
    getDependencies() - Method in JvmTestSuiteSpec
    The set of dependencies applicable to the entire test suite.
    getDependencies() - Method in MavenPom
    Returns the dependencies for this POM.
    getDependencies() - Method in Project
    Returns the dependency handler of this project.
    getDependencies() - Method in ResolvableDependencies
    Returns the set of dependencies which will be resolved.
    getDependencies() - Method in ResolvedComponentResult
    getDependencies() - Method in ScriptHandler
    Returns the dependencies of the script.
    getDependencies(Task) - Method in TaskDependency
    getDependencyCacheDir() - Method in JavaCompile
    getDependencyCacheDir() - Method in JavaPluginConvention
    getDependencyModule() - Method in IdeaModuleDependency
    returns dependency module
    getDependencyNotation() - Method in TwirlCompile
    getDependencyProject() - Method in ProjectDependency
    Returns the project associated with this project dependency.
    getDependencySubstitution() - Method in ResolutionStrategy
    Returns the set of dependency substitution rules that are set for this configuration.
    getDependents() - Method in ResolvedComponentResult
    Returns the incoming dependencies of this component.
    getDependOptions() - Method in CompileOptions
    Returns options for using the Ant <depend> task.
    getDependsOn() - Method in Task
    getDeploymentRegistry() - Method in PlayRun
    getDepth() - Method in Project
    getDescription() - Method in AntTarget
    getDescription() - Method in ComponentSelectionReason
    Returns a human-consumable description of this selection reason.
    getDescription() - Method in Configuration
    Returns the description for this configuration.
    getDescription() - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    The application description.
    getDescription() - Method in EarSecurityRole
    A description of the security role.
    getDescription() - Method in Element
    Returns the description of the element, or null if it has no description.
    getDescription() - Method in Failure
    Returns a long description of the failure.
    getDescription() - Method in Launchable
    Returns the description of this launchable, or null if it has no description.
    getDescription() - Method in OsgiManifest
    Returns the description.
    getDescription() - Method in ProgressEvent
    A description of the current piece of work.
    getDescription() - Method in Project
    Returns the description of this project.
    getDescription() - Method in Rule
    Returns the description of the rule.
    getDescription() - Method in Task
    Returns the description of this task.
    getDescriptor() - Method in GenerateIvyDescriptor
    The module descriptor metadata.
    getDescriptor() - Method in InvalidModelRuleException
    getDescriptor() - Method in IvyPublication
    The module descriptor that will be published.
    getDescriptor() - Method in ProgressEvent
    Returns the description of the operation for which progress is reported.
    getDescriptor() - Method in TaskProgressEvent
    Returns the description of the task for which progress is reported.
    getDescriptor() - Method in TestProgressEvent
    Returns the description of the test for which progress is reported.
    getDescriptorDestination() - Method in Upload
    Returns the path to generate the dependency descriptor to.
    getDestination() - Method in GenerateIvyDescriptor
    The file the descriptor will be written to.
    getDestination() - Method in GenerateMavenPom
    The file the POM will be written to.
    getDestination() - Method in Report
    The location on the filesystem of the report when it is generated.
    getDestination() - Method in TestOutputEvent
    Destination of the message
    getDestinationDir() - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
    Returns the directory where the archive is generated into.
    getDestinationDir() - Method in AbstractCompile
    Returns the directory to generate the .class files into.
    getDestinationDir() - Method in AbstractLinkTask
    getDestinationDir() - Method in CoffeeScriptCompile
    getDestinationDir() - Method in CoffeeScriptCompileSpec
    getDestinationDir() - Method in Copy
    Returns the directory to copy files into.
    getDestinationDir() - Method in Groovydoc
    Returns the directory to generate the documentation into.
    getDestinationDir() - Method in Javadoc
    getDestinationDir() - Method in JavaScriptMinify
    Returns the output directory that processed JavaScript is written to.
    getDestinationDir() - Method in ScalaDoc
    Returns the directory to generate the API documentation into.
    getDestinationDir() - Method in Sync
    Returns the directory to copy files into.
    getDestinationDir() - Method in TestReport
    Returns the directory to write the HTML report to.
    getDestinationDirectory() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    getDestinationDirectory() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    getDidWork() - Method in Task
    getDidWork() - Method in TaskState
    getDidWork() - Method in WorkResult
    getDir() - Method in ConfigurableFileTree
    Returns the base directory of this file tree.
    getDir() - Method in DirectoryTree
    Returns the base directory of this tree.
    getDir() - Method in GradleBuild
    Returns the project directory for the build.
    getDirectory() - Method in NativeInstallationSpec
    getDirectory() - Method in ScanTargetPattern
    getDirectory() - Method in SourceDirectory
    Returns the source directory.
    getDirMode() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    getDirMode() - Method in CopyProcessingSpec
    Returns the Unix permissions to use for the target directories.
    getDirs() - Method in FlatDirectoryArtifactRepository
    Returns the directories where this repository will look for artifacts.
    getDirs() - Method in SourceSetOutput
    Returns all dirs registered with #dir method.
    getDisplayGranularity() - Method in TestLogging
    Returns the display granularity of the events to be logged.
    getDisplayName() - Method in Architecture
    Returns a human-consumable display name for this architecture.
    getDisplayName() - Method in Binary
    Returns a human-consumable display name for this binary.
    getDisplayName() - Method in BuildType
    Returns a human-consumable name for this build type.
    getDisplayName() - Method in ComponentArtifactIdentifier
    Returns some human-consumable display name for this artifact.
    getDisplayName() - Method in ComponentIdentifier
    Returns a human-consumable display name for this identifier.
    getDisplayName() - Method in ComponentSelector
    Returns a human-consumable display name for this selector.
    getDisplayName() - Method in ComponentSpec
    Returns a human-consumable display name for this component.
    getDisplayName() - Method in DependencySpec
    The human friendly name of this dependency.
    getDisplayName() - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    The application display name.
    getDisplayName() - Method in Flavor
    Returns a human-consumable display name for this flavor.
    getDisplayName() - Method in Launchable
    Returns a human-consumable display name for this launchable.
    getDisplayName() - Method in OperatingSystem
    Returns a human-consumable display name for this operating system.
    getDisplayName() - Method in OperationDescriptor
    Returns a human consumable display name for the operation.
    getDisplayName() - Method in Platform
    Returns a human consumable name for this platform.
    getDisplayName() - Method in ProgressEvent
    Returns a human consumable short description of the event.
    getDisplayName() - Method in Report
    A more descriptive name of this report.
    getDisplayName() - Method in Resource
    Human readable name of this resource
    getDisplayName() - Method in SignOperation
    getDisplayName() - Method in ToolChain
    Returns a human consumable name for this tool chain.
    getDistributionBase() - Method in Wrapper
    The distribution base specifies whether the unpacked wrapper distribution should be stored in the project or in the gradle user home dir.
    getDistributionPath() - Method in Wrapper
    Returns the path where the gradle distributions needed by the wrapper are unzipped.
    getDistributionUrl() - Method in Wrapper
    The URL to download the gradle distribution from.
    getDistsDir() - Method in BasePluginConvention
    Returns the directory to generate TAR and ZIP archives into.
    getDocEncoding() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    getDoclet() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    getDoclet() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    getDocletpath() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    getDocletpath() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    getDocsDir() - Method in JavaPluginConvention
    Returns a file pointing to the root directory supposed to be used for all docs.
    getDocTitle() - Method in Groovydoc
    Returns the title for the package index(first) page.
    getDocTitle() - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Returns the HTML text to appear in the main frame title.
    getDocTitle() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    getDocURL() - Method in OsgiManifest
    Returns the docURL value.
    getDuplicatesStrategy() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    getDuplicatesStrategy() - Method in CopySpec
    Returns the strategy to use when trying to copy more than one file to the same destination.
    getDuplicatesStrategy() - Method in FileCopyDetails
    The strategy to use if there is already a file at this file's destination.
    getEffectiveManifest() - Method in Manifest
    Returns a new manifest instance where all the attribute values are expanded (e.g. their toString method is called).
    getEffectivePom() - Method in MavenPom
    Returns a POM with the generated dependencies and the whenConfigured(org.gradle.api.Action) actions applied.
    getEmacs() - Method in FindBugsReports
    The findbugs Emacs report
    getEnableAssertions() - Method in JavaExec
    getEnableAssertions() - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Returns true if assertions are enabled for the process.
    getEnableAssertions() - Method in Test
    getEnabled() - Method in ReportContainer
    Returns an immutable collection of all the enabled Report objects in this container.
    getEnabled() - Method in Task
    getEncoding() - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    Encoding of source files.
    getEncoding() - Method in CoffeeScriptCompileOptions
    getEncoding() - Method in CompileOptions
    Returns the character encoding to be used when reading source files.
    getEncoding() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    getEncoding() - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Tells the source encoding.
    getEncoding() - Method in JsHint
    getEncoding() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    getEncoding() - Method in Zip
    The encoding to use for filenames and the file comment of the archive.
    getEndTime() - Method in OperationResult
    Returns the time when the operation finished its execution.
    getEndTime() - Method in TestResult
    Returns the time when this test completed execution.
    getEntryCompression() - Method in Zip
    Returns the compression level of the entries of the archive.
    getEntryPoint() - Method in DirectoryReport
    Returns the entry point of a directory based Report
    getEnvironment() - Method in AbstractExecTask
    getEnvironment() - Method in JavaExec
    getEnvironment() - Method in ProcessForkOptions
    The environment variables to use for the process.
    getEnvironment() - Method in Test
    getError() - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Returns logging options for error level.
    getErrorOutput() - Method in AbstractExecTask
    getErrorOutput() - Method in BaseExecSpec
    Returns the output stream to consume standard error from the process executing the command.
    getErrorOutput() - Method in JavaExec
    getEvaluator() - Method in BrowserEvaluate
    getEvents() - Method in TestLogging
    Returns the events to be logged.
    getEventTime() - Method in ProgressEvent
    Returns the time this event was triggered.
    getException() - Method in TestResult
    If the test failed with an exception, this will be the exception.
    getExceptionFormat() - Method in TestLogging
    Returns the format to be used for logging test exceptions.
    getExceptions() - Method in TestResult
    If the test failed with any exceptions, this will contain the exceptions.
    getExcludeBugsFilter() - Method in FindBugs
    The filename of a filter specifying baseline bugs to exclude from being reported.
    getExcludeBugsFilter() - Method in FindBugsExtension
    The filename of a filter specifying baseline bugs to exclude from being reported.
    getExcludeCategories() - Method in JUnitOptions
    The set of categories to exclude.
    getExcludeDirectories() - Method in IdeaContentRoot
    The set of excluded directories.
    getExcludeDocFilesSubDir() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    getExcludedTaskNames() - Method in StartParameter
    Returns the names of the tasks to be excluded from this build.
    getExcludeFilter() - Method in FindBugs
    The filename of a filter specifying bugs to exclude from being reported.
    getExcludeFilter() - Method in FindBugsExtension
    The filename of a filter specifying bugs to exclude from being reported.
    getExcludeGroups() - Method in TestNGOptions
    The set of groups to exclude.
    getExcludeRules() - Method in Configuration
    Returns the exclude rules applied for resolving any dependency of this configuration.
    getExcludeRules() - Method in ModuleDependency
    Returns the exclude rules for this dependency.
    getExcludes() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    getExcludes() - Method in PatternFilterable
    Returns the set of exclude patterns.
    getExcludes() - Method in PatternSet
    getExcludes() - Method in ScanTargetPattern
    getExcludes() - Method in SourceTask
    getExcludes() - Method in Test
    Returns the exclude patterns for test execution.
    getExcludeSpecs() - Method in PatternSet
    getExecActionFactory() - Method in AbstractExecTask
    getExecActionFactory() - Method in JavaExec
    getExecHandleFactory() - Method in SonarRunner
    getExecResult() - Method in AbstractExecTask
    Returns the result for the command run by this task.
    getExecutable() - Method in AbstractExecTask
    getExecutable() - Method in ForkOptions
    Returns the compiler executable to be used.
    getExecutable() - Method in GccCommandLineToolConfiguration
    The name of the executable file for this tool.
    getExecutable() - Method in Javadoc
    Returns the Javadoc executable to use to generate the Javadoc.
    getExecutable() - Method in JavaExec
    getExecutable() - Method in NativeExecutableBinarySpec
    Native Executable File.
    getExecutable() - Method in NativeTestSuiteBinarySpec
    getExecutable() - Method in ProcessForkOptions
    Returns the name of the executable to use.
    getExecutable() - Method in Test
    getExecutableFile() - Method in NativeExecutableBinary
    The executable file.
    getExecutableFile() - Method in NativeTestSuiteBinarySpec
    The executable file.
    getExecutables() - Method in NativeComponentExtension
    The NativeExecutableSpec components produced by the build.
    getExecuted() - Method in ProjectState
    getExecuted() - Method in TaskState
    getExitEnvironmentVar() - Method in CreateStartScripts
    The environment variable to use to control exit value (Windows only).
    getExitEnvironmentVar() - Method in JavaAppStartScriptGenerationDetails
    The environment variable to use to control exit value (windows only)
    getExitValue() - Method in ExecResult
    Returns the exit value of the process.
    getExported() - Method in IdeaDependency
    Allows to check if current dependency is transitive, i.e.
    getExportedHeaders() - Method in HeaderExportingSourceSet
    The headers as a directory set.
    getExportedPackages() - Method in ApiJar
    getExportedPackages() - Method in JarBinarySpec
    getExports() - Method in JvmApiSpec
    The set of packages that comprise this library's public API.
    getExtDirs() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    getExtDirs() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    getExtDocUrl() - Method in JavadocOfflineLink
    getExtends() - Method in IvyConfiguration
    The set of names of extended configurations, added via extend(String).
    getExtendsFrom() - Method in Configuration
    Returns the names of the configurations which this configuration extends from.
    getExtension() - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
    Returns the extension part of the archive name.
    getExtension() - Method in ArmoredSignatureType
    getExtension() - Method in ArtifactIdentifier
    Returns the extension of this artifact.
    getExtension() - Method in BinarySignatureType
    getExtension() - Method in DependencyArtifact
    Returns the extension of this dependency artifact.
    getExtension() - Method in IvyArtifact
    The extension used to publish the artifact file, never null.
    getExtension() - Method in MavenArtifact
    The extension used to publish the artifact file, never null.
    getExtension() - Method in PublishArtifact
    Returns the extension of this published artifact.
    getExtension() - Method in ResolvedArtifact
    getExtension() - Method in Signature
    The extension of the signature artifact.
    getExtension() - Method in SignatureType
    getExtensionDirs() - Method in CompileOptions
    Returns the extension dirs to be used for the compiler process.
    getExtensions() - Method in ExtensionAware
    The container of extensions.
    getExtensions() - Method in Project
    Allows adding DSL extensions to the project.
    getExtensionsAsDynamicObject() - Method in Convention
    Returns a dynamic object which represents the properties and methods contributed by the extensions and convention objects contained in this convention.
    getExtraInfo() - Method in IvyModuleDescriptor
    Returns an IvyExtraInfo representing the "extra" info declared in this descriptor.
    getExtraInfo() - Method in IvyModuleDescriptorSpec
    Returns the extra info element spec for this publication
    getExtraProperties() - Method in ExtensionContainer
    The extra properties extension in this extension container.
    getExtraScanTargets() - Method in JettyRun
    getFailedTestCount() - Method in TestResult
    Returns the number of failed atomic tests executed for this test.
    getFailure() - Method in BuildResult
    getFailure() - Method in ModelResult
    The failure retrieving the model.
    getFailure() - Method in ProjectState
    Returns the exception describing the project failure, if any.
    getFailure() - Method in TaskState
    Returns the exception describing the task failure, if any.
    getFailure() - Method in UnresolvedArtifactResult
    The failure that occurred when the artifact was resolved.
    getFailure() - Method in UnresolvedComponentResult
    Returns the failure that occurred when trying to resolve the component.
    getFailure() - Method in UnresolvedDependencyResult
    The failure that occurred.
    getFailures() - Method in FailureResult
    Returns the failures that occurred while running the operation, if any.
    getFile() - Method in ExternalDependency
    Returns the file for this dependency.
    getFile() - Method in FileReference
    Returns the target file.
    getFile() - Method in FileTreeElement
    Returns the file being visited.
    getFile() - Method in IdeaSingleEntryLibraryDependency
    Returns the file for this dependency.
    getFile() - Method in InputFileDetails
    The input file, which may no longer exist.
    getFile() - Method in IvyArtifact
    The actual file contents to publish.
    getFile() - Method in MavenArtifact
    The actual file contents to publish.
    getFile() - Method in NativeExecutableFileSpec
    getFile() - Method in PublishArtifact
    Returns the file of this artifact.
    getFile(File) - Method in RelativePath
    getFile() - Method in ResolvedArtifact
    getFile() - Method in ResolvedArtifactResult
    The file for the artifact.
    getFile() - Method in Signature
    The file for the generated signature, which may not yet exist.
    getFile() - Method in UnableToDeleteFileException
    getFileCollectionFactory() - Method in Sign
    getFileExtensions() - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Returns the list of acceptable source file extensions.
    getFileLookup() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    getFileLookup() - Method in Wrapper
    getFileMode() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    getFileMode() - Method in CopyProcessingSpec
    Returns the Unix permissions to use for the target files.
    getFileName() - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    The name of the descriptor file, typically "application.xml"
    getFileOperations() - Method in InstallExecutable
    getFileOperations() - Method in JavaCompile
    getFileReferenceFactory() - Method in EclipseClasspath
    getFileReferenceFactory() - Method in EclipseWtpComponent
    getFileResolver() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    getFileResolver() - Method in CompareGradleBuilds
    getFileResolver() - Method in ComponentReport
    getFileResolver() - Method in Delete
    getFileResolver() - Method in GenerateIvyDescriptor
    getFileResolver() - Method in GenerateMavenPom
    getFileResolver() - Method in JavaScriptMinify
    getFileResolver() - Method in SonarRunner
    getFileResolver() - Method in Test
    getFiles() - Method in Classpath
    getFiles() - Method in FileCollection
    Returns the contents of this collection as a Set.
    getFiles() - Method in FileTree
    Returns the contents of this tree as a flattened Set.
    getFiles(Spec<? super Dependency>) - Method in LenientConfiguration
    Returns successfully resolved files for successfully resolved dependencies.
    getFiles() - Method in PublishArtifactSet
    getFiles() - Method in ResolvableDependencies
    Returns a FileCollection which contains the resolved set of files.
    getFiles(Spec<? super Dependency>) - Method in ResolvedConfiguration
    Returns the files for the specified subset of configuration dependencies.
    getFiles() - Method in TaskInputs
    Returns the input files of this task.
    getFiles() - Method in TaskOutputs
    Returns the output files of this task.
    getFilesToSign() - Method in Sign
    All of the files that will be signed by this task.
    getFilesToSign() - Method in SignOperation
    All of the files that will be signed by this operation.
    getFileSystem() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    getFileSystem() - Method in Delete
    getFileSystem() - Method in InstallExecutable
    getFilter() - Method in PomFilterContainer
    Returns the default filter being used. .
    getFilter() - Method in SourceDirectorySet
    Returns the filter used to select the source from the source directories.
    getFilter() - Method in Test
    Allows filtering tests for execution.
    getFiltersFile() - Method in VisualStudioProject
    Configuration for the generated filters file.
    getFinalizedBy() - Method in Task
    getFirstLevelModuleDependencies(Spec<? super Dependency>) - Method in LenientConfiguration
    Returns successfully resolved dependencies.
    getFirstLevelModuleDependencies(Spec<? super Dependency>) - Method in ResolvedConfiguration
    Returns the ResolvedDependency instances for each direct dependency of the configuration that matches the given spec.
    getFlavor() - Method in NativeBinary
    The Flavor that this binary was built with.
    getFlavor() - Method in NativeBinarySpec
    The Flavor that this binary was built with.
    getFooter() - Method in Groovydoc
    Returns the HTML footer for each page.
    getFooter() - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Returns the HTML text to appear in the footer for each page.
    getFooter() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    getForcedModules() - Method in ResolutionStrategy
    Returns currently configured forced modules.
    getForkEvery() - Method in Test
    Returns the maximum number of test classes to execute in a forked test process.
    getForkOptions() - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    Options for running the Scala compiler in a separate process.
    getForkOptions() - Method in CompileOptions
    Returns options for running the compiler in a child process.
    getForkOptions() - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Returns options for running the Groovy compiler in a separate process.
    getForkOptions() - Method in JavaScriptMinify
    The fork options to be applied to the JavaScript compiler.
    getForkOptions() - Method in PlayRun
    fork options for the running a Play application.
    getForkOptions() - Method in RoutesCompile
    The fork options to be applied to the Routes compiler.
    getForkOptions() - Method in SonarRunner
    Options for the analysis process.
    getForkOptions() - Method in SonarRunnerRootExtension
    Options for the Sonar Runner process.
    getForkOptions() - Method in TwirlCompile
    fork options for the twirl compiler.
    getFormat() - Method in ModelReport
    getForPlatform(P) - Method in ToolChainRegistry
    Returns the best tool chain to build for the target platform.
    getFrom() - Method in ConfigurableFileCollection
    Returns the set of source paths for this collection.
    getFrom() - Method in DependencyResult
    Returns the origin of the dependency.
    getGeneralCompileCaches() - Method in JavaCompile
    getGeneratedJavaScript() - Method in PlayApplicationBinarySpec
    getGeneratedScala() - Method in PlayApplicationBinarySpec
    getGeneratedSourceDirectories() - Method in IdeaContentRoot
    The set of generated source directories.
    getGeneratedTestDirectories() - Method in IdeaContentRoot
    The set of generated test directories.
    getGradle() - Method in BuildEnvironment
    Returns information about the Gradle environment, for example the Gradle version.
    getGradle() - Method in BuildResult
    getGradle() - Method in Gradle
    Returns this Gradle instance.
    getGradle() - Method in Project
    getGradle() - Method in Settings
    Returns the Gradle instance for the current build.
    getGradleHomeDir() - Method in Gradle
    Returns the Gradle home directory, if any.
    getGradleModuleVersion() - Method in ExternalDependency
    Returns the Gradle module information for this dependency, or null if the dependency does not originate from a remote repository.
    getGradleProject() - Method in EclipseProject
    The gradle project that is associated with this project.
    getGradleProject() - Method in HasGradleProject
    The associated Gradle project.
    getGradleProject() - Method in IdeaModule
    The gradle project that is associated with this module.
    getGradleSonarUrls() - Method in SonarAnalyze
    getGradleUserHome() - Method in GradleEnvironment
    Informs about the Gradle user home.
    getGradleUserHomeDir() - Method in Gradle
    Returns the Gradle user home directory.
    getGradleUserHomeDir() - Method in StartParameter
    Returns the directory to use as the user home directory.
    getGradleVersion() - Method in Gradle
    Returns the current Gradle version.
    getGradleVersion() - Method in GradleBuildInvocationSpec
    The Gradle version to run the build with.
    getGradleVersion() - Method in GradleEnvironment
    Informs about the Gradle version.
    getGradleVersion() - Method in Wrapper
    Returns the gradle version for the wrapper.
    getGroovy() - Method in GroovySourceSet
    Returns the source to be compiled by the Groovy compiler for this source set.
    getGroovyClasspath() - Method in GroovyCompile
    Returns the classpath containing the version of Groovy to use for compilation.
    getGroovyClasspath() - Method in Groovydoc
    Returns the classpath containing the Groovy library to be used.
    getGroovyOptions() - Method in GroovyCompile
    Gets the options for the Groovy compilation.
    getGroup() - Method in Dependency
    Returns the group of this dependency.
    getGroup() - Method in ExcludeRule
    The exact name of the organization or group that should be excluded.
    getGroup() - Method in GradleModuleVersion
    The group of the module, for example 'org.gradle'.
    getGroup() - Method in Module
    getGroup() - Method in ModuleComponentIdentifier
    The module group of the component.
    getGroup() - Method in ModuleComponentSelector
    The group of the module to select the component from.
    getGroup() - Method in ModuleDependencySpec
    The group of the module this dependency specification refers to.
    getGroup() - Method in ModuleIdentifier
    The group of the module.
    getGroup() - Method in ModuleVersionIdentifier
    The group of the module.
    getGroup() - Method in ModuleVersionSelector
    The group of the module.
    getGroup() - Method in Project
    getGroup() - Method in Task
    Returns the task group which this task belongs to.
    getGroupByInstances() - Method in TestNGOptions
    getGroupId() - Method in MavenDependency
    The groupId value for this dependency.
    getGroupId() - Method in MavenPom
    Returns the group id for this POM.
    getGroupId() - Method in MavenPublication
    Returns the groupId for this publication.
    getGroups() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    getHasInputs() - Method in TaskInputs
    Returns true if this task has declared the inputs that it consumes.
    getHasOutput() - Method in TaskOutputs
    Returns true if this task has declared any outputs.
    getHasSourceFiles() - Method in TaskInputs
    Returns true if this task has declared that it accepts source files.
    getHeader() - Method in Groovydoc
    Returns the HTML header for each page.
    getHeader() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    getHeader() - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Returns the HTML text to appear in the header for each page.
    getHeader() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    getHeaderDir() - Method in GenerateCUnitLauncher
    getHeaderDirs() - Method in NativeLibraryBinary
    getHeaders() - Method in PrebuiltLibrary
    The headers exported by this library.
    getHeaders() - Method in PrefixHeaderFileGenerateTask
    getHelpFile() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    getHierarchy() - Method in Configuration
    Gets a ordered set including this configuration and all superconfigurations recursively.
    getHtml() - Method in BuildDashboardReports
    The build dashboard HTML report
    getHtml() - Method in CheckstyleReports
    The checkstyle HTML report.
    getHtml() - Method in CodeNarcReports
    The codenarc HTML report
    getHtml() - Method in DependencyReportContainer
    The dependency HTML report
    getHtml() - Method in FindBugsReports
    The findbugs HTML report
    getHtml() - Method in JacocoReportsContainer
    The JaCoCo HTML report
    getHtml() - Method in PmdReports
    The pmd (single file) HTML report
    getHtml() - Method in TestTaskReports
    A HTML report indicate the results of the test execution.
    getHttpPort() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    Returns the TCP port for Jetty to listen on for incoming HTTP requests.
    getHttpPort() - Method in JettyPluginConvention
    Returns the TCP port for Jetty to listen on for incoming HTTP requests.
    getHttpPort() - Method in PlayRun
    The HTTP port listened to by the Play application.
    getId() - Method in AppliedPlugin
    The ID of the plugin.
    getId() - Method in BaseBinarySpec
    getId() - Method in ClientModule
    Returns the id of the client module.
    getId() - Method in ComponentMetadata
    Returns the identifier of the component.
    getId() - Method in ComponentModuleMetadata
    The identifier of the module.
    getId() - Method in ComponentResult
    Returns the ID of the requested component.
    getId() - Method in EclipseProjectNature
    Returns the unique identifier of the project nature.
    getId() - Method in GradlePublication
    Returns the unique identifier of the publication.
    getId() - Method in JarBinarySpec
    The unique identifier of this JarBinarySpec.
    getId() - Method in ResolvedArtifact
    getId() - Method in ResolvedComponentResult
    getId() - Method in ResolvedModuleVersion
    The identifier of this resolved module version.
    getIgnoreFailures() - Method in CompareGradleBuilds
    Whether a comparison between non identical builds will fail the task execution.
    getIgnoreFailures() - Method in RunTestExecutable
    getIgnoreFailures() - Method in Test
    getIgnoreFailures() - Method in VerificationTask
    Specifies whether the build should break when the verifications performed by this task fail.
    getImplicitHeaders() - Method in HeaderExportingSourceSet
    The headers that are private to this source set and implicitly available.
    getIncludeCategories() - Method in JUnitOptions
    The set of categories to run.
    getIncludeEmptyDirs() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    getIncludeEmptyDirs() - Method in CopySpec
    Tells if empty target directories will be included in the copy.
    getIncludeFilter() - Method in FindBugs
    The filename of a filter specifying which bugs are reported.
    getIncludeFilter() - Method in FindBugsExtension
    The filename of a filter specifying which bugs are reported.
    getIncludeGroups() - Method in TestNGOptions
    The set of groups to run.
    getIncludePatterns() - Method in TestFilter
    Returns the included test name patterns.
    getIncludeRoots() - Method in NativeDependencySet
    Returns the header file directories to use at compile time.
    getIncludes() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    getIncludes() - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    Returns the header directories to be used for compilation.
    getIncludes() - Method in PatternFilterable
    Returns the set of include patterns.
    getIncludes() - Method in PatternSet
    getIncludes() - Method in ScanTargetPattern
    getIncludes() - Method in SourceTask
    getIncludes() - Method in Test
    Returns the include patterns for test execution.
    getIncludes() - Method in WindowsResourceCompile
    Returns the header directories to be used for compilation.
    getIncludeSpecs() - Method in PatternSet
    getIncoming() - Method in Configuration
    Returns the incoming dependencies of this configuration.
    getIncrementalCompilerBuilder() - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    getIncrementalCompilerBuilder() - Method in WindowsResourceCompile
    getIncrementalOptions() - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    getInfo() - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Gets logging options for info level.
    getInheritOutputDirs() - Method in IdeaCompilerOutput
    whether current module should inherit project's output directory.
    getInitializeInOrder() - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    Whether to initialize modules in the order they appear in the descriptor, with the exception of client modules.
    getInitScripts() - Method in StartParameter
    Returns all explicitly added init scripts that will be run before the build starts.
    getInjectedRoutesGenerator() - Method in PlayApplicationSpec
    Will an injected router be generated for this application?
    getInjectedRoutesGenerator() - Method in RoutesCompile
    Is the injected routes generator (play.routes.compiler.InjectedRoutesGenerator) used for generating routes?
    getInputFile() - Method in GenerateFiltersFileTask
    getInputFile() - Method in GenerateProjectFileTask
    getInputFile() - Method in GenerateSolutionFileTask
    getInputFile() - Method in GeneratorTask
    The input file to load the initial configuration from.
    getInputFiles() - Method in TextResource
    Returns the input files registered when this resource is used as task input.
    getInputProperties() - Method in TextResource
    Returns the input properties registered when this resource is used as task input.
    getInputReports() - Method in GenerateBuildDashboard
    getInputs() - Method in BaseBinarySpec
    getInputs() - Method in BinarySpec
    Returns all inputs of the binary.
    getInputs() - Method in Task
    getInstall() - Method in NativeExecutableBinarySpec.TasksCollection
    The install task.
    getInstall() - Method in NativeTestSuiteBinarySpec.TasksCollection
    The install task.
    getInstallation() - Method in NativeExecutableBinarySpec
    Native Installation location for a native executable.
    getInstallation() - Method in NativeTestSuiteBinarySpec
    getInstallDir() - Method in VisualCpp
    The directory where Visual Studio or Visual C++ is installed.
    getInstantiator() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    getInstantiator() - Method in Checkstyle
    getInstantiator() - Method in CodeNarc
    getInstantiator() - Method in CompareGradleBuilds
    getInstantiator() - Method in Ear
    getInstantiator() - Method in FindBugs
    getInstantiator() - Method in GenerateBuildDashboard
    getInstantiator() - Method in GeneratorTask
    getInstantiator() - Method in HtmlDependencyReportTask
    getInstantiator() - Method in InstallExecutable
    getInstantiator() - Method in JacocoReport
    getInstantiator() - Method in JDepend
    getInstantiator() - Method in Pmd
    getInstantiator() - Method in Test
    getInstructions() - Method in OsgiManifest
    Returns all existing instruction.
    getIvyPublisher() - Method in PublishToIvyRepository
    getIvyStatus() - Method in IvyModuleDescriptor
    Returns the status attribute of the info element in this descriptor.
    getJar() - Method in JarBinarySpec.TasksCollection
    The jar task used to create an archive for this binary.
    getJarFile() - Method in JarBinarySpec
    The jar file output for this binary.
    getJarFile() - Method in PlayApplicationBinarySpec
    The application jar file produced for this binary.
    getJarFile() - Method in Wrapper
    Returns the file to write the wrapper jar file to.
    getJarTaskName() - Method in SourceSet
    Returns the name of the Jar task for this source set.
    getJarURL() - Method in FileReference
    Returns the jar URL of the file
    getJava() - Method in BuildEnvironment
    Returns information about the Java environment, for example the Java home or the JVM args used.
    getJava() - Method in SourceSet
    Returns the Java source which is to be compiled by the Java compiler into the class output directory.
    getJavaConvention(Project) - Method in JettyPlugin
    getJAVADOC_ANNOTATIONS() - Method in TestNGOptions
    getJavadoc() - Method in ExternalDependency
    Returns the Javadoc directory or archive for this dependency, or null if no Javadoc is available.
    getJavadoc() - Method in IdeaSingleEntryLibraryDependency
    Returns the Javadoc directory/archive for this dependency.
    getJavadocAnnotations() - Method in TestNGOptions
    When true, Javadoc annotations are used for these tests.
    getJavadocFile() - Method in SingleEntryModuleLibrary
    Returns a single javadoc jar or javadoc folder
    getJavaHome() - Method in InstalledJdk
    The home directory of the Java installation.
    getJavaHome() - Method in JavaEnvironment
    The Java home used for Gradle operations (for example running tasks or acquiring model information).
    getJavaHome() - Method in JavaRuntime
    The home directory of the Java runtime installation.
    getJavaLanguageSettings() - Method in IdeaModule
    Returns the Java language settings for this element, or null if this element is not a Java element.
    getJavaLanguageSettings() - Method in IdeaProject
    Returns the Java language settings for this project.
    getJavaPlatform() - Method in PlayPlatform
    Version of Java Runtime to use.
    getJavaSourceSettings() - Method in EclipseProject
    Returns the Java source settings for this project.
    getJavaVersion() - Method in InstalledJdk
    The version of the Java installation.
    getJavaVersion() - Method in JavaRuntime
    The Java version of the Java runtime installation.
    getJDK_ANNOTATIONS() - Method in TestNGOptions
    getJdk() - Method in EclipseJavaSourceSettings
    Returns the JDK used for building.
    getJdk() - Method in IdeaJavaLanguageSettings
    Returns the JDK used for building.
    getJdkName() - Method in IdeaProject
    Returns the name of the JDK.
    getJettyConfig() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    Returns the jetty configuration file to use.
    getJettyEnvXml() - Method in JettyRun
    getJettyEnvXmlFile() - Method in JettyRun
    getJFlags() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    getJFlags() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    getJs() - Method in CoffeeScriptExtension
    getJs() - Method in EnvJsExtension
    getJs() - Method in JsHintExtension
    getJsHint() - Method in JsHint
    getJsonReport() - Method in JsHint
    getjUnitVersion() - Method in JUnitTestSuiteBinarySpec
    getjUnitVersion() - Method in JUnitTestSuiteSpec
    getJunitXml() - Method in TestTaskReports
    The test results in “JUnit XML” format.
    getJvmArgs() - Method in BaseForkOptions
    Returns any additional JVM arguments for the compiler process.
    getJvmArgs() - Method in JavaExec
    getJvmArgs() - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Returns the extra arguments to use to launch the JVM for the process.
    getJvmArgs() - Method in Test
    getJvmArguments() - Method in JavaEnvironment
    The JVM arguments the user has provided to start the Java process that handles Gradle operations (for example running tasks or acquiring model information).
    getJvmTestKind() - Method in JvmTestOperationDescriptor
    Returns what kind of test this is.
    getKey() - Method in ManifestMergeDetails
    Returns the key that is to be merged.
    getKeyId() - Method in PgpSignatory
    getKind() - Method in ClasspathEntry
    getKind() - Method in Container
    getKind() - Method in Library
    getKind() - Method in Output
    getKind() - Method in ProjectDependency
    getKind() - Method in SourceFolder
    getKind() - Method in Variable
    getLabel() - Method in JvmTestKind
    Returns a label for the test kind.
    getLanguageLevel() - Method in IdeaJavaLanguageSettings
    Returns the Java language level.
    getLanguageLevel() - Method in IdeaProject
    Returns the language level to use within the current project.
    getLastModified() - Method in FileTreeElement
    Returns the last modified time of this file at the time of file traversal.
    getLastName() - Method in RelativePath
    getLenientConfiguration() - Method in ResolvedConfiguration
    Provides configuration that does not fail eagerly when some dependencies are not resolved.
    getLevel() - Method in IdeaLanguageLevel
    Gets the level value
    getLevel() - Method in LoggingManager
    Returns the current logging level.
    getLib() - Method in Ear
    A location for dependency libraries to include in the 'lib' directory of the EAR archive.
    getLibraries() - Method in NativeComponentExtension
    The NativeLibrarySpec components produced by the build.
    getLibrary() - Method in JarBinarySpec
    getLibrary() - Method in LibraryBinarySpec
    The library that this binary belongs to.
    getLibrary() - Method in NativeLibraryBinarySpec
    getLibraryDirectory() - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    The name of the directory to look for libraries in.
    getLibraryFile() - Method in SingleEntryModuleLibrary
    Returns a single jar or class folder
    getLibraryName() - Method in LibraryBinaryDependencySpec
    Returns the name of the library this dependency refers to.
    getLibraryName() - Method in LibraryBinaryIdentifier
    The name of the library
    getLibraryName() - Method in LibraryComponentSelector
    Return the library name of the selected library.
    getLibraryName() - Method in NativeLibraryRequirement
    The name of the required library.
    getLibraryName() - Method in ProjectDependencySpec
    Returns the name of the library this dependency refers to.
    getLibs() - Method in DependentSourceSet
    The libraries that this source set requires.
    getLibs() - Method in NativeBinarySpec
    The libraries that should be linked into this binary.
    getLibsDir() - Method in BasePluginConvention
    Returns the directory to generate JAR and WAR archives into.
    getLicense() - Method in OsgiManifest
    Returns the license.
    getLifecycle() - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Returns logging options for lifecycle level.
    getLifecycleTaskName() - Method in EclipsePlugin
    getLifecycleTaskName() - Method in EclipseWtpPlugin
    getLifecycleTaskName() - Method in IdeaPlugin
    getLink() - Method in NativeExecutableBinarySpec.TasksCollection
    The link task.
    getLink() - Method in NativeTestSuiteBinarySpec.TasksCollection
    The link task.
    getLink() - Method in SharedLibraryBinarySpec.TasksCollection
    Returns the link task for this binary.
    getLinkage() - Method in NativeLibraryRequirement
    The required linkage.
    getLinkedResources() - Method in HierarchicalEclipseProject
    Returns the linked resources for this project.
    getLinker() - Method in GccPlatformToolChain
    Returns the settings to use for the linker.
    getLinker() - Method in NativeBinarySpec
    The configuration of the linker used when linking this binary.
    getLinker() - Method in VisualCppPlatformToolChain
    Returns the settings to use for the linker.
    getLinkFiles() - Method in NativeDependencySet
    Returns the files to use at link time.
    getLinkFiles() - Method in NativeLibraryBinary
    getLinks() - Method in Groovydoc
    Returns the links to groovydoc/javadoc output at the given URL.
    getLinks() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    getLinksOffline() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    getListenerManager() - Method in Test
    getListeners() - Method in TestNGOptions
    Fully qualified classes that are TestNG listeners (instances of org.testng.ITestListener or org.testng.IReporter).
    getLocal() - Method in AnnouncePluginExtension
    Returns an Announcer that sends announcements to the local desktop, if a notification mechanism is available.
    getLocale() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    getLocale() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    getLocation() - Method in ConfigFile
    The location where this file will be generated.
    getLocation() - Method in EclipseLinkedResource
    The local file system absolute path of the target of the linked resource.
    getLocation() - Method in ResourceException
    Returns the location of the resource, if known.
    getLocationUri() - Method in EclipseLinkedResource
    If the file is not in the local file system, this attribute contains the absolute URI of the resource in some backing file system.
    getLogbackAndSlf4jUrls() - Method in SonarAnalyze
    getLogger(String) - Method in Logging
    Returns the logger with the given name.
    getLogger() - Method in Project
    getLogger() - Method in Script
    Returns the logger for this script.
    getLogger() - Method in Task
    getLogging() - Method in Project
    Returns the LoggingManager which can be used to control the logging level and standard output/error capture for this project's build script.
    getLogging() - Method in Script
    Returns the LoggingManager which can be used to control the logging level and standard output/error capture for this script.
    getLogging() - Method in Task
    Returns the LoggingManager which can be used to control the logging level and standard output/error capture for this task.
    getLoggingLevel() - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    Specifies the amount of logging.
    getLoggingManagerFactory() - Method in AbstractPublishToMaven
    getLoggingPhases() - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    Phases of the compiler to log.
    getM2Compatible() - Method in IvyPatternRepositoryLayout
    Tells whether a Maven style layout is to be used for the 'organisation' part, replacing any dots with forward slashes.
    getMacros() - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    Macros that should be defined for the compiler.
    getMacros() - Method in PreprocessingTool
    The set of preprocessor macros to define when compiling this binary.
    getMacros() - Method in WindowsResourceCompile
    Macros that should be defined for the compiler.
    getMain() - Method in JavaExec
    getMain() - Method in JavaExecSpec
    Returns the fully qualified name of the Main class to be executed.
    getMainArtifact() - Method in MavenDeployment
    Returns the main artifact for this deployment.
    getMainClassName() - Method in CreateStartScripts
    The main classname used to start the Java application.
    getMainClassName() - Method in JavaAppStartScriptGenerationDetails
    getMainSpec() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    getMajorVersion() - Method in JavaVersion
    getManifest() - Method in Jar
    Returns the manifest for this JAR archive.
    getMapping(Collection<Configuration>) - Method in Conf2ScopeMappingContainer
    Returns a scope that corresponds to the given configurations.
    getMappings() - Method in Conf2ScopeMappingContainer
    Returns a map with all the configuration to scope mappings.
    getMavenPomDir() - Method in MavenPluginConvention
    Returns the directory to generate Maven POMs into.
    getMavenRepositoryLocator() - Method in AbstractPublishToMaven
    getMaxGranularity() - Method in TestLogging
    Returns the maximum granularity of the events to be logged.
    getMaxHeapSize() - Method in AntlrTask
    The maximum heap size for the forked antlr process (ex: '1g').
    getMaxHeapSize() - Method in JavaExec
    getMaxHeapSize() - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Returns the maximum heap size for the process, if any.
    getMaxHeapSize() - Method in Test
    getMaxMemory() - Method in Javadoc
    Returns the amount of memory allocated to this task.
    getMaxParallelForks() - Method in Test
    Returns the maximum number of forked test processes to execute in parallel.
    getMaxWorkerCount() - Method in StartParameter
    Returns the maximum number of concurrent workers used for underlying build operations.
    getMemberLevel() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    getMemberLevel() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    getMemoryInitialSize() - Method in BaseForkOptions
    Returns the initial heap size for the compiler process.
    getMemoryMaximumSize() - Method in BaseForkOptions
    Returns the maximum heap size for the compiler process.
    getMergeValue() - Method in ManifestMergeDetails
    Returns the value for the key of the manifest that is the source for the merge.
    getMessage() - Method in Failure
    Returns a short message (typically one line) for the failure.
    getMessage() - Method in TestOutputEvent
    Message content
    getMetaInf() - Method in Jar
    getMethodName() - Method in JvmTestOperationDescriptor
    Returns the name of the test method, if any.
    getMinGranularity() - Method in TestLogging
    Returns the minimum granularity of the events to be logged.
    getMinHeapSize() - Method in JavaExec
    getMinHeapSize() - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Returns the minimum heap size for the process, if any.
    getMinHeapSize() - Method in Test
    getMode() - Method in FileTreeElement
    Returns the Unix permissions of this file, e.g.
    getModel(Model, Class<T>) - Method in BuildController
    Fetches a snapshot of the model of the given type for the given element, usually a Gradle project.
    getModel() - Method in IdeaPlugin
    getModel() - Method in MavenPom
    Returns the underlying native Maven org.apache.maven.model.Model object.
    getModel() - Method in ModelResult
    Returns the model produced.
    getModel(Class<T>, ResultHandler<? super T>) - Method in ProjectConnection
    Starts fetching a snapshot of the given model, passing the result to the given handler when complete.
    getModelRegistry() - Method in ComponentReport
    getModelRegistry() - Method in ModelReport
    getModels(Class<T>, ResultHandler<? super ModelResults<T>>) - Method in GradleConnection
    Starts fetching a Set of snapshots of the model of the given type for this composite, passing the result to the given handler when complete.
    getModule() - Method in ExcludeRule
    The exact name of the module that should be excluded.
    getModule() - Method in IvyDependency
    The module value for this dependency.
    getModule() - Method in IvyPublication
    Returns the module for this publication.
    getModule() - Method in ModuleComponentIdentifier
    The module name of the component.
    getModule() - Method in ModuleComponentSelector
    The name of the module to select the component from.
    getModule() - Method in ModuleVersionIdentifier
    Returns the ModuleIdentifier containing the group and the name of this module.
    getModule() - Method in ResolvedDependency
    Returns the module which this resolved dependency belongs to.
    getModuleArtifacts() - Method in ResolvedDependency
    Returns the module artifacts belonging to this ResolvedDependency.
    getModuleGroup() - Method in ResolvedDependency
    Returns the module group of the resolved dependency.
    getModuleName() - Method in ResolvedDependency
    Returns the module name of the resolved dependency.
    getModuleRegistry() - Method in SonarAnalyze
    getModuleRegistry() - Method in Test
    getModules() - Method in DependencyHandler
    Returns the component module metadata handler for this project.
    getModules() - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    List of module descriptors.
    getModules() - Method in IdeaProject
    Returns the modules of this IDEA project.
    getModuleTypeMappings() - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    Mapping of module paths to module types.
    getModuleVersion() - Method in ResolvedArtifact
    Returns the module which this artifact belongs to.
    getModuleVersion() - Method in ResolvedComponentResult
    Returns the module version which this component belongs to, if any.
    getModuleVersion() - Method in ResolvedDependency
    Returns the module version of the resolved dependency.
    getModuleVersionIdentifier() - Method in ArtifactIdentifier
    Returns the identifier of the module that owns this artifact.
    getMustRunAfter() - Method in Task
    getName() - Method in AppliedPlugin
    The name of the plugin.
    getName() - Method in ArtifactIdentifier
    Returns the name of this artifact.
    getName() - Method in ArtifactRepository
    Returns the name for this repository.
    getName() - Method in BasicGradleProject
    Returns the name of this project.
    getName() - Method in Configuration
    Returns the name of this configuration.
    getName() - Method in Dependency
    Returns the name of this dependency.
    getName() - Method in DependencyArtifact
    Returns the name of the dependency artifact.
    getName() - Method in Distribution
    The name of this distribution.
    getName() - Method in EclipseBuildCommand
    Returns the name of the build command.
    getName() - Method in EclipseLinkedResource
    The project-relative path of the linked resource as it appears in the workspace.
    getName() - Method in Element
    Returns the name of the element.
    getName() - Method in FileCopyDetails
    Returns the base name of this file at the copy destination.
    getName() - Method in FileTreeElement
    Returns the base name of this file.
    getName() - Method in GradleModuleVersion
    The name of the module, for example 'gradle-tooling-api'.
    getName() - Method in IdeaProject
    The name of the IDEA project.
    getName() - Method in IvyArtifact
    The name used to publish the artifact file, never null.
    getName() - Method in Module
    getName() - Method in ModuleDependencySpec
    The name of the module this dependency specification refers to.
    getName() - Method in ModuleIdentifier
    The name of the module.
    getName() - Method in ModuleVersionIdentifier
    The name of the module.
    getName() - Method in ModuleVersionSelector
    The name of the module.
    getName() - Method in Named
    The object's name.
    getName() - Method in OperationDescriptor
    Returns the name of the operation.
    getName() - Method in OsgiManifest
    Returns the name.
    getName() - Method in Project
    getName() - Method in ProjectDescriptor
    Returns the name of this project.
    getName() - Method in PublishArtifact
    Returns the name of the artifact.
    getName() - Method in Report
    The symbolic name of this report.
    getName() - Method in ResolvableDependencies
    Returns the name of this set.
    getName() - Method in ResolvedArtifact
    getName() - Method in ResolvedDependency
    Returns the name of the resolved dependency.
    getName() - Method in Signatory
    getName() - Method in Signature
    The name of the signature artifact.
    getName() - Method in SourceDirectorySet
    A concise name for the source directory set (typically used to identify it in a collection).
    getName() - Method in SourceSet
    Returns the name of this source set.
    getName() - Method in TargetJdk
    getName() - Method in Task
    getName() - Method in TaskSelector
    Returns the name that will be used to select tasks.
    getName() - Method in TestDescriptor
    Returns the name of the test.
    getNamer() - Method in NamedDomainObjectCollection
    An object that represents the naming strategy used to name objects of this collection.
    getNames() - Method in NamedDomainObjectCollection
    getNamespace() - Method in AppliedPlugin
    The namespace of the plugin.
    getNamingScheme() - Method in BaseBinarySpec
    getNativeLibraryLocation() - Method in AbstractClasspathEntry
    getNoExportConfigurations() - Method in EclipseClasspath
    getNoQualifiers() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    getObjcCompiler() - Method in GccPlatformToolChain
    Returns the settings to use for the Objective-C compiler.
    getObjcCompiler() - Method in NativeBinarySpec
    The configuration of the Objective-C compiler used when compiling Objective-C sources for this binary.
    getObjcppCompiler() - Method in GccPlatformToolChain
    Returns the settings to use for the Objective-C++ compiler.
    getObjcppCompiler() - Method in NativeBinarySpec
    The configuration of the Objective-C++ compiler used when compiling Objective-C++ sources for this binary.
    getObjectFileDir() - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    The directory where object files will be generated.
    getObjectFileDir() - Method in Assemble
    The directory where object files will be generated.
    getOperatingSystem() - Method in NativePlatform
    The operating system being targeted.
    getOperationLoggerFactory() - Method in AbstractLinkTask
    getOperationLoggerFactory() - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    getOperationLoggerFactory() - Method in Assemble
    getOperationLoggerFactory() - Method in CreateStaticLibrary
    getOperationLoggerFactory() - Method in WindowsResourceCompile
    getOptimizationOptions() - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Returns optimization options for the Groovy compiler.
    getOption() - Method in JavadocOptionFileOption
    getOptionFiles() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    getOptionFiles() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    getOptions() - Method in AbstractScalaCompile
    Returns the Java compilation options.
    getOptions() - Method in CoffeeScriptCompile
    getOptions() - Method in CoffeeScriptCompileSpec
    getOptions() - Method in GroovyCompile
    Returns the options for Java compilation.
    getOptions() - Method in JavaCompile
    Returns the compilation options.
    getOptions() - Method in Javadoc
    Returns the Javadoc generation options.
    getOptions() - Method in Test
    Returns test framework specific options.
    getOptionsFile() - Method in Javadoc
    getOptsEnvironmentVar() - Method in CreateStartScripts
    The environment variable to use to provide additional options to the JVM.
    getOptsEnvironmentVar() - Method in JavaAppStartScriptGenerationDetails
    The environment variable to use to provide additional options to the JVM
    getOrCreate(Node, String) - Method in ProjectDescriptor
    getOrCreateGlobalAnalysisMap() - Method in AbstractScalaCompile
    getOrCreateIncludePathsOption(def) - Method in CprojectDescriptor
    getOrCreateLibsOption(def) - Method in CprojectDescriptor
    getOrganisation() - Method in IvyDependency
    The organisation value for this dependency.
    getOrganisation() - Method in IvyPublication
    Returns the organisation for this publication.
    getOutcome() - Method in BuildTask
    The outcome of attempting to execute this task.
    getOutput() - Method in BuildResult
    The textual output produced during the build.
    getOutput() - Method in SourceSet
    SourceSetOutput is a FileCollection of all output directories (compiled classes, processed resources, etc.)
    getOutputDir() - Method in CreateStartScripts
    The directory to write the scripts into.
    getOutputDir() - Method in IdeaCompilerOutput
    directory to store module's production classes and resources.
    getOutputDir() - Method in RunTestExecutable
    getOutputDir() - Method in WindowsResourceCompile
    The directory where object files will be generated.
    getOutputDirectory() - Method in AntlrTask
    Returns the directory to generate the parser source files into.
    getOutputDirectory() - Method in RoutesCompile
    Returns the directory to generate the parser source files into.
    getOutputDirectory() - Method in TestNGOptions
    The location to write TestNG's output.
    getOutputDirectory() - Method in TwirlCompile
    Returns the directory to generate the parser source files into.
    getOutputFile() - Method in AbstractReportTask
    Returns the file which the report will be written to.
    getOutputFile() - Method in ApiJar
    getOutputFile() - Method in GenerateFiltersFileTask
    getOutputFile() - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
    Configures output *.iml file.
    getOutputFile() - Method in GenerateIdeaProject
    output *.ipr file
    getOutputFile() - Method in GenerateProjectFileTask
    getOutputFile() - Method in GenerateSolutionFileTask
    getOutputFile() - Method in GeneratorTask
    The output file to write the final configuration to.
    getOutputFile() - Method in IdeaModule
    Configures output *.iml file.
    getOutputLevel() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    getOutputLevel() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    getOutputs() - Method in Task
    getOutputType() - Method in DirectoryReport
    Always returns Report.OutputType#DIRECTORY
    getOutputType() - Method in Report
    A file based report to be created.
    getOutputType() - Method in SingleFileReport
    Always returns Report.OutputType#FILE
    getOverrideWebXml() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    getOverview() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    getOverview() - Method in Groovydoc
    Returns a HTML file to be used for overview documentation.
    getOverview() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    getPackagelistLoc() - Method in JavadocOfflineLink
    getPackages() - Method in Groovydoc.Link
    Returns a list of package prefixes to be linked with an external site.
    getPackaging() - Method in MavenPom
    Returns the packaging for this POM.
    getParallel() - Method in TestNGOptions
    The parallel mode to use for running the tests - one of the following modes: methods, tests, classes or instances.
    getParallelThreadCount() - Method in StartParameter
    Returns the number of parallel threads to use for build execution.
    getParent() - Method in BasicGradleProject
    Returns the parent of this project, or null if this is the root project.
    getParent() - Method in EclipseProject
    getParent() - Method in Gradle
    Returns the parent build of this build, if any.
    getParent() - Method in GradleProject
    getParent() - Method in HierarchicalEclipseProject
    getParent() - Method in HierarchicalElement
    Returns the parent of this element, or null if there is no parent.
    getParent() - Method in IdeaModule
    Returns the project of this module.
    getParent() - Method in OperationDescriptor
    Returns the parent operation, if any.
    getParent() - Method in Project
    getParent() - Method in ProjectDescriptor
    Returns the parent of this project, if any.
    getParent() - Method in RelativePath
    Returns the parent of this path.
    getParent() - Method in TestDescriptor
    Returns the parent of this test, if any.
    getParentArtifacts(ResolvedDependency) - Method in ResolvedDependency
    Returns the artifacts belonging to this ResolvedDependency which it only has for a particular parent.
    getParentName() - Method in LanguageSourceSet
    getParents() - Method in ResolvedDependency
    Returns the ResolvedDependency instances that have this instance as a transitive dependency.
    getPassword() - Method in PasswordCredentials
    Returns the password to use when authenticating to this repository.
    getPath() - Method in BasicGradleProject
    Returns the path of this project.
    getPath() - Method in BuildTask
    The unique path of the task.
    getPath() - Method in EarModule
    The connector element specifies the URI of an archive file, relative to the top level of the application package.
    getPath() - Method in EclipseProjectDependency
    Returns the path to use for this project dependency.
    getPath() - Method in EclipseSourceDirectory
    Returns the relative path for this source directory.
    getPath() - Method in FileCopyDetails
    Returns the path of this file, relative to the root of the copy destination.
    getPath() - Method in FileReference
    Returns the logical path for the file.
    getPath() - Method in FileTreeElement
    Returns the path of this file, relative to the root of the containing file tree.
    getPath() - Method in GccCompatibleToolChain
    The paths setting required for executing the tool chain.
    getPath() - Method in GradleProject
    Returns the path of this project.
    getPath() - Method in LocalJava
    Returns the path to the local Java installation.
    getPath() - Method in Project
    getPath() - Method in ProjectDescriptor
    Returns the path of this project.
    getPath() - Method in ResolvableDependencies
    Returns the path of this set.
    getPath() - Method in Task
    getPathString() - Method in RelativePath
    getPatterns() - Method in DirectoryTree
    Returns the patterns which select the files under the base directory.
    getPatternSetFactory() - Method in SourceTask
    getPlatform() - Method in JavaCompile
    getPlatform() - Method in NativePlatformToolChain
    Returns the platform which this tool chain builds for.
    getPlatform() - Method in PlatformJavaCompile
    getPlatform() - Method in PlatformScalaCompile
    getPlay() - Method in PlayPluginConfigurations
    getPlayPlatform() - Method in PlayPluginConfigurations
    getPlayRun() - Method in PlayPluginConfigurations
    getPlayTest() - Method in PlayPluginConfigurations
    getPlayVersion() - Method in PlayPlatform
    Version of Play Framework to use
    getPlugin(Class<T>) - Method in Convention
    Locates the plugin convention object with the given type.
    getPlugin(Class<T>) - Method in PluginContainer
    Returns a plugin with the specified type if this plugin has been used in the project.
    getPluginClasspath() - Method in GradleRunner
    The injected plugin classpath for the build.
    getPluginManager() - Method in PluginAware
    The plugin manager for this plugin aware object.
    getPlugins() - Method in Convention
    Returns the plugin convention objects contained in this convention.
    getPlugins() - Method in PluginAware
    The container of plugins that have been applied to this object.
    getPluginSourceSet() - Method in GradlePluginDevelopmentExtension
    Returns the source set that compiles the code under test.
    getPlusConfigurations() - Method in EclipseWtpComponent
    Synonym for libConfigurations.
    getPom() - Method in GenerateMavenPom
    The Maven POM.
    getPom() - Method in MavenPublication
    The POM that will be published.
    getPom() - Method in PomFilterContainer
    Returns the POM property of the custom filter.
    getPomArtifact() - Method in MavenDeployment
    Returns the POM for this deployment.
    getPort() - Method in HttpFileServer
    getPort() - Method in SimpleHttpFileServer
    getPreCompiledHeader() - Method in AbstractNativeSourceCompileTask
    Returns the pre-compiled header to be used during compilation
    getPreCompiledHeader() - Method in DependentSourceSet
    Returns the pre-compiled header configured for this source set.
    getPrefixHeaderFile() - Method in PrefixHeaderFileGenerateTask
    getPreserveOrder() - Method in TestNGOptions
    getPriority() - Method in Conf2ScopeMapping
    Returns the priority.
    getProblem() - Method in UnresolvedDependency
    the exception that is the cause of unresolved state
    getProcessBuilderFactory() - Method in Test
    getProcessResourcesTaskName() - Method in SourceSet
    Returns the name of the resource process task for this source set.
    getProgressLoggerFactory() - Method in CompareGradleBuilds
    getProgressLoggerFactory() - Method in Test
    getProject() - Method in GradleTask
    Returns the Gradle project this task is defined in.
    getProject() - Method in IdeaModule
    Returns the project of this module.
    getProject() - Method in Project
    getProject() - Method in SonarModel
    Returns per-project configuration options.
    getProject() - Method in Task
    getProjectCacheDir() - Method in StartParameter
    Returns the project's cache dir.
    getProjectConfiguration() - Method in ProjectDependency
    Returns the configuration associated with this project dependency.
    getProjectDependencies() - Method in HierarchicalEclipseProject
    Returns the project dependencies for this project.
    getProjectDir() - Method in GradleBuildInvocationSpec
    The “root” directory of the build.
    getProjectDir() - Method in GradleRunner
    The directory that the build will be executed in.
    getProjectDir() - Method in Project
    getProjectDir() - Method in ProjectDescriptor
    Returns the project directory of this project.
    getProjectDir() - Method in StartParameter
    Returns the project dir to use to select the default project.
    getProjectDir() - Method in TestNGOptions
    getProjectDirectory() - Method in BasicGradleProject
    Returns the project directory for this project.
    getProjectDirectory() - Method in GradleProject
    Returns the project directory for this project.
    getProjectDirectory() - Method in HierarchicalEclipseProject
    Returns the project directory for this project.
    getProjectFile() - Method in VisualStudioProject
    Configuration for the generated project file.
    getProjectIdentifier() - Method in BasicGradleProject
    Returns the identifier for this Gradle project.
    getProjectIdentifier() - Method in BuildInvocations
    Returns the identifier for the Gradle project that these invocations originate from.
    getProjectIdentifier() - Method in FailedModelResult
    Identifier of the project that originated this failure, if any.
    getProjectIdentifier() - Method in GradleProject
    Returns the identifier for this Gradle project.
    getProjectIdentifier() - Method in Launchable
    Returns the identifier for the Gradle project that this model originated from.
    getProjectIdentifier() - Method in ProjectPublications
    Returns the identifier for the Gradle project that these invocations originate from.
    getProjectLayoutRegistry() - Method in InitBuild
    getProjectNatures() - Method in EclipseProject
    Returns the Eclipse natures configured on the project.
    getProjectPath() - Method in ComponentSpec
    The path to the project containing this component.
    getProjectPath() - Method in LibraryBinaryDependencySpec
    Returns the project path of the project this dependency refers to.
    getProjectPath() - Method in LibraryBinaryIdentifier
    The project path of the library.
    getProjectPath() - Method in LibraryComponentSelector
    Return the project path of the selected library.
    getProjectPath() - Method in NativeLibraryRequirement
    The path to the project containing the library.
    getProjectPath() - Method in ProjectComponentIdentifier
    Returns the path of the project which the component belongs to.
    getProjectPath() - Method in ProjectComponentSelector
    The path of the project to select the component from.
    getProjectPath() - Method in ProjectDependencySpec
    Returns the project path of the project this dependency refers to.
    getProjectPath() - Method in TaskExecutionRequest
    Project path associated with this task request if any.
    getProjectProperties() - Method in StartParameter
    getProjectReportDir() - Method in ProjectReportsPluginConvention
    Returns the directory to generate the project reports into.
    getProjects() - Method in AbstractReportTask
    Returns the set of project to generate this report for.
    getProjects() - Method in GradleBuild
    Returns the set of all projects for this build.
    getProjects() - Method in HtmlDependencyReportTask
    Returns the set of projects to generate a report for.
    getProjects() - Method in ProjectReportsPluginConvention
    getProjects() - Method in VisualStudioExtension
    The VisualStudioProjects generated.
    getProjects() - Method in VisualStudioSolution
    The set of projects included in this solution.
    getProjectScopedName() - Method in BaseBinarySpec
    getProjectTaskLister() - Method in TaskReportTask
    getProperties() - Method in AntBuilder
    Returns the properties of the Ant project.
    getProperties() - Method in ExtraPropertiesExtension
    Returns all of the registered properties and their current values as a map.
    getProperties() - Method in Project
    getProperties() - Method in SonarProperties
    The Sonar properties for the current Gradle project that are to be passed to the Sonar runner.
    getProperties() - Method in TaskInputs
    Returns the set of input properties for this task.
    getPropertiesFile() - Method in Wrapper
    Returns the file to write the wrapper properties to.
    getPublication() - Method in AbstractPublishToMaven
    The publication to be published.
    getPublication() - Method in PublishToIvyRepository
    The publication to be published.
    getPublicationInternal() - Method in AbstractPublishToMaven
    getPublications() - Method in ProjectPublications
    Returns the publications for this project.
    getPublications() - Method in PublishingExtension
    The publications of the project.
    getPublicationServices() - Method in Upload
    getPublicType() - Method in BaseBinarySpec
    getPublishedCode() - Method in IncrementalCompileOptions
    Returns the directory or archive path by which the code produced by this task is published to other ScalaCompile tasks.
    getQualifiedPropertyName(String, String) - Method in PgpSignatoryFactory
    getQuiet() - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Returns logging options for quiet level.
    getRcCompiler() - Method in NativeBinarySpec
    The configuration of the Resource compiler used when compiling resources for this binary.
    getRcCompiler() - Method in VisualCppPlatformToolChain
    Returns the settings to use for the Windows resources compiler.
    getReferences() - Method in AntBuilder
    Returns the references of the Ant project.
    getRelativePath() - Method in FileCopyDetails
    Returns the path of this file, relative to the root of the copy destination.
    getRelativePath() - Method in FileTreeElement
    Returns the path of this file, relative to the root of the containing file tree.
    getRelativeSourcePath() - Method in FileCopyDetails
    Returns the path of this file, relative to the root of the containing file tree.
    getReload() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    Returns the reload mode, which is either "automatic" or "manual".
    getRenderer() - Method in AbstractDependencyReportTask
    getRenderer() - Method in AbstractReportTask
    getRenderer() - Method in ProjectReportTask
    getRenderer() - Method in PropertyReportTask
    getRenderer() - Method in TaskReportTask
    getReplacedBy() - Method in ComponentModuleMetadata
    The identifier of module that replaces this module.
    getReportDir() - Method in CompareGradleBuilds
    The directory that will contain the HTML comparison report and any other report files.
    getReports() - Method in Checkstyle
    The reports to be generated by this task.
    getReports() - Method in CodeNarc
    Returns the reports to be generated by this task.
    getReports() - Method in FindBugs
    The reports to be generated by this task.
    getReports() - Method in GenerateBuildDashboard
    The reports to be generated by this task.
    getReports() - Method in HtmlDependencyReportTask
    getReports() - Method in JacocoReport
    Returns the reports to be generated by this task.
    getReports() - Method in JDepend
    The reports to be generated by this task.
    getReports() - Method in Pmd
    Returns the reports to be generated by this task.
    getReports() - Method in Reporting
    A ReportContainer instance.
    getReports() - Method in Test
    The reports that this task potentially produces.
    getRepositories() - Method in Project
    Returns a handler to create repositories which are used for retrieving dependencies and uploading artifacts produced by the project.
    getRepositories() - Method in PublishingExtension
    The container of possible repositories to publish to.
    getRepositories() - Method in ScriptHandler
    Returns a handler to create repositories which are used for retrieving dependencies for the script classpath.
    getRepositories() - Method in Upload
    Returns the repositories to upload to.
    getRepository() - Method in MavenDeployer
    Returns the repository to be used for uploading artifacts.
    getRepository() - Method in PublishToIvyRepository
    The repository to publish to.
    getRepository() - Method in PublishToMavenRepository
    The repository to publish to.
    getRepositoryTransportFactory() - Method in PublishToMavenRepository
    getRequest() - Method in ResolutionControl
    Returns the query object that was requested in this resolution.
    getRequested() - Method in DependencyResolveDetails
    The module, before it is resolved.
    getRequested() - Method in DependencyResult
    getRequested() - Method in DependencySubstitution
    The requested dependency, before it is resolved.
    getRequestLog() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    getResolutionResult() - Method in ResolvableDependencies
    Returns an instance of ResolutionResult that gives access to the graph of the resolved dependencies.
    getResolutionStrategy() - Method in Configuration
    Returns the resolution strategy used by this configuration.
    getResolve() - Method in IvyArtifactRepository
    Returns the meta-data provider used when resolving artifacts from this repository.
    getResolvedArtifacts() - Method in ResolvedConfiguration
    Returns the set of artifact meta-data for this configuration.
    getResolvedComponents() - Method in ArtifactResolutionResult
    getResolvedConfiguration() - Method in Configuration
    Resolves this configuration.
    getResource() - Method in BrowserEvaluate
    getResourceDirs() - Method in JvmClasses
    A set of resource directories for this binary.
    getResources() - Method in Project
    Provides access to resource-specific utility methods, for example factory methods that create various resources.
    getResources() - Method in Script
    Provides access to resource-specific utility methods, for example factory methods that create various resources.
    getResources() - Method in SourceSet
    Returns the non-Java resources which are to be copied into the resources output directory.
    getResourcesDir() - Method in JvmBinarySpec
    The resources directory for this binary.
    getResourcesDir() - Method in SourceSetOutput
    Returns the output directory for resources
    getResourceUrl(String) - Method in HttpFileServer
    getResourceUrl(String) - Method in SimpleHttpFileServer
    getResult() - Method in BrowserEvaluate
    getResult() - Method in FinishEvent
    Returns the result of the finished operation.
    getResult() - Method in TaskFinishEvent
    Returns the result of the finished task operation.
    getResult() - Method in TestFinishEvent
    Returns the result of the finished test operation.
    getResultType() - Method in TestResult
    Describes a test result.
    getRevision() - Method in IvyDependency
    The revision value for this dependency.
    getRevision() - Method in IvyPublication
    Returns the revision for this publication.
    getRhinoClasspath() - Method in CoffeeScriptCompile
    getRhinoClasspath() - Method in JsHint
    getRhinoOptions() - Method in RhinoShellExec
    getRoleName() - Method in EarSecurityRole
    The name of the security role.
    getRoot() - Method in ResolutionResult
    Gives access to the root of resolved dependency graph.
    getRootCppCompilerTools() - Method in CprojectDescriptor
    getRootCppLinkerTools() - Method in CprojectDescriptor
    getRootDir() - Method in Project
    getRootDir() - Method in Settings
    getRootDirectory() - Method in IdeaContentRoot
    The content root directory.
    getRootProject() - Method in Gradle
    Returns the root project of this build.
    getRootProject() - Method in GradleBuild
    Returns the root project for this build.
    getRootProject() - Method in Project
    getRootProject() - Method in Settings
    getRootSpec() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    getRootSpec() - Method in Copy
    getRootSpec() - Method in Sync
    getRootToolChains() - Method in CprojectDescriptor
    getRules() - Method in ExcludeRuleContainer
    Returns all the exclude rules added to this container.
    getRules() - Method in NamedDomainObjectCollection
    Returns the rules used by this collection.
    getRun() - Method in JvmTestSuiteBinarySpec.JvmTestSuiteTasks
    getRun() - Method in TestSuiteTaskCollection
    The run task.
    getRunScript() - Method in InstallExecutable
    Returns the script file that can be used to run the install image.
    getRuntimeClasspath() - Method in JvmTestSuiteBinarySpec
    getRuntimeClasspath() - Method in SourceSet
    Returns the classpath used to execute this source.
    getRuntimeConfigurationName() - Method in SourceSet
    Returns the name of the runtime configuration for this source set.
    getRuntimeFiles() - Method in NativeDependencySet
    Returns the files to use at runtime.
    getRuntimeFiles() - Method in NativeLibraryBinary
    getScala() - Method in ScalaSourceSet
    Returns the source to be compiled by the Scala compiler for this source set.
    getScalaClasspath() - Method in ScalaCompile
    Returns the classpath to use to load the Scala compiler.
    getScalaClasspath() - Method in ScalaDoc
    Returns the classpath to use to load the ScalaDoc tool.
    getScalaCompatibilityVersion() - Method in ScalaPlatform
    getScalaCompileOptions() - Method in AbstractScalaCompile
    Returns the Scala compilation options.
    getScalaCompileOptions() - Method in ScalaCompile
    getScalaDocOptions() - Method in ScalaDoc
    Returns the ScalaDoc generation options.
    getScalaPlatform() - Method in PlayPlatform
    Version of Scala Runtime to use.
    getScalaVersion() - Method in ScalaPlatform
    getScalaVersion(File) - Method in ScalaRuntime
    Determines the version of a Scala Jar file (scala-compiler, scala-library, scala-jdbc, etc.).
    getScanIntervalSeconds() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    Returns the interval in seconds between scanning the web app for file changes.
    getScanner() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    getScannerListeners() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    getScanTargetPatterns() - Method in JettyRun
    getScanTargets() - Method in JettyRun
    getScope() - Method in Conf2ScopeMapping
    Returns the Maven scope name.
    getScope() - Method in IdeaDependency
    scope of the current dependency.
    getScope() - Method in IdeaDependencyScope
    getScopeMappings() - Method in MavenPom
    Returns the scope mappings used for generating this POM.
    getScript() - Method in RhinoShellExec
    getScriptArgs() - Method in RhinoShellExec
    getScriptFile() - Method in Wrapper
    Returns the file to write the wrapper script to.
    getScriptRelPath() - Method in JavaAppStartScriptGenerationDetails
    The path of the script, relative to the application home directory.
    getSecretKey() - Method in AwsCredentials
    Returns the secret key to use to authenticate with AWS.
    getSection() - Method in ManifestMergeDetails
    Returns the section this merge details belongs to.
    getSections() - Method in Manifest
    Returns the sections of the manifest (excluding the main section).
    getSecurityRoles() - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    List of security roles.
    getSegments() - Method in RelativePath
    getSelected() - Method in ResolvedDependencyResult
    Returns the selected component.
    getSelectionReason() - Method in ResolvedComponentResult
    Returns the reason why this particular component was selected in the result.
    getSelector() - Method in UnresolvedDependency
    The module selector of the dependency.
    getServer() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    getSettings() - Method in MavenResolver
    Returns a Maven settings object.
    getSettings() - Method in Settings
    getSettingsDir() - Method in Settings
    getSettingsFile() - Method in StartParameter
    Returns the explicit settings file to use for the build, or null.
    getShared() - Method in NativeLibrarySpec
    Converts this library to a native library requirement that uses the shared library variant.
    getSharedLibraryFile() - Method in SharedLibraryBinary
    The shared library file.
    getSharedLibraryFile() - Method in SharedLibraryBinarySpec
    The shared library file.
    getSharedLibraryLinkFile() - Method in SharedLibraryBinary
    The shared library link file.
    getSharedLibraryLinkFile() - Method in SharedLibraryBinarySpec
    The shared library link file.
    getShouldRunAfter() - Method in Task
    getShowCauses() - Method in TestLogging
    Tells whether causes of exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged.
    getShowExceptions() - Method in TestLogging
    Tells whether exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged.
    getShowStackTraces() - Method in TestLogging
    Tells whether stack traces of exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged.
    getShowStandardStreams() - Method in TestLogging
    Tells whether output on standard out and standard error will be logged.
    getSignatory(String) - Method in PgpSignatoryProvider
    getSignatory(String) - Method in SignatoryProvider
    Retrieves the signatory with the given name.
    getSignatory() - Method in Signature
    The signatory of this signature file.
    getSignatory() - Method in SignatureSpec
    The signatory that will be performing the signing.
    getSignatory() - Method in SigningExtension
    The signatory that will be used for signing when an explicit signatory has not been specified.
    getSignatureFiles() - Method in Sign
    All of the signature files that will be generated by this operation.
    getSignatureFiles() - Method in SignOperation
    All of the signature files that will be generated by this operation.
    getSignatures() - Method in Sign
    The signatures generated by this task.
    getSignatures() - Method in SignOperation
    The registered signatures.
    getSignatureType() - Method in Signature
    The file representation type of the signature.
    getSignatureType() - Method in SignatureSpec
    The signature representation that will be created.
    getSignatureType() - Method in SigningExtension
    The signature type that will be used for signing files when an explicit signature type has not been specified.
    getSingleFile() - Method in FileCollection
    Returns the content of this collection, asserting it contains exactly one file.
    getSingleSignature() - Method in Sign
    Returns the single signature generated by this task.
    getSingleSignature() - Method in SignOperation
    Returns the single registered signature.
    getSize() - Method in FileTreeElement
    Returns the size of this file at the time of file traversal.
    getSkipMessage() - Method in TaskSkippedResult
    Returns a message describing the reason for skipping the task.
    getSkipMessage() - Method in TaskState
    Returns a message describing why the task was skipped.
    getSkipped() - Method in TaskState
    Returns true if the execution of this task was skipped for some reason.
    getSkippedTestCount() - Method in TestResult
    Returns the number of skipped atomic tests executed for this test.
    getSnapshotRepository() - Method in MavenDeployer
    Returns the repository to be used for uploading snapshot artifacts.
    getSolution() - Method in GenerateSolutionFileTask
    getSolutionFile() - Method in VisualStudioSolution
    Configuration for the generated solution file.
    getSolutions() - Method in VisualStudioExtension
    The VisualStudioSolutions generated.
    getSonarProperties() - Method in SonarRunner
    The String key/value pairs to be passed to the Sonar Runner.
    getSource() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    Returns the source files for this task.
    getSource() - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    Returns the source files to be compiled.
    getSource() - Method in AntlrTask
    Returns the source for this task, after the include and exclude patterns have been applied.
    getSource() - Method in Assemble
    getSource() - Method in CoffeeScriptCompileSpec
    getSource() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    getSource() - Method in CreateStaticLibrary
    The source object files to be passed to the archiver.
    getSource() - Method in ExternalDependency
    Returns the source directory or archive for this dependency, or null if no source is available.
    getSource() - Method in IdeaSingleEntryLibraryDependency
    Returns the source directory/archive for this dependency.
    getSource() - Method in LanguageSourceSet
    The source files.
    getSource() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    getSource() - Method in SourceTask
    Returns the source for this task, after the include and exclude patterns have been applied.
    getSource() - Method in WindowsResourceCompile
    Returns the source files to be compiled.
    getSourceBuild() - Method in CompareGradleBuilds
    The specification of how to invoke the source build.
    getSourceCompatibility() - Method in AbstractCompile
    Returns the Java language level to use to compile the source files.
    getSourceCompatibility() - Method in JavaPluginConvention
    Returns the source compatibility used for compiling Java sources.
    getSourceDir() - Method in GenerateCUnitLauncher
    getSourceDirectories() - Method in HierarchicalEclipseProject
    Returns the source directories for this project.
    getSourceDirectories() - Method in IdeaContentRoot
    The set of source directories.
    getSourceFile() - Method in GradleScript
    Returns the source file for this script, or null if this script has no associated source file.
    getSourceFile() - Method in ScriptHandler
    Returns the file containing the source for the script, if any.
    getSourceFile() - Method in SingleEntryModuleLibrary
    Returns a single source jar or source folder
    getSourceFiles() - Method in TaskInputs
    Returns the set of source files for this task.
    getSourceLanguageLevel() - Method in EclipseJavaSourceSettings
    Returns the Java source language level.
    getSourceName() - Method in FileCopyDetails
    Returns the base name of this file at the copy source.
    getSourceNames() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    getSourceNames() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    getSourcepath() - Method in CompileOptions
    The source path to use for the compilation.
    getSourcePath() - Method in FileCopyDetails
    Returns the path of this file, relative to the root of the containing file tree.
    getSources() - Method in BaseBinarySpec
    getSources() - Method in BaseComponentSpec
    getSources() - Method in BinarySpec
    The sources owned by this binary.
    getSources() - Method in SourceComponentSpec
    The source sets for this component.
    getSourceURI() - Method in ScriptHandler
    Returns the URI for the script source, if any.
    getSpecs() - Method in CompositeSpec
    getSrcDirs() - Method in SourceDirectorySet
    Returns the source directories which make up this set.
    getSrcDirTrees() - Method in SourceDirectorySet
    Returns the source directory trees which make up this set.
    getStackTraceFilters() - Method in TestLogging
    Returns the set of filters to be used for sanitizing test stack traces.
    getStandardErrorCaptureLevel() - Method in LoggingManager
    Returns the log level that output written to System.err will be mapped to.
    getStandardInput() - Method in AbstractExecTask
    getStandardInput() - Method in BaseExecSpec
    Returns the standard input stream for the process executing the command.
    getStandardInput() - Method in JavaExec
    getStandardOutput() - Method in AbstractExecTask
    getStandardOutput() - Method in BaseExecSpec
    Returns the output stream to consume standard output from the process executing the command.
    getStandardOutput() - Method in JavaExec
    getStandardOutputCaptureLevel() - Method in LoggingManager
    Returns the log level that output written to System.out will be mapped to.
    getStartParameter() - Method in Gradle
    Returns the StartParameter used to start this build.
    getStartParameter() - Method in GradleBuild
    Returns the full set of parameters that will be used to execute the build.
    getStartParameter() - Method in Settings
    getStartTime() - Method in OperationResult
    Returns the time when the operation started its execution.
    getStartTime() - Method in TestResult
    Returns the time when this test started execution.
    getState() - Method in Configuration
    A Configuration represents a group of artifacts and their dependencies.
    getState() - Method in Project
    Returns the evaluation state of this project.
    getState() - Method in Task
    Returns the execution state of this task.
    getStatic() - Method in NativeLibrarySpec
    Converts this library to a native library requirement that uses the static library variant.
    getStaticLibArchiver() - Method in GccPlatformToolChain
    Returns the settings to use for the archiver.
    getStaticLibArchiver() - Method in NativeBinarySpec
    The configuration of the static library archiver used when creating this binary.
    getStaticLibArchiver() - Method in VisualCppPlatformToolChain
    Returns the settings to use for the archiver.
    getStaticLibraryFile() - Method in StaticLibraryBinary
    The static library file.
    getStaticLibraryFile() - Method in StaticLibraryBinarySpec
    The static library file.
    getStatus() - Method in ComponentMetadata
    Returns the status of the component.
    getStatus() - Method in IvyModuleDescriptorSpec
    Returns the status for this publication.
    getStatus() - Method in Module
    getStatus() - Method in Project
    getStatusScheme() - Method in ComponentMetadata
    Returns the status scheme of the component.
    getStopKey() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    Returns the key to use to stop Jetty.
    getStopKey() - Method in JettyPluginConvention
    Returns the key to use to stop Jetty.
    getStopKey() - Method in JettyStop
    Returns the stop key.
    getStopPort() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    Returns the TCP port for Jetty to listen on for stop requests.
    getStopPort() - Method in JettyPluginConvention
    Returns the TCP port for Jetty to listen on for stop requests.
    getStopPort() - Method in JettyStop
    Returns the TCP port to use to send stop command.
    getStubDir() - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Returns the directory where Java stubs for Groovy classes will be stored during Java/Groovy joint compilation.
    getStylesheet() - Method in CustomizableHtmlReport
    The stylesheet to use to generate the HTML report.
    getStyleSheet() - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Returns the style sheet to override default style.
    getStylesheetFile() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    getSubprojects() - Method in Project
    getSuccessfulTestCount() - Method in TestResult
    Returns the number of successful atomic tests executed for this test.
    getSuiteName() - Method in JvmTestOperationDescriptor
    Returns the name of the test suite, if any.
    getSuiteName() - Method in TestNGOptions
    Sets the default name of the test suite, if one is not specified in a suite XML file or in the source code.
    getSuites(File) - Method in TestNGOptions
    getSuiteXmlBuilder() - Method in TestNGOptions
    getSuiteXmlFiles() - Method in TestNGOptions
    The suiteXmlFiles to use for running TestNG.
    getSuiteXmlWriter() - Method in TestNGOptions
    getSupportedExtensions() - Method in Compression
    getSymbolicName() - Method in OsgiManifest
    Returns the symbolic name.
    getSystemProperties() - Method in JavaExec
    getSystemProperties() - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Returns the system properties which will be used for the process.
    getSystemProperties() - Method in Test
    getSystemPropertiesArgs() - Method in StartParameter
    getTagletPath() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    getTaglets() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    getTags() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    getTarget() - Method in AntTarget
    Returns the Ant target to execute.
    getTarget() - Method in DependencyResolveDetails
    The target module selector used to resolve the dependency.
    getTargetBuild() - Method in CompareGradleBuilds
    The specification of how to invoke the target build.
    getTargetBytecodeVersion() - Method in EclipseJavaSourceSettings
    Returns the target bytecode level.
    getTargetBytecodeVersion() - Method in IdeaJavaLanguageSettings
    Returns the target bytecode level.
    getTargetCompatibility() - Method in AbstractCompile
    Returns the target JVM to generate the .class files for.
    getTargetCompatibility() - Method in JavaPlatform
    getTargetCompatibility() - Method in JavaPluginConvention
    Returns the target compatibility used for compiling Java sources.
    getTargetFiles() - Method in Delete
    Returns the resolved set of files which will be deleted by this task.
    getTargetPlatform() - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    The platform being targeted.
    getTargetPlatform() - Method in Assemble
    The platform being targeted.
    getTargetPlatform() - Method in JvmBinarySpec
    The target platform for this binary.
    getTargetPlatform() - Method in NativeBinary
    Returns the NativePlatform that this binary is targeted to run on.
    getTargetPlatform() - Method in NativeBinarySpec
    Returns the NativePlatform that this binary is targeted to run on.
    getTargetPlatform() - Method in PlayApplicationBinarySpec
    The PlayPlatform this binary is built for.
    getTargetPlatform() - Method in WindowsResourceCompile
    The platform being targeted.
    getTargetProject() - Method in EclipseProjectDependency
    Returns the target of this dependency.
    getTask() - Method in TaskExecutionException
    getTaskConfigurations() - Method in AbstractDependencyReportTask
    getTaskConfigurations() - Method in DependencyReportTask
    getTaskDependencies() - Method in Task
    getTaskDependencyFromProjectDependency(boolean, String) - Method in Configuration
    Returns a TaskDependency object containing dependencies on all tasks with the specified name from project dependencies related to this configuration or one of its super configurations.
    getTaskGraph() - Method in Gradle
    Returns the TaskExecutionGraph for this build.
    getTaskName(String, String) - Method in SourceSet
    Returns the name of a task for this source set.
    getTaskNames() - Method in StartParameter
    Returns the names of the tasks to execute in this build.
    getTaskPath() - Method in TaskOperationDescriptor
    Returns the path of the task.
    getTaskRequests() - Method in StartParameter
    Returns the tasks to execute in this build.
    getTasks() - Method in BaseBinarySpec
    getTasks() - Method in BinarySpec
    The set of tasks associated with this binary.
    getTasks() - Method in BuildableElement
    Returns the tasks of this project.
    getTasks() - Method in BuildInvocations
    Returns the tasks that can be used to execute a build.
    getTasks() - Method in BuildResult
    The tasks that were part of the build.
    getTasks() - Method in GradleBuild
    Returns the tasks that should be executed for this build.
    getTasks() - Method in GradleBuildInvocationSpec
    The tasks to execute.
    getTasks() - Method in GradleProject
    getTasks() - Method in JarBinarySpec
    getTasks() - Method in JvmTestSuiteBinarySpec
    getTasks() - Method in NativeExecutableBinarySpec
    getTasks() - Method in NativeTestSuiteBinarySpec
    getTasks() - Method in Project
    getTasks() - Method in SharedLibraryBinarySpec
    getTasks() - Method in StaticLibraryBinarySpec
    getTasksByName(String, boolean) - Method in Project
    getTaskSelectors() - Method in BuildInvocations
    Returns tasks selectors that can be used to execute a build.
    getTaskType() - Method in CheckstylePlugin
    getTaskType() - Method in CodeNarcPlugin
    getTaskType() - Method in FindBugsPlugin
    getTaskType() - Method in JDependPlugin
    getTaskType() - Method in PmdPlugin
    getTempDir() - Method in ForkOptions
    Returns the directory used for temporary files that may be created to pass command line arguments to the compiler process.
    getTemplate() - Method in TemplateBasedScriptGenerator
    Gets the template reader used for generating script.
    getTemporaryDir() - Method in Task
    getTestClassesDir() - Method in Test
    Returns the root folder for the compiled test sources.
    getTestCount() - Method in TestResult
    Returns the total number of atomic tests executed for this test.
    getTestDirectories() - Method in IdeaContentRoot
    The set of test source directories.
    getTestedBinary() - Method in JvmTestSuiteBinarySpec
    getTestedBinary() - Method in NativeTestSuiteBinarySpec
    The tested binary.
    getTestedComponent() - Method in JvmTestSuiteSpec
    getTestedComponent() - Method in NativeTestSuiteSpec
    getTestedComponent() - Method in TestSuiteSpec
    The tested component.
    getTestFramework() - Method in InitBuild
    Alternative test framework to be used in the generated project.
    getTestFramework() - Method in Test
    getTestLogging() - Method in Test
    Allows to set options related to which test events are logged to the console, and on which detail level.
    getTestName() - Method in TestNGOptions
    Sets the default name of the test, if one is not specified in a suite XML file or in the source code.
    getTestOutputDir() - Method in IdeaCompilerOutput
    directory to store module's test classes and resources.
    getTestReportDir() - Method in JavaPluginConvention
    Returns a file pointing to the root directory to be used for reports.
    getTestResources() - Method in TestNGOptions
    List of all directories containing Test sources.
    getTestResultDirs() - Method in TestReport
    Returns the set of binary test results to include in the report.
    getTestResultsDir() - Method in JavaPluginConvention
    Returns a file pointing to the root directory of the test results.
    getTestSourceSets() - Method in GradlePluginDevelopmentExtension
    Returns the the source sets executing the functional tests with TestKit.
    getTestSrcDirs() - Method in Test
    Returns the directories containing the test source.
    getTestSuite() - Method in CUnitTestSuiteBinarySpec
    getTestSuite() - Method in GoogleTestTestSuiteBinarySpec
    getTestSuite() - Method in JUnitTestSuiteBinarySpec
    getTestSuite() - Method in JvmTestSuiteBinarySpec
    getTestSuite() - Method in NativeTestSuiteBinarySpec
    getTestSuite() - Method in TestSuiteBinarySpec
    Returns the test suite that this binary belongs to.
    getText() - Method in CodeNarcReports
    The codenarc text report
    getText() - Method in FindBugsReports
    The findbugs Text report
    getText() - Method in JDependReports
    The jdepend text report
    getText() - Method in ResourceHandler
    Returns a factory for creating TextResources from various sources such as strings, files, and archive entries.
    getText() - Method in TextProvider
    The text content.
    getTextOutputFactory() - Method in AbstractReportTask
    getTextOutputFactory() - Method in BuildEnvironmentReportTask
    getTextOutputFactory() - Method in ComponentReport
    getTextOutputFactory() - Method in DependencyInsightReportTask
    getTextOutputFactory() - Method in ModelReport
    getTextOutputFactory() - Method in Test
    getThreadCount() - Method in TestNGOptions
    The number of threads to use for this run.
    getTitle() - Method in Javadoc
    getTitle() - Method in ScalaDoc
    Returns the documentation title.
    getToolChain() - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    The tool chain used for compilation.
    getToolChain() - Method in Assemble
    The tool chain being used to build.
    getToolChain() - Method in JavaCompile
    Returns the tool chain that will be used to compile the Java source.
    getToolChain() - Method in Javadoc
    Returns the tool chain that will be used to generate the Javadoc.
    getToolChain() - Method in JavaScriptMinify
    Returns the tool chain that will be used to compile the JavaScript source.
    getToolChain() - Method in JvmBinarySpec
    Returns the JavaToolChain that will be used to build this binary.
    getToolChain() - Method in NativeBinarySpec
    Returns the NativeToolChain that will be used to build this binary.
    getToolChain() - Method in NativeExecutableFileSpec
    getToolChain() - Method in PlatformScalaCompile
    getToolChain() - Method in PlayApplicationBinarySpec
    getToolChain() - Method in RoutesCompile
    Returns the tool chain that will be used to compile the routes source.
    getToolChain() - Method in TwirlCompile
    Returns the tool chain that will be used to compile the twirl source.
    getToolChain() - Method in WindowsResourceCompile
    The tool chain used for compilation.
    getToolName() - Method in CheckstylePlugin
    getToolName() - Method in CodeNarcPlugin
    getToolName() - Method in FindBugsPlugin
    getToolName() - Method in JDependPlugin
    getToolName() - Method in PmdPlugin
    getToolVersion() - Method in SonarRunnerRootExtension
    Version of Sonar Runner JARs to use.
    getTop() - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Returns the HTML text to appear in the top text for each page.
    getToSign() - Method in Signature
    The file that is to be signed.
    getTransformer() - Method in GenerateProjectFileTask
    getTransformer() - Method in PropertiesGeneratorTask
    getType() - Method in ArtifactIdentifier
    Returns the type of this artifact.
    getType() - Method in ArtifactResult
    getType() - Method in DependencyArtifact
    Returns the type of the dependency artifact.
    getType() - Method in EclipseLinkedResource
    The resource type.
    getType() - Method in InitBuild
    The desired type of build to create, defaults to 'pom' if 'pom.xml' is found in project root if no pom.xml is found, it defaults to 'basic'.
    getType() - Method in IvyArtifact
    The type used to publish the artifact file, never null.
    getType() - Method in PublishArtifact
    Returns the type of the published artifact.
    getType() - Method in ResolvedArtifact
    getType() - Method in Signature
    The type of the signature artifact.
    getTypeForExtension(String) - Method in AbstractSignatureTypeProvider
    getTypeForExtension(String) - Method in SignatureTypeProvider
    getUnixScript() - Method in CreateStartScripts
    Returns the full path to the Unix script.
    getUnixStartScriptGenerator() - Method in CreateStartScripts
    The UNIX-like start script generator.
    getUnresolvedModuleDependencies() - Method in LenientConfiguration
    returns dependencies that were attempted to resolve but failed.
    getUploadTaskName() - Method in Configuration
    Returns the name of the task that upload the artifacts of this configuration to repositories declared by the user.
    getUpToDate() - Method in TaskState
    Returns true if the execution of this task was skipped because the task was up-to-date.
    getURI() - Method in Resource
    Uniform resource identifier that uniquely describes this resource
    getUrl() - Method in DependencyArtifact
    Returns an URL under which this dependency artifact can be retrieved.
    getUrl() - Method in Groovydoc.Link
    Returns the base url for the external site.
    getUrl() - Method in IvyArtifactRepository
    The base URL of this repository.
    getUrl() - Method in MavenArtifactRepository
    The base URL of this repository.
    getUseDefaultListeners() - Method in TestNGOptions
    getUsername() - Method in PasswordCredentials
    Returns the user name to use when authenticating to this repository.
    getUserRealms() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    getValue(Convention, IConventionAware) - Method in ConventionValue
    Returns some object.
    getValue() - Method in ManifestMergeDetails
    Returns the value for the key of the manifest after the merge takes place.
    getValue() - Method in OptionLessJavadocOptionFileOption
    getVariant() - Method in LibraryBinaryDependencySpec
    Returns the variant of this binary.
    getVariant() - Method in LibraryBinaryIdentifier
    The variant of the library.
    getVariant() - Method in LibraryComponentSelector
    getVendor() - Method in OsgiManifest
    Returns the vendor.
    getVersion() - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
    Returns the version part of the archive name, if any.
    getVersion() - Method in CoffeeScriptExtension
    getVersion() - Method in Dependency
    Returns the version of this dependency.
    getVersion() - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    The version of application.xml.
    getVersion() - Method in EnvJsExtension
    getVersion() - Method in GradleModuleVersion
    The version, for example '1.0'.
    getVersion() - Method in JsHintExtension
    getVersion() - Method in MavenDependency
    The version value for this dependency.
    getVersion() - Method in MavenPom
    Returns the version for this POM.
    getVersion() - Method in MavenPublication
    Returns the version for this publication.
    getVersion() - Method in Module
    getVersion() - Method in ModuleComponentIdentifier
    The module version of the component.
    getVersion() - Method in ModuleComponentSelector
    The version of the module to select the component from.
    getVersion() - Method in ModuleDependencySpec
    The version range of the module this dependency specification refers to.
    getVersion() - Method in ModuleVersionIdentifier
    The version of the module
    getVersion() - Method in ModuleVersionSelector
    The version of the module
    getVersion() - Method in OsgiManifest
    Returns the version.
    getVersion() - Method in Project
    getVersion() - Method in RhinoExtension
    getVersionComparator() - Method in DependencyInsightReportTask
    getVersionComparator() - Method in HtmlDependencyReportTask
    getVersionRangeMapper() - Method in GenerateMavenPom
    getVersionSelectorScheme() - Method in DependencyInsightReportTask
    getVersionSelectorScheme() - Method in HtmlDependencyReportTask
    getVisualStudioProject() - Method in GenerateFiltersFileTask
    getVisualStudioProject() - Method in GenerateProjectFileTask
    getWarConvention(Project) - Method in JettyPlugin
    getWarn() - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Gets logging options for warn level.
    getWebApp() - Method in JettyRunWar
    Returns the web application to deploy.
    getWebAppConfig() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    getWebAppDir() - Method in WarPluginConvention
    Returns the web application directory.
    getWebAppSourceDirectory() - Method in JettyRun
    Returns the directory containing the web application source files.
    getWebDefaultXml() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    getWebInf() - Method in War
    getWebXml() - Method in JettyRun
    Returns the web.xml file to use.
    getWebXml() - Method in War
    Returns the web.xml file to include in the WAR archive.
    getWindowsScript() - Method in CreateStartScripts
    Returns the full path to the Windows script.
    getWindowsSdkDir() - Method in VisualCpp
    The directory where Windows SDK is installed.
    getWindowsStartScriptGenerator() - Method in CreateStartScripts
    The Windows start script generator.
    getWindowTitle() - Method in Groovydoc
    Returns the browser window title for the documentation.
    getWindowTitle() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    getWindowTitle() - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Returns the text to appear in the window title.
    getWindowTitle() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    getWorkerProcessBuilderFactory() - Method in AntlrTask
    getWorkerProcessBuilderFactory() - Method in CoffeeScriptCompile
    getWorkerProcessBuilderFactory() - Method in FindBugs
    getWorkerProcessBuilderFactory() - Method in JsHint
    getWorkingDir() - Method in AbstractExecTask
    getWorkingDir() - Method in JavaExec
    getWorkingDir() - Method in ProcessForkOptions
    Returns the working directory for the process.
    getWorkingDir() - Method in Test
    getXml() - Method in CheckstyleReports
    The checkstyle XML report
    getXml() - Method in CodeNarcReports
    The codenarc XML report
    getXml() - Method in FindBugsReports
    The findbugs XML report
    getXml() - Method in JacocoReportsContainer
    The JaCoCo (single file) XML report
    getXml() - Method in JDependReports
    The jdepend XML report
    getXml() - Method in PmdReports
    The pmd (single file) XML report
    getXmlTransformer() - Method in XmlGeneratorTask
    getZincClasspath() - Method in ScalaCompile
    Returns the classpath to use to load the Zinc incremental compiler.
    GNU_COMPILER_TOOL_ID_PREFIX - Field in CprojectDescriptor
    GNU_LINKER_TOOL_ID_PREFIX - Field in CprojectDescriptor
    GNU_LINKER_TOOL_LIBS_PATHS_OPTION_PREFIX - Field in CprojectDescriptor
    GOOGLE_APIS_REPO_URL - Field in JavaScriptRepositoriesExtension
    googleApis(Action<? super IvyArtifactRepository>) - Method in JavaScriptRepositoriesExtension
    GoogleTestConventionPlugin - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.googletest.plugins
    A plugin that applies the GoogleTestPlugin and adds conventions on top of it.
    GoogleTestPlugin - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.googletest.plugins
    A plugin that sets up the infrastructure for testing native binaries with GoogleTest.
    GoogleTestTestSuiteBinarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.googletest
    An executable which run a Google Test test suite.
    GoogleTestTestSuiteSpec - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.googletest
    Test suite of Google Test tests.
    Gradle - Interface in org.gradle.api.invocation
    Represents an invocation of Gradle.
    GRADLE_ARTIFACT_PATTERN - Field in IvyArtifactRepository
    GRADLE_IVY_PATTERN - Field in IvyArtifactRepository
    gradle(Action<? super MavenArtifactRepository>) - Method in JavaScriptRepositoriesExtension
    GRADLE_PROPERTIES - Field in Project
    GRADLE_PUBLIC_JAVASCRIPT_REPO_URL - Field in JavaScriptRepositoriesExtension
    GRADLE_USER_HOME_PROPERTY_KEY - Field in StartParameter
    gradleApi() - Method in DependencyHandler
    Creates a dependency on the API of the current version of Gradle.
    GradleBuild - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
    Executes a Gradle build.
    GradleBuild() - Constructor in GradleBuild
    GradleBuildInvocationSpec - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins.buildcomparison.gradle
    A specification for launching a Gradle build with a specified Gradle version.
    GradleConnection - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.connection
    Represents a connection to a composite Gradle build.
    GradleConnectionBuilder - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.connection
    Builds a new composite Gradle connection.
    GradleConnectionBuilder.ParticipantBuilder - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.connection
    Builds a new participant that will be included in the connection.
    GradleConnectionException - Class in org.gradle.tooling
    Thrown when there is some problem using a Gradle connection.
    GradleConnectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in GradleConnectionException
    GradleConnector - Class in org.gradle.tooling
    GradleEnvironment - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.build
    Informs about the Gradle environment, for example the Gradle version.
    GradleException - Class in org.gradle.api
    GradleException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in GradleException
    GradleModuleVersion - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
    Informs about a module version, i.e. group, name, version.
    GradlePluginDevelopmentExtension - Class in org.gradle.plugin.devel
    Configuration options for the org.gradle.plugin.devel.plugins.JavaGradlePluginPlugin.
    GradlePluginDevelopmentExtension(SourceSet, SourceSet) - Constructor in GradlePluginDevelopmentExtension
    GradleProject - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
    Represents a Gradle project.
    GradlePublication - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.gradle
    Represents some publication produced by a Gradle project, typically to a Maven or Ivy repository.
    GradleRunner - Class in org.gradle.testkit.runner
    Executes a Gradle build, allowing inspection of the outcome.
    GradleScript - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.gradle
    Represents a Gradle script.
    GradleScriptException - Class in org.gradle.api
    GradleScriptException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in GradleScriptException
    GradleTask - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
    Represents a task which is executable by Gradle.
    gradleTestKit() - Method in DependencyHandler
    Creates a dependency on the Gradle test-kit API.
    graphPopulated(TaskExecutionGraph) - Method in BuildLogger
    graphPopulated(TaskExecutionGraph) - Method in TaskExecutionGraphListener
    groovy(Closure) - Method in GroovySourceSet
    Configures the Groovy source for this set.
    GROOVY_RUNTIME_EXTENSION_NAME - Field in GroovyBasePlugin
    GroovyBasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    Extends JavaBasePlugin to provide support for compiling and documenting Groovy source files.
    GroovyBasePlugin(SourceDirectorySetFactory) - Constructor in GroovyBasePlugin
    GroovyCompile - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
    Compiles Groovy source files, and optionally, Java source files.
    GroovyCompileOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
    Compilation options to be passed to the Groovy compiler.
    Groovydoc - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.javadoc
    Groovydoc.Link - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.javadoc
    A Link class represent a link between groovydoc/javadoc output and url.
    Groovydoc.Link(String, String) - Constructor in Groovydoc.Link
    Constructs a Link.
    Groovydoc() - Constructor in Groovydoc
    GROOVYDOC_TASK_NAME - Field in GroovyPlugin
    GroovyForkOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
    Fork options for Groovy compilation.
    GroovyMavenDeployer - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
    Adds Groovy configuration convenience methods on top of the MavenDeployer.
    GroovyPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    GroovyRuntime - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
    Provides information related to the Groovy runtime(s) used in a project.
    GroovyRuntime(Project) - Constructor in GroovyRuntime
    GroovySourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
    A GroovySourceSetConvention defines the properties and methods added to a SourceSet by the GroovyPlugin.
    group(String) - Method in DependencySpecContainer
    Defines a new module dependency, based on a module group name.
    GROUP_KEY - Field in ExcludeRule
    group(String) - Method in ModuleDependencySpecBuilder
    Narrows this dependency specification down to a specific group.
    group(String, String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    groupsFile(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    gzip(Object) - Method in ResourceHandler
    Creates resource that points to a gzip compressed file at the given path.


