local interface ObjectAdapter |
The object adapter, which is responsible for receiving requests from endpoints, and for mapping between servants, identities, and proxies.
::Freeze::ServantInitializer::initialize, Communicator::createObjectAdapter, Communicator::createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints, Current::adapter
Activate all endpoints that belong to this object adapter.
Add a servant to this object adapter's Active Servant Map.
Like add, but with a facet.
Like addWithUUID, but with a facet.
Add a router to this object adapter.
Add a Servant Locator to this object adapter.
Add a servant to this object adapter's Active Servant Map, using an automatically generated UUID as its identity.
Create a "direct proxy" that matches this object adapter and the given identity.
Create a proxy that matches this object adapter and the given identity.
Create a "reverse proxy" that matches this object adapter and the given identity.
Deactivate all endpoints that belong to this object adapter.
Look up a servant in this object adapter's Active Servant Map by the identity of the Ice object it implements.
Find all facets with the given identity in the Active Servant Map.
Look up a servant in this object adapter's Active Servant Map, given a proxy.
Like find, but with a facet.
Find a Servant Locator installed with this object adapter.
Get the communicator this object adapter belongs to.
Get the name of this object adapter.
Temporarily hold receiving and dispatching requests.
Remove a servant (that is, the default facet) from the object adapter's Active Servant Map.
Remove all facets with the given identity from the Active Servant Map (that is, completely remove the Ice object, including it's default facet).
Like remove, but with a facet.
Set an Ice locator for this object adapter.
Wait until the object adapter has deactivated.
Wait until the object adapter holds requests.
void activate(); |
Activate all endpoints that belong to this object adapter. After activation, the object adapter can dispatch requests received through its endpoints.
Object* add(Object servant, Identity id); |
Add a servant to this object adapter's Active Servant Map. Note that one servant can implement several Ice objects by registering the servant with multiple identities. Adding a servant with an identity that is in the map already throws AlreadyRegisteredException.
The servant to add.
The identity of the Ice object that is implemented by the servant.
Object* addFacet(Object servant, Identity id, string facet); |
Like add, but with a facet. Calling add(servant, * id) is equivalent to calling addFacet with an empty facet.
The servant to add.
The identity of the Ice object that is implemented by the servant.
The facet. An empty facet means the default facet.
Object* addFacetWithUUID(Object servant, string facet); |
Like addWithUUID, but with a facet. Calling addWithUUID(servant) is equivalent to calling addFacetWithUUID with an empty facet.
void addRouter(Router* rtr); |
Add a router to this object adapter. By doing so, this object adapter can receive callbacks from this router over connections that are established from this process to the router. This avoids the need for the router to establish a separate connection back to this object adapter.
![]() | You can add a particular router to only a single object adapter. Adding the same router to more than one object adapter results in undefined behavior. However, it is possible to add different routers to different object adapters. |
void addServantLocator(ServantLocator locator, string category); |
Add a Servant Locator to this object adapter. Adding a servant locator for a category for which a servant locator is already registered throws AlreadyRegisteredException. To dispatch operation calls on servants, the object adapter tries to find a servant for a given Ice object identity and facet in the following order:
The object adapter tries to find a servant for the identity and facet in the Active Servant Map.
If no servant has been found in the Active Servant Map, the object adapter tries to find a locator for the category component of the identity. If a locator is found, the object adapter tries to find a servant using this locator.
If no servant has been found by any of the preceding steps, the object adapter tries to find a locator for an empty category, regardless of the category contained in the identity. If a locator is found, the object adapter tries to find a servant using this locator.
If no servant has been found with any of the preceding steps, the object adapter gives up and the caller receives ObjectNotExistException or FacetNotExistException.
![]() | Only one locator for the empty category can be installed. |
The locator to add.
The category for which the Servant Locator can locate servants, or an empty string if the Servant Locator does not belong to any specific category.
Object* addWithUUID(Object servant); |
Add a servant to this object adapter's Active Servant Map, using an automatically generated UUID as its identity. Note that the generated UUID identity can be accessed using the proxy's ice_getIdentity operation.
