Defines the path (relative or absolute) where the SSL plug-in can find PEM format certificate files (RSA and DSA) and Diffie-Hellman group parameter files.
If IceSSL.Client.Config or IceSSL.Server.Config specify a relative path, that path is relative to the value of IceSSL.Client.CertPath and IceSSL.Server.CertPath, respectively.
If not specified, the application uses the current working directory as the certificate path.
Defines the XML-based configuration file from which the SSL plug-in loads initialization information and certificates. If the property specifies a relative path, the path is interpreted relative to the certificate path defined by IceSSL.Client.CertPath and IceSSL.Server.CertPath, respectively.
The XML parser looks for the DTD file in the same directory in which it finds the XML configuration file.
Depending on whether the application is running in client mode, server mode or both modes, a valid value for one or both of these parameters must be specified for the proper operation of the IceSSL plug-in.
IceSSL clients attempt to perform an entire SSL handshake in the connection phase. When attempting this handshake, it is possible that the client times out while waiting for a response from the server. This property specifies the number of handshake retries the client attempts before throwing a Ice::ConnectionFailedException.
If not specified, the default value for this property is 10 retries.
When IceSSL is directed to use a private key in a PEM file that has been encrypted, a prompt is displayed Enter PEM pass phrase:. If the passphrase is entered incorrectly, these properties determine how many retries the user is allowed before IceSSL shuts down.
If not specified, the default value for these properties is 5 retries.
IceSSL.Client.Overrides.RSA.PrivateKey=Base64 encoded DER string IceSSL.Client.Overrides.RSA.Certificate=Base64 encoded DER string |
These properties provides a method by which the RSA private key and public key (certificate) used by the Client context may be overridden from those specified in the config file (specified in IceSSL.Client.Config). The value must be the DER representation of the private and public keys, base64 encoded.
There are no default values for these properties.
IceSSL.Client.Overrides.CACertificate=Base64 encoded DER string IceSSL.Server.Overrides.CACertificate=Base64 encoded DER string |
These properties override any trusted Certificate Authority (CA) certificates specified in IceSSL.Server.Config or IceSSL.Client.Config. The new certificate is represented as the base64 encoding of the DER binary representation of the certificate.
There are no default values for these properties.
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