    has(String) - Method in ExtraPropertiesExtension
    Returns whether or not the extension has a property registered via the given name.
    hasBuildDependencies() - Method in BuildableComponentSpec
    hasCodependentSources() - Method in BaseBinarySpec
    hasError() - Method in ResolvedConfiguration
    Returns whether all dependencies were successfully retrieved or not.
    HasGradleProject - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
    An element that is associated with a Gradle project.
    hashCode() - Method in AbstractClasspathEntry
    hashCode() - Method in AbstractLibrary
    hashCode() - Method in AccessRule
    hashCode() - Method in BuildCommand
    hashCode() - Method in Classpath
    hashCode() - Method in CompositeSpec
    hashCode() - Method in Conf2ScopeMapping
    hashCode() - Method in Facet
    hashCode() - Method in Groovydoc.Link
    hashCode() - Method in IdeaLanguageLevel
    hashCode() - Method in JarDirectory
    hashCode() - Method in Jdk
    hashCode() - Method in Link
    hashCode() - Method in Module
    hashCode() - Method in ModuleDependency
    hashCode() - Method in ModuleLibrary
    hashCode() - Method in Namer.Comparator
    hashCode() - Method in Output
    hashCode() - Method in Path
    hashCode() - Method in PatternSet
    hashCode() - Method in PgpKeyId
    hashCode() - Method in Project
    hashCode() - Method in ProjectLibrary
    hashCode() - Method in RelativePath
    hashCode() - Method in SourceFolder
    hashCode() - Method in StartParameter
    hashCode() - Method in WbDependentModule
    hashCode() - Method in WbProperty
    hashCode() - Method in WbResource
    hashCode() - Method in WtpComponent
    hashCode() - Method in WtpFacet
    hasPlugin(Class<? extends Plugin>) - Method in PluginContainer
    Returns true if the container has a plugin with the given type, false otherwise.
    hasPlugin(String) - Method in PluginManager
    Returns true if a plugin with the given ID has already been applied, otherwise false.
    hasProperty(String) - Method in Project
    hasProperty(String) - Method in Task
    hasTask(Task) - Method in TaskExecutionGraph
    hasTypeForExtension(String) - Method in AbstractSignatureTypeProvider
    hasTypeForExtension(String) - Method in SignatureTypeProvider
    header(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    header(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    HeaderExportingSourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.nativeplatform
    A source set that exposes headers
    HELP_GROUP - Field in HelpTasksPlugin
    helpFile(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    HelpTasksPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    Adds various reporting tasks that provide information about the project.
    HierarchicalEclipseProject - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.eclipse
    Represents the basic information about an Eclipse project.
    HierarchicalElement - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
    Represents an element which belongs to some hierarchy.
    hookDeduplicationToTheRoot(Project) - Method in EclipsePlugin
    hookDeduplicationToTheRoot(Project) - Method in IdeaPlugin
    HTML_DEPENDENCY_REPORT - Field in ProjectReportsPlugin
    HtmlDependencyReportTask - Class in org.gradle.api.reporting.dependencies
    Generates an HTML dependency report.
    HtmlDependencyReportTask() - Constructor in HtmlDependencyReportTask
    HttpFileServer - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.envjs.http
    HttpFileServerFactory - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.envjs.http