Object* createDirectProxy(Identity id); |
Create a "direct proxy" that matches this object adapter and the given identity. A direct proxy always contains the current adapter endpoints.
![]() | This operation is intended to be used by locator implementations. Regular user code should not attempt to use this operation. |
Object* createProxy(Identity id); |
Create a proxy that matches this object adapter and the given identity.
Object* createReverseProxy(Identity id); |
Create a "reverse proxy" that matches this object adapter and the given identity. A reverse proxy uses the incoming connections that have been established from a client to this object adapter.
![]() | This operation is intended to be used by special services, such as Router implementations. Regular user code should not attempt to use this operation. |
A "reverse proxy" that matches the given identity and uses the incoming connections of this object adapter.
void deactivate(); |
Deactivate all endpoints that belong to this object adapter. After deactivation, the object adapter stops receiving requests through its endpoints. Object adapters that have been deactivated must not be reactivated again, i.e., the deactivation is permanent and activate or hold must not be called after calling deactivate; attempting to do so results in an ObjectAdapterDeactivatedException being thrown. Calls to deactivate on an already deactivated object adapter are ignored.
![]() | After deactivate returns, no new requests are processed by the object adapter. However, requests that have been started before deactivate was called might still be active. You can use waitForDeactivate to wait for the completion of all requests for this object adapter. |
Object find(Identity id); |
Look up a servant in this object adapter's Active Servant Map by the identity of the Ice object it implements.
![]() | This operation only tries to lookup a servant in the Active Servant Map. It does not attempt to find a servant by using any installed ServantLocator. |
The servant that implements the Ice object with the given identity, or null if no such servant has been found.
FacetMap findAllFacets(Identity id); |
Find all facets with the given identity in the Active Servant Map.
Object findByProxy(Object* proxy); |
Look up a servant in this object adapter's Active Servant Map, given a proxy.
![]() | This operation only tries to lookup a servant in the Active Servant Map. It does not attempt to find a servant via any installed ServantLocators. |
Object findFacet(Identity id, string facet); |
Like find, but with a facet. Calling find(id) is equivalent to calling findFacet with an empty facet.
The identity of the Ice object for which the servant should be returned.
The facet. An empty facet means the default facet.
The servant that implements the Ice object with the given identity and facet, or null if no such servant has been found.
ServantLocator findServantLocator(string category); |
Find a Servant Locator installed with this object adapter.
The category for which the Servant Locator can locate servants, or an empty string if the Servant Locator does not belong to any specific category.
Communicator getCommunicator(); |
Get the communicator this object adapter belongs to.
void hold(); |
Temporarily hold receiving and dispatching requests. The object adapter can be reactivated with the activate operation.
![]() | Holding is not immediate, i.e., after hold returns, the object adapter might still be active for some time. You can use waitForHold to wait until holding is complete. |
Object remove(Identity id); |
Remove a servant (that is, the default facet) from the object adapter's Active Servant Map.
The identity of the Ice object that is implemented by the servant. If the servant implements multiple Ice objects, remove has to be called for all those Ice objects. Removing an identity that is not in the map throws NotRegisteredException.
FacetMap removeAllFacets(Identity id); |
Remove all facets with the given identity from the Active Servant Map (that is, completely remove the Ice object, including it's default facet). Removing an identity that is not in the map throws NotRegisteredException.
Object removeFacet(Identity id, string facet); |
Like remove, but with a facet. Calling remove(id) is equivalent to calling removeFacet with an empty facet.
The identity of the Ice object that is implemented by the servant.
The facet. An empty facet means the default facet.
void setLocator(Locator* loc); |
Set an Ice locator for this object adapter. By doing so, the object adapter will register itself with the locator registry when it is activated for the first time. Furthermore, the proxies created by this object adapter will contain the adapter name instead of its endpoints.
void waitForDeactivate(); |
Wait until the object adapter has deactivated. Calling deactivate initiates object adapter deactivation, and waitForDeactivate only returns when deactivation has been completed.
void waitForHold(); |
Wait until the object adapter holds requests. Calling hold initiates holding of requests, and waitForHold only returns when holding of requests has been completed.
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