
The gpcheckcat utility tests Greenplum Database catalog tables for inconsistencies.

The utility is in $GPHOME/bin/lib.


gpcheckcat [ options] [ dbname] 

     -g dir
     -p port
     -P password
     -U user_name
     -S {none | only}
     -R test_name 
     -C catalog_name

gpcheckcat  -l 

gpcheckcat -? 


The gpcheckcat utility runs multiple tests that check for database catalog inconsistencies. Some of the tests cannot be run concurrently with other workload statements or the results will not be usable. Pivotal recommends restarting the database in restricted mode when running gpcheckcat, otherwise gpcheckcat might report inconsistencies due to ongoing database operations rather than the actual number of inconsistencies. If you run gpcheckcat without stopping database activity, run it with -O option.

Catalog inconsistencies are inconsistencies that occur between Greenplum Database system tables. In general, there are three types of inconsistencies:
  • Inconsistencies in system tables at the segment level. For example, an inconsistency between a system table that contains table data and a system table that contains column data. As another, a system table that contains duplicates in a column that should to be unique.
  • Inconsistencies between same system table across segments. For example, a system table is missing row on one segment, but other segments have this row. As another example, the values of specific row column data are different across segments, such as table owner or table access privileges.
  • Persistent Table inconsistencies are inconsistencies in persistence object state and file system objects on a segment. For example, there are no running transactions, all transactions are complete, but there is object that is marked as creation incomplete in persistent tables. As another example, a file exists in database directory, but there is no corresponding object existing in the database system tables.


Run gpcheckcat on all databases in the Greenplum Database installation.
-b parallel_processes
The number of processes to run in parallel.
-C catalog_table
Run cross consistency, foreign key, and ACL tests for the specified catalog table.
-g data_directory
Generate SQL scripts to fix catalog inconsistencies. The scripts are placed in data_directory.
List the gpcheckcat tests.
Run only the gpcheckcat tests that can be run in online (not restricted) mode.
-p port
This option specifies the port that is used by the Greenplum Database.
-P password
The password of the user connecting to Greenplum Database.
-R test_name
Specify a test to run. Some tests can be run only when Greenplum Database is in restricted mode.
These are the tests that can be performed:

duplicate - Check for duplicate entries

missing_extraneous - Cross consistency check for missing or extraneous entries

inconsistent - Cross consistency check for master segment inconsistency

foreign_key - Check foreign keys

acl - Cross consistency check for access control privileges

persistent - Check persistent tables (restricted mode only)

pgclass - Check pg_class entry that does not have any corresponding pg_attribute entry (restricted mode only)

namespace - Check for leaked temporary schema and missing schema definition (restricted mode only)

distribution_policy - Check constraints on randomly distributed tables (restricted mode only)

dependency - Check for dependency on non-existent objects (restricted mode only)

owner - Check table ownership that is inconsistent with the master database

part_integrity - Check pg_partition branch integrity, partition with OIDs, partition distribution policy

part_constraint - Check constraints on partitioned tables

duplicate_persistent - Check for duplicate gp_persistent_relation_node entries

-S {none | only}
Specify this option to control the testing of catalog tables that are shared across all databases in the Greenplum Database installation, such as pg_database.
The value none disables testing of shared catalog tables. The value only tests only the shared catalog tables.
-U user_name
The user connecting to Greenplum Database.
-? (help)
Displays the online help.
-v (verbose)
Displays detailed information about the tests that are performed.


If gpcheckcat detects inconsistent OID (Object ID) information, it generates one or more verification files that contain an SQL query. You can run the SQL query to see details about the OID inconsistencies and investigate the inconsistencies. The files are generated in the directory where gpcheckcat is invoked.

This is the format of the file:

This is an example verification filename created by gpcheckcat when it detects inconsistent OID (Object ID) information in the catalog table pg_type in the database mydb:

This is an example query from a verification file:

  FROM (
       SELECT relname, oid FROM pg_class WHERE reltype 
         IN (1305822,1301043,1301069,1301095)
       UNION ALL
       SELECT relname, oid FROM gp_dist_random('pg_class') WHERE reltype 
         IN (1305822,1301043,1301069,1301095)
       ) alltyprelids
  GROUP BY relname, oid ORDER BY count(*) desc ;