    id(String) - Method in PluginDependenciesSpec
    Add a dependency on the plugin with the given id.
    IdeaCompilerOutput - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.idea
    IDEA compiler output settings.
    IdeaContentRoot - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.idea
    Contains content root information.
    IdeaDependency - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.idea
    IDEA dependency.
    IdeaDependencyScope - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.idea
    The scope of the IDEA dependency.
    IdeaJavaLanguageSettings - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.idea
    Describes Java language settings for an IDEA module.
    IdeaLanguageLevel - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.idea
    Language level setting for IDEA.
    IdeaLanguageLevel(Object) - Constructor in IdeaLanguageLevel
    IdeaModel - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
    DSL-friendly model of the IDEA project information.
    IdeaModule - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.idea
    Represents information about the IDEA module.
    IdeaModule(Project, IdeaModuleIml) - Constructor in IdeaModule
    IdeaModuleDependency - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.idea
    Dependency on a module in a project.
    IdeaModuleIml - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
    Models the generation/parsing/merging capabilities of an IDEA module.
    IdeaModuleIml(XmlTransformer, File) - Constructor in IdeaModuleIml
    IdeaPlugin - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea
    Adds a GenerateIdeaModule task.
    IdeaPlugin(Instantiator) - Constructor in IdeaPlugin
    IdeaProject - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
    Enables fine-tuning project details (*.ipr file) of the IDEA plugin.
    IdeaProject(Project, XmlFileContentMerger) - Constructor in IdeaProject
    IdeaSingleEntryLibraryDependency - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.idea
    "Single-Entry Module Library" as IDEA calls it.
    IdeaSourceDirectory - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.idea
    IDEA source directory.
    IdeaWorkspace - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
    Enables fine-tuning workspace details (*.iws file) of the IDEA plugin.
    IllegalDependencyNotation - Class in org.gradle.api
    This exceptions is thrown, if a dependency is declared with a illegal notation.
    IllegalDependencyNotation(String, Throwable) - Constructor in IllegalDependencyNotation
    iml(Closure) - Method in IdeaModule
    Enables advanced configuration like tinkering with the output XML or affecting the way existing *.iml content is merged with gradle build information.
    importBuild(Object, Transformer<? extends String, ? super String>) - Method in AntBuilder
    Imports an Ant build into the associated Gradle project, potentially providing alternative names for Gradle tasks that correspond to Ant targets.
    include(Closure) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    include(Closure) - Method in CopySpec
    include(Closure) - Method in PatternFilterable
    Adds an include spec.
    include(Closure) - Method in PatternSet
    include(String) - Method in Settings
    include(Closure) - Method in SourceTask
    include(Closure) - Method in Test
    includeCategories(String) - Method in JUnitOptions
    includeFlat(String) - Method in Settings
    includeGroups(String) - Method in TestNGOptions
    IncludeProperties - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.plugins.sonar.model
    Indicates that the annotated property holds an object with nested Sonar properties.
    includes(Object) - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    Add directories where the compiler should search for header files.
    includes(Object) - Method in WindowsResourceCompile
    Add directories where the compiler should search for header files.
    includeSpecs(Iterable<Spec<FileTreeElement>>) - Method in PatternSet
    includeTest(String, String) - Method in TestFilter
    Add a test method specified by test class name and method name.
    includeTestsMatching(String) - Method in TestFilter
    Appends a test name pattern to the filter.
    IncrementalCompileOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.scala
    Options for incremental compilation of Scala code.
    IncrementalTaskInputs - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks.incremental
    Provides access to any input files that need to be processed by an incremental task.
    Incubating - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api
    Indicates that a feature is incubating.
    inferGroovyClasspath(Iterable<File>) - Method in GroovyRuntime
    Searches the specified class path for Groovy Jars (groovy(-indy), groovy-all(-indy)) and returns a corresponding class path for executing Groovy tools such as the Groovy compiler and Groovydoc tool.
    inferScalaClasspath(Iterable<File>) - Method in ScalaRuntime
    Searches the specified class path for a 'scala-library' Jar, and returns a class path containing a corresponding (same version) 'scala-compiler' Jar and its dependencies.
    info(String, Object) - Method in Logger
    Logs the given message at info log level.
    info(Action<TestLogging>) - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Configures logging options for info level.
    InitBuild - Class in org.gradle.buildinit.tasks
    Generates a Gradle project structure.
    initContext(Context) - Method in RhinoWorkerUtils.DefaultScopeOperation
    initContext(Context) - Method in RhinoWorkerUtils.ScopeOperation
    initGradleCommand() - Method in GenerateProjectFileTask
    Input - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks
    InputDirectory - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks
    InputFile - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks
    InputFileDetails - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks.incremental
    A change to an input file.
    InputFiles - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks
    install() - Method in InstallExecutable
    INSTALL_TASK_NAME - Field in MavenPlugin
    InstalledJdk - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.java
    Represents a Java Development Kit machine installation.
    InstallExecutable - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform.tasks
    Installs an executable with it's dependent libraries so it can be easily executed.
    InstallExecutable() - Constructor in InstallExecutable
    INSTANCE - Field in Named.Namer
    instruction(String, String) - Method in OsgiManifest
    Adds arguments to an instruction.
    instructionFirst(String, String) - Method in OsgiManifest
    Adds arguments to an instruction.
    instructionReplace(String, String) - Method in OsgiManifest
    Sets the values for an instruction.
    instructionValue(String) - Method in OsgiManifest
    Returns the list of arguments for a particular instruction.
    internalView(Class<?>) - Method in TypeBuilder
    Allows type registration rules to add internal views to the registered type.
    intersect() - Method in PatternSet
    intersect(Collection<? extends Spec<? super T>>) - Method in Specs
    Returns a spec that selects the intersection of those items selected by the given specs.
    into(Object, Closure) - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
    Creates and configures a child CopySpec with a destination directory *inside* the archive for the files.
    into(Object, Closure) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    into(Object) - Method in CopyProcessingSpec
    Specifies the destination directory for a copy.
    into(Object, Closure) - Method in CopySpec
    Creates and configures a child CopySpec with the given destination path.
    InvalidActionClosureException - Class in org.gradle.api
    Thrown when a groovy.lang.Closure is given as an Action implementation, but has the wrong signature.
    InvalidActionClosureException(Closure<?>, Object) - Constructor in InvalidActionClosureException
    InvalidIvyPublicationException - Class in org.gradle.api.publish.ivy
    Thrown when attempting to publish with an invalid IvyPublication.
    InvalidIvyPublicationException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor in InvalidIvyPublicationException
    InvalidMavenPublicationException - Class in org.gradle.api.publish.maven
    Thrown when attempting to publish with an invalid MavenPublication.
    InvalidMavenPublicationException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor in InvalidMavenPublicationException
    InvalidModelException - Class in org.gradle.platform.base
    Thrown when a component model is declared in an invalid way.
    InvalidModelException(String, Exception) - Constructor in InvalidModelException
    InvalidModelRuleDeclarationException - Class in org.gradle.model
    Thrown when a model rule, or source of model rules, is declared in an invalid way.
    InvalidModelRuleDeclarationException(ModelRuleDescriptor, String) - Constructor in InvalidModelRuleDeclarationException
    InvalidModelRuleException - Class in org.gradle.model
    Thrown when there is a problem with the usage of a model rule.
    InvalidModelRuleException(ModelRuleDescriptor, Throwable) - Constructor in InvalidModelRuleException
    InvalidPluginException - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    Thrown when a plugin is found to be invalid when it is loaded.
    InvalidPluginException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in InvalidPluginException
    InvalidPluginMetadataException - Class in org.gradle.testkit.runner
    Thrown when the plugin under test metadata cannot be read.
    InvalidPluginMetadataException(String) - Constructor in InvalidPluginMetadataException
    InvalidRunnerConfigurationException - Class in org.gradle.testkit.runner
    Thrown when a build cannot be executed due to the runner being in an invalid state.
    InvalidRunnerConfigurationException(String, UnsupportedVersionException) - Constructor in InvalidRunnerConfigurationException
    InvalidUserCodeException - Class in org.gradle.api
    A InvalidUserCodeException is thrown when user-provided code cannot be executed.
    InvalidUserCodeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in InvalidUserCodeException
    InvalidUserDataException - Class in org.gradle.api
    A InvalidUserDataException is thrown, if a user is providing illegal data for the build.
    InvalidUserDataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in InvalidUserDataException
    ipr(Closure) - Method in IdeaProject
    Enables advanced configuration like tinkering with the output XML or affecting the way existing *.ipr content is merged with Gradle build information.
    isAdded() - Method in InputFileDetails
    Was the file added?
    isAuthor() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    isBreakIterator() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    isBreakIterator() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    isBuildable() - Method in BaseBinarySpec
    isBuildable() - Method in BinarySpec
    Can this binary be built in the current environment?
    isBuildProjectDependencies() - Method in StartParameter
    Returns true if project dependencies are to be built, false if they should not be.
    isCancellationRequested() - Method in CancellationToken
    Gets whether cancellation has been requested for this token.
    isCaseSensitive() - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    isCaseSensitive() - Method in CopySpec
    Specifies whether case-sensitive pattern matching should be used.
    isCaseSensitive() - Method in PatternSet
    isChanging() - Method in ComponentMetadata
    Tells whether the component is changing or immutable.
    isChanging() - Method in ExternalModuleDependency
    Returns whether or not Gradle should always check for a change in the remote repository.
    isChanging() - Method in ModuleResolutionControl
    Does the module change content over time?
    isClosure() - Method in DependOptions
    Tells whether to delete the transitive closure of outdated files or only their direct dependencies.
    isComposite() - Method in TestDescriptor
    Is this test a composite test?
    isConfigureOnDemand() - Method in StartParameter
    If the configure-on-demand mode is active
    isConflictResolution() - Method in ComponentSelectionReason
    Informs whether the component was selected by conflict resolution.
    isContinueOnFailure() - Method in StartParameter
    Specifies whether the build should continue on task failure.
    isContinuous() - Method in StartParameter
    isCurrent() - Method in OperatingSystem
    Is this the current OS?
    isDaemon() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    Specifies whether the Jetty server should run in the background.
    isDebug() - Method in CompileOptions
    Tells whether to include debugging information in the generated class files.
    isDebug() - Method in GradleRunner
    Indicates whether the build should be executed “in process” so that it is debuggable.
    isDependencyOrderEntry(def) - Method in Module
    isDeprecation() - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    Generate deprecation information.
    isDeprecation() - Method in CompileOptions
    Tells whether to log details of usage of deprecated members or classes.
    isDeprecation() - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Tells whether to generate deprecation information.
    isDetail() - Method in TaskReportTask
    isDirectory() - Method in FileTreeElement
    Returns true if this element is a directory, or false if this element is a regular file.
    isDocFilesSubDirs() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    isDryRun() - Method in StartParameter
    isDump() - Method in DependOptions
    Tells whether to log dependency information.
    isDynamicMode() - Method in IvyArtifactRepositoryMetaDataProvider
    Returns true if dynamic resolve mode should be used for Ivy modules.
    isEmpty() - Method in DependencySpecContainer
    Returns true if this container doesn't hold any dependency.
    isEmpty() - Method in FileCollection
    Returns true if this collection is empty.
    isEmpty() - Method in ModelMap
    Returns true if this collection contains no items.
    isEmpty() - Method in PatternSet
    The PatternSet is considered empty when no includes or excludes have been added.
    isEnabled(LogLevel) - Method in Logger
    Returns true if the given log level is enabled for this logger.
    isEnabled() - Method in Report
    Whether or not this report should be generated by whatever generates it.
    isExpected() - Method in ComponentSelectionReason
    Informs whether the component is the requested selection of all dependency declarations, and was not replaced for some reason, such as conflict resolution.
    isExported() - Method in EclipseProjectDependency
    Marks this dependency as exported.
    isExported() - Method in ExternalDependency
    Marks this dependency as exported.
    isFailOnError() - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    Fail the build on compilation errors.
    isFailOnError() - Method in CompileOptions
    Tells whether to fail the build when compilation fails.
    isFailOnError() - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Tells whether the compilation task should fail if compile errors occurred.
    isFailOnError() - Method in Javadoc
    Specifies whether this task should fail when errors are encountered during Javadoc generation.
    isFailOnNoMatchingTests() - Method in TestFilter
    Returns whether the task should fail if no matching tests where found.
    isFile() - Method in RelativePath
    isFollowSymlinks() - Method in Delete
    Returns if symlinks should be followed when doing a delete.
    isForce() - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    Whether to force the compilation of all files.
    isForce() - Method in ExternalDependency
    Returns whether or not the version of this dependency should be enforced in the case of version conflicts.
    isForced() - Method in ComponentSelectionReason
    Informs whether the component was forced.
    isFork() - Method in CompileOptions
    Tells whether to run the compiler in its own process.
    isFork() - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Tells whether to run the Groovy compiler in a separate process.
    isFork() - Method in ScalaCompileOptions
    Whether to run the Scala compiler in a separate process.
    isFreeBSD() - Method in OperatingSystem
    Is it FreeBSD?
    isGenerated() - Method in IdeaSourceDirectory
    Return true if this source directory is generated.
    isGenerateReverseRoutes() - Method in RoutesCompile
    Whether a reverse router should be generated.
    isGnuCompilerTool(Node) - Method in CprojectDescriptor
    isGnuLinkerTool(Node) - Method in CprojectDescriptor
    isGroupByInstances() - Method in TestNGOptions
    Indicates whether the tests should be grouped by instances.
    isIgnoreExitValue() - Method in AbstractExecTask
    isIgnoreExitValue() - Method in BaseExecSpec
    Tells whether a non-zero exit value is ignored, or an exception thrown.
    isIgnoreExitValue() - Method in JavaExec
    isIgnoreFailures() - Method in RunTestExecutable
    isIncludePrivate() - Method in Groovydoc
    Returns whether to include all classes and members (i.e. including private ones).
    isIncremental() - Method in CompileOptions
    informs whether to use experimental incremental compilation feature.
    isIncremental() - Method in IncrementalTaskInputs
    Indicates if it was possible for Gradle to determine which exactly input files were out of date compared to a previous execution.
    isJava5() - Method in JavaVersion
    isJava5Compatible() - Method in JavaVersion
    isJava6() - Method in JavaVersion
    isJava6Compatible() - Method in JavaVersion
    isJava7() - Method in JavaVersion
    isJava7Compatible() - Method in JavaVersion
    isJava8Compatible() - Method in JavaVersion
    isJava9Compatible() - Method in JavaVersion
    isJavaAnnotationProcessing() - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Whether the Groovy code should be subject to Java annotation processing.
    isJavadocAnnotations() - Method in TestNGOptions
    isJavaProject() - Method in RoutesCompile
    isKeepStubs() - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Tells whether Java stubs for Groovy classes generated during Java/Groovy joint compilation should be kept after compilation has completed.
    isKeyWords() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    isLegacyBinary() - Method in BaseBinarySpec
    isLifecycleEnabled() - Method in Logger
    Returns true if lifecycle log level is enabled for this logger.
    isLinkSource() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    isLinux() - Method in OperatingSystem
    Is it Linux?
    isListFiles() - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    List files to be compiled.
    isListFiles() - Method in CompileOptions
    Tells whether to log the files to be compiled.
    isListFiles() - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Tells whether to print which source files are to be compiled.
    isMacOsX() - Method in OperatingSystem
    Is it Mac OS X?
    isModified() - Method in InputFileDetails
    Was the file modified?
    isNamespaceReverseRouter() - Method in RoutesCompile
    Whether the reverse router should be namespaced.
    isNoComment() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    isNoDeprecated() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    isNoDeprecatedList() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    isNoHelp() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    isNoIndex() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    isNoNavBar() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    isNoSince() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    isNoTimestamp() - Method in Groovydoc
    Returns whether to include timestamp within hidden comment in generated HTML (Groovy >= 2.4.6).
    isNoTimestamp() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    isNoTree() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    isNoVersionStamp() - Method in Groovydoc
    Returns whether to include version stamp within hidden comment in generated HTML (Groovy >= 2.4.6).
    isOffline() - Method in StartParameter
    Specifies whether the build should be performed offline (ie without network access).
    isOptimize() - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    Run optimizations.
    isOutputPerTestCase() - Method in JUnitXmlReport
    Should the output be associated with individual test cases instead of at the suite level.
    isParallelProjectExecutionEnabled() - Method in StartParameter
    Returns true if parallel project execution is enabled.
    isPositionIndependentCode() - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    Should the compiler generate position independent code?
    isPreserveOrder() - Method in TestNGOptions
    Indicates whether the tests should be run in deterministic order.
    isProfile() - Method in StartParameter
    Returns true if a profile report will be generated.
    isPublic() - Method in Launchable
    Returns whether launchable is public or not.
    isQuietEnabled() - Method in Logger
    Returns true if quiet log level is enabled for this logger.
    isRecompileScripts() - Method in StartParameter
    Specifies whether the build scripts should be recompiled.
    isRefreshDependencies() - Method in StartParameter
    Specifies whether the dependencies should be refreshed..
    isRelativeToPathVariable() - Method in FileReference
    Returns true if this reference is relative to a path variable.
    isRemoved() - Method in InputFileDetails
    Was the file removed?
    isRequired() - Method in SignatureSpec
    Whether or not it is required that this signature be generated.
    isRequired() - Method in SigningExtension
    Whether or not this task should fail if no signatory or signature type are configured at generation time.
    isRerunTasks() - Method in StartParameter
    Specifies whether the cached task results should be ignored and each task should be forced to be executed.
    isSatisfiedBy(T) - Method in AndSpec
    isSatisfiedBy(T) - Method in NotSpec
    isSatisfiedBy(T) - Method in OrSpec
    isSatisfiedBy(T) - Method in Spec
    isScanForTestClasses() - Method in Test
    Specifies whether test classes should be detected.
    isSearchUpwards() - Method in StartParameter
    isSelectedByRule() - Method in ComponentSelectionReason
    Informs whether the component was selected by the dependency substitution rule.
    isSerialWarn() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    isShowHidden() - Method in ModelReport
    isSkipProject() - Method in SonarRunnerExtension
    If the project should be excluded from analysis.
    isSkipUnmappedConfs() - Method in Conf2ScopeMappingContainer
    Returns whether unmapped configuration should be skipped or not.
    isSolaris() - Method in OperatingSystem
    Is it Solaris?
    isSplitIndex() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    isTrace() - Method in AntlrTask
    Specifies that all rules call traceIn/traceOut.
    isTraceLexer() - Method in AntlrTask
    Specifies that all lexer rules call traceIn/traceOut.
    isTraceParser() - Method in AntlrTask
    Specifies that all parser rules call traceIn/traceOut.
    isTraceTreeWalker() - Method in AntlrTask
    Specifies that all tree walker rules call traceIn/traceOut.
    isTransitive() - Method in Configuration
    Returns the transitivity of this configuration.
    isTransitive() - Method in ModuleDependency
    Returns whether this dependency should be resolved including or excluding its transitive dependencies.
    isUnchecked() - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    Generate unchecked information.
    isUnchecked() - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Tells whether to generate unchecked information.
    isUniqueVersion() - Method in MavenDeployer
    Returns whether to assign snapshots a unique version comprised of the timestamp and build number, or to use the same version each time.
    isUploadDescriptor() - Method in Upload
    Specifies whether the dependency descriptor should be uploaded.
    isUpToDate() - Method in TaskSuccessResult
    Returns whether this task was uptodate.
    isUse() - Method in Groovydoc
    Returns whether to create class and package usage pages.
    isUse() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    isUseAnt() - Method in ScalaCompileOptions
    Tells whether to use Ant for compilation.
    isUseCache() - Method in DependOptions
    Tells whether to cache dependency information.
    isUseCompileDaemon() - Method in ScalaCompileOptions
    Whether to use the fsc compile daemon.
    isUseDefaultListeners() - Method in TestNGOptions
    Whether the default listeners and reporters should be used.
    isUseDepend() - Method in CompileOptions
    Tells whether to use the Ant <depend> task.
    isUseEmptySettings() - Method in StartParameter
    Returns whether an empty settings script will be used regardless of whether one exists in the default location.
    isVerbose() - Method in CompileOptions
    Tells whether to produce verbose output.
    isVerbose() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    isVerbose() - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Tells whether to turn on verbose output.
    isVerbose() - Method in Javadoc
    Returns whether Javadoc generation is accompanied by verbose output.
    isVerbose() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    isVersion() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    isVisible() - Method in Configuration
    Returns true if this is a visible configuration.
    isWarnings() - Method in CompileOptions
    Tells whether to log warning messages.
    isWarnOnRmiStubs() - Method in DependOptions
    Tells whether to warn on RMI stubs without source.
    isWindows() - Method in OperatingSystem
    Is it Windows?
    isWithMessages() - Method in FindBugsXmlReport
    Whether or not FindBugs should generate XML augmented with human-readable messages.
    isZip64() - Method in Zip
    Whether the zip can contain more than 65535 files and/or support files greater than 4GB in size.
    IVY_ARTIFACT_PATTERN - Field in IvyArtifactRepository
    ivy(String) - Method in IvyPatternRepositoryLayout
    Adds an Ivy pattern to define where ivy files are located in this repository.
    ivy(Action<? super IvyArtifactRepository>) - Method in RepositoryHandler
    Adds and configures an Ivy repository.
    IvyArtifact - Interface in org.gradle.api.publish.ivy
    An artifact published as part of a IvyPublication.
    IvyArtifactRepository - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories
    An artifact repository which uses an Ivy format to store artifacts and meta-data.
    IvyArtifactRepositoryMetaDataProvider - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories
    The meta-data provider for an Ivy repository.
    IvyArtifactSet - Interface in org.gradle.api.publish.ivy
    A Collection of IvyArtifacts to be included in an IvyPublication.
    IvyConfiguration - Interface in org.gradle.api.publish.ivy
    A configuration included in an IvyPublication, which will be published in the ivy descriptor file generated.
    IvyConfigurationContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.publish.ivy
    The set of IvyConfigurations that will be included in the IvyPublication.
    IvyDependency - Interface in org.gradle.api.publish.ivy
    A module dependency declared in an ivy dependency descriptor published as part of an IvyPublication.
    IvyDescriptorArtifact - Interface in org.gradle.ivy
    An Ivy descriptor artifact.
    IvyExtraInfo - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.ivy
    Represents the set of "extra" info elements in the Ivy descriptor.
    IvyExtraInfoSpec - Interface in org.gradle.api.publish.ivy
    Represents a modifiable form of IvyExtraInfo so that "extra" info elements can be configured on an Ivy publication.
    IvyModule - Interface in org.gradle.ivy
    An Ivy Module component.
    IvyModuleDescriptor - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.ivy
    The metadata about an Ivy module that acts as an input to a component metadata rule.
    IvyModuleDescriptorSpec - Interface in org.gradle.api.publish.ivy
    The descriptor of any Ivy publication.
    ivyPattern(String) - Method in IvyArtifactRepository
    Adds an independent pattern that will be used to locate ivy files in this repository.
    IvyPatternRepositoryLayout - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories
    A repository layout that uses user-supplied patterns.
    IvyPublication - Interface in org.gradle.api.publish.ivy
    A IvyPublication is the representation/configuration of how Gradle should publish something in Ivy format, to an Ivy repository.
    IvyPublishPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.publish.ivy.plugins
    Adds the ability to publish in the Ivy format to Ivy repositories.
    IvyPublishPlugin(Instantiator, DependencyMetaDataProvider, FileResolver, ProjectDependencyPublicationResolver, FileCollectionFactory) - Constructor in IvyPublishPlugin
    iws(Closure) - Method in IdeaWorkspace
    Enables advanced manipulation of the output XML.


