
API Documentation:HtmlDependencyReportTask

Note: This class is incubating and may change in a future version of Gradle.

Generates an HTML dependency report. This report combines the features of the ASCII dependency report and those of the ASCII dependency insight report. For a given project, it generates a tree of the dependencies of every configuration, and each dependency can be clicked to show the insight of this dependency.

This task generates a report for the task's containing project by default. But it can also generate a report for multiple projects, by setting the value of the projects property. Here's how to generate an HTML dependency report for all the projects of a multi-project build, for example:

htmlDependencyReport {
    projects = project.allprojects

The report is generated in the build/reports/project/dependencies directory by default. This can also be changed by setting the reports.html.destination property:

htmlDependencyReport {
    reports.html.destination = file("build/reports/project/dependencies")



The set of projects to generate a report for. By default, the report is generated for the task's containing project.


A ReportContainer instance.



Allow configuration of the report container by closure.

Script blocks

No script blocks

Property details

Set<Project> projects

Note: This property is incubating and may change in a future version of Gradle.

The set of projects to generate a report for. By default, the report is generated for the task's containing project.

Default with project-report plugin:

T reports (read-only)

A ReportContainer instance.

Implementors specify a specific implementation of ReportContainer that describes the types of reports that are available.

Method details

T reports(Action<? super T> configureAction)

Allow configuration of the report container by closure.

reports {
  html {
    enabled false
  xml.destination "build/reports/myReport.xml"