
GtkAppChooserDialog — An application chooser dialog


#include <gtk/gtk.h>

struct              GtkAppChooserDialog;
GtkWidget *         gtk_app_chooser_dialog_new          (GtkWindow *parent,
                                                         GtkDialogFlags flags,
                                                         GFile *file);
GtkWidget *         gtk_app_chooser_dialog_new_for_content_type
                                                        (GtkWindow *parent,
                                                         GtkDialogFlags flags,
                                                         const gchar *content_type);
GtkWidget *         gtk_app_chooser_dialog_get_widget   (GtkAppChooserDialog *self);
void                gtk_app_chooser_dialog_set_heading  (GtkAppChooserDialog *self,
                                                         const gchar *heading);
const gchar *       gtk_app_chooser_dialog_get_heading  (GtkAppChooserDialog *self);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GtkAppChooserDialog implements AtkImplementorIface, GtkBuildable and GtkAppChooser.


  "gfile"                    GFile*                : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "heading"                  gchar*                : Read / Write


GtkAppChooserDialog shows a GtkAppChooserWidget inside a GtkDialog.

Note that GtkAppChooserDialog does not have any interesting methods of its own. Instead, you should get the embedded GtkAppChooserWidget using gtk_app_chooser_dialog_get_widget() and call its methods if the generic GtkAppChooser interface is not sufficient for your needs.


struct GtkAppChooserDialog

struct GtkAppChooserDialog;

gtk_app_chooser_dialog_new ()

GtkWidget *         gtk_app_chooser_dialog_new          (GtkWindow *parent,
                                                         GtkDialogFlags flags,
                                                         GFile *file);

Creates a new GtkAppChooserDialog for the provided GFile, to allow the user to select an application for it.

parent :

a GtkWindow, or NULL. [allow-none]

flags :

flags for this dialog

file :

a GFile

Returns :

a newly created GtkAppChooserDialog

Since 3.0

gtk_app_chooser_dialog_new_for_content_type ()

GtkWidget *         gtk_app_chooser_dialog_new_for_content_type
                                                        (GtkWindow *parent,
                                                         GtkDialogFlags flags,
                                                         const gchar *content_type);

Creates a new GtkAppChooserDialog for the provided content type, to allow the user to select an application for it.

parent :

a GtkWindow, or NULL. [allow-none]

flags :

flags for this dialog

content_type :

a content type string

Returns :

a newly created GtkAppChooserDialog

Since 3.0

gtk_app_chooser_dialog_get_widget ()

GtkWidget *         gtk_app_chooser_dialog_get_widget   (GtkAppChooserDialog *self);

Returns the GtkAppChooserWidget of this dialog.

self :

a GtkAppChooserDialog

Returns :

the GtkAppChooserWidget of self. [transfer none]

Since 3.0

gtk_app_chooser_dialog_set_heading ()

void                gtk_app_chooser_dialog_set_heading  (GtkAppChooserDialog *self,
                                                         const gchar *heading);

Sets the text to display at the top of the dialog. If the heading is not set, the dialog displays a default text.

self :

a GtkAppChooserDialog

heading :

a string containing Pango markup

gtk_app_chooser_dialog_get_heading ()

const gchar *       gtk_app_chooser_dialog_get_heading  (GtkAppChooserDialog *self);

Returns the text to display at the top of the dialog.

self :

a GtkAppChooserDialog

Returns :

the text to display at the top of the dialog, or NULL, in which case a default text is displayed

Property Details

The "gfile" property

  "gfile"                    GFile*                : Read / Write / Construct Only

The GFile used by the GtkAppChooserDialog. The dialog's GtkAppChooserWidget content type will be guessed from the file, if present.

The "heading" property

  "heading"                  gchar*                : Read / Write

The text to show at the top of the dialog. The string may contain Pango markup.

Default value: NULL