    JacocoBase - Class in org.gradle.testing.jacoco.tasks
    Base class for Jacoco tasks.
    JacocoMerge - Class in org.gradle.testing.jacoco.tasks
    Task to merge multiple execution data files into one.
    JacocoPlugin - Class in org.gradle.testing.jacoco.plugins
    Plugin that provides support for generating Jacoco coverage data.
    JacocoPlugin(Instantiator) - Constructor in JacocoPlugin
    Applies the plugin to the given project.
    JacocoPluginExtension - Class in org.gradle.testing.jacoco.plugins
    Extension including common properties and methods for Jacoco.
    JacocoPluginExtension(Project, JacocoAgentJar) - Constructor in JacocoPluginExtension
    Creates a Jacoco plugin extension.
    JacocoReport - Class in org.gradle.testing.jacoco.tasks
    Task to generate HTML, Xml and CSV reports of Jacoco coverage data.
    JacocoReport() - Constructor in JacocoReport
    JacocoReportsContainer - Interface in org.gradle.testing.jacoco.tasks
    The reporting configuration for the JacocoReport task.
    JacocoTaskExtension - Class in org.gradle.testing.jacoco.plugins
    Extension for tasks that should run with a Jacoco agent to generate coverage execution data.
    JacocoTaskExtension.Output - Enum in org.gradle.testing.jacoco.plugins
    The types of output that the agent can use for execution data.
    JacocoTaskExtension(JacocoAgentJar, JavaForkOptions) - Constructor in JacocoTaskExtension
    Creates a Jacoco task extension.
    Jar - Class in org.gradle.jvm.tasks
    Assembles a JAR archive.
    Jar() - Constructor in Jar
    JAR_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaPlugin
    JarBinarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.jvm
    Definition of a Jar file binary that is to be built by Gradle.
    JarBinarySpec.TasksCollection - Interface in org.gradle.jvm
    Provides access to key tasks used for building the binary.
    JarDirectory - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
    Represents a jar directory element of an idea module library.
    JarDirectory(def, def) - Constructor in JarDirectory
    java(Closure) - Method in SonarProject
    Configures Java-related configuration options.
    java(Closure) - Method in SourceSet
    Configures the Java source for this set.
    JavaAppStartScriptGenerationDetails - Interface in org.gradle.jvm.application.scripts
    Details for generating Java-based application start scripts.
    JavaBasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    JavaBasePlugin(Instantiator, JavaToolChain, ITaskFactory, ModelRegistry) - Constructor in JavaBasePlugin
    JavaCompile - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.compile
    Compiles Java source files.
    Javadoc - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.javadoc
    JAVADOC_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaPlugin
    javadocAnnotations() - Method in TestNGOptions
    JavadocArtifact - Interface in org.gradle.language.java.artifact
    An artifact containing Javadoc documentation.
    JavadocMemberLevel - Enum in org.gradle.external.javadoc
    This enum maps to the -public, -protected, -package and -private options of the javadoc executable.
    JavadocOfflineLink - Class in org.gradle.external.javadoc
    This class is used to hold the information that can be provided to the javadoc executable via the -linkoffline option.
    JavadocOfflineLink(String, String) - Constructor in JavadocOfflineLink
    JavadocOptionFileOption - Interface in org.gradle.external.javadoc
    Represents a Javadoc command-line option.
    JavadocOutputLevel - Enum in org.gradle.external.javadoc
    This enum maps to the -verbose and -quiet options of the javadoc executable.
    JavaEnvironment - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.build
    Informs about the Java environment, for example the Java home or the JVM args used.
    JavaExec - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
    Executes a Java application in a child process.
    JavaExec() - Constructor in JavaExec
    javaexec(Action<? super JavaExecSpec>) - Method in Project
    Executes an external Java process.
    javaexec(Action<? super JavaExecSpec>) - Method in Script
    Executes a Java main class.
    JavaExecSpec - Interface in org.gradle.process
    Specifies the options for executing a Java application.
    JavaForkOptions - Interface in org.gradle.process
    JavaLanguagePlugin - Class in org.gradle.language.java.plugins
    Plugin for compiling Java code.
    JavaLibraryDistributionPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    A Plugin which package a Java project as a distribution including the JAR and runtime dependencies.
    JavaPlatform - Interface in org.gradle.jvm.platform
    Defines and configures a Java SE runtime environment, consisting of a JVM runtime and a set of class libraries.
    JavaPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    JavaPluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    Is mixed into the project when applying the JavaBasePlugin or the JavaPlugin.
    JavaPluginConvention(ProjectInternal, Instantiator) - Constructor in JavaPluginConvention
    JavaRuntime - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.java
    Represents a Java virtual machine installation.
    JavaScriptBasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.base
    JavaScriptExtension - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.base
    JavaScriptMinify - Class in org.gradle.play.tasks
    Task to minify JavaScript assets.
    JavaScriptMinify() - Constructor in JavaScriptMinify
    JavaScriptRepositoriesExtension - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.base
    JavaScriptRepositoriesExtension(RepositoryHandler) - Constructor in JavaScriptRepositoriesExtension
    JavaScriptSourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.javascript
    Represents a source set containing javascript sources.
    JavaSourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.java
    A set of sources passed to the Java compiler.
    JavaToolChain - Interface in org.gradle.jvm.toolchain
    A set of tools for building from Java source.
    JavaToolChainRegistry - Interface in org.gradle.jvm.toolchain
    A container for JavaToolChains.
    JavaVersion - Enum in org.gradle.api
    An enumeration of Java versions.
    jcenter() - Method in RepositoryHandler
    Adds a repository which looks in Bintray's JCenter repository for dependencies.
    JDepend - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    Analyzes code with JDepend.
    JDepend() - Constructor in JDepend
    JDependExtension - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    Configuration options for the JDepend plugin.
    JDependPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    JDependReports - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    The reporting configuration for the JDepend task.
    Jdk - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
    Represents information for the project Java SDK.
    Jdk(def, def, def, def) - Constructor in Jdk
    jdkAnnotations() - Method in TestNGOptions
    Jdt - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    Represents the Eclipse JDT settings.
    jdt(Closure) - Method in EclipseModel
    Configures eclipse java compatibility information (jdt)
    Jdt(PropertiesTransformer) - Constructor in Jdt
    JETTY_RUN - Field in JettyPlugin
    JETTY_RUN_WAR - Field in JettyPlugin
    JETTY_STOP - Field in JettyPlugin
    JettyPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty
    JettyPluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty
    Convention properties and methods added by the JettyPlugin.
    JettyRun - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty
    JettyRunWar - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty
    JettyStop - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty
    Stops the embedded Jetty web container, if it is running.
    jFlags(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    jFlags(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    JS_CONFIGURATION_NAME - Field in CoffeeScriptExtension
    JsHint - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.jshint
    JsHintExtension - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.jshint
    JsHintPlugin - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.jshint
    JUnitOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.junit
    The JUnit specific test options.
    JUnitTestSuiteBinarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.jvm.test
    Represents a JUnit test suite binary.
    JUnitTestSuitePlugin - Class in org.gradle.jvm.plugins
    This plugin adds support for execution of JUnit test suites to the Java software model.
    JUnitTestSuiteSpec - Interface in org.gradle.jvm.test
    Represents a JUnit test suite.
    JUnitXmlReport - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
    The JUnit XML files, commonly used to communicate results to CI servers.
    JvmApiSpec - Interface in org.gradle.jvm
    Specifies the packages that constitute the API of a library.
    jvmArgs(Object) - Method in JavaExec
    jvmArgs(Object) - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Adds some arguments to use to launch the JVM for the process.
    jvmArgs(Object) - Method in Test
    JvmBinarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.jvm
    Represents a binary artifact that is the result of building a jvm component.
    JvmByteCode - Class in org.gradle.jvm
    LanguageOutputType marking Jvm byte code.
    JvmClasses - Interface in org.gradle.play
    A set of classes and resources that operate together.
    JvmComponentPlugin - Class in org.gradle.jvm.plugins
    Base plugin for JVM component support.
    JvmComponentSpec - Interface in org.gradle.jvm
    Definition of a software component that is to be built by Gradle to run a on JVM platform.
    JvmLibrary - Interface in org.gradle.jvm
    A Library component that runs on the Java Virtual Machine.
    JvmLibrarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.jvm
    Definition of a JVM library component that is to be built by Gradle.
    JvmResources - Class in org.gradle.jvm
    LanguageOutputType marking Jvm Resource Output
    JvmResourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.jvm
    A set of resource files.
    JvmResourcesPlugin - Class in org.gradle.language.jvm.plugins
    Plugin for packaging JVM resources.
    JvmTestKind - Enum in org.gradle.tooling.events.test
    Enumerates the different kinds of JVM tests.
    JvmTestOperationDescriptor - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events.test
    Describes a test that runs on the JVM and for which an event has occurred.
    JvmTestSuiteBasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.jvm.plugins
    The base plugin that needs to be applied by all plugins which provide testing support for the Java software model.
    JvmTestSuiteBinarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.jvm.test
    Base type of JVM test suite binaries.
    JvmTestSuiteBinarySpec.JvmTestSuiteTasks - Interface in org.gradle.jvm.test
    Provides direct access to important build tasks of JVM test suites.
    JvmTestSuiteSpec - Interface in org.gradle.jvm.test
    Base type for all JVM test suites.


    keySet() - Method in ModelMap
    Returns the names of the items in this collection.
    keyWords() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions


    LanguageBasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.language.base.plugins
    Base plugin for language support.
    LanguageSourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.base
    A set of sources for a programming language.
    LanguageType - Annotation Type in org.gradle.platform.base
    No longer supported.
    Launchable - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
    Represents an object that can be used to launch a Gradle build, such as a task.
    layout(String, Closure) - Method in IvyArtifactRepository
    Specifies how the items of the repository are organized.
    leftShift(Closure) - Method in Task
    LenientConfiguration - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    Resolved configuration that does not fail eagerly when some dependencies are not resolved, or some artifacts do not exist.
    lib(Object) - Method in AbstractLinkTask
    Adds a set of library files to be linked.
    lib(Object) - Method in DependentSourceSet
    Adds a library that this source set requires.
    lib(Closure) - Method in Ear
    Adds dependency libraries to include in the 'lib' directory of the EAR archive.
    lib(Object) - Method in InstallExecutable
    Adds a set of library files to be installed.
    lib(Object) - Method in NativeBinarySpec
    Adds a library as input to this binary.
    libDirName(String) - Method in EarPluginConvention
    Allows changing the library directory in the EAR file.
    libraries(Action<? super NamedDomainObjectContainer<? super NativeLibrarySpec>>) - Method in NativeComponentExtension
    Configure the NativeLibrarySpec components produced by the build.
    Library - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A library that can be linked into or depended on by another software element.
    library(String) - Method in DependencySpecContainer
    Defines a new dependency, based on a library name.
    Library(FileReference) - Constructor in Library
    library(String) - Method in ProjectDependencySpecBuilder
    Narrows this dependency specification down to a specific library.
    LibraryBinaryDependencySpec - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A dependency onto a specific binary of a library published by a project.
    LibraryBinaryIdentifier - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.component
    An identifier for a library instance that is built as part of the current build.
    LibraryBinarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A binary produced from a `LibrarySpec`.
    LibraryComponentSelector - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.component
    Criteria for selecting a library instance that is built as part of the current build.
    LibrarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A specification of a Library.
    lifecycle(String, Throwable) - Method in Logger
    Logs the given message at lifecycle log level.
    LIFECYCLE - Field in Logging
    lifecycle(Action<TestLogging>) - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Configures logging options for lifecycle level.
    LifecycleBasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.language.base.plugins
    Link - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    link() - Method in AbstractLinkTask
    link() - Method in CreateStaticLibrary
    link(String, String) - Method in Groovydoc
    Add links to groovydoc/javadoc output at the given URL.
    Link(String, String, String, String) - Constructor in Link
    linkedResource(Map<String, String>) - Method in EclipseProject
    Adds a resource link (aka 'source link') to the eclipse project.
    LinkExecutable - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform.tasks
    Links a binary executable from object files and libraries.
    links(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    linksFile(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    LinkSharedLibrary - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform.tasks
    Links a binary shared library from object files and imported libraries.
    linksOffline(String, String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    linksOfflineFile(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    linkSource() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    ListenerFailedException - Class in org.gradle.tooling
    Thrown whenever a listener fails with an exception, which in general implies that the build completed like it should, but that one of the listeners failed with an exception.
    ListenerFailedException(String, List<? extends Throwable>) - Constructor in ListenerFailedException
    load(Node) - Method in Classpath
    load(Properties) - Method in Jdt
    load(Node) - Method in Module
    load(Node) - Method in Project
    load(Node) - Method in Workspace
    load(Node) - Method in WtpComponent
    load(Node) - Method in WtpFacet
    locale(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    locale(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    localGroovy() - Method in DependencyHandler
    Creates a dependency on the Groovy that is distributed with the current version of Gradle.
    LocalJava - Interface in org.gradle.jvm.toolchain
    A local JDK, JRE or Java 9+ installation.
    log(LogLevel, String, Throwable) - Method in Logger
    Logs the given message at the given log level.
    Logger - Interface in org.gradle.api.logging
    LOGGER - Field in AbstractScalaCompile
    Logging - Class in org.gradle.api.logging
    LoggingManager - Interface in org.gradle.api.logging
    LoggingOutput - Interface in org.gradle.api.logging
    Provides access to the output of the Gradle logging system.
    LogLevel - Enum in org.gradle.api.logging
    The log levels supported by Gradle.
    LongRunningOperation - Interface in org.gradle.tooling
    Offers ways to communicate both ways with a Gradle operation, be it building a model or running tasks.


