The Glacier2 specialization of the ::Ice::Router interface.
This category must be used in the identities of all of the client's callback objects. This is necessary in order for the router to forward callback requests to the intended client.
The category.
Create a per-client session with the router. If a SessionManager has been installed, a proxy to a Session object is returned to the client. Otherwise, null is