pyeditor -- A Scriptable Text Editor
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Introduction is an extensible editor whose high-level code is written
is Python. It is built on pyscintilla, the Python wrapping of the
Scintilla editor component and on PyGtk, the Python wrapping of the
Gtk GUI toolkit.
It's purpose is to provide a text editor that is usable as is and
that can be easily extended for specialized editing tasks.
pyeditor is written in Python (using pyscintilla which is a wrapper
around Scintilla, which is written in C++). Thus, pyeditor is
extendible in Python. However, much power can be gained by
extending pyeditor with C and C++. A particularly interesting
example is XML processing.
This document describes how to extend and customize pyeditor for
special tasks and for more complex tasks.
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How to add a new menu item
Follow these steps:
- In search for method init_menu_new. Copy a line
in the menu definition list in that method. Edit it, changing the
following items:
- Change the menu label. For example, change "/_File/_Save" to
- Change the quick key. Use None for no key. Add "",
"", or "<alt>" in front of the key as modifiers. For
example, change "<control>S" to "<alt>X".
- Change the method to be invoked. For example, change
self.file_save to self.file_test.
- Change the item number. This item number is passed as an argument to
the invoked method. For example, change 2 to 3.
- Add a new method (to class PyeditorApp). For example, add the
def file_test(self, *args):
- Implement the new method. Here are some hints:
- Get access the to the current buffer (the buffer that is currently
visible) with the following:
buffer = self.getCurBuf()
- Access and manipulate the current buffer using the methods defined
in For example, get the contents of the current line
with the following:
start, end = buffer.get_selection()
curLineNo = buffer.get_line_at_position(start)
lineNo = curLineNo
line = buffer.get_line(lineNo)
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How to change an existing menu item
Follow these steps:
- Find the menu item definition in method init_menu_new.
- If you want a different label, change the label.
- If you want a different quick key, change the quick key.
- If you want a different method, change the method.
- Edit the (existing) method.
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How to add a new toolbar item
Follow these steps:
- Find the method create_toolbar in
- Add a new pix map using a line something like the following:
testpix, testmask = gtk.create_pixmap_from_xpm(win, None, home + "pixmaps/test.xpm")
If you need a new pix map for your button, you will have to create
it yourself.
- Add the new button to the toolbar using something like the
toolbar.append_item("Test", "Run a test",
"Run a test",
gtk.GtkPixmap(testpix, testmask),
- Implement the method (in this case run_test. Methods
used to implement toolbar actions are similar to those used to
implement menu item actions. Follow the suggestions for menu item
methods above.
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How to create a new toolbar
Since space on the existing toolbar is limited, you may decide to create
an additional toolbar. Here is how to do it:
- In class PyeditorApp, find the definition of method
create_toolbar. Duplicate and rename this method
- Find the call to create_toolbar in method
create_window. Add a call to your new toolbar method
right after (or before) that call. At this point you might want to
run your editor to ensure that it creates two toolbars.
- Now modify your new toolbar method so that it has the
buttons that you need and so that they call the methods you want
called. See the section on how to add a
new toolbar item for help with this. In particular, for
each toolbar item, you will want to change:
- The text for the item, i.e. the text that will show in addition
to or in place of the icon.
- The text for the tool-tip.
- The pixmap for the icon.
- The call-back method.
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How to customize behavior for a specific file type
Behavior specific to a given file type is implemented by creating a custom
class, then installing an instance of that class in the buffer for a
file when the file is loaded.
The default behaviors are in class Custom. To implement behavior for
a new file type, create a new sub-class of class Custom. As
an example, we'll add a new behavior for a property file type which has
extension ".prop".
Follow these steps:
- Create a new class, for example, PropertyCustom as a
sub-class of class Custom:
class PropertyCustom(Custom):
- ScintillaX is an extension of class Scintilla,
the Python wrapping of the Scintilla editor component. Instances
of the buffer are instances of class ScintillaX. In the
constructor for class ScintillaX, add another case to the
if statement that checks the file extension and then creates
an instance of the custom class. Use something like the following:
elif ext == '.prop':
self.fileCustom = PropertyCustom()
- Implement your special behavior in the custom class, in this case
in class PropertyCustom. Here are some hints:
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Extending pyeditor in C and C++
This section, as might be expected, will be short. Python can call
extension modules written in C and C++. pyeditor is extendible in
Python. So all that needs to be done to extend pyeditor with C or
C++ is to (1) import a Python extension module, then (2) call the
functions in that extension module or create instances of the
classes in that module and so on.
pyeditor comes with several examples of using Python modules
written in C to extend pyeditor. See the file, where it uses libxml_saxlib (available at
and libxsltmod (available at
The important thing to remember here is that any Python
module can be used in extending pyeditor. From the point of view
of using the module, it makes no difference whether the module was
written in C/C++ or in plain Python.
Python is particularly well suited for being
extended in C and C++. "Python is glue."
In fact SWIG (Simplified Wrapper
Interface Generator available at
will, for some purposes generate these wrappers for you.
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How to change the buffer menu and pop-up menu etc
The default pop-up menu can be enabled and disabled by changing the
call to enable_defaultpopup in the method
create_toplevel. Pass in 1 to enable and 0 to disable.
The method buffers_buildmenu is called to create the
Buffers menu.
The method popup_buildmenu is called to create the
popup menu (which appears when you right-click in the text edit pane).
You can add or remove items in these menus by modifying these two
The method buffers_buildmenu replaces a menu that is created
in create_menus. Look at the calls to
buffers_buildmenu and the definition of that method itself
to learn how to specialize other menus that change dynamically
while the editor is running.
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Last update: 10/23/01