    MAIN_SOURCE_SET_NAME - Field in SourceSet
    The name of the main source set.
    makeSureModuleNamesAreUnique() - Method in IdeaPlugin
    makeSureProjectNamesAreUnique() - Method in EclipsePlugin
    Managed - Annotation Type in org.gradle.model
    A managed type is transparent to the model space, and enforces immutability at the appropriate times in the object's lifecycle.
    Manifest - Interface in org.gradle.api.java.archives
    Represents the manifest file of a JAR file.
    manifest(Closure<?>) - Method in Jar
    Configures the manifest for this JAR archive.
    manifest(Closure) - Method in JavaPluginConvention
    Creates and configures a new instance of a Manifest.
    ManifestException - Class in org.gradle.api.java.archives
    Is thrown in the case an operation is applied against a Manifest that violates the Manifest specification.
    ManifestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in ManifestException
    ManifestMergeDetails - Interface in org.gradle.api.java.archives
    Details of a value being merged from two different manifests.
    ManifestMergeSpec - Interface in org.gradle.api.java.archives
    Specifies how the entries of multiple manifests should be merged together.
    matchesStrictly(ComponentIdentifier) - Method in ComponentSelector
    Checks if selector matches component identifier.
    matchesStrictly(ModuleVersionIdentifier) - Method in ModuleVersionSelector
    To match strictly means that the given identifier needs to have equal group, module name and version.
    matching(Closure) - Method in DomainObjectCollection
    Returns a collection which contains the objects in this collection which meet the given closure specification.
    matching(Closure) - Method in DomainObjectSet
    matching(PatternFilterable) - Method in FileTree
    matching(Closure) - Method in NamedDomainObjectCollection
    matching(Closure) - Method in NamedDomainObjectList
    matching(Closure) - Method in NamedDomainObjectSet
    matching(Closure) - Method in PluginCollection
    matching(Closure) - Method in TaskCollection
    MAVEN_ARTIFACT_PATTERN - Field in IvyArtifactRepository
    MAVEN_CENTRAL_URL - Field in ArtifactRepositoryContainer
    MAVEN_IVY_PATTERN - Field in IvyArtifactRepository
    maven(Action<? super MavenArtifactRepository>) - Method in RepositoryHandler
    Adds and configures a Maven repository.
    MavenArtifact - Interface in org.gradle.api.publish.maven
    An artifact published as part of a MavenPublication.
    MavenArtifactRepository - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories
    An artifact repository which uses a Maven format to store artifacts and meta-data.
    MavenArtifactSet - Interface in org.gradle.api.publish.maven
    A Collection of MavenArtifacts to be included in a MavenPublication.
    mavenCentral() - Method in RepositoryHandler
    Adds a repository which looks in the Maven central repository for dependencies.
    MavenDependency - Interface in org.gradle.api.publish.maven
    A dependency declared as part of an MavenPublication.
    MavenDeployer - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
    mavenDeployer(Map<String, ?>, Closure) - Method in MavenRepositoryHandlerConvention
    Adds a repository for publishing to a Maven repository.
    MavenDeployment - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
    Represents the artifacts which will be deployed to a Maven repository.
    mavenInstaller(Map<String, ?>, Closure) - Method in MavenRepositoryHandlerConvention
    Adds a repository for installing to a local Maven cache.
    mavenLocal() - Method in RepositoryHandler
    Adds a repository which looks in the local Maven cache for dependencies.
    MavenModule - Interface in org.gradle.maven
    A Maven Module component.
    MavenPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    MavenPlugin(Factory<LoggingManagerInternal>, FileResolver, ProjectPublicationRegistry, ProjectConfigurationActionContainer, MavenSettingsProvider, LocalMavenRepositoryLocator) - Constructor in MavenPlugin
    MavenPluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    Properties and methods added by the MavenPlugin.
    MavenPluginConvention(ProjectInternal, MavenFactory) - Constructor in MavenPluginConvention
    MavenPom - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
    Is used for generating a Maven POM file and customizing the generation.
    MavenPomArtifact - Interface in org.gradle.maven
    A Maven POM artifact.
    MavenPublication - Interface in org.gradle.api.publish.maven
    A MavenPublication is the representation/configuration of how Gradle should publish something in Maven format.
    MavenPublishPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.publish.maven.plugins
    Adds the ability to publish in the Maven format to Maven repositories.
    MavenPublishPlugin(Instantiator, DependencyMetaDataProvider, FileResolver, ProjectDependencyPublicationResolver, FileCollectionFactory) - Constructor in MavenPublishPlugin
    MavenRepositoryHandlerConvention - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins
    Allows Maven repositories for publishing artifacts to be defined.
    MavenResolver - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
    An ArtifactRepository which can be used to publish artifacts to Maven repositories.
    maybeCreate(String) - Method in NamedDomainObjectContainer
    Looks for an item with the given name, creating and adding it to this container if it does not exist.
    maybeCreate(String, Class<U>) - Method in PolymorphicDomainObjectContainer
    Looks for an item with the given name and type, creating and adding it to this container if it does not exist.
    merge() - Method in JacocoMerge
    mergeXmlClasspath(Classpath) - Method in EclipseClasspath
    mergeXmlComponent(WtpComponent) - Method in EclipseWtpComponent
    mergeXmlFacet(WtpFacet) - Method in EclipseWtpFacet
    mergeXmlModule(Module) - Method in IdeaModule
    mergeXmlProject(Project) - Method in EclipseProject
    mergeXmlProject(Project) - Method in IdeaProject
    mergeXmlWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in IdeaWorkspace
    metaInf(Closure<?>) - Method in Jar
    Adds content to this JAR archive's META-INF directory.
    methodMissing(String, def) - Method in Dsl
    methodMissing(String, Object) - Method in TestNGOptions
    MicrosoftVisualCppPlugin - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain.plugins
    A Plugin which makes the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler available to compile C/C++ code.
    MinimalJavadocOptions - Interface in org.gradle.external.javadoc
    Provides the core Javadoc options.
    minus(FileCollection) - Method in FileCollection
    MissingResourceException - Class in org.gradle.api.resources
    Exception thrown when the resource does not exist
    MissingResourceException(URI, String, Throwable) - Constructor in MissingResourceException
    mkdir(Object) - Method in Project
    Creates a directory and returns a file pointing to it.
    mkdir(Object) - Method in Script
    Creates a directory and returns a file pointing to it.
    Model - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
    A model that is buildable by the Tooling API.
    model(Class<T>) - Method in ProjectConnection
    Creates a builder which can be used to query the model of the given type.
    MODEL_TASK - Field in HelpTasksPlugin
    ModelBuilder - Interface in org.gradle.tooling
    A ModelBuilder allows you to fetch a snapshot of some model for a project or a build.
    ModelInstantiationException - Class in org.gradle.platform.base
    Thrown when a model element cannot be instantiated for some reason.
    ModelInstantiationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in ModelInstantiationException
    ModelMap - Interface in org.gradle.model
    Model backed map like structure allowing adding of items where instantiation is managed.
    ModelReport - Class in org.gradle.api.reporting.model
    Displays some details about the configuration model of the project.
    ModelReport.Format - Enum in org.gradle.api.reporting.model
    The report format.
    ModelResult - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.connection
    The result of a model request.
    ModelResults - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.connection
    A set of model results for multiple projects.
    ModelRuleBindingException - Class in org.gradle.model
    Thrown when there is a problem binding the model element references of a model rule.
    ModelRuleBindingException(String) - Constructor in ModelRuleBindingException
    models(Class<T>) - Method in GradleConnection
    Creates a builder which can be used to query the model of the given type for all projects in the composite.
    ModelSet - Interface in org.gradle.model
    A set of managed model objects.
    ModelToPropertiesConverter - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.sonar.model
    Converts a model object to a map of Sonar properties, guided by the information provided with SonarProperty and IncludeProperties annotations.
    ModelToPropertiesConverter(Object) - Constructor in ModelToPropertiesConverter
    ModelViewClosedException - Class in org.gradle.model
    Thrown when at attempt is made to mutate a subject of a rule after the rule has completed.
    ModelViewClosedException(ModelType<?>, ModelRuleDescriptor) - Constructor in ModelViewClosedException
    Module - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    module(Object, Action<? super ComponentModuleMetadata>) - Method in ComponentModuleMetadataHandler
    Enables configuring component module metadata.
    module(Object, Closure) - Method in DependencyHandler
    Creates a dependency on a client module.
    module(String) - Method in DependencySpecContainer
    Defines a new module dependency, based on a module id or a simple name.
    module(String) - Method in DependencySubstitutions
    Create a ModuleComponentSelector from the provided input string.
    module(String, String) - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    Add a module to the deployment descriptor.
    module(Closure) - Method in IdeaModel
    Configures IDEA module information.
    MODULE_KEY - Field in ExcludeRule
    Module(XmlTransformer, PathFactory) - Constructor in Module
    module(String) - Method in ModuleDependencySpecBuilder
    Narrows this dependency specification down to a specific module.
    ModuleComponentIdentifier - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.component
    An identifier for a component instance which is available as a module version.
    ModuleComponentSelector - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.component
    Criteria for selecting a component instance that is available as a module version.
    ModuleDependency - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    A ModuleDependency is a Dependency on a module outside the current project.
    ModuleDependency(def, def) - Constructor in ModuleDependency
    ModuleDependencySpec - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A dependency onto a module.
    ModuleDependencySpecBuilder - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A builder of a ModuleDependencySpec.
    ModuleIdentifier - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    The identifier of a module.
    ModuleLibrary - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
    Represents an orderEntry of type module-library in the iml XML.
    ModuleLibrary(Collection<Path>, Collection<Path>, Collection<Path>, Collection<JarDirectory>, String) - Constructor in ModuleLibrary
    ModuleResolutionControl - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.cache
    Command methods for controlling module resolution via the DSL.
    modules(Action<? super ComponentModuleMetadataHandler>) - Method in DependencyHandler
    Configures module metadata for this project.
    ModuleVersionIdentifier - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    The identifier of a module version.
    ModuleVersionSelector - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    Selects a module version
    mustRunAfter(Object) - Method in Task
    Mutate - Annotation Type in org.gradle.model
    Denotes that the RuleSource method rule carrying this annotation mutates the rule subject.


    NAME - Field in AntlrSourceVirtualDirectory
    NAME - Field in CoffeeScriptExtension
    NAME - Field in EnvJsExtension
    NAME - Field in JavaScriptExtension
    NAME - Field in JavaScriptRepositoriesExtension
    NAME - Field in JsHintExtension
    NAME - Field in PublishingExtension
    The name of this extension when installed by the PublishingPlugin ({@value}).
    NAME - Field in ReportingExtension
    The name of this extension ("{@value}")
    NAME - Field in RhinoExtension
    Named - Interface in org.gradle.api
    Types can implement this interface and use the embedded Namer implementation, to satisfy API that calls for a namer.
    Named.Namer - Class in org.gradle.api
    An implementation of the namer interface for objects implementing the named interface.
    named(String, Class<? extends RuleSource>) - Method in ModelMap
    Applies the given rule source class to the given item, when the item is required.
    NamedDomainObjectCollection - Interface in org.gradle.api
    NamedDomainObjectContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api
    NamedDomainObjectFactory - Interface in org.gradle.api
    A factory for named objects of type T.
    NamedDomainObjectList - Interface in org.gradle.api
    NamedDomainObjectSet - Interface in org.gradle.api
    Namer - Interface in org.gradle.api
    A namer is capable of providing a name based on some inherent characteristic of an object.
    Namer.Comparator - Class in org.gradle.api
    A comparator implementation based on the names returned by the given namer.
    Namer.Comparator(Namer<? super T>) - Constructor in Namer.Comparator
    NAMER - Field in Report
    NativeBinariesTestPlugin - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.plugins
    A plugin that sets up the infrastructure for testing native binaries.
    NativeBinary - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    Represents a particular binary artifact.
    NativeBinarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    Represents a binary artifact that is the result of building a native component.
    NativeComponentExtension - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    The configuration for native components generated by this build.
    NativeComponentModelPlugin - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform.plugins
    A plugin that sets up the infrastructure for defining native binaries.
    NativeComponentModelPlugin(Instantiator) - Constructor in NativeComponentModelPlugin
    NativeComponentPlugin - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform.plugins
    A plugin that creates tasks used for constructing native binaries.
    NativeComponentSpec - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    Definition of a software component that is to be built by Gradle to run a on JVM platform.
    NativeDependencySet - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    Models a collection of native type dependencies.
    NativeExecutable - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    An executable native component that is built by Gradle.
    NativeExecutableBinary - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    A binary artifact for a NativeExecutable, targeted at a particular platform with specific configuration.
    NativeExecutableBinarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    An binary built by Gradle for a native application.
    NativeExecutableBinarySpec.TasksCollection - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    Provides access to key tasks used for building the binary.
    NativeExecutableFileSpec - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    Specifies how to build and where to place a native executable file.
    NativeExecutableSpec - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    Definition of a native executable component that is to be built by Gradle.
    NativeInstallationSpec - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    Specifies the installation location for a native executable.
    NativeLibrary - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    A library component that is built by a gradle project.
    NativeLibraryBinary - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    A physical representation of a NativeLibrary component.
    NativeLibraryBinarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    Represents a binary artifact that is the result of building a native library component.
    NativeLibraryRequirement - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    A dependency on a native library within the build.
    NativeLibrarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    Definition of a native library component that is to be built by Gradle.
    NativePlatform - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.platform
    A target platform for building native binaries.
    NativePlatformToolChain - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain
    A platform specific configurable tool chain.
    NativeResourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.nativeplatform
    A source set that provides resources.
    NativeTestSuiteBinarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.test
    An executable which runs a suite of tests.
    NativeTestSuiteBinarySpec.TasksCollection - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.test
    Provides access to key tasks used for building the binary.
    NativeTestSuiteSpec - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.test
    A component representing a suite of tests that will be executed together.
    NativeToolChain - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain
    A set of compilers and linkers that are used together to construct a native binary.
    NativeToolChainRegistry - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain
    A container for NativeToolChains.
    natures(String) - Method in EclipseProject
    Appends natures entries to the eclipse project.
    negate(Spec<? super T>) - Method in Specs
    Returns a spec that selects everything that is not selected by the given spec.
    Nested - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks
    newBuild() - Method in GradleConnection
    Creates a launcher which can be used to execute a build.
    newBuild() - Method in ProjectConnection
    Creates a launcher which can be used to execute a build.
    newBuild() - Method in StartParameter
    newCancellationTokenSource() - Method in GradleConnector
    Creates a new CancellationTokenSource that can be used to cancel one or more LongRunningOperation executions.
    newConnector() - Method in GradleConnector
    Creates a new connector instance.
    newGradleConnection() - Method in GradleConnector
    Creates a new connection builder instance for creating Gradle composite builds.
    newInstance() - Method in StartParameter
    Duplicates this StartParameter instance.
    newTestLauncher() - Method in ProjectConnection
    Creates a test launcher which can be used to execute tests.
    noComment() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    noDeprecated() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    noDeprecatedList() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    noHelp() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    noIndex() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    noNavBar() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    NonExtensible - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api
    Indicates that the type, when DSL enhanced, does not support extensibility.
    noQualifier(List<String>) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    noQualifiers(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    normalizeKeyId(String) - Method in PgpSignatoryFactory
    normalizePath(String) - Method in AbstractClasspathEntry
    noSince() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    not(Spec<? super T>) - Method in Specs
    Returns a spec that selects everything that is not selected by the given spec.
    noTimestamp - Field in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    noTree() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    NotSpec - Class in org.gradle.api.specs
    A Spec implementation which negates another Spec.
    NotSpec(Spec<? super T>) - Constructor in NotSpec
    Nullable - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api
    Indicates that the value of an element can be null.


    ObjectConfigurationAction - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins
    ObjectFile - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    LanguageOutputType marking object file output type.
    ObjectFilesToBinary - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.tasks
    A task that combines a set of object files into a single binary.
    ObjectiveCCompile - Class in org.gradle.language.objectivec.tasks
    Compiles Objective-C source files into object files.
    ObjectiveCLangPlugin - Class in org.gradle.language.objectivec.plugins
    Adds core Objective-C language support.
    ObjectiveCPlugin - Class in org.gradle.language.objectivec.plugins
    A plugin for projects wishing to build native binary components from Objective-C sources.
    ObjectiveCppCompile - Class in org.gradle.language.objectivecpp.tasks
    Compiles Objective-C++ source files into object files.
    ObjectiveCppLangPlugin - Class in org.gradle.language.objectivecpp.plugins
    Adds core Objective-Cpp language support.
    ObjectiveCppPlugin - Class in org.gradle.language.objectivecpp.plugins
    A plugin for projects wishing to build native binary components from Objective-C++ sources.
    ObjectiveCppPreCompiledHeaderCompile - Class in org.gradle.language.objectivecpp.tasks
    Compiles Objective C++ header source files into object files.
    ObjectiveCppSourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.objectivecpp
    A set of Objective-C++ source files.
    ObjectiveCPreCompiledHeaderCompile - Class in org.gradle.language.objectivec.tasks
    Compiles Objective C header source files into object files.
    ObjectiveCSourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.objectivec
    A set of Objective-C source files.
    onApply(Project) - Method in EclipsePlugin
    onApply(Project) - Method in EclipseWtpPlugin
    onApply(Project) - Method in IdeaPlugin
    onComplete(T) - Method in ResultHandler
    Handles successful completion of the operation.
    onConfigure(Closure) - Method in GenerateMetadataFileTask
    onFailure(GradleConnectionException) - Method in ResultHandler
    Handles a failed operation.
    onlyIf(Spec<? super Task>) - Method in Task
    onOutput(CharSequence) - Method in StandardOutputListener
    Called when some output is written by the logging system.
    onOutput(Closure) - Method in Test
    Adds a closure to be notified when output from the test received.
    onOutput(TestDescriptor, TestOutputEvent) - Method in TestOutputListener
    Fired when during test execution anything is printed to standard output or error
    open() - Method in FileTreeElement
    Opens this file as an input stream.
    OperatingSystem - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.platform
    A machine operating system.
    operatingSystem(String) - Method in NativePlatform
    Sets the operating system being targeted.
    OperationDescriptor - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events
    Describes an operation for which an event has occurred.
    OperationResult - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events
    Describes the result of running an operation.
    OperationType - Enum in org.gradle.tooling.events
    Enumerates the different types of operations for which progress events can be received.
    Optional - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks
    optionFiles(File) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    optionFiles(File) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    OptionLessJavadocOptionFileOption - Interface in org.gradle.external.javadoc
    Represents a Javadoc option.
    optionMap() - Method in AbstractOptions
    optionMap() - Method in CompileOptions
    Configure the java compilation to be incremental (e.g. compiles only those java classes that were changed or that are dependencies to the changed classes).
    optionMap() - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Internal method.
    options(Closure<?>) - Method in CoffeeScriptCompile
    options(Closure<?>) - Method in Javadoc
    Convenience method for configuring Javadoc generation options.
    options(Closure) - Method in Test
    Configures test framework specific options.
    or(boolean, List<? extends Spec<? super T>>) - Method in Specs
    Returns a spec that selects the union of those items selected by the provided spec.
    OrSpec - Class in org.gradle.api.specs
    A CompositeSpec which requires any one of its specs to be true in order to evaluate to true.
    OrSpec(Iterable<? extends Spec<? super T>>) - Constructor in OrSpec
    OsgiManifest - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins.osgi
    Represents a manifest file for a JAR containing an OSGi bundle.
    osgiManifest(Closure) - Method in OsgiPluginConvention
    Creates and configures a new instance of an OsgiManifest .
    OsgiPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.osgi
    A Plugin which extends the JavaPlugin to add OSGi meta-information to the project Jars.
    OsgiPluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.osgi
    Is mixed into the project when applying the OsgiPlugin.
    OsgiPluginConvention(ProjectInternal) - Constructor in OsgiPluginConvention
    outOfDate(Action<? super InputFileDetails>) - Method in IncrementalTaskInputs
    Executes the action for all of the input files that are out-of-date since the previous task execution.
    Output - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    Output(String) - Constructor in Output
    OutputDirectories - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks
    OutputDirectory - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks
    OutputFile - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks
    OutputFiles - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks
    overview(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    Fluent setter for the overview option.
    overview(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions


    ParallelizableTask - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks
    Declares that the associated task can be safely executed in parallel with other tasks.
    parse(boolean, RelativePath, String) - Method in RelativePath
    parse(File, String, Action<Context>) - Method in RhinoWorkerUtils
    parseRhino(File, ScopeOperation<T>) - Method in RhinoWorkerUtils
    PasswordCredentials - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories
    A username/password credentials that can be used to login to password-protected remote repository.
    Path - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
    Represents a path in a format as used often in ipr and iml files.
    path(Object) - Method in GccCompatibleToolChain
    Append an entry or entries to the tool chain path.
    Path(String, String, String) - Constructor in Path
    path(String, String) - Method in PathFactory
    Creates a path for the given URL.
    PATH_SEPARATOR - Field in Project
    The hierarchy separator for project and task path names.
    PathFactory - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
    PathValidation - Enum in org.gradle.api
    An enumeration for describing validation policies for file paths.
    pathVariables(Map<String, File>) - Method in EclipseModel
    Adds path variables to be used for replacing absolute paths in classpath entries.
    pathVariables(Map<String, File>) - Method in IdeaModel
    Adds path variables to be used for replacing absolute paths in resulting files (*.iml, etc.).
    PatternFilterable - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks.util
    PatternSet - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.util
    Standalone implementation of PatternFilterable.
    PatternSet(PatternSpecFactory) - Constructor in PatternSet
    PgpKeyId - Class in org.gradle.plugins.signing.signatory.pgp
    A normalised form for keys, which are friendliest for users as hex strings but used internally as longs.
    PgpKeyId(String) - Constructor in PgpKeyId
    PgpSignatory - Class in org.gradle.plugins.signing.signatory.pgp
    PgpSignatory(String, PGPSecretKey, String) - Constructor in PgpSignatory
    PgpSignatoryFactory - Class in org.gradle.plugins.signing.signatory.pgp
    PgpSignatoryProvider - Class in org.gradle.plugins.signing.signatory.pgp
    Platform - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    The platform or runtime that a binary is designed to run on.
    PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION - Field in PlayPluginConfigurations
    platform(Object) - Method in PlayApplicationSpec
    Specifies a PlayPlatform with a given set of requirements that this component should be built be for.
    platform(Object) - Method in PlayPlatformAwareComponentSpec
    PlatformAwareComponentSpec - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    Defines Platform specific operations for ComponentSpecs
    PlatformContainer - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A container of Platforms.
    PlatformJavaCompile - Class in org.gradle.language.java.tasks
    A platform-aware Java compile task.
    PlatformScalaCompile - Class in org.gradle.language.scala.tasks
    A platform-aware Scala compile task.
    PlatformScalaCompile() - Constructor in PlatformScalaCompile
    PlayApplicationBinarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.play
    Represents a binary artifact that is the result of building a Play application software component.
    PlayApplicationPlugin - Class in org.gradle.play.plugins
    Plugin for Play Framework component support.
    PlayApplicationSpec - Interface in org.gradle.play
    Definition of a Play Framework software component that is built by Gradle.
    PlayCoffeeScriptCompile - Class in org.gradle.play.tasks
    Task for compiling CoffeeScript sources into JavaScript.
    PlayCoffeeScriptPlugin - Class in org.gradle.play.plugins
    Plugin for adding coffeescript compilation to a Play application.
    PlayDistribution - Interface in org.gradle.play.distribution
    Represents a Play distribution package
    PlayDistributionContainer - Interface in org.gradle.play.distribution
    Manages a set of Distribution objects.
    PlayDistributionPlugin - Class in org.gradle.play.plugins
    A plugin that adds a distribution zip to a Play application build.
    PlayJavaScriptPlugin - Class in org.gradle.play.plugins
    Plugin for adding javascript processing to a Play application.
    PlayPlatform - Interface in org.gradle.play.platform
    Defines and configures a Play Framework environment including versions of Play, Scala and Java.
    PlayPlatformAwareComponentSpec - Interface in org.gradle.play
    Platform aware aspect of a Play Framework software component.
    PlayPlugin - Class in org.gradle.play.plugins
    Plugin for Play Framework component support.
    PlayPluginConfigurations - Class in org.gradle.play.plugins
    Conventional locations and names for play plugins.
    PlayPluginConfigurations(ConfigurationContainer, DependencyHandler) - Constructor in PlayPluginConfigurations
    PlayRoutesPlugin - Class in org.gradle.play.plugins
    Plugin for compiling Play routes sources in a Play application.
    PlayRun - Class in org.gradle.play.tasks
    Task to run a Play application.
    PlayTestPlugin - Class in org.gradle.play.plugins
    Plugin for executing tests from a Play Framework application.
    PlayToolChain - Interface in org.gradle.play.toolchain
    A set of tools for building applications using the Play Framework.
    PlayTwirlPlugin - Class in org.gradle.play.plugins
    Plugin for compiling Twirl sources in a Play application.
    Plugin - Interface in org.gradle.api
    plugin(String) - Method in ObjectConfigurationAction
    Adds a Plugin to use to configure the target objects.
    PluginAware - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins
    Something that can have plugins applied to it.
    PluginCollection - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins
    PluginContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins
    PluginDependenciesSpec - Interface in org.gradle.plugin.use
    The DSL for declaring plugins to use in a script.
    PluginDependencySpec - Interface in org.gradle.plugin.use
    A mutable specification of a dependency on a plugin.
    PluginInstantiationException - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    A PluginInstantiationException is thrown when a plugin cannot be instantiated.
    PluginInstantiationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in PluginInstantiationException
    PluginManager - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins
    Facilitates applying plugins and determining which plugins have been applied to a PluginAware object.
    pluginSourceSet(SourceSet) - Method in GradlePluginDevelopmentExtension
    Provides the source set that compiles the code under test.
    plus(FileCollection) - Method in FileCollection
    plus(FileTree) - Method in FileTree
    Returns a FileTree which contains the union of this tree and the given tree.
    plus(RelativePath) - Method in RelativePath
    Pmd - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    Runs a set of static code analysis rules on Java source code files and generates a report of problems found.
    Pmd() - Constructor in Pmd
    PmdExtension - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    Configuration options for the PMD plugin.
    PmdExtension(Project) - Constructor in PmdExtension
    PmdPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    A plugin for the PMD source code analyzer.
    PmdReports - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    The reporting configuration for the Pmd task.
    PolymorphicDomainObjectContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api
    A NamedDomainObjectContainer that allows to create domain objects with different types.
    POM_FILE_ENCODING - Field in MavenPom
    pom(Closure) - Method in MavenPluginConvention
    Creates and configures a new MavenPom.
    pom(Action<? super MavenPom>) - Method in MavenPublication
    Configures the POM that will be published.
    pom(Closure) - Method in PomFilterContainer
    Configures the default POM by a closure.
    PomFilterContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
    Manages a set of MavenPom instances and their associated PublishFilter instances.
    PORT_SYSPROPERTY - Field in AbstractJettyRunTask
    PrebuiltLibraries - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    A container of PrebuiltLibrary instances.
    PrebuiltLibrary - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    A library component that is not built by gradle.
    PrebuiltSharedLibraryBinary - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    A shared library that exists at a known location on the filesystem.
    PrebuiltStaticLibraryBinary - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    A static library that exists at a known location on the filesystem.
    PrefixHeaderFileGenerateTask - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform.tasks
    Generates a prefix header file from a list of headers to be precompiled.
    prepareNewBuild(StartParameter) - Method in StartParameter
    prepareNewInstance(StartParameter) - Method in StartParameter
    prepend(String) - Method in RelativePath
    Prepends the given names to the start of this path.
    PreprocessingTool - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    A tool that permits configuration of the C preprocessor.
    process(P) - Method in RhinoWorker
    ProcessForkOptions - Interface in org.gradle.process
    ProcessResources - Class in org.gradle.language.jvm.tasks
    Copies resources from their source to their target directory, potentially processing them.
    ProgressEvent - Interface in org.gradle.tooling
    Some information about a piece of work of a long running operation.
    ProgressListener - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events
    A listener which is notified when operations that are executed as part of running a build make progress.
    Project - Interface in org.gradle.api
    project(Map<String, ?>) - Method in DependencyHandler
    Creates a dependency on a project.
    project(String) - Method in DependencySpecContainer
    Defines a new dependency, based on a project path.
    project(String) - Method in DependencySubstitutions
    Create a ProjectComponentSelector from the provided input string.
    project(Closure) - Method in EclipseModel
    Configures eclipse project information
    PROJECT_FILE_NAME - Field in Project
    project(Closure) - Method in IdeaModel
    Configures IDEA project information.
    project - Field in JacocoPluginExtension
    project(Closure) - Method in MavenPom
    Provides a builder for the Maven POM for adding or modifying properties of the Maven getModel().
    project(String, Closure) - Method in Project
    project(String) - Method in ProjectDependencySpecBuilder
    Narrows this dependency specification down to a specific project.
    PROJECT_REPORT - Field in ProjectReportsPlugin
    project(File) - Method in Settings
    project(Closure) - Method in SonarProjectModel
    Configures per-project configuration options.
    project(Closure) - Method in SonarRootModel
    Configures per-project configuration options.
    ProjectBuilder - Class in org.gradle.testfixtures
    ProjectComponentIdentifier - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.component
    An identifier for a component instance that is built as part of the current build.
    ProjectComponentSelector - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.component
    Criteria for selecting a component instance that is built as part of the current build.
    ProjectConfigurationException - Class in org.gradle.api
    Indicates a problem that occurs during project configuration (evaluation) phase.
    ProjectConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in ProjectConfigurationException
    ProjectConnection - Interface in org.gradle.tooling
    Represents a long-lived connection to a Gradle project.
    ProjectDependency - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
    Represents a dependency on another project.
    ProjectDependency(String, String) - Constructor in ProjectDependency
    ProjectDependencySpec - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A dependency onto a library published by a project.
    ProjectDependencySpecBuilder - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A builder of a ProjectDependencySpec.
    ProjectDescriptor - Class in org.gradle.ide.cdt.model
    The actual .project descriptor file.
    ProjectDescriptor() - Constructor in ProjectDescriptor
    ProjectEvaluationListener - Interface in org.gradle.api
    ProjectIdentifier - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
    Identifies a Gradle project.
    ProjectLibrary - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
    A project-level IDEA library.
    ProjectPublications - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model.gradle
    A model providing information about the publications of a Gradle project.
    ProjectReportsPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    ProjectReportsPluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    ProjectReportsPluginConvention(Project) - Constructor in ProjectReportsPluginConvention
    ProjectReportTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.diagnostics
    ProjectSettings - Class in org.gradle.ide.cdt.model
    Gradle model element, the configurable parts of the .project file.
    projectsEvaluated(Gradle) - Method in BuildAdapter
    projectsEvaluated(Gradle) - Method in BuildListener
    projectsEvaluated(Gradle) - Method in BuildLogger
    projectsEvaluated(Closure) - Method in Gradle
    Adds a closure to be called when all projects for the build have been evaluated.
    projectsLoaded(Gradle) - Method in BuildAdapter
    projectsLoaded(Gradle) - Method in BuildListener
    projectsLoaded(Gradle) - Method in BuildLogger
    projectsLoaded(Closure) - Method in Gradle
    Adds a closure to be called when the projects for the build have been created from the settings.
    ProjectSourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.base
    A container of LanguageSourceSets.
    ProjectState - Interface in org.gradle.api
    ProjectState provides information about the execution state of a project.
    properties(Map<String, ?>) - Method in SonarProperties
    Convenience method for setting multiple properties.
    PROPERTIES_TASK - Field in HelpTasksPlugin
    properties(Map<String, ?>) - Method in TaskInputs
    Registers a set of input properties for this task.
    PropertiesFileContentMerger - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.api
    Models the generation/parsing/merging capabilities.
    PropertiesFileContentMerger(PropertiesTransformer) - Constructor in PropertiesFileContentMerger
    PropertiesGeneratorTask - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.api
    A convenience superclass for those tasks which generate Properties configuration files from a domain object of type T.
    PropertiesGeneratorTask() - Constructor in PropertiesGeneratorTask
    property(Map<String, String>) - Method in EclipseWtpComponent
    Adds a property.
    property(String) - Method in Project
    PROPERTY_REPORT - Field in ProjectReportsPlugin
    property(String, Object) - Method in SonarProperties
    Convenience method for setting a single property.
    property(String) - Method in Task
    property(String, Object) - Method in TaskInputs
    propertyMissing(String) - Method in PgpSignatoryProvider
    propertyMissing(String) - Method in TestNGOptions
    PropertyReportTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.diagnostics
    Displays the properties of a project.
    PROVIDED_COMPILE_PRIORITY - Field in MavenPlugin
    PROVIDED - Field in Conf2ScopeMappingContainer
    PROVIDED_RUNTIME_PRIORITY - Field in MavenPlugin
    PublicAssets - Interface in org.gradle.play
    A set of public assets added to a binary.
    Publication - Interface in org.gradle.api.publish
    A publication is a description of a consumable representation of one or more artifacts, and possibly associated metadata.
    PublicationContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.publish
    A PublicationContainer is responsible for creating and managing Publication instances.
    publications(Action<? super PublicationContainer>) - Method in PublishingExtension
    Configures the publications of this project.
    PUBLISH_LIFECYCLE_TASK_NAME - Field in PublishingPlugin
    PUBLISH_LOCAL_LIFECYCLE_TASK_NAME - Field in MavenPublishPlugin
    publish() - Method in PublishToIvyRepository
    publish() - Method in PublishToMavenLocal
    publish() - Method in PublishToMavenRepository
    PUBLISH_TASK_GROUP - Field in PublishingPlugin
    PublishArtifact - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    PublishArtifactSet - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    A set of artifacts to be published.
    PublishException - Class in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    PublishException(String) - Constructor in PublishException
    PublishFilter - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven
    A filter for artifacts to be published.
    PublishingExtension - Interface in org.gradle.api.publish
    The configuration of how to “publish” the different components of a project.
    PublishingPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.publish.plugins
    Installs a PublishingExtension with name {@value org.gradle.api.publish.PublishingExtension#NAME}.
    PublishingPlugin(ArtifactPublicationServices, Instantiator) - Constructor in PublishingPlugin
    PublishToIvyRepository - Class in org.gradle.api.publish.ivy.tasks
    Publishes an IvyPublication to an IvyArtifactRepository.
    PublishToIvyRepository() - Constructor in PublishToIvyRepository
    PublishToMavenLocal - Class in org.gradle.api.publish.maven.tasks
    Publishes a MavenPublication to the Maven Local repository.
    PublishToMavenRepository - Class in org.gradle.api.publish.maven.tasks
    put(String, T) - Method in ModelMap
    Adds an element to this ModelMap.


    quiet() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    quiet(String, Throwable) - Method in Logger
    Logs the given message at quiet log level.
    QUIET - Field in Logging
    quiet() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    quiet(Action<TestLogging>) - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Configures logging options for quiet level.


