HelpPC 2.10 Quick Reference Utility Copyright 1991 David Jurgens

                        GDT - Global Descriptor Table

    Offset Size                Description

       00  8bytes      dummy, set to 0
       08  8bytes      GDT data segment location, set to 0
       10  8bytes      source GDT pointer
       18  8bytes      target GDT pointer
       20  8bytes      pointer to BIOS code segment, set to 0. used by
                       the BIOS to create protected mode code segment
       28  8bytes      pointer to BIOS stack segment, set to 0.  Used by
                       the BIOS to create protected mode stack segment
       30  8bytes      user code segment
       38  8bytes      temporary BIOS code segment

       Source/Target GDT use the following format (offsets 10h and 18h):

    Offset Size                Description

       00   word       Segment limit
       02  3bytes      24 bit segment physical address
       05   byte       data access rights, set to 93h
       06   word       reserved word, must be 0

       - see   LGDT  SGDT

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