    read() - Method in ReadableResource
    Returns an unbuffered InputStream that provides means to read the resource.
    ReadableResource - Interface in org.gradle.api.resources
    A resource that can be read.
    readFile(File, String) - Method in RhinoWorkerUtils
    readFrom(Object) - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    Reads the deployment descriptor from a file.
    readProperties(Project, String, String, boolean) - Method in PgpSignatoryFactory
    readSecretKey(PGPSecretKeyRingCollection, PgpKeyId, String) - Method in PgpSignatoryFactory
    referencedProjects(String) - Method in EclipseProject
    The referenced projects of this Eclipse project (*not*: java build path project references).
    refresh() - Method in ResolutionControl
    States that any cached value should be ignored, forcing a fresh resolve.
    register(SignatureType) - Method in AbstractSignatureTypeProvider
    register(ToolingModelBuilder) - Method in ToolingModelBuilderRegistry
    registerBinding(Class<U>, Class<? extends U>) - Method in ExtensiblePolymorphicDomainObjectContainer
    Registers a binding from the specified "public" domain object type to the specified implementation type.
    registerFactory(Class<U>, Closure<? extends U>) - Method in ExtensiblePolymorphicDomainObjectContainer
    Registers a factory for creating elements of the specified type.
    registerWatchPoints(Builder) - Method in FileCollectionDependency
    reject(String) - Method in ComponentSelection
    Rejects the candidate for the resolution.
    RelativePath - Class in org.gradle.api.file
    relativePath(String, File) - Method in PathFactory
    Creates a path relative to the given path variable.
    relativePath(Object) - Method in Project
    RelativePath(boolean, String) - Constructor in RelativePath
    Creates a RelativePath.
    relativePath(Object) - Method in Script
    relativeProjectPath(String) - Method in Project
    reload - Field in AbstractJettyRunTask
    RELOAD_AUTOMATIC - Field in JettyPlugin
    RELOAD_MANUAL - Field in JettyPlugin
    removed(Action<? super InputFileDetails>) - Method in IncrementalTaskInputs
    Executes the action for all of the input files that were removed since the previous task execution.
    removeListener(Object) - Method in Gradle
    Removes the given listener from this build.
    removeProjectEvaluationListener(ProjectEvaluationListener) - Method in Gradle
    Removes the given listener from this build.
    removeStandardErrorListener(StandardOutputListener) - Method in LoggingOutput
    Removes a listener from standard error.
    removeStandardOutputListener(StandardOutputListener) - Method in LoggingOutput
    Removes a listener from standard output.
    removeTaskExecutionGraphListener(TaskExecutionGraphListener) - Method in TaskExecutionGraph
    removeTaskExecutionListener(TaskExecutionListener) - Method in TaskExecutionGraph
    removeTestListener(TestListener) - Method in Test
    Unregisters a test listener with this task.
    removeTestOutputListener(TestOutputListener) - Method in Test
    Unregisters a test output listener with this task.
    rename(Pattern, String) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    rename(Pattern, String) - Method in CopyProcessingSpec
    Renames files based on a regular expression.
    rename(Pattern, String) - Method in CopySpec
    replace(String, Class<T>) - Method in TaskContainer
    replacedBy(Object) - Method in ComponentModuleMetadataDetails
    Configures a replacement module for this module.
    replaceLastName(String) - Method in RelativePath
    replaceSingleDirectory(Set<File>, File) - Method in BaseBinarySpec
    Report - Interface in org.gradle.api.reporting
    A file based report to be created.
    Report.OutputType - Enum in org.gradle.api.reporting
    The type of output the report produces
    report() - Method in ComponentReport
    report() - Method in DependencyInsightReportTask
    report() - Method in ModelReport
    ReportContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.reporting
    A container of Report objects, that represent potential reports.
    ReportContainer.ImmutableViolationException - Class in org.gradle.api.reporting
    The exception thrown when any of this container's mutation methods are called.
    ReportContainer.ImmutableViolationException() - Constructor in ReportContainer.ImmutableViolationException
    Reporting - Interface in org.gradle.api.reporting
    An object that provides reporting options.
    ReportingBasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    ReportingExtension - Class in org.gradle.api.reporting
    A project extension named "reporting" that provides basic reporting settings and utilities.
    ReportingExtension(Project) - Constructor in ReportingExtension
    reportOn(Object) - Method in TestReport
    Adds some results to include in the report.
    reports(Closure) - Method in Checkstyle
    Configures the reports to be generated by this task.
    reports(Closure) - Method in CodeNarc
    Configures the reports to be generated by this task.
    reports(Closure) - Method in FindBugs
    Configures the reports to be generated by this task.
    reports(Closure) - Method in GenerateBuildDashboard
    Configures the reports to be generated by this task.
    reports(Closure) - Method in HtmlDependencyReportTask
    reports(Closure) - Method in JacocoReport
    Configures the reports to be generated by this task.
    reports(Closure) - Method in JDepend
    Configures the reports to be generated by this task.
    reports(Closure) - Method in Pmd
    Configures the reports to be generated by this task.
    reports(Closure) - Method in Reporting
    Allow configuration of the report container by closure.
    reports(Closure) - Method in Test
    Configures the reports that this task potentially produces.
    Repositories - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    The repositories that Gradle will search for prebuilt libraries.
    repositories(Closure) - Method in Project
    repositories(Action<? super RepositoryHandler>) - Method in PublishingExtension
    Configures the container of possible repositories to publish to.
    repositories(Closure) - Method in ScriptHandler
    Configures the repositories for the script dependencies.
    repositories(Closure) - Method in Upload
    Configures the set of repositories to upload to.
    RepositoryHandler - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl
    A RepositoryHandler manages a set of repositories, allowing repositories to be defined and queried.
    RepositoryLayout - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories
    Represents the directory structure for a repository.
    required(boolean) - Method in Sign
    Change whether or not this task should fail if no signatory or signature type are configured at the time of generation.
    ResolutionControl - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.cache
    Command methods for controlling dependency resolution via the DSL.
    ResolutionResult - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.result
    Contains the information about the result of dependency resolution.
    ResolutionRules - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.cache
    Represents a set of rules/actions that can be applied during dependency resolution.
    ResolutionStrategy - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    Defines the strategies around dependency resolution.
    resolutionStrategy(Closure) - Method in Configuration
    The resolution strategy provides extra details on how to resolve this configuration.
    ResolvableDependencies - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    A set of Dependency objects which can be resolved to a set of File instances.
    resolve() - Method in Configuration
    Resolves this configuration.
    resolve(boolean) - Method in SelfResolvingDependency
    Resolves this dependency by specifying the transitive mode.
    ResolvedArtifact - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    Information about a resolved artifact.
    ResolvedArtifactResult - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.result
    The result of successfully downloading an artifact.
    ResolvedComponentResult - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.result
    Represents a component instance in the resolved dependency graph.
    ResolvedConfiguration - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    A ResolvedConfiguration represents the result of resolving a Configuration, and provides access to both the artifacts and the meta-data of the result.
    ResolvedDependency - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    Information about a resolved dependency.
    ResolvedDependencyResult - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.result
    A dependency that was resolved successfully.
    resolveDependencies() - Method in EclipseClasspath
    Calculates, resolves and returns dependency entries of this classpath.
    resolveDependencies() - Method in IdeaModule
    Resolves and returns the module's dependencies.
    ResolvedModuleVersion - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    Represents meta-data about a resolved module version.
    ResolveException - Class in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    ResolveException(String, Iterable<? extends Throwable>) - Constructor in ResolveException
    resolveLibrary(String) - Method in PrebuiltLibraries
    Resource - Interface in org.gradle.api.resources
    A generic resource of some kind.
    resource(Map<String, String>) - Method in EclipseWtpComponent
    Adds a wb-resource.
    ResourceException - Class in org.gradle.api.resources
    Generic resource exception that all other resource-related exceptions inherit from.
    ResourceException(URI, String, Throwable) - Constructor in ResourceException
    ResourceHandler - Interface in org.gradle.api.resources
    Provides access to resource-specific utility methods, for example factory methods that create various resources.
    resources(Closure) - Method in SourceSet
    Configures the non-Java resources for this set.
    restartWebApp(boolean) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    restartWebApp(boolean) - Method in JettyRun
    restartWebApp(boolean) - Method in JettyRunWar
    ResultHandler - Interface in org.gradle.tooling
    A handler for an asynchronous operation which returns an object of type T.
    rethrowFailure() - Method in BuildResult
    rethrowFailure() - Method in ExecResult
    Re-throws any failure executing this process.
    rethrowFailure() - Method in ProjectState
    Throws the project failure, if any.
    rethrowFailure() - Method in ResolvedConfiguration
    A resolve of a configuration that is not successful does not automatically throws an exception.
    rethrowFailure() - Method in TaskState
    Throws the task failure, if any.
    RHINO_SHELL_MAIN - Field in RhinoExtension
    RhinoExtension - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.rhino
    rhinoOptions(Object) - Method in RhinoShellExec
    RhinoPlugin - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.rhino
    RhinoShellExec - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.rhino
    RhinoShellExec() - Constructor in RhinoShellExec
    RhinoWorker - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.rhino.worker
    RhinoWorkerHandleFactory - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.rhino.worker
    RhinoWorkerUtils - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.rhino.worker
    RhinoWorkerUtils.DefaultScopeOperation - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.rhino.worker
    RhinoWorkerUtils.ScopeOperation - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.rhino.worker
    rootProject(Action<? super Project>) - Method in Gradle
    Adds an action to execute against the root project of this build.
    RoutesCompile - Class in org.gradle.play.tasks
    Task for compiling routes templates into Scala code.
    RoutesSourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.routes
    Represents a source set containing routes files
    Rule - Interface in org.gradle.api
    RuleInput - Annotation Type in org.gradle.model
    Attached to the getter for a property on a RuleSource to denote that the property defines an implicit input for all rules defined by the rule source.
    Rules - Annotation Type in org.gradle.model
    Denotes that the RuleSource method rule carrying this annotation defines additional rules based on its inputs.
    ruleSetFiles(Object) - Method in PmdExtension
    Convenience method for adding rule set files.
    ruleSets(String) - Method in PmdExtension
    Convenience method for adding rule sets.
    RuleSource - Class in org.gradle.model
    A marker type for a class that is a collection of rules.
    RuleTarget - Annotation Type in org.gradle.model
    Attached to the getter for a property on a RuleSource to denote that the property defines the target for the rule source.
    run(ResultHandler<? super T>) - Method in BuildActionExecuter
    Starts executing the action, passing the result to the given handler when complete.
    run(ResultHandler<? super Void>) - Method in BuildLauncher
    Launches the build.
    run() - Method in Checkstyle
    run() - Method in CodeNarc
    RUN_CONFIGURATION - Field in PlayPluginConfigurations
    run() - Method in FindBugs
    RUN_GROUP - Field in PlayApplicationPlugin
    run() - Method in JDepend
    run() - Method in PlayRun
    run() - Method in Pmd
    run() - Method in SonarRunner
    run(ResultHandler<? super Void>) - Method in TestLauncher
    Starts executing the tests.
    RunTestExecutable - Class in org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.tasks
    Runs a compiled and installed test executable.
    RunTestExecutable() - Constructor in RunTestExecutable
    RUNTIME - Field in Conf2ScopeMappingContainer
    RUNTIME_PRIORITY - Field in MavenPlugin


    SATISFIES_ALL - Field in Specs
    SATISFIES_NONE - Field in Specs
    satisfyAll() - Method in Specs
    satisfyNone() - Method in Specs
    SCALA_DOC_TASK_NAME - Field in ScalaPlugin
    scala(Closure) - Method in ScalaSourceSet
    Configures the Scala source for this set.
    ScalaBasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.scala
    ScalaBasePlugin(SourceDirectorySetFactory) - Constructor in ScalaBasePlugin
    ScalaCompile - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.scala
    Compiles Scala source files, and optionally, Java source files.
    ScalaCompile() - Constructor in ScalaCompile
    ScalaCompileOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.scala
    Options for Scala compilation, including the use of the Ant-backed compiler.
    ScalaDoc - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.scala
    Generates HTML API documentation for Scala source files.
    ScalaDocOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.scala
    Options for the ScalaDoc tool.
    ScalaForkOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.scala
    Fork options for Scala compilation.
    ScalaLanguagePlugin - Class in org.gradle.language.scala.plugins
    Plugin for compiling Scala code.
    ScalaLanguageSourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.scala
    A set of sources passed to the Scala compiler.
    ScalaPlatform - Interface in org.gradle.language.scala
    Defines and configures a Scala Platform.
    ScalaPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.scala
    ScalaRuntime - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
    Provides information related to the Scala runtime(s) used in a project.
    ScalaRuntime(Project) - Constructor in ScalaRuntime
    ScalaSourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
    A ScalaSourceSetConvention defines the properties and methods added to a SourceSet by the ScalaPlugin.
    ScalaToolChain - Interface in org.gradle.language.scala.toolchain
    A set of tools for building Scala applications
    scannerListeners - Field in AbstractJettyRunTask
    List of Listeners for the scanner.
    ScanTargetPattern - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty
    Patterns for scanning for file changes.
    Script - Interface in org.gradle.api
    scriptArgs(Object) - Method in RhinoShellExec
    ScriptGenerator - Interface in org.gradle.jvm.application.scripts
    Generates a script to start a JVM application.
    ScriptHandler - Interface in org.gradle.api.initialization.dsl
    securityRole(Action<? extends EarSecurityRole>) - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    Add a security role to the deployment descriptor after configuring it with the given action.
    segmentIterator() - Method in RelativePath
    SelfResolvingDependency - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    A SelfResolvingDependency is a Dependency which is able to resolve itself, independent of a repository.
    send(String, String) - Method in Announcer
    serialWarn() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    server(Closure) - Method in SonarRootModel
    Configures server configuration options.
    set(String, Object) - Method in ExtraPropertiesExtension
    Updates the value for, or creates, the registered property with the given name to the given value.
    setAccessKey(String) - Method in AwsCredentials
    Sets the access key to use to authenticate with AWS.
    setActions(List<Action<? super Task>>) - Method in Task
    setAdditionalImports(List<String>) - Method in RoutesCompile
    Specifies the additional imports of the Play Routes compiler.
    setAdditionalParameters(List<String>) - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    setAdditionalParameters(List<String>) - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Sets the additional parameters passed to the compiler.
    setAdditionalRuntimeJars(Iterable<File>) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    setAllJvmArgs(Iterable<?>) - Method in JavaExec
    setAllJvmArgs(Iterable<?>) - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Sets the full set of arguments to use to launch the JVM for the process.
    setAllJvmArgs(Iterable<?>) - Method in Test
    setAltDeployDescriptor(String) - Method in EarModule
    setAnalysisFile(File) - Method in IncrementalCompileOptions
    Sets the file path where results of code analysis are to be stored.
    setAnnotationsOnSourceCompatibility(JavaVersion) - Method in TestNGOptions
    setAntGroovydoc(AntGroovydoc) - Method in Groovydoc
    setAntlrClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in AntlrTask
    Specifies the classpath containing the Ant ANTLR task implementation.
    setApiJarFile(File) - Method in JarBinarySpec
    Sets the API jar file output for this binary.
    setAppDirName(String) - Method in EarPluginConvention
    setAppendix(String) - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
    setApplicationJar(File) - Method in PlayRun
    setApplicationName(String) - Method in CreateStartScripts
    setApplicationName(String) - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    setArchiveBase(Wrapper.PathBase) - Method in Wrapper
    The archive base specifies whether the unpacked wrapper distribution should be stored in the project or in the gradle user home dir.
    setArchiveName(String) - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
    Sets the archive name.
    setArchivePath(String) - Method in Wrapper
    Set's the path where the gradle distributions archive should be saved (i.e. the parent dir).
    setArgs(Iterable<?>) - Method in AbstractExecTask
    setArgs(Iterable<?>) - Method in ExecSpec
    Sets the arguments for the command to be executed.
    setArgs(Iterable<?>) - Method in JavaExec
    setArgs(Iterable<?>) - Method in JavaExecSpec
    Sets the args for the main class to be executed.
    setArgs(Iterable<?>) - Method in RhinoShellExec
    setArguments(List<String>) - Method in AntlrTask
    setArguments(Iterable<String>) - Method in GradleBuildInvocationSpec
    Sets the command line arguments (excluding tasks) to invoke the build with.
    setArtifactId(String) - Method in MavenPom
    Sets the artifact id for this POM.
    setArtifactId(String) - Method in MavenPublication
    Sets the artifactId for this publication.
    setArtifacts(Iterable<?>) - Method in IvyPublication
    Sets the artifacts for this publication.
    setArtifacts(Iterable<?>) - Method in MavenPublication
    Clears any previously added artifacts from getArtifacts and creates artifacts from the specified sources.
    setArtifactUrls(Iterable<?>) - Method in MavenArtifactRepository
    Sets the additional URLs to use to find artifact files.
    setAssemblerArgs(List<String>) - Method in Assemble
    setAssetsDirs(Set<File>) - Method in PlayRun
    setAssetsJar(File) - Method in PlayRun
    setAuthor(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setBaseDir(File) - Method in AntTarget
    Sets the Ant project base directory to use when executing the target.
    setBaseDir(Object) - Method in ReportingExtension
    Sets the base directory to use for all reports
    setBaseName(String) - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
    setBaseName(String) - Method in Distribution
    The baseName of the distribution.
    setBaseName(String) - Method in NativeComponentSpec
    Sets the name that is used to construct the output file names when building this component.
    setBinResultsDir(File) - Method in Test
    Sets the root folder for the test results in internal binary format.
    setBootClasspath(String) - Method in CompileOptions
    Sets the bootstrap classpath to be used for the compiler process.
    setBootClasspath(List<File>) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    setBootClasspath(List<File>) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    setBootstrapClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in JavaExec
    setBootstrapClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Sets the bootstrap classpath to use for the process.
    setBootstrapClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in Test
    setBottom(String) - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Sets the HTML text to appear in the bottom text for each page.
    setBottom(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setBranch(String) - Method in IvyModuleDescriptorSpec
    Sets the branch for this publication
    setBreakIterator(boolean) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    setBreakIterator(boolean) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    setBuildable(boolean) - Method in BaseBinarySpec
    setBuildDir(Object) - Method in Project
    setBuildFile(Object) - Method in GradleBuild
    Sets the build file that should be used for this build.
    setBuildFile(File) - Method in StartParameter
    Sets the build file to use to select the default project.
    setBuildFileName(String) - Method in ProjectDescriptor
    Sets the name of the build file.
    setBuildProjectDependencies(boolean) - Method in StartParameter
    Specifies whether project dependencies should be built.
    setBuildTask(Task) - Method in BuildableComponentSpec
    Specifies the task responsible for building this component.
    setBuiltBy(Iterable<?>) - Method in ConfigurableFileCollection
    Sets the tasks which build the files of this collection.
    setBuiltBy(Iterable<?>) - Method in ConfigurableFileTree
    Sets the tasks which build the files of this collection.
    setCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    setCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in CopySpec
    Specifies whether case-sensitive pattern matching should be used for this CopySpec.
    setCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in PatternSet
    setChanging(boolean) - Method in ComponentMetadataDetails
    Sets whether the component is changing or immutable.
    setChanging(boolean) - Method in ExternalModuleDependency
    Sets whether or not Gradle should always check for a change in the remote repository.
    setChangingClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in PlayRun
    setCharSet(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setClassesDir(File) - Method in JvmBinarySpec
    Sets the classes directory for this binary.
    setClassesDir(File) - Method in JvmClasses
    Sets the classes directory for this binary.
    setClassesDir(File) - Method in OsgiManifest
    Sets the classes dir.
    setClassesDir(Object) - Method in SourceSetOutput
    Sets the directory to assemble the compiled classes into.
    setClassifier(String) - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
    setClassifier(String) - Method in ConfigurablePublishArtifact
    Sets the classifier of this artifact.
    setClassifier(String) - Method in IvyArtifact
    Sets the classifier used to publish the artifact file.
    setClassifier(String) - Method in MavenArtifact
    Sets the classifier used to publish the artifact file.
    setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in AbstractCompile
    Sets the classpath to use to compile the source files.
    setClasspath(List<File>) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in CreateStartScripts
    setClasspath(String) - Method in DependOptions
    Sets the compile classpath for which dependencies should also be checked.
    setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in Groovydoc
    Sets the classpath used to locate classes referenced by the documented sources.
    setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in Javadoc
    Sets the classpath to use to resolve type references in this source code.
    setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in JavaExec
    setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in JavaExecSpec
    Sets the classpath for executing the main class.
    setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in JettyRun
    Set the classpath for the web application.
    setClasspath(List<File>) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in OsgiManifest
    A convenient method for setting a Bundle-Classpath instruction.
    setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in RhinoExtension
    setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in ScalaDoc
    setClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in Test
    setClasspath(Object) - Method in War
    Sets the classpath to include in the WAR archive.
    setClassPathFiles(List<File>) - Method in JettyRun
    setClosure(boolean) - Method in DependOptions
    Sets whether to delete the transitive closure of outdated files or only their direct dependencies.
    setCoffeeScriptJs(Object) - Method in CoffeeScriptCompile
    setCoffeeScriptJs(File) - Method in CoffeeScriptCompileSpec
    setCoffeeScriptJs(Object) - Method in PlayCoffeeScriptCompile
    setCoffeeScriptJsNotation(String) - Method in PlayCoffeeScriptCompile
    setColorOutput(boolean) - Method in ConfigurableLauncher
    setColorOutput(boolean) - Method in LongRunningOperation
    Specifies whether to generate colored (ANSI encoded) output for logging.
    setCommandLine(Object) - Method in AbstractExecTask
    setCommandLine(Iterable<?>) - Method in ExecSpec
    Sets the full command line, including the executable to be executed plus its arguments.
    setCompileClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in SourceSet
    Sets the classpath used to compile this source.
    setCompiler(Compiler<GroovyJavaJointCompileSpec>) - Method in GroovyCompile
    setCompiler(Compiler<ScalaJavaJointCompileSpec>) - Method in ScalaCompile
    For testing only.
    setCompilerArgs(List<String>) - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    setCompilerArgs(List<String>) - Method in CompileOptions
    Sets any additional arguments to be passed to the compiler.
    setCompilerArgs(List<String>) - Method in WindowsResourceCompile
    setCompression(Compression) - Method in Tar
    Configures the compressor based on passed in compression.
    setConf2ScopeMappings(Conf2ScopeMappingContainer) - Method in MavenPluginConvention
    setConf(String) - Method in IvyArtifact
    Sets a comma separated list of public configurations in which this artifact is published.
    setConfigFailurePolicy(String) - Method in TestNGOptions
    setConfigFile(File) - Method in Checkstyle
    The Checkstyle configuration file to use.
    setConfigFile(File) - Method in CheckstyleExtension
    The Checkstyle configuration file to use.
    setConfigFile(File) - Method in CodeNarc
    The CodeNarc configuration file to use.
    setConfigFile(File) - Method in CodeNarcExtension
    The CodeNarc configuration file to use.
    setConfiguration(String) - Method in AbstractDependencyReportTask
    Sets the single configuration (by name) to generate the report for.
    setConfiguration(String) - Method in DependencyInsightReportTask
    Sets the configuration (via name) to look the dependency in.
    setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in Upload
    setConfigurations(Set<Configuration>) - Method in AbstractDependencyReportTask
    Sets the configurations to generate the report for.
    setConfigurations(ConfigurationContainer) - Method in MavenPom
    Sets the configuration container used for mapping configurations to Maven scopes.
    setConfigurationScript(File) - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Sets the path to the groovy configuration file.
    setConfigureOnDemand(boolean) - Method in StartParameter
    setConnectors(Connector) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    setContent(Object) - Method in BrowserEvaluate
    setContextHandlers(ContextHandler) - Method in JettyRun
    setContextPath(String) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    setContextRoot(String) - Method in EarWebModule
    setContinueOnFailure(boolean) - Method in StartParameter
    Specifies whether the build should continue on task failure.
    setContinuous(boolean) - Method in StartParameter
    setCurrentDir(File) - Method in StartParameter
    Sets the directory to use to select the default project, and to search for the settings file.
    setDaemon(boolean) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    setDaemonServer(String) - Method in ScalaCompileOptions
    setDebug(boolean) - Method in CompileOptions
    Sets whether to include debugging information in the generated class files.
    setDebug(boolean) - Method in JavaExec
    setDebug(boolean) - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Enable or disable debugging for the process.
    setDebug(boolean) - Method in Test
    setDebug(TestLogging) - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Sets logging options for debug level.
    setDebugLevel(String) - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    setDebugLevel(String) - Method in DebugOptions
    Sets which debug information is to be generated.
    setDebugOptions(DebugOptions) - Method in CompileOptions
    Sets options for generating debugging information.
    setDeclaredConfigurationName(String) - Method in AbstractLibrary
    setDeclaredConfigurationName(String) - Method in ProjectDependency
    setDefaultCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in JavaExec
    setDefaultCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Sets the default character encoding to use.
    setDefaultCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in Test
    setDefaultImports(TwirlImports) - Method in TwirlCompile
    Sets the default imports to be used when compiling templates.
    setDefaultImports(TwirlImports) - Method in TwirlSourceSet
    Sets the default imports that should be added to generated source files to the given language
    setDefaultJvmOpts(Iterable<String>) - Method in CreateStartScripts
    setDefaultTasks(List<String>) - Method in Project
    setDefaultType(String) - Method in AbstractSignatureTypeProvider
    setDefaultType(String) - Method in SignatureTypeProvider
    setDelete(Object) - Method in Delete
    Sets the files to be deleted by this task.
    setDependencies(List<?>) - Method in MavenPom
    Sets the dependencies for this POM.
    setDependencyCacheDir(File) - Method in JavaCompile
    setDependencySpec(Object) - Method in DependencyInsightReportTask
    Configures the dependency to show the report for.
    setDependOptions(DependOptions) - Method in CompileOptions
    Sets options for using the Ant <depend> task.
    setDependsOn(Iterable<?>) - Method in Task
    setDeprecation(boolean) - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    setDeprecation(boolean) - Method in CompileOptions
    Sets whether to log details of usage of deprecated members or classes.
    setDeprecation(boolean) - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Sets whether to generate deprecation information.
    setDescription(String) - Method in AntTarget
    setDescription(String) - Method in Configuration
    Sets the description for this configuration.
    setDescription(String) - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    setDescription(String) - Method in EarSecurityRole
    setDescription(String) - Method in OsgiManifest
    A convenient method for setting a Bundle-Description instruction.
    setDescription(String) - Method in Project
    Sets a description for this project.
    setDescription(String) - Method in Task
    Sets a description for this task.
    setDescriptor(IvyModuleDescriptorSpec) - Method in GenerateIvyDescriptor
    setDescriptorDestination(File) - Method in Upload
    setDestination(Object) - Method in ConfigurableReport
    Sets the destination for the report.
    setDestination(Object) - Method in GenerateIvyDescriptor
    Sets the destination the descriptor will be written to.
    setDestination(Object) - Method in GenerateMavenPom
    Sets the destination the descriptor will be written to.
    setDestinationDir(File) - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
    setDestinationDir(File) - Method in AbstractCompile
    Sets the directory to generate the .class files into.
    setDestinationDir(Object) - Method in CoffeeScriptCompile
    setDestinationDir(File) - Method in CoffeeScriptCompileSpec
    setDestinationDir(File) - Method in Copy
    Sets the directory to copy files into.
    setDestinationDir(File) - Method in Groovydoc
    Sets the directory to generate the documentation into.
    setDestinationDir(File) - Method in Javadoc
    setDestinationDir(File) - Method in JavaScriptMinify
    Sets the output directory where processed JavaScript should be written.
    setDestinationDir(File) - Method in ScalaDoc
    setDestinationDir(File) - Method in Sync
    Sets the directory to copy files into.
    setDestinationDir(File) - Method in TestReport
    Sets the directory to write the HTML report to.
    setDestinationDirectory(File) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    setDestinationDirectory(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setDidWork(boolean) - Method in Task
    Sets whether the task actually did any work.
    setDir(Object) - Method in ConfigurableFileTree
    Specifies base directory for this file tree using the given path.
    setDir(Object) - Method in GradleBuild
    Sets the project directory for the build.
    setDirectory(File) - Method in NativeInstallationSpec
    setDirectory(File) - Method in ScanTargetPattern
    setDirMode(Integer) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    setDirMode(Integer) - Method in CopyProcessingSpec
    Sets the Unix permissions to use for the target directories.
    setDirs(Iterable<?>) - Method in FlatDirectoryArtifactRepository
    Sets the directories where this repository will look for artifacts.
    setDisplayGranularity(int) - Method in TestLogging
    Sets the display granularity of the events to be logged.
    setDisplayName(String) - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    setDistributionBase(Wrapper.PathBase) - Method in Wrapper
    The distribution base specifies whether the unpacked wrapper distribution should be stored in the project or in the gradle user home dir.
    setDistributionPath(String) - Method in Wrapper
    Sets the path where the gradle distributions needed by the wrapper are unzipped.
    setDistributionUrl(String) - Method in Wrapper
    setDocEncoding(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setDocFilesSubDirs(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setDoclet(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    setDoclet(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    setDocletpath(List<File>) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    setDocletpath(List<File>) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    setDocTitle(String) - Method in Groovydoc
    Sets title for the package index(first) page (optional).
    setDocTitle(String) - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Sets the HTML text to appear in the main frame title.
    setDocTitle(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setDocURL(String) - Method in OsgiManifest
    A convenient method for setting a Bundle-DocURL instruction.
    setDryRun(boolean) - Method in StartParameter
    setDump(boolean) - Method in DependOptions
    Sets whether to log dependency information.
    setDuplicatesStrategy(DuplicatesStrategy) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    setDuplicatesStrategy(DuplicatesStrategy) - Method in CopySpec
    The strategy to use when trying to copy more than one file to the same destination.
    setDuplicatesStrategy(DuplicatesStrategy) - Method in FileCopyDetails
    The strategy to use if there is already a file at this file's destination.
    setDynamicMode(boolean) - Method in IvyArtifactRepositoryMetaDataProvider
    Specifies whether dynamic resolve mode should be used for Ivy modules.
    setEnableAssertions(boolean) - Method in JavaExec
    setEnableAssertions(boolean) - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Enable or disable assertions for the process.
    setEnableAssertions(boolean) - Method in Test
    setEnabled(boolean) - Method in Report
    Whether or not this report should be generated by whatever generates it.
    setEnabled(boolean) - Method in Task
    setEncoding(String) - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    setEncoding(String) - Method in CoffeeScriptCompileOptions
    setEncoding(String) - Method in CompileOptions
    Sets the character encoding to be used when reading source files.
    setEncoding(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    setEncoding(String) - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Sets the source encoding.
    setEncoding(String) - Method in JsHint
    setEncoding(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    setEncoding(String) - Method in Zip
    The encoding to use for filenames and the file comment of the archive.
    setEntryCompression(ZipEntryCompression) - Method in Zip
    Sets the compression level of the entries of the archive.
    setEnvironment(Map<String, ?>) - Method in AbstractExecTask
    setEnvironment(Map<String, ?>) - Method in JavaExec
    setEnvironment(Map<String, ?>) - Method in ProcessForkOptions
    Sets the environment variable to use for the process.
    setEnvironment(Map<String, ?>) - Method in Test
    setError(TestLogging) - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Sets logging options for error level.
    setErrorOutput(OutputStream) - Method in AbstractExecTask
    setErrorOutput(OutputStream) - Method in BaseExecSpec
    Sets the output stream to consume standard error from the process executing the command.
    setErrorOutput(OutputStream) - Method in JavaExec
    setEvaluator(BrowserEvaluator) - Method in BrowserEvaluate
    setEvents(Iterable<?>) - Method in TestLogging
    Sets the events to be logged.
    setExceptionFormat(Object) - Method in TestLogging
    Sets the format to be used for logging test exceptions.
    setExcludeBugsFilter(File) - Method in FindBugs
    The filename of a filter specifying baseline bugs to exclude from being reported.
    setExcludeBugsFilter(File) - Method in FindBugsExtension
    The filename of a filter specifying baseline bugs to exclude from being reported.
    setExcludeCategories(Set<String>) - Method in JUnitOptions
    setExcludeDocFilesSubDir(List<String>) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setExcludedTaskNames(Iterable<String>) - Method in StartParameter
    Sets the tasks to exclude from this build.
    setExcludeFilter(File) - Method in FindBugs
    The filename of a filter specifying bugs to exclude from being reported.
    setExcludeFilter(File) - Method in FindBugsExtension
    The filename of a filter specifying bugs to exclude from being reported.
    setExcludeGroups(Set<String>) - Method in TestNGOptions
    setExcludes(Iterable<String>) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    setExcludes(Iterable<String>) - Method in CopySpec
    setExcludes(Iterable<String>) - Method in PatternFilterable
    Set the allowable exclude patterns.
    setExcludes(Iterable<String>) - Method in PatternSet
    setExcludes(List<String>) - Method in ScanTargetPattern
    setExcludes(Iterable<String>) - Method in SourceTask
    setExcludes(Iterable<String>) - Method in Test
    Sets the exclude patterns for test execution.
    setExecutable(Object) - Method in AbstractExecTask
    setExecutable(String) - Method in ForkOptions
    Sets the compiler executable to be used.
    setExecutable(String) - Method in GccCommandLineToolConfiguration
    Set the name of the executable file for this tool.
    setExecutable(String) - Method in Javadoc
    setExecutable(Object) - Method in JavaExec
    setExecutable(Object) - Method in ProcessForkOptions
    Sets the name of the executable to use.
    setExecutable(Object) - Method in Test
    setExitEnvironmentVar(String) - Method in CreateStartScripts
    setExportedPackages(Set<String>) - Method in ApiJar
    setExportedPackages(Set<String>) - Method in JarBinarySpec
    setExtDirs(List<File>) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    setExtDirs(List<File>) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    setExtendsFrom(Iterable<Configuration>) - Method in Configuration
    Sets the configurations which this configuration extends from.
    setExtension(String) - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
    setExtension(String) - Method in ConfigurablePublishArtifact
    Sets the extension of this artifact.
    setExtension(String) - Method in IvyArtifact
    Sets the extension used to publish the artifact file.
    setExtension(String) - Method in MavenArtifact
    Sets the extension used to publish the artifact file.
    setExtensionDirs(String) - Method in CompileOptions
    Sets the extension dirs to be used for the compiler process.
    setExtraScanTargets(Iterable<File>) - Method in JettyRun
    setFailOnError(boolean) - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    setFailOnError(boolean) - Method in CompileOptions
    Sets whether to fail the build when compilation fails.
    setFailOnError(boolean) - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Sets whether the compilation task should fail if compile errors occurred.
    setFailOnError(boolean) - Method in Javadoc
    setFailOnNoMatchingTests(boolean) - Method in TestFilter
    Let the test task fail if a filter configuration was provided but no test matched the given configuration.
    setFile(File) - Method in NativeExecutableFileSpec
    setFileExtensions(List<String>) - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Sets the list of acceptable source file extensions.
    setFileMode(Integer) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    setFileMode(Integer) - Method in CopyProcessingSpec
    Sets the Unix permissions to use for the target files.
    setFileName(String) - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    setFilter(PublishFilter) - Method in PomFilterContainer
    setFinalizedBy(Iterable<?>) - Method in Task
    setFollowSymlinks(boolean) - Method in Delete
    Set if symlinks should be followed.
    setFollowSymlinks(boolean) - Method in DeleteSpec
    Specifies whether or not symbolic links should be followed during deletion.
    setFooter(String) - Method in Groovydoc
    Sets footer text for each page (optional).
    setFooter(String) - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Sets the HTML text to appear in the footer for each page.
    setFooter(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setForce(boolean) - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    setForce(boolean) - Method in ExternalDependency
    Sets whether or not the version of this dependency should be enforced in the case of version conflicts.
    setForcedModules(Object) - Method in ResolutionStrategy
    Allows forcing certain versions of dependencies, including transitive dependencies.
    setFork(boolean) - Method in CompileOptions
    Sets whether to run the compiler in its own process.
    setFork(boolean) - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Sets whether to run the Groovy compiler in a separate process.
    setFork(boolean) - Method in ScalaCompileOptions
    setForkEvery(Long) - Method in Test
    Sets the maximum number of test classes to execute in a forked test process.
    setForkOptions(ScalaForkOptions) - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    setForkOptions(ForkOptions) - Method in CompileOptions
    Sets options for running the compiler in a child process.
    setForkOptions(GroovyForkOptions) - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Sets options for running the Groovy compiler in a separate process.
    setForkOptions(JavaForkOptions) - Method in SonarRunnerRootExtension
    setFormat(String) - Method in ModelReport
    setFrom(Object) - Method in ConfigurableFileCollection
    Sets the source paths for this collection.
    setGenerateReverseRoutes(boolean) - Method in RoutesCompile
    Sets whether or not a reverse router should be generated.
    setGradleUserHomeDir(File) - Method in StartParameter
    Sets the directory to use as the user home directory.
    setGradleVersion(String) - Method in GradleBuildInvocationSpec
    Sets the Gradle version to run the build with.
    setGradleVersion(String) - Method in Wrapper
    The version of the gradle distribution required by the wrapper.
    setGroovyClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in GroovyCompile
    Sets the classpath containing the version of Groovy to use for compilation.
    setGroovyClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in Groovydoc
    Sets the classpath containing the Groovy library to be used.
    setGroup(Object) - Method in Project
    setGroup(String) - Method in Task
    Sets the task group which this task belongs to.
    setGroupByInstances(boolean) - Method in TestNGOptions
    setGroupId(String) - Method in MavenPom
    Sets the group id for this POM.
    setGroupId(String) - Method in MavenPublication
    Sets the groupId for this publication.
    setGroups(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setHeader(String) - Method in Groovydoc
    Sets header text for each page (optional).
    setHeader(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    setHeader(String) - Method in PrefixHeaderFileGenerateTask
    setHeader(String) - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Sets the HTML text to appear in the header for each page.
    setHeader(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setHeaderDir(File) - Method in GenerateCUnitLauncher
    setHelpFile(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setHttpPort(Integer) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    setHttpPort(Integer) - Method in JettyPluginConvention
    setHttpPort(int) - Method in PlayRun
    setIgnoreExitValue(boolean) - Method in AbstractExecTask
    setIgnoreExitValue(boolean) - Method in BaseExecSpec
    Sets whether a non-zero exit value is ignored, or an exception thrown.
    setIgnoreExitValue(boolean) - Method in JavaExec
    setIgnoreFailures(boolean) - Method in CompareGradleBuilds
    Sets whether a comparison between non identical builds will fail the task execution.
    setIgnoreFailures(boolean) - Method in RunTestExecutable
    setIgnoreFailures(boolean) - Method in Test
    setIgnoreFailures(boolean) - Method in VerificationTask
    Specifies whether the build should break when the verifications performed by this task fail.
    setIncludeCategories(Set<String>) - Method in JUnitOptions
    setIncludeEmptyDirs(boolean) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    setIncludeEmptyDirs(boolean) - Method in CopySpec
    Controls if empty target directories should be included in the copy.
    setIncludeFilter(File) - Method in FindBugs
    The filename of a filter specifying which bugs are reported.
    setIncludeFilter(File) - Method in FindBugsExtension
    The filename of a filter specifying which bugs are reported.
    setIncludeGroups(Set<String>) - Method in TestNGOptions
    setIncludePatterns(String) - Method in TestFilter
    Sets the test name patterns to be included in the filter.
    setIncludePrivate(boolean) - Method in Groovydoc
    Sets whether to include all classes and members (i.e. including private ones) if set to true.
    setIncludes(Iterable<String>) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    setIncludes(Iterable<String>) - Method in CopySpec
    setIncludes(Iterable<String>) - Method in PatternFilterable
    Set the allowable include patterns.
    setIncludes(Iterable<String>) - Method in PatternSet
    setIncludes(List<String>) - Method in ScanTargetPattern
    setIncludes(Iterable<String>) - Method in SourceTask
    setIncludes(Iterable<String>) - Method in Test
    Sets the include patterns for test execution.
    setIncremental(boolean) - Method in CompileOptions
    setIncrementalOptions(IncrementalCompileOptions) - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    setInfo(TestLogging) - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Sets logging options for info level.
    setInitializeInOrder(Boolean) - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    setInitScripts(List<File>) - Method in StartParameter
    Sets the list of init scripts to be run before the build starts.
    setInjectedRoutesGenerator(boolean) - Method in PlayApplicationSpec
    Configures the style of router to use with this application.
    setInjectedRoutesGenerator(boolean) - Method in RoutesCompile
    Configure if the injected routes generator should be used to generate routes.
    setInputFile(File) - Method in GeneratorTask
    Sets the input file to load the initial configuration from.
    setInstallDir(Object) - Method in VisualCpp
    The directory where Visual Studio or Visual C++ is installed.
    setJarFile(File) - Method in JarBinarySpec
    Sets the jar file output for this binary.
    setJarFile(Object) - Method in Wrapper
    setJavaAnnotationProcessing(boolean) - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Sets whether Java annotation processors should process annotations on stubs.
    setJavadocAnnotations(boolean) - Method in TestNGOptions
    setJavadocPath(FileReference) - Method in AbstractLibrary
    setJavaHome(File) - Method in ConfigurableLauncher
    setJavaHome(File) - Method in LongRunningOperation
    Specifies the Java home directory to use for this operation.
    setJettyConfig(File) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    setJettyEnvXml(File) - Method in JettyRun
    setJettyEnvXmlFile(File) - Method in JettyRun
    setJFlags(List<String>) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    setJFlags(List<String>) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    setJs(FileCollection) - Method in CoffeeScriptExtension
    setJs(FileCollection) - Method in EnvJsExtension
    setJs(FileCollection) - Method in JsHintExtension
    setJsHint(Object) - Method in JsHint
    setJsonReport(Object) - Method in JsHint
    setjUnitVersion(String) - Method in JUnitTestSuiteBinarySpec
    setjUnitVersion(String) - Method in JUnitTestSuiteSpec
    setJvmArgs(List<String>) - Method in BaseForkOptions
    Sets any additional JVM arguments for the compiler process.
    setJvmArgs(Iterable<?>) - Method in JavaExec
    setJvmArgs(Iterable<?>) - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Sets the extra arguments to use to launch the JVM for the process.
    setJvmArgs(Iterable<?>) - Method in Test
    setJvmArguments(Iterable<String>) - Method in ConfigurableLauncher
    setJvmArguments(Iterable<String>) - Method in LongRunningOperation
    Specifies the Java VM arguments to use for this operation.
    setKeepStubs(boolean) - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Sets whether Java stubs for Groovy classes generated during Java/Groovy joint compilation should be kept after compilation has completed.
    setKeyWords(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setLanguageLevel(Object) - Method in IdeaProject
    Sets the java language level for the project.
    setLevel(LogLevel) - Method in LoggingManager
    Sets the minimum logging level.
    setLibrary(FileReference) - Method in AbstractLibrary
    setLibraryDirectory(String) - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    setLicense(String) - Method in OsgiManifest
    A convenient method for setting a Bundle-License instruction.
    setLifecycle(TestLogging) - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Sets logging options for lifecycle level.
    setLinks(Set<Link>) - Method in Groovydoc
    Sets links to groovydoc/javadoc output at the given URL.
    setLinks(List<String>) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setLinksOffline(List<JavadocOfflineLink>) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setLinkSource(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setListeners(Set<String>) - Method in TestNGOptions
    setListFiles(boolean) - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    setListFiles(boolean) - Method in CompileOptions
    Sets whether to log the files to be compiled.
    setListFiles(boolean) - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Sets whether to print which source files are to be compiled.
    setLocal(Announcer) - Method in AnnouncePluginExtension
    Sets the Announcer that should be used to send announcements to the local desktop.
    setLocale(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    setLocale(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    setLocation(Object) - Method in ConfigFile
    Specify the location where this file will be generated.
    setLoggingLevel(String) - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    setLoggingPhases(List<String>) - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    setM2compatible(boolean) - Method in IvyPatternRepositoryLayout
    Sets whether a Maven style layout is to be used for the 'organisation' part, replacing any dots with forward slashes.
    setMacros(Map<String, String>) - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    setMacros(Map<String, String>) - Method in WindowsResourceCompile
    setMain(String) - Method in JavaExec
    setMain(String) - Method in JavaExecSpec
    Sets the fully qualified name of the main class to be executed.
    setMainClassName(String) - Method in CreateStartScripts
    setManifest(Manifest) - Method in Jar
    Sets the manifest for this JAR archive.
    setMavenPomDir(Object) - Method in MavenPluginConvention
    Sets the directory to generate Maven POMs into.
    setMaxGranularity(int) - Method in TestLogging
    Returns the maximum granularity of the events to be logged.
    setMaxHeapSize(String) - Method in AntlrTask
    setMaxHeapSize(String) - Method in JavaExec
    setMaxHeapSize(String) - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Sets the maximum heap size for the process.
    setMaxHeapSize(String) - Method in Test
    setMaxMemory(String) - Method in Javadoc
    Sets the amount of memory allocated to this task.
    setMaxParallelForks(int) - Method in Test
    Sets the maximum number of forked test processes to execute in parallel.
    setMaxWorkerCount(int) - Method in StartParameter
    Specifies the maximum number of concurrent workers used for underlying build operations.
    setMemberLevel(JavadocMemberLevel) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    setMemberLevel(JavadocMemberLevel) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    setMemoryInitialSize(String) - Method in BaseForkOptions
    Sets the initial heap size for the compiler process.
    setMemoryMaximumSize(String) - Method in BaseForkOptions
    Sets the maximum heap size for the compiler process.
    setMinGranularity(int) - Method in TestLogging
    Sets the minimum granularity of the events to be logged.
    setMinHeapSize(String) - Method in JavaExec
    setMinHeapSize(String) - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Sets the minimum heap size for the process.
    setMinHeapSize(String) - Method in Test
    setMode(int) - Method in FileCopyDetails
    Sets the Unix permissions of this file.
    setModel(Object) - Method in MavenPom
    Sets the underlying native Maven org.apache.maven.model.Model object.
    setModule(String) - Method in IvyPublication
    Sets the module for this publication.
    setModules(Set<? extends EarModule>) - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    setModuleTypeMappings(Map<String, String>) - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    setMustRunAfter(Iterable<?>) - Method in Task
    setName(String) - Method in ArtifactRepository
    Sets the name for this repository.
    setName(String) - Method in ConfigurablePublishArtifact
    Sets the name of this artifact.
    setName(String) - Method in EclipseProject.DeprecationWarningDecoratedProject
    setName(String) - Method in FileCopyDetails
    Sets the destination name of this file.
    setName(String) - Method in IvyArtifact
    Sets the name used to publish the artifact file.
    setName(String) - Method in OsgiManifest
    A convenient method for setting a Bundle-Name instruction.
    setName(String) - Method in ProjectDescriptor
    Sets the name of this project.
    setNamespaceReverseRouter(boolean) - Method in RoutesCompile
    Sets whether or not the reverse router should be namespaced.
    setNamingScheme(BinaryNamingScheme) - Method in BaseBinarySpec
    setNativeLibraryLocation(String) - Method in AbstractClasspathEntry
    setNoComment(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setNoDeprecated(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setNoDeprecatedList(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setNoExportConfigurations(Collection<Configuration>) - Method in EclipseClasspath
    setNoHelp(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setNoIndex(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setNoNavBar(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setNoQualifiers(List<String>) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setNoSince(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setNoTimestamp(boolean) - Method in Groovydoc
    Sets whether to include timestamp within hidden comment in generated HTML (Groovy >= 2.4.6).
    setNoTimestamp(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setNoTree(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setNoVersionStamp(boolean) - Method in Groovydoc
    Sets whether to include version stamp within hidden comment in generated HTML (Groovy >= 2.4.6).
    setObjectFileDir(File) - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    setObjectFileDir(File) - Method in Assemble
    setOffline(boolean) - Method in StartParameter
    Specifies whether the build should be performed offline (ie without network access).
    setOnlyIf(Spec<? super Task>) - Method in Task
    setOptimizationOptions(Map<String, Boolean>) - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Sets optimization options for the Groovy compiler.
    setOptimize(boolean) - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    setOptionFiles(List<File>) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    setOptionFiles(List<File>) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    setOptions(CoffeeScriptCompileOptions) - Method in CoffeeScriptCompileSpec
    setOptions(MinimalJavadocOptions) - Method in Javadoc
    Sets the Javadoc generation options.
    setOptsEnvironmentVar(String) - Method in CreateStartScripts
    setOrganisation(String) - Method in IvyPublication
    Sets the organisation for this publication.
    setOutputDir(File) - Method in CreateStartScripts
    setOutputDir(File) - Method in RunTestExecutable
    setOutputDir(File) - Method in WindowsResourceCompile
    setOutputDirectory(File) - Method in AntlrTask
    Specifies the directory to generate the parser source files into.
    setOutputDirectory(File) - Method in RoutesCompile
    Specifies the directory to generate the parser source files into.
    setOutputDirectory(File) - Method in TestNGOptions
    setOutputDirectory(File) - Method in TwirlCompile
    Specifies the directory to generate the parser source files into.
    setOutputFile(File) - Method in AbstractReportTask
    Sets the file which the report will be written to.
    setOutputFile(File) - Method in ApiJar
    setOutputFile(File) - Method in GenerateIdeaModule
    setOutputFile(File) - Method in GenerateIdeaProject
    setOutputFile(File) - Method in GeneratorTask
    Sets the output file to write the final configuration to.
    setOutputFile(File) - Method in IdeaModule
    setOutputLevel(JavadocOutputLevel) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    setOutputLevel(JavadocOutputLevel) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    setOutputPerTestCase(boolean) - Method in JUnitXmlReport
    Should the output be associated with individual test cases instead of at the suite level.
    setOverrideWebXml(File) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    setOverview(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    setOverview(String) - Method in Groovydoc
    Sets a HTML file to be used for overview documentation (optional).
    setOverview(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    setPackaging(String) - Method in MavenPom
    Sets the packaging for this POM.
    setParallel(String) - Method in TestNGOptions
    setParallelProjectExecutionEnabled(boolean) - Method in StartParameter
    Enables/disables parallel project execution.
    setParallelThreadCount(int) - Method in StartParameter
    Specifies the number of parallel threads to use for build execution.
    setPassword(String) - Method in PasswordCredentials
    Sets the password to use when authenticating to this repository.
    setPath(String) - Method in EarModule
    setPath(String) - Method in FileCopyDetails
    Sets the destination path of this file.
    setPath(File) - Method in LocalJava
    Sets the path to the local Java installation.
    setPlatform(JavaPlatform) - Method in PlatformJavaCompile
    setPlatform(ScalaPlatform) - Method in PlatformScalaCompile
    setPlatform(PlayPlatform) - Method in RoutesCompile
    setPlatform(PlayPlatform) - Method in TwirlCompile
    setPlayPlatform(PlayPlatform) - Method in JavaScriptMinify
    Sets the target Play platform.
    setPlayToolProvider(PlayToolProvider) - Method in PlayRun
    setPlusConfigurations(Set<Configuration>) - Method in EclipseWtpComponent
    setPom(MavenPom) - Method in GenerateMavenPom
    setPom(MavenPom) - Method in PomFilterContainer
    setPositionIndependentCode(boolean) - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    setPreCompiledHeader(PreCompiledHeader) - Method in AbstractNativeSourceCompileTask
    setPreCompiledHeader(String) - Method in DependentSourceSet
    Sets the pre-compiled header to be used when compiling sources in this source set.
    setPrefixHeaderFile(File) - Method in PrefixHeaderFileGenerateTask
    setPreserveOrder(boolean) - Method in TestNGOptions
    setProfile(boolean) - Method in StartParameter
    Specifies if a profile report should be generated.
    setProjectCacheDir(File) - Method in StartParameter
    Sets the project's cache location.
    setProjectDir(Object) - Method in GradleBuildInvocationSpec
    Sets the “root” directory of the build.
    setProjectDir(File) - Method in ProjectDescriptor
    Sets the project directory of this project.
    setProjectDir(File) - Method in StartParameter
    Sets the project directory to use to select the default project.
    setProjectProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in StartParameter
    setProjects(Set<Project>) - Method in AbstractReportTask
    Specifies the set of projects to generate this report for.
    setProjects(Set<Project>) - Method in HtmlDependencyReportTask
    Specifies the set of projects to generate this report for.
    setProperty(String, Object) - Method in Project
    setProperty(String, Object) - Method in Task
    setPublication(MavenPublication) - Method in AbstractPublishToMaven
    Sets the publication to be published.
    setPublication(IvyPublication) - Method in PublishToIvyRepository
    Sets the publication to be published.
    setPublishedCode(File) - Method in IncrementalCompileOptions
    Sets the directory or archive path by which the code produced by this task is published to other ScalaCompile tasks.
    setQuiet(TestLogging) - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Sets logging options for quiet level.
    setRecompileScripts(boolean) - Method in StartParameter
    Specifies whether the build scripts should be recompiled.
    setRefreshDependencies(boolean) - Method in StartParameter
    Specifies whether the dependencies should be refreshed..
    setRelativePath(RelativePath) - Method in FileCopyDetails
    Sets the destination path of this file.
    setReload(String) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    Sets the reload mode, which is either "automatic" or "manual".
    setRenderer(DependencyReportRenderer) - Method in AbstractDependencyReportTask
    Set the renderer to use to build a report.
    setRenderer(DependencyReportRenderer) - Method in BuildEnvironmentReportTask
    setRenderer(PropertyReportRenderer) - Method in PropertyReportTask
    setRenderer(TaskReportRenderer) - Method in TaskReportTask
    setReportDir(Object) - Method in CompareGradleBuilds
    Sets the directory that will contain the HTML comparison report and any other report files.
    setReportFormat(String) - Method in CodeNarcExtension
    setRepository(Object) - Method in MavenDeployer
    Sets the repository to be used for uploading artifacts.
    setRepository(IvyArtifactRepository) - Method in PublishToIvyRepository
    Sets the repository to publish to.
    setRepository(MavenArtifactRepository) - Method in PublishToMavenRepository
    Sets the repository to publish to.
    setRequestLog(RequestLog) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    setRequired(boolean) - Method in SignatureSpec
    Whether or not it is required that this signature be generated.
    setRequired(Object) - Method in SigningExtension
    Whether or not this task should fail if no signatory or signature type are configured at generation time.
    setRerunTasks(boolean) - Method in StartParameter
    Specifies whether the cached task results should be ignored and each task should be forced to be executed.
    setResource(Object) - Method in BrowserEvaluate
    setResourcesDir(File) - Method in JvmBinarySpec
    Sets the resources directory for this binary.
    setResourcesDir(Object) - Method in SourceSetOutput
    Sets the output directory for resources
    setResult(Object) - Method in BrowserEvaluate
    setRevision(String) - Method in IvyPublication
    Sets the revision for this publication.
    setRhinoClasspath(Object) - Method in CoffeeScriptCompile
    setRhinoClasspath(Object) - Method in JsHint
    setRhinoClasspathNotation(String) - Method in PlayCoffeeScriptCompile
    setRhinoOptions(Object) - Method in RhinoShellExec
    setRoleName(String) - Method in EarSecurityRole
    setRulePriority(int) - Method in Pmd
    Sets the rule priority threshold.
    setRulePriority(int) - Method in PmdExtension
    Sets the rule priority threshold.
    setRuntimeClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in PlayRun
    setRuntimeClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in SourceSet
    Sets the classpath used to execute this source.
    setScalaClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in ScalaCompile
    setScalaClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in ScalaDoc
    setScalaDocOptions(ScalaDocOptions) - Method in ScalaDoc
    setScanForTestClasses(boolean) - Method in Test
    setScanIntervalSeconds(int) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    Sets the interval in seconds between scanning the web app for file changes.
    setScannerListeners(Listener>) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    setScanTargetPatterns(ScanTargetPattern) - Method in JettyRun
    setScanTargets(File) - Method in JettyRun
    setScript(Object) - Method in RhinoShellExec
    setScriptArgs(Object) - Method in RhinoShellExec
    setScriptFile(Object) - Method in Wrapper
    setSearchUpwards(boolean) - Method in StartParameter
    setSecretKey(String) - Method in AwsCredentials
    Sets the secret key to use to authenticate with AWS.
    setSecurityRoles(Set<? extends EarSecurityRole>) - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    setSerialWarn(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setServer(JettyPluginServer) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    setSettingsFile(File) - Method in StartParameter
    Sets the settings file to use for the build.
    setSharedLibraryFile(File) - Method in PrebuiltSharedLibraryBinary
    The shared library file.
    setSharedLibraryFile(File) - Method in SharedLibraryBinarySpec
    The shared library file.
    setSharedLibraryLinkFile(File) - Method in PrebuiltSharedLibraryBinary
    The shared library link file.
    setSharedLibraryLinkFile(File) - Method in SharedLibraryBinarySpec
    The shared library link file.
    setShouldRunAfter(Iterable<?>) - Method in Task
    setShowCauses(boolean) - Method in TestLogging
    Sets whether causes of exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged.
    setShowDetail(boolean) - Method in TaskReportTask
    setShowExceptions(boolean) - Method in TestLogging
    Sets whether exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged.
    setShowHidden(boolean) - Method in ModelReport
    setShowStackTraces(boolean) - Method in TestLogging
    Sets whether stack traces of exceptions that occur during test execution will be logged.
    setShowStandardStreams(boolean) - Method in TestLogging
    Sets whether output on standard out and standard error will be logged.
    setSignatory(Signatory) - Method in SignatureSpec
    Sets the signatory that will be signing the input.
    setSignatureType(SignatureType) - Method in SignatureSpec
    Sets the signature representation that the signatures will be produced as.
    setSkipProject(boolean) - Method in SonarRunnerExtension
    setSkipUnmappedConfs(boolean) - Method in Conf2ScopeMappingContainer
    Sets, whether unmapped configuration should be skipped or not.
    setSnapshotRepository(Object) - Method in MavenDeployer
    Sets the repository to be used for uploading snapshot artifacts.
    setSource(Object) - Method in AntlrTask
    Sets the source for this task.
    setSource(FileCollection) - Method in CoffeeScriptCompileSpec
    setSource(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    setSource(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    setSource(Object) - Method in SourceTask
    Sets the source for this task.
    setSourceCompatibility(String) - Method in AbstractCompile
    Sets the Java language level to use to compile the source files.
    setSourceCompatibility(Object) - Method in EclipseJdt
    setSourceCompatibility(def) - Method in JavaPluginConvention
    Sets the source compatibility used for compiling Java sources.
    setSourceCompatibility(JavaVersion) - Method in Jdt
    Sets the source compatibility for the compiler.
    setSourceDir(File) - Method in GenerateCUnitLauncher
    setSourceNames(List<String>) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    setSourceNames(List<String>) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    setSourcepath(FileCollection) - Method in CompileOptions
    Sets the source path to use for the compilation.
    setSplitIndex(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setSrcDirs(Iterable<?>) - Method in SourceDirectorySet
    Sets the source directories for this set.
    setStackTraceFilters(Iterable<?>) - Method in TestLogging
    Sets the set of filters to be used for sanitizing test stack traces.
    setStandardError(OutputStream) - Method in ConfigurableLauncher
    setStandardError(OutputStream) - Method in LongRunningOperation
    Sets the OutputStream which should receive standard error logging generated while running the operation.
    setStandardInput(InputStream) - Method in AbstractExecTask
    setStandardInput(InputStream) - Method in BaseExecSpec
    Sets the standard input stream for the process executing the command.
    setStandardInput(InputStream) - Method in ConfigurableLauncher
    setStandardInput(InputStream) - Method in JavaExec
    setStandardInput(InputStream) - Method in LongRunningOperation
    Sets the InputStream that will be used as standard input for this operation.
    setStandardOutput(OutputStream) - Method in AbstractExecTask
    setStandardOutput(OutputStream) - Method in BaseExecSpec
    Sets the output stream to consume standard output from the process executing the command.
    setStandardOutput(OutputStream) - Method in ConfigurableLauncher
    setStandardOutput(OutputStream) - Method in JavaExec
    setStandardOutput(OutputStream) - Method in LongRunningOperation
    Sets the OutputStream which should receive standard output logging generated while running the operation.
    setStartParameter(StartParameter) - Method in GradleBuild
    Sets the full set of parameters that will be used to execute the build.
    setStaticLibraryFile(File) - Method in PrebuiltStaticLibraryBinary
    The static library binary file.
    setStaticLibraryFile(File) - Method in StaticLibraryBinarySpec
    The static library binary file.
    setStatus(String) - Method in ComponentMetadataDetails
    Sets the status of the component.
    setStatus(String) - Method in IvyModuleDescriptorSpec
    Sets the status for this publication.
    setStatus(Object) - Method in Project
    Sets the status of this project.
    setStatusScheme(List<String>) - Method in ComponentMetadataDetails
    Sets the status scheme of the component.
    setStopKey(String) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    setStopKey(String) - Method in JettyPluginConvention
    setStopKey(String) - Method in JettyStop
    Sets key to provide when stopping jetty.
    setStopPort(Integer) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    setStopPort(Integer) - Method in JettyPluginConvention
    setStopPort(Integer) - Method in JettyStop
    Sets the TCP port to use to send stop command.
    setStubDir(File) - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Sets the directory where Java stubs for Groovy classes will be stored during Java/Groovy joint compilation.
    setStylesheet(TextResource) - Method in CustomizableHtmlReport
    The stylesheet to use to generate the report.
    setStyleSheet(File) - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Sets the style sheet to override default style.
    setStylesheetFile(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setSuiteName(String) - Method in TestNGOptions
    setSuiteXmlBuilder(MarkupBuilder) - Method in TestNGOptions
    setSuiteXmlFiles(List<File>) - Method in TestNGOptions
    setSuiteXmlWriter(StringWriter) - Method in TestNGOptions
    setSymbolicName(String) - Method in OsgiManifest
    A convenient method for setting a Bundle-SymbolicName instruction.
    setSystemProperties(Map<String, ?>) - Method in JavaExec
    setSystemProperties(Map<String, ?>) - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Sets the system properties to use for the process.
    setSystemProperties(Map<String, ?>) - Method in Test
    setSystemPropertiesArgs(Map<String, String>) - Method in StartParameter
    setTagletPath(List<File>) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setTaglets(List<String>) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setTags(List<String>) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setTarget(Target) - Method in AntTarget
    Sets the Ant target to execute.
    setTargetCompatibility(String) - Method in AbstractCompile
    Sets the target JVM to generate the .class files for.
    setTargetCompatibility(Object) - Method in EclipseJdt
    setTargetCompatibility(JavaVersion) - Method in JavaPlatform
    setTargetCompatibility(def) - Method in JavaPluginConvention
    Sets the target compatibility used for compiling Java sources.
    setTargetCompatibility(JavaVersion) - Method in Jdt
    Sets the target compatibility for the compiler.
    setTargetJdk(def) - Method in PmdExtension
    Sets the target jdk used with pmd.
    setTargetPlatform(NativePlatform) - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    setTargetPlatform(NativePlatform) - Method in Assemble
    setTargetPlatform(JavaPlatform) - Method in JvmBinarySpec
    Sets the target platform for this binary.
    setTargetPlatform(NativePlatform) - Method in WindowsResourceCompile
    setTaskNames(Iterable<String>) - Method in StartParameter
    setTaskRequests(Iterable<? extends TaskExecutionRequest>) - Method in StartParameter
    setTasks(Collection<String>) - Method in GradleBuild
    Sets the tasks that should be executed for this build.
    setTasks(Iterable<String>) - Method in GradleBuildInvocationSpec
    Sets the tasks to execute.
    setTempDir(String) - Method in ForkOptions
    Sets the directory used for temporary files that may be created to pass command line arguments to the compiler process.
    setTemplate(TextResource) - Method in TemplateBasedScriptGenerator
    Sets the template text resource used for generating script.
    setTestClassesDir(File) - Method in Test
    Sets the root folder for the compiled test sources.
    setTestedComponent(ComponentSpec) - Method in TestSuiteSpec
    Sets the tested component.
    setTestFramework(String) - Method in InitBuild
    setTestName(String) - Method in TestNGOptions
    setTestNameIncludePatterns(List<String>) - Method in Test
    Sets the test name patterns to be included in execution.
    setTestResources(List) - Method in TestNGOptions
    setTestResultDirs(Iterable<File>) - Method in TestReport
    Sets the binary test results to use to include in the report.
    setTestSrcDirs(List<File>) - Method in Test
    setText(String) - Method in TextProvider
    Replace the content.
    setThreadCount(int) - Method in TestNGOptions
    Settings - Interface in org.gradle.api.initialization
    settingsEvaluated(Settings) - Method in BuildAdapter
    settingsEvaluated(Settings) - Method in BuildListener
    settingsEvaluated(Settings) - Method in BuildLogger
    settingsEvaluated(Closure) - Method in Gradle
    Adds a closure to be called when the build settings have been loaded and evaluated.
    setTitle(String) - Method in Javadoc
    setTitle(String) - Method in ScalaDoc
    setToolChain(NativeToolChain) - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    setToolChain(NativeToolChain) - Method in Assemble
    setToolChain(JavaToolChain) - Method in JavaCompile
    Sets the tool chain that should be used to compile the Java source.
    setToolChain(JavaToolChain) - Method in Javadoc
    Sets the tool chain to use to generate the Javadoc.
    setToolChain(JavaToolChain) - Method in JvmBinarySpec
    Sets the JavaToolChain that will be used to build this binary.
    setToolChain(ToolChain) - Method in NativeExecutableFileSpec
    setToolChain(PlayToolChain) - Method in TwirlCompile
    Sets the tool chain that will be used to compile the twirl source.
    setToolChain(NativeToolChain) - Method in WindowsResourceCompile
    setToolVersion(String) - Method in SonarRunnerRootExtension
    setTop(String) - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Sets the HTML text to appear in the top text for each page.
    setTrace(boolean) - Method in AntlrTask
    setTraceLexer(boolean) - Method in AntlrTask
    setTraceParser(boolean) - Method in AntlrTask
    setTraceTreeWalker(boolean) - Method in AntlrTask
    setTransitive(boolean) - Method in Configuration
    Sets the transitivity of this configuration.
    setTransitive(boolean) - Method in ModuleDependency
    Sets whether this dependency should be resolved including or excluding its transitive dependencies.
    setType(String) - Method in ConfigurablePublishArtifact
    Sets the type of this artifact.
    setType(String) - Method in InitBuild
    setType(String) - Method in IvyArtifact
    Sets the type used to publish the artifact file.
    setUnchecked(boolean) - Method in BaseScalaCompileOptions
    setUnchecked(boolean) - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Sets whether to generate unchecked information.
    setUniqueVersion(boolean) - Method in MavenDeployer
    Sets whether to assign snapshots a unique version comprised of the timestamp and build number, or to use the same version each time.
    setUnixStartScriptGenerator(ScriptGenerator) - Method in CreateStartScripts
    setUploadDescriptor(boolean) - Method in Upload
    setupProjectLayout() - Method in InitBuild
    setUrl(Object) - Method in IvyArtifactRepository
    Sets the base URL of this repository.
    setUrl(Object) - Method in MavenArtifactRepository
    Sets the base URL of this repository.
    setUse(boolean) - Method in Groovydoc
    Sets whether to create class and package usage pages.
    setUse(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setUseAnt(boolean) - Method in ScalaCompileOptions
    setUseCache(boolean) - Method in DependOptions
    Sets whether to cache dependency information.
    setUseCompileDaemon(boolean) - Method in ScalaCompileOptions
    setUseDefaultListeners(boolean) - Method in TestNGOptions
    setUseDepend(boolean) - Method in CompileOptions
    Sets whether to use the Ant <depend> task.
    setUsername(String) - Method in PasswordCredentials
    Sets the user name to use when authenticating to this repository.
    setUserRealms(UserRealm) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    setValue(String) - Method in ManifestMergeDetails
    Set's the value for the key of the manifest after the merge takes place.
    setValue(T) - Method in OptionLessJavadocOptionFileOption
    setVendor(String) - Method in OsgiManifest
    A convenient method for setting a Bundle-Vendor instruction.
    setVerbose(boolean) - Method in CompileOptions
    Sets whether to produce verbose output.
    setVerbose(boolean) - Method in GroovyCompileOptions
    Sets whether to turn on verbose output.
    setVerbose(boolean) - Method in Javadoc
    Sets whether Javadoc generation is accompanied by verbose output or not.
    setVersion(String) - Method in AbstractArchiveTask
    setVersion(String) - Method in CoffeeScriptExtension
    setVersion(String) - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    setVersion(String) - Method in EnvJsExtension
    setVersion(String) - Method in JsHintExtension
    setVersion(String) - Method in MavenPom
    Sets the version for this POM.
    setVersion(String) - Method in MavenPublication
    Sets the version for this publication.
    setVersion(String) - Method in OsgiManifest
    A convenient method for setting a Bundle-Version instruction.
    setVersion(Object) - Method in Project
    setVersion(String) - Method in RhinoExtension
    setVersion(boolean) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setVisible(boolean) - Method in Configuration
    Sets the visibility of this configuration.
    setVisualStudioProject(VisualStudioProject) - Method in GenerateFiltersFileTask
    setVisualStudioProject(VisualStudioProject) - Method in GenerateProjectFileTask
    setVisualStudioSolution(VisualStudioSolution) - Method in GenerateSolutionFileTask
    setWarn(TestLogging) - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Sets logging options for warn level.
    setWarnings(boolean) - Method in CompileOptions
    Sets whether to log warning messages.
    setWarnOnRmiStubs(boolean) - Method in DependOptions
    Sets whether to warn on RMI stubs without source.
    setWebApp(File) - Method in JettyRunWar
    setWebAppConfig(JettyPluginWebAppContext) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    setWebAppSourceDirectory(File) - Method in JettyRun
    setWebDefaultXml(File) - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    setWebXml(File) - Method in JettyRun
    setWebXml(File) - Method in War
    Sets the web.xml file to include in the WAR archive.
    setWindowsSdkDir(Object) - Method in VisualCpp
    The directory where Windows SDK is installed.
    setWindowsStartScriptGenerator(ScriptGenerator) - Method in CreateStartScripts
    setWindowTitle(String) - Method in Groovydoc
    Sets the browser window title for the documentation.
    setWindowTitle(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    setWindowTitle(String) - Method in ScalaDocOptions
    Sets the text to appear in the window title.
    setWindowTitle(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    setWithMessages(boolean) - Method in FindBugsXmlReport
    Whether or not FindBugs should generate XML augmented with human-readable messages.
    setWorkingDir(Object) - Method in AbstractExecTask
    setWorkingDir(Object) - Method in JavaExec
    setWorkingDir(Object) - Method in ProcessForkOptions
    Sets the working directory for the process.
    setWorkingDir(Object) - Method in Test
    setZincClasspath(FileCollection) - Method in ScalaCompile
    setZip64(boolean) - Method in Zip
    Enables building zips with more than 65535 files or bigger than 4GB.
    SharedLibraryBinary - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    A NativeLibrary that has been compiled and linked as a shared library.
    SharedLibraryBinarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    A shared library binary built by Gradle for a native library.
    SharedLibraryBinarySpec.TasksCollection - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    Provides access to key tasks used for building the binary.
    shouldRunAfter(Object) - Method in Task
    showAll() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    showAll() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    showFromPackage() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    showFromPackage() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    showFromPrivate() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    showFromPrivate() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    showFromProtected() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    showFromProtected() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    showFromPublic() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    showFromPublic() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    Sign - Class in org.gradle.plugins.signing
    A task for creating digital signature files for one or more; tasks, files, publishable artifacts or configurations.
    sign(Signatory, InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in AbstractSignatureType
    sign(Signatory, InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in ArmoredSignatureType
    sign(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in PgpSignatory
    Exhausts toSign, and writes the signature to signatureDestination.
    Sign() - Constructor in Sign
    sign(InputStream) - Method in Signatory
    Exhausts toSign, and returns the raw signature bytes.
    sign(InputStream) - Method in SignatorySupport
    sign(Signatory, InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in SignatureType
    sign(Closure) - Method in SigningExtension
    Creates a new sign operation using the given closure to configure it before executing it.
    sign(String, File) - Method in SignOperation
    Registers signatures (with the given classifier) for the given files
    signatories(Closure) - Method in SigningExtension
    Configures the signatory provider (delegating to its configure method).
    Signatory - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.signing.signatory
    A signatory is an object capable of providing a signature for an arbitrary stream of bytes.
    signatory(Signatory) - Method in Sign
    Changes the signatory of the signatures.
    signatory(Signatory) - Method in SignOperation
    Change the signatory for signature generation.
    SignatoryProvider - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.signing.signatory
    SignatorySupport - Class in org.gradle.plugins.signing.signatory
    Signature - Class in org.gradle.plugins.signing
    A digital signature file artifact.
    Signature(Closure, Closure, SignatureSpec, Object) - Constructor in Signature
    Creates a signature artifact for the file returned by the toSign closure.
    SignatureSpec - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.signing
    Specifies how objects will be signed.
    SignatureType - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.signing.type
    signatureType(SignatureType) - Method in Sign
    Changes the signature file representation for the signatures.
    signatureType(SignatureType) - Method in SignOperation
    Change the signature type for signature generation.
    SignatureTypeProvider - Interface in org.gradle.plugins.signing.type
    SigningExtension - Class in org.gradle.plugins.signing
    The global signing configuration for a project.
    SigningExtension(Project) - Constructor in SigningExtension
    Configures the signing settings for the given project.
    SigningPlugin - Class in org.gradle.plugins.signing
    Adds the ability to digitally sign files and artifacts.
    SignOperation - Class in org.gradle.plugins.signing
    A sign operation creates digital signatures for one or more files or publish artifacts.
    signPom(MavenDeployment, Closure) - Method in SigningExtension
    Signs the POM artifact for the given Maven deployment.
    SimpleHttpFileServer - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.envjs.http.simple
    SimpleHttpFileServer(File, int, Stoppable) - Constructor in SimpleHttpFileServer
    SimpleHttpFileServerFactory - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.envjs.http.simple
    SingleEntryModuleLibrary - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
    Single entry module library
    SingleEntryModuleLibrary(FilePath, String) - Constructor in SingleEntryModuleLibrary
    Creates single entry module library
    SingleFileReport - Interface in org.gradle.api.reporting
    A report that is a single file.
    size() - Method in ModelMap
    Returns the number of items in this collection.
    SkippedResult - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events
    Describes how an operation was skipped.
    SkipWhenEmpty - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks
    SoftwareComponent - Interface in org.gradle.api.component
    A software component produced by a Gradle software project.
    SoftwareComponentContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.component
    A Container that contains all of the Software Components produced by a Project.
    SONAR_RUNNER_CONFIGURATION_NAME - Field in SonarRunnerExtension
    SONAR_RUNNER_EXTENSION_NAME - Field in SonarRunnerExtension
    SONAR_RUNNER_TASK_NAME - Field in SonarRunnerExtension
    SonarAnalyze - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.sonar
    Analyzes a project hierarchy and writes the results to the Sonar database.
    SonarDatabase - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.sonar.model
    Configuration options for the Sonar database.
    SonarJavaSettings - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.sonar.model
    Java-related configuration options for the project to be analyzed.
    SonarModel - Interface in org.gradle.api.plugins.sonar.model
    Base interface for Sonar models on analysis roots and their subprojects.
    SonarPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.sonar
    A plugin for integrating with Sonar, a web-based platform for managing code quality.
    SonarPlugin(Instantiator) - Constructor in SonarPlugin
    SonarProject - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.sonar.model
    Per-project configuration options.
    SonarProjectModel - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.sonar.model
    Configuration options for subprojects of a project that has the sonar plugin applied.
    SonarProperties - Class in org.gradle.sonar.runner
    The Sonar properties for the current Gradle project that are to be passed to the Sonar Runner.
    SonarProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor in SonarProperties
    sonarProperties(Action<? super SonarProperties>) - Method in SonarRunnerExtension
    Adds an action that configures SonarQube properties for the associated Gradle project.
    SonarProperty - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.plugins.sonar.model
    Maps a model property to the corresponding Sonar property.
    SonarRootModel - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.sonar.model
    Configuration options for a project that has the sonar plugin applied.
    SonarRunner - Class in org.gradle.sonar.runner.tasks
    Analyses one or more projects with the SonarQube Runner.
    SonarRunnerExtension - Class in org.gradle.sonar.runner
    An extension for configuring the Sonar Runner integration.
    SonarRunnerExtension(ActionBroadcast<SonarProperties>) - Constructor in SonarRunnerExtension
    SonarRunnerPlugin - Class in org.gradle.sonar.runner.plugins
    A plugin for analyzing projects with the SonarQube Runner.
    SonarRunnerRootExtension - Class in org.gradle.sonar.runner
    Specialization of SonarRunnerExtension that is used for the root of the project tree being analyzed.
    SonarRunnerRootExtension(ActionBroadcast<SonarProperties>) - Constructor in SonarRunnerRootExtension
    SonarServer - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins.sonar.model
    Configuration options for the Sonar web server.
    source(Object) - Method in AbstractLinkTask
    Adds a set of object files to be linked.
    source(Object) - Method in AbstractNativeCompileTask
    Adds a set of source files to be compiled.
    source(Object) - Method in Assemble
    Adds a set of assembler sources files to be translated.
    source(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    source(Object) - Method in CreateStaticLibrary
    Adds a set of object files to be linked.
    source(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    source(Object) - Method in ObjectFilesToBinary
    Adds a set of object files to be combined into the file binary.
    source(SourceDirectorySet) - Method in SourceDirectorySet
    Adds the given source to this set.
    source - Field in SourceTask
    source(Object) - Method in TaskInputs
    Registers some source files for this task.
    source(Object) - Method in WindowsResourceCompile
    Adds a set of source files to be compiled.
    sourceBuild(Action<GradleBuildInvocationSpec>) - Method in CompareGradleBuilds
    Configures the source build.
    SourceComponentSpec - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    Represents some component whose implementation can be represented as a collection of source files, and whose other outputs are built from this source.
    sourceDir(Object) - Method in TaskInputs
    Registers a source directory for this task.
    SourceDirectory - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
    Represents a source directory.
    SourceDirectorySet - Interface in org.gradle.api.file
    sourceDirectorySetFactory - Field in BaseLanguageSourceSet
    SourceFolder - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    SourceFolder.path contains only project relative path.
    SourceFolder(String, String) - Constructor in SourceFolder
    sourceNames(String) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    sourceNames(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    SourcesArtifact - Interface in org.gradle.language.base.artifact
    An artifact containing sources for a software component.
    SourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
    A SourceSet represents a logical group of Java source and resources.
    SourceSetContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
    A SourceSetContainer manages a set of SourceSet objects.
    SourceSetOutput - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
    A collection of all output directories (compiled classes, processed resources, etc.) - notice that SourceSetOutput extends FileCollection.
    sourceSets(SourceSet) - Method in JacocoReport
    Adds a source set to the list to be reported on.
    sourceSets(Closure) - Method in JavaPluginConvention
    Configures the source sets of this project.
    SourceTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
    A SourceTask performs some operation on source files.
    SourceTask() - Constructor in SourceTask
    SourceTransformationException - Class in org.gradle.plugins.javascript.base
    Thrown when a source code transformation fails.
    SourceTransformationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in SourceTransformationException
    Spec - Interface in org.gradle.api.specs
    Represents some predicate against objects of type T.
    Specs - Class in org.gradle.api.specs
    Provides a number of Spec implementations.
    splitIndex() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    srcDir(Object) - Method in SourceDirectorySet
    Adds the given source directory to this set.
    srcDirs(Object) - Method in SourceDirectorySet
    Adds the given source directories to this set.
    stackTraceFilters(Object) - Method in TestLogging
    STAGE_LIFECYCLE_TASK_NAME - Field in PlayDistributionPlugin
    StandardJavadocDocletOptions - Class in org.gradle.external.javadoc
    Provides the options for the standard Javadoc doclet.
    StandardJavadocDocletOptions(JavadocOptionFile) - Constructor in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    StandardOutputListener - Interface in org.gradle.api.logging
    start() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    start(File, int) - Method in HttpFileServerFactory
    start(File, int) - Method in SimpleHttpFileServerFactory
    startConsoleScanner() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    Run a thread that monitors the console input to detect ENTER hits.
    StartEvent - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events
    An event that informs about an operation having started its execution.
    startJetty() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    startJettyInternal() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    StartParameter - Class in org.gradle
    StartParameter() - Constructor in StartParameter
    Creates a StartParameter with default values.
    StaticLibraryBinary - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    A NativeLibrary that has been compiled and archived into a static library.
    StaticLibraryBinarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    A static library binary built by Gradle for a native library.
    StaticLibraryBinarySpec.TasksCollection - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    Provides access to key tasks used for building the binary.
    statusChanged(ProgressEvent) - Method in ProgressListener
    Called when the execution of an operation progresses.
    stdOutIsAttachedToTerminal() - Method in Pmd
    stop() - Method in HttpFileServer
    stop() - Method in JettyStop
    stop() - Method in SimpleHttpFileServer
    StopActionException - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
    StopActionException(String) - Constructor in StopActionException
    StopExecutionException - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
    StopExecutionException(String) - Constructor in StopExecutionException
    stopExecutionIfEmpty() - Method in FileCollection
    Throws a StopExecutionException if this collection is empty.
    stopVisiting() - Method in FileVisitDetails
    Requests that file visiting terminate after the current file.
    store(Node) - Method in Classpath
    store(Node) - Method in CprojectDescriptor
    store(Properties) - Method in Jdt
    store(Node) - Method in Module
    store(Node) - Method in Project
    store(Node) - Method in Workspace
    store(Node) - Method in WtpComponent
    store(Node) - Method in WtpFacet
    stylesheetFile(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    subprojects(Closure) - Method in Project
    substitute(ComponentSelector) - Method in DependencySubstitutions
    DSL-friendly mechanism to construct a dependency substitution for dependencies matching the provided selector.
    SuccessResult - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events
    Describes how an operation finished successfully.
    suites(File) - Method in TestNGOptions
    Add suite files by File objects.
    suiteXmlBuilder() - Method in TestNGOptions
    Sync - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
    Synchronises the contents of a destination directory with some source directories and files.
    SYSTEM_PROP_PREFIX - Field in Project
    systemProperties(Map<String, ?>) - Method in JavaExec
    systemProperties(Map<String, ?>) - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Adds some system properties to use for the process.
    systemProperties(Map<String, ?>) - Method in Test
    systemProperty(String, Object) - Method in JavaExec
    systemProperty(String, Object) - Method in JavaForkOptions
    Adds a system property to use for the process.
    systemProperty(String, Object) - Method in Test


    tagletPath(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    taglets(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    tags(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    tagsFile(File) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    Tar - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling
    Assembles a TAR archive.
    Tar() - Constructor in Tar
    target(String, Action<? super GccPlatformToolChain>) - Method in GccCompatibleToolChain
    Add configuration for a target platform specified by name with additional configuration action.
    targetBuild(Action<GradleBuildInvocationSpec>) - Method in CompareGradleBuilds
    Configures the target build.
    targetBuildTypes(String) - Method in TargetedNativeComponent
    Specifies the names of one or more BuildTypes that this component should be built for.
    TargetedNativeComponent - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    A native component that can be configured to target certain variant dimensions.
    targetFlavors(String) - Method in TargetedNativeComponent
    Specifies the names of one or more Flavors that this component should be built for.
    TargetJdk - Enum in org.gradle.api.plugins.quality
    Represents the PMD targetjdk property available for PMD < 5.0
    targetPlatform(String) - Method in PlatformAwareComponentSpec
    Specifies a platform that this component should be built be for.
    tarTree(Object) - Method in Project
    Creates a new FileTree which contains the contents of the given TAR file.
    tarTree(Object) - Method in Script
    Creates a new FileTree which contains the contents of the given TAR file.
    Task - Interface in org.gradle.api
    Task.Namer - Class in org.gradle.api
    A Namer namer for tasks that returns getName().
    TASK_ACTION - Field in Task
    task(String) - Method in BuildResult
    Returns the result object for a particular task, or null if the given task was not part of the build.
    TASK_DEPENDS_ON - Field in Task
    TASK_DESCRIPTION - Field in Task
    TASK_GROUP - Field in Task
    TASK_NAME - Field in BuildEnvironmentReportTask
    TASK_NAME - Field in Task
    TASK_OVERWRITE - Field in Task
    task(String, Closure) - Method in Project
    TASK_REPORT - Field in ProjectReportsPlugin
    TASK_TYPE - Field in Task
    TaskAction - Annotation Type in org.gradle.api.tasks
    Marks a method as the action to run when the task is executed.
    TaskActionListener - Interface in org.gradle.api.execution
    TaskCollection - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
    A TaskCollection contains a set of Task instances, and provides a number of query methods.
    TaskContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
    TaskDependency - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
    TaskExecutionAdapter - Class in org.gradle.api.execution
    A TaskExecutionListener adapter class for receiving task execution events.
    TaskExecutionException - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
    TaskExecutionException(Task, Throwable) - Constructor in TaskExecutionException
    TaskExecutionGraph - Interface in org.gradle.api.execution
    TaskExecutionGraphListener - Interface in org.gradle.api.execution
    TaskExecutionListener - Interface in org.gradle.api.execution
    TaskExecutionLogger - Class in org.gradle
    A listener which logs the execution of tasks.
    TaskExecutionLogger(ProgressLoggerFactory, LoggerProvider) - Constructor in TaskExecutionLogger
    TaskExecutionRequest - Interface in org.gradle
    A request to execute some tasks, along with an optional project path context to provide information necessary to select the tasks
    TaskFailureResult - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events.task
    Describes how a task operation finished with failures.
    TaskFinishEvent - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events.task
    An event that informs about a task having finished its execution.
    TaskInputs - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
    TaskInstantiationException - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
    A TaskInstantiationException is thrown when a task cannot be instantiated for some reason.
    TaskInstantiationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in TaskInstantiationException
    taskName(String, String) - Method in BinaryTasksCollection
    Generates a name for a task that performs some action on the binary.
    TaskOperationDescriptor - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events.task
    Describes a task operation for which an event has occurred.
    TaskOperationResult - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events.task
    Describes the result of running a task operation.
    TaskOutcome - Enum in org.gradle.testkit.runner
    The outcome of executing a task during a build.
    TaskOutputs - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
    taskPaths(TaskOutcome) - Method in BuildResult
    The paths of the subset of getTasks() that had the given outcome.
    TaskProgressEvent - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events.task
    Root interface for all events that signal progress while executing a task.
    TaskReportTask - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.diagnostics
    tasks(TaskOutcome) - Method in BuildResult
    The subset of getTasks() that had the given outcome.
    TaskSelector - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.model
    Represents a Launchable that uses task name to select tasks executed from a given project and its sub-projects.
    TaskSkippedResult - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events.task
    Describes how a task operation was skipped.
    TaskStartEvent - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events.task
    An event that informs about a task having started its execution.
    TaskState - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
    TaskState provides information about the execution state of a Task.
    TaskSuccessResult - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events.task
    Describes how a task operation finished successfully.
    TaskValidationException - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
    A TaskValidationException is thrown when there is some validation problem with a task.
    TaskValidationException(String, List<InvalidUserDataException>) - Constructor in TaskValidationException
    TemplateBasedScriptGenerator - Interface in org.gradle.jvm.application.scripts
    Interface for generating scripts with the provided details based on a provided template.
    Test - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
    Executes JUnit (3.8.x or 4.x) or TestNG tests.
    TEST_CLASSES_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaPlugin
    TEST_COMPILE_CONFIGURATION - Field in PlayPluginConfigurations
    TEST_COMPILE_PRIORITY - Field in MavenPlugin
    TEST - Field in Conf2ScopeMappingContainer
    TEST_RUNTIME_PRIORITY - Field in MavenPlugin
    TEST_SOURCE_SET_NAME - Field in SourceSet
    The name of the test source set.
    TEST_TASK_NAME - Field in JavaPlugin
    Test() - Constructor in Test
    TestDescriptor - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
    Describes a test.
    TestExceptionFormat - Enum in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging
    Determines how exceptions are formatted in test logging.
    TestExecutionException - Class in org.gradle.tooling
    Thrown when the TestLauncher cannot run tests, or when one or more tests fail.
    TestExecutionException(String) - Constructor in TestExecutionException
    TestFailureResult - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events.test
    Describes how a test operation finished with failures.
    TestFilter - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
    Allows filtering tests for execution.
    TestFinishEvent - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events.test
    An event that informs about a test having finished its execution.
    testFramework(Closure) - Method in Test
    TestFrameworkOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
    The base class for any test framework specific options.
    testing(ComponentSpec) - Method in TestSuiteSpec
    Sets the tested component.
    TestingModelBasePlugin - Class in org.gradle.testing.base.plugins
    Base plugin for testing.
    TestLauncher - Interface in org.gradle.tooling
    A TestLauncher allows you to execute tests in a Gradle build.
    TestListener - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
    Interface for listening to test execution.
    TestLogEvent - Enum in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging
    Test events that can be logged.
    TestLogging - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging
    Options that determine which test events get logged, and at which detail.
    testLogging(Closure) - Method in Test
    Allows configuring the logging of the test execution, for example log eagerly the standard output, etc.
    TestLoggingContainer - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging
    Container for all test logging related options.
    TestNGOptions - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.testng
    The TestNG specific test options.
    TestNGOptions(File) - Constructor in TestNGOptions
    TestOperationDescriptor - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events.test
    Describes a test operation for which an event has occurred.
    TestOperationResult - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events.test
    Describes the result of running a test operation.
    TestOutputEvent - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
    Standard output or standard error message logged during the execution of the test
    TestOutputEvent.Destination - Enum in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
    Destination of the message
    TestOutputListener - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
    Listens to the output events like printing to standard output or error
    TestProgressEvent - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events.test
    Root interface for all events that signal progress while executing a test or test suite.
    TestReport - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
    Generates an HTML test report from the results of one or more Test tasks.
    TestResult - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
    Describes a test result.
    TestResult.ResultType - Enum in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
    The final status of a test.
    TestSkippedResult - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events.test
    Describes how a test operation was skipped.
    testSourceSets(SourceSet) - Method in GradlePluginDevelopmentExtension
    Provides the source sets executing the functional tests with TestKit.
    TestStackTraceFilter - Enum in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging
    Stack trace filters for test logging.
    TestStartEvent - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events.test
    An event that informs about a test having started its execution.
    TestSuccessResult - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.events.test
    Describes how a test operation finished successfully.
    TestSuiteBinarySpec - Interface in org.gradle.testing.base
    A binary which runs a suite of tests.
    TestSuiteContainer - Interface in org.gradle.testing.base
    A container of TestSuiteSpec instances.
    TestSuiteSpec - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base.test
    A component representing a suite of tests that will be executed together.
    TestSuiteTaskCollection - Interface in org.gradle.testing.base
    Provides access to key tasks used by a test suite.
    TestTaskReports - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks.testing
    The reports produced by the Test task.
    TextConfigFile - Interface in org.gradle.ide.visualstudio
    A plain text config file generated for Visual Studio.
    TextProvider - Interface in org.gradle.ide.visualstudio
    Provides access to the content of a generated text file.
    TextResource - Interface in org.gradle.api.resources
    A read-only body of text backed by a string, file, archive entry, or other source.
    TextResourceFactory - Interface in org.gradle.api.resources
    Creates TextResources backed by sources such as strings, files, and archive entries.
    to(Object) - Method in ObjectConfigurationAction
    toHex(long) - Method in PgpKeyId
    toJavaValue(Object) - Method in RhinoWorkerUtils
    token() - Method in CancellationTokenSource
    Returns a token associated with this CancellationTokenSource.
    toLong(String) - Method in PgpKeyId
    toMap(Scriptable) - Method in RhinoWorkerUtils
    Tool - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform
    Configuration of the arguments of a ToolChain executable.
    ToolChain - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A set of compilers that are used together to construct binaries.
    ToolChainRegistry - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A Provider of ToolChains.
    ToolingModelBuilder - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.provider.model
    Responsible for building tooling models.
    ToolingModelBuilderRegistry - Interface in org.gradle.tooling.provider.model
    A registry of tooling model builders.
    toString() - Method in AbstractClasspathEntry
    toString() - Method in AbstractLibrary
    toString() - Method in AccessRule
    toString() - Method in BuildCommand
    toString() - Method in Classpath
    toString() - Method in Container
    toString() - Method in Facet
    toString() - Method in JarDirectory
    toString() - Method in JavadocOfflineLink
    toString() - Method in JavaVersion
    toString() - Method in Jdk
    toString() - Method in Library
    toString() - Method in Module
    toString() - Method in ModuleDependency
    toString() - Method in ModuleLibrary
    toString() - Method in Output
    toString() - Method in Path
    toString() - Method in PgpKeyId
    toString() - Method in Project
    toString() - Method in ProjectDependency
    toString() - Method in RelativePath
    toString() - Method in SignOperation
    toString() - Method in SourceFolder
    toString() - Method in StartParameter
    toString() - Method in TargetJdk
    toString() - Method in Variable
    toString() - Method in WbDependentModule
    toString() - Method in WbProperty
    toString() - Method in WbResource
    toString() - Method in WtpComponent
    toString() - Method in WtpFacet
    toVersion(Object) - Method in JavaVersion
    Converts the given object into a JavaVersion.
    toVersion(Object) - Method in TargetJdk
    Represents the PMD targetjdk property available for PMD < 5.0
    toXmlNode(Node, Object) - Method in EarModule
    Convert this object to an XML Node (or two nodes if altDeployDescriptor is not null).
    transform(IN) - Method in Transformer
    Transforms the given object, and returns the transformed value.
    TransformationFileType - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    The type of a file of a transformation
    Transformer - Interface in org.gradle.api
    trim(String) - Method in SourceFolder
    TwirlCompile - Class in org.gradle.play.tasks
    Task for compiling Twirl templates into Scala code.
    TwirlImports - Enum in org.gradle.language.twirl
    Represents the available sets of default imports that can be used when compiling Twirl templates.
    TwirlSourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.twirl
    Represents a source set containing twirl templates
    type(Class<?>) - Method in ObjectConfigurationAction
    Adds the plugin implemented by the given class to the target.
    TypeBuilder - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    A TypeBuilder to configure the registration of a type.


    UnableToDeleteFileException - Class in org.gradle.api.file
    Thrown by Gradle when it is unable to delete a file.
    UnableToDeleteFileException(File) - Constructor in UnableToDeleteFileException
    UncheckedIOException - Class in org.gradle.api
    UncheckedIOException is used to wrap an IOException into an unchecked exception.
    UncheckedIOException(Throwable) - Constructor in UncheckedIOException
    UnexpectedBuildFailure - Class in org.gradle.testkit.runner
    Thrown when executing a build that was expected to succeed, but failed.
    UnexpectedBuildFailure(String, BuildResult) - Constructor in UnexpectedBuildFailure
    UnexpectedBuildResultException - Class in org.gradle.testkit.runner
    UnexpectedBuildSuccess - Class in org.gradle.testkit.runner
    Thrown when executing a build that was expected to fail, but succeeded.
    UnexpectedBuildSuccess(String, BuildResult) - Constructor in UnexpectedBuildSuccess
    union(Collection<? extends Spec<? super T>>) - Method in Specs
    Returns a spec that selects the union of those items selected by the provided spec.
    UnknownConfigurationException - Class in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    UnknownConfigurationException(String) - Constructor in UnknownConfigurationException
    UnknownDomainObjectException - Class in org.gradle.api
    UnknownDomainObjectException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in UnknownDomainObjectException
    UnknownModelException - Class in org.gradle.tooling.provider.model
    Thrown when an unknown tooling model is requested.
    UnknownModelException(String) - Constructor in UnknownModelException
    UnknownPluginException - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    A UnknownPluginException is thrown when an unknown plugin id is provided.
    UnknownPluginException(String) - Constructor in UnknownPluginException
    UnknownProjectException - Class in org.gradle.api
    UnknownProjectException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in UnknownProjectException
    UnknownRepositoryException - Class in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    An UnknownRepositoryException is thrown when a repository referenced by name cannot be found.
    UnknownRepositoryException(String) - Constructor in UnknownRepositoryException
    UnknownTaskException - Class in org.gradle.api
    UnknownTaskException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in UnknownTaskException
    Unmanaged - Annotation Type in org.gradle.model
    Indicates that a property of a managed model element is explicitly of an unmanaged type.
    UnresolvedArtifactResult - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.result
    An artifact the could not be resolved.
    UnresolvedComponentResult - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.result
    A component that could not be resolved.
    UnresolvedDependency - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts
    Unsuccessfully resolved dependency.
    UnresolvedDependencyResult - Interface in org.gradle.api.artifacts.result
    A dependency that could not be resolved.
    UnsupportedBuildArgumentException - Class in org.gradle.tooling.exceptions
    Thrown when the LongRunningOperation has been configured with unsupported build arguments.
    UnsupportedBuildArgumentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in UnsupportedBuildArgumentException
    UnsupportedFeatureException - Class in org.gradle.testkit.runner
    Thrown when a build was executed with a target Gradle version that does not support a specific feature.
    UnsupportedFeatureException(String, GradleVersion, GradleVersion) - Constructor in UnsupportedFeatureException
    UnsupportedMethodException - Class in org.gradle.tooling.model
    Thrown when the tooling API client attempts to use a method that does not exist in the version of Gradle that the tooling API is connected to.
    UnsupportedMethodException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in UnsupportedMethodException
    UnsupportedOperationConfigurationException - Class in org.gradle.tooling.exceptions
    Thrown when a LongRunningOperation has been configured with unsupported settings.
    UnsupportedOperationConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in UnsupportedOperationConfigurationException
    UnsupportedVersionException - Class in org.gradle.tooling
    Thrown when the target Gradle version does not support a particular feature.
    UnsupportedVersionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in UnsupportedVersionException
    Upload - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks
    Uploads the artifacts of a Configuration to a set of repositories.
    UPLOAD_ARCHIVES_TASK_NAME - Field in BasePlugin
    UPLOAD_GROUP - Field in BasePlugin
    upload() - Method in Upload
    upToDateWhen(Spec<? super Task>) - Method in TaskOutputs
    uri(Object) - Method in Project
    uri(Object) - Method in Script
    use() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    useAnt - Field in ScalaCompileOptions
    useBuildDistribution() - Method in GradleConnectionBuilder.ParticipantBuilder
    Specifies the Gradle distribution described in the build should be used.
    useBuildDistribution() - Method in GradleConnector
    Specifies to use the Gradle distribution defined by the target Gradle build.
    useCachedResult() - Method in ResolutionControl
    States that the cached value should be used regardless of age.
    useCompileDaemon - Field in ScalaCompileOptions
    useDefaultListeners(boolean) - Method in TestNGOptions
    useDistribution(URI) - Method in GradleConnectionBuilder.ParticipantBuilder
    Specifies the Gradle distribution to use.
    useDistribution(URI) - Method in GradleConnector
    Specifies which Gradle distribution to use.
    useEmptySettings() - Method in StartParameter
    Specifies that an empty settings script should be used.
    useGradleUserHomeDir(File) - Method in GradleConnectionBuilder
    Specifies the user's Gradle home directory to use.
    useGradleUserHomeDir(File) - Method in GradleConnector
    Specifies the user's Gradle home directory to use.
    useGradleVersion(String) - Method in GradleConnectionBuilder.ParticipantBuilder
    Specifies the version of Gradle to use.
    useGradleVersion(String) - Method in GradleConnector
    Specifies which Gradle version to use.
    useInstallation(File) - Method in GradleConnectionBuilder.ParticipantBuilder
    Specifies the Gradle distribution to use.
    useInstallation(File) - Method in GradleConnector
    Specifies which Gradle installation to use.
    useJUnit(Closure) - Method in Test
    Specifies that JUnit should be used to execute the tests, configuring JUnit specific options.
    useLogger(Object) - Method in Gradle
    Uses the given object as a logger.
    useTarget(Object) - Method in DependencyResolveDetails
    Allows to override the details of the dependency (see getTarget()) when it is resolved (see getRequested()).
    useTarget(Object) - Method in DependencySubstitution
    This method can be used to replace a dependency before it is resolved, e.g. change group, name or version (or all three of them), or replace it with a project dependency.
    useTestNG(Closure) - Method in Test
    Specifies that TestNG should be used to execute the tests, configuring TestNG specific options.
    useVersion(String) - Method in DependencyResolveDetails
    Allows to override the version when the dependency getRequested() is resolved.


    Validate - Annotation Type in org.gradle.model
    Denotes that the RuleSource method rule carrying this annotation validates the rule subject.
    validate(int) - Method in Pmd
    Validates the value is a valid PMD RulePriority (1-5)
    validateConfiguration() - Method in AbstractJettyRunTask
    validateConfiguration() - Method in JettyRun
    validateConfiguration() - Method in JettyRunWar
    value - Field in Model
    Denotes the name by which the model element will be available.
    value - Field in Path
    value() - Method in SonarProperty
    values() - Method in ModelMap
    Returns the items in this collection.
    Variable - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    Variable(FileReference) - Constructor in Variable
    Variant - Annotation Type in org.gradle.platform.base
    Declares that a property represents a variant dimension.
    VariantComponentSpec - Interface in org.gradle.platform.base
    Represents a component that is made up of one or more mutually exclusive components.
    verbose() - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    verbose() - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    VERIFICATION_GROUP - Field in JavaBasePlugin
    VERIFICATION_GROUP - Field in LifecycleBasePlugin
    VerificationTask - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
    A VerificationTask is a task which performs some verification of the artifacts produced by a build.
    version(String) - Method in ModuleDependencySpecBuilder
    Narrows this dependency specification down to a specific version range.
    version(String) - Method in PluginDependencySpec
    Specify the version of the plugin to depend on.
    version() - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    visit(Closure) - Method in FileTree
    Visits the files and directories in this file tree.
    visitDir(FileVisitDetails) - Method in EmptyFileVisitor
    visitDir(FileVisitDetails) - Method in FileVisitor
    Visits a directory.
    visitFile(FileVisitDetails) - Method in EmptyFileVisitor
    visitFile(FileVisitDetails) - Method in FileVisitor
    Visits a file.
    VisualCpp - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain
    The Visual C++ tool chain.
    VisualCppPlatformToolChain - Interface in org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain
    Visual C++ specific settings for the tools used to build for a particular platform.
    VisualStudioExtension - Interface in org.gradle.ide.visualstudio
    The configuration for mapping a set of NativeComponentSpecs to a Visual Studio project.
    VisualStudioPlugin - Class in org.gradle.ide.visualstudio.plugins
    A plugin for creating a Visual Studio solution for a gradle project.
    VisualStudioProject - Interface in org.gradle.ide.visualstudio
    A visual studio project, created from one or more NativeBinary instances.
    VisualStudioSolution - Interface in org.gradle.ide.visualstudio
    A visual studio solution, representing one or more NativeBinarySpec instances from the same NativeComponentSpec.


    War - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling
    Assembles a WAR archive.
    WAR_EXTENSION - Field in War
    WAR_TASK_NAME - Field in WarPlugin
    War() - Constructor in War
    warn(Action<TestLogging>) - Method in TestLoggingContainer
    Configures logging options for warn level.
    WarPlugin - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    WarPluginConvention - Class in org.gradle.api.plugins
    WarPluginConvention(Project) - Constructor in WarPluginConvention
    WbDependentModule - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    WbDependentModule(String, String) - Constructor in WbDependentModule
    WbProperty - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    WbProperty(String, String) - Constructor in WbProperty
    WbResource - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    WbResource(String, String) - Constructor in WbResource
    WEB_APP_GROUP - Field in WarPlugin
    webInf(Closure) - Method in War
    Adds some content to the WEB-INF directory for this WAR archive.
    webModule(String, String) - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    Add a web module to the deployment descriptor.
    whenConfigured(Action<MavenPom>) - Method in MavenPom
    whenMerged(Closure) - Method in FileContentMerger
    Adds a closure to be called after content is loaded from existing file and after gradle build information is merged
    whenObjectAdded(Closure) - Method in DomainObjectCollection
    Adds a closure to be called when an object is added to this collection.
    whenObjectRemoved(Closure) - Method in DomainObjectCollection
    Adds a closure to be called when an object is removed from this collection.
    whenPluginAdded(Closure) - Method in PluginCollection
    Adds a closure to be called when a plugin is added to this collection.
    whenReady(Closure) - Method in TaskExecutionGraph
    whenTaskAdded(Closure) - Method in TaskCollection
    Adds a closure to be called when a task is added to this collection.
    WindowsResourceCompile - Class in org.gradle.language.rc.tasks
    Compiles Windows Resource scripts into .res files.
    WindowsResourceCompile() - Constructor in WindowsResourceCompile
    WindowsResourceScriptPlugin - Class in org.gradle.language.rc.plugins
    Adds core language support for Windows resource script files.
    WindowsResourceSet - Interface in org.gradle.language.rc
    A set of Windows Resource definition files.
    WindowsResourcesPlugin - Class in org.gradle.language.rc.plugins
    A plugin for projects wishing to build native binary components from Windows Resource sources.
    windowTitle(String) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    windowTitle(String) - Method in StandardJavadocDocletOptions
    with(CopySpec) - Method in AbstractCopyTask
    with(CopySpec) - Method in CopySpec
    Adds the given specs as a child of this spec.
    with(ComponentSelector) - Method in DependencySubstitutions.Substitution
    Specify the target of the substitution.
    withArguments(Action<? super List<String>>) - Method in CommandLineToolConfiguration
    Adds an action that will be applied to the command-line arguments prior to execution.
    withArguments(Iterable<String>) - Method in ConfigurableLauncher
    withArguments(String) - Method in GradleRunner
    Sets the build arguments.
    withArguments(Iterable<String>) - Method in LongRunningOperation
    Specify the command line build arguments.
    withArtifacts(Class<? extends Component>, Class<? extends Artifact>) - Method in ArtifactResolutionQuery
    Defines the type of component that is expected in the result, and the artifacts to retrieve for components of this type.
    withCancellationToken(CancellationToken) - Method in ConfigurableLauncher
    withCancellationToken(CancellationToken) - Method in LongRunningOperation
    Sets the cancellation token to use to cancel the operation if required.
    withContent(Action<? super TextProvider>) - Method in TextConfigFile
    Add an action that can manipulate the generated file content.
    withDebug(boolean) - Method in GradleRunner
    Sets whether debugging support is enabled.
    withGlobalProperties(Closure) - Method in SonarRootModel
    Registers a closure for post-processing the global Sonar properties covered by SonarRootModel, and for adding further properties not covered by that model.
    withGradleDistribution(URI) - Method in GradleRunner
    Configures the runner to execute the build using the distribution of Gradle specified.
    withGradleInstallation(File) - Method in GradleRunner
    Configures the runner to execute the build using the installation of Gradle specified.
    withGradleVersion(String) - Method in GradleRunner
    Configures the runner to execute the build with the version of Gradle specified.
    withId(String, Action<? super Plugin>) - Method in PluginContainer
    Executes or registers an action for a plugin with given id.
    withJvmTestClasses(Iterable<String>) - Method in TestLauncher
    Adds tests to be executed declared by class name.
    withJvmTestMethods(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in TestLauncher
    Adds tests to be executed declared by class and methods name.
    withModule(Object, Object) - Method in ComponentMetadataHandler
    Adds a rule that may modify the metadata of any resolved software component belonging to the specified module.
    withModule(Object, Object) - Method in ComponentSelectionRules
    Adds a rule-source backed component selection rule that will apply to the specified module.
    withName(String) - Method in ProjectBuilder
    Specifies the name for the project
    withParent(Project) - Method in ProjectBuilder
    Specifies the parent project.
    withPlugin(String, Action<? super AppliedPlugin>) - Method in PluginManager
    Executes the given action when the specified plugin is applied.
    withPluginClasspath(Iterable<? extends File>) - Method in GradleRunner
    Sets the injected plugin classpath for the build.
    withProjectDir(File) - Method in GradleRunner
    Sets the directory that the Gradle will be executed in.
    withProjectDir(File) - Method in ProjectBuilder
    Specifies the project directory for the project to build.
    withProjectProperties(Closure) - Method in SonarProject
    Registers a closure for post-processing the per-project Sonar properties covered by SonarProjectModel, and for adding further properties not covered by that model.
    withProperties(Closure) - Method in PropertiesFileContentMerger
    Adds a closure to be called when the file has been created.
    withTestKitDir(File) - Method in GradleRunner
    Sets the directory to use for TestKit's working storage needs.
    withTests(Iterable<? extends TestOperationDescriptor>) - Method in TestLauncher
    Adds tests to be executed by passing test descriptors received from a previous Gradle Run.
    withType(Class<S>, Closure) - Method in DomainObjectCollection
    Returns a collection containing the objects in this collection of the given type.
    withType(Class<S>) - Method in DomainObjectSet
    withType(Class<S>, Class<? extends RuleSource>) - Method in ModelMap
    Applies the given rules to all items of the collection of the given type.
    withType(Class<S>) - Method in NamedDomainObjectCollection
    withType(Class<S>) - Method in NamedDomainObjectList
    withType(Class<S>) - Method in NamedDomainObjectSet
    withType(Class<S>) - Method in PluginCollection
    withType(Class<S>) - Method in TaskCollection
    withXml(Action<? super XmlProvider>) - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    Adds an action to be called when the XML document has been created.
    withXml(Action<? super XmlProvider>) - Method in IvyModuleDescriptorSpec
    Allow configuration of the descriptor, after it has been generated according to the input data.
    withXml(Action<XmlProvider>) - Method in MavenPom
    withXml(Action<? super XmlProvider>) - Method in XmlConfigFile
    Add an action that can manipulate the generated file content.
    withXml(Closure) - Method in XmlFileContentMerger
    Adds a closure to be called when the file has been created.
    workingDir(Object) - Method in AbstractExecTask
    workingDir(Object) - Method in JavaExec
    workingDir(Object) - Method in ProcessForkOptions
    Sets the working directory for the process.
    workingDir(Object) - Method in Test
    WorkResult - Interface in org.gradle.api.tasks
    Provides information about some work which was performed.
    Workspace - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model
    Represents the customizable elements of an ipr (via XML hooks everything of the ipr is customizable).
    workspace(Closure) - Method in IdeaModel
    Configures IDEA workspace information.
    Workspace(XmlTransformer) - Constructor in Workspace
    Wrapper - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.wrapper
    Wrapper.PathBase - Enum in org.gradle.api.tasks.wrapper
    Specifies how the wrapper path should be interpreted.
    Wrapper() - Constructor in Wrapper
    WrapperPlugin - Class in org.gradle.buildinit.plugins
    The wrapper plugin.
    write(File) - Method in CoreJavadocOptions
    write(File) - Method in MinimalJavadocOptions
    write(JavadocOptionFileWriterContext) - Method in OptionLessJavadocOptionFileOption
    writeEntryAttributes(Node) - Method in AbstractClasspathEntry
    writeFile(String, File, String) - Method in RhinoWorkerUtils
    WriteOnlyModelViewException - Class in org.gradle.model
    Thrown when an attempt is made to read the value of a model element that is not readable at the time.
    WriteOnlyModelViewException(String, ModelPath, ModelType<?>, ModelRuleDescriptor) - Constructor in WriteOnlyModelViewException
    writeSourceLanguageLevel() - Method in Module
    writeTo(Object) - Method in DeploymentDescriptor
    Writes the deployment descriptor into a file.
    writeTo(Object) - Method in Manifest
    Writes the manifest into a file.
    writeTo(Object) - Method in MavenPom
    Writes the getEffectivePom() XML to a file while applying the withXml(org.gradle.api.Action) actions.
    wtp(Closure) - Method in EclipseModel
    Configures eclipse wtp information
    WtpComponent - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    Creates the .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component file for WTP projects.
    WtpComponent(XmlTransformer) - Constructor in WtpComponent
    WtpFacet - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model
    Creates the .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml file for WTP projects.
    WtpFacet(XmlTransformer) - Constructor in WtpFacet


    XmlConfigFile - Interface in org.gradle.ide.visualstudio
    An XML config file generated for Visual Studio.
    XmlFileContentMerger - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.api
    Models the generation/parsing/merging capabilities.
    XmlFileContentMerger(XmlTransformer) - Constructor in XmlFileContentMerger
    XmlGeneratorTask - Class in org.gradle.plugins.ide.api
    A convenience superclass for those tasks which generate XML configuration files from a domain object of type T.
    XmlGeneratorTask() - Constructor in XmlGeneratorTask
    XmlProvider - Interface in org.gradle.api
    Provides various ways to access the content of an XML document.



    Zip - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling
    Assembles a ZIP archive.
    Zip.ZipCopyActionImpl - Class in org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling
    ZIP_EXTENSION - Field in Zip
    Zip() - Constructor in Zip
    ZipEntryCompression - Enum in org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling
    Specifies the compression level of an archives contents.
    zipTree(Object) - Method in Project
    zipTree(Object) - Method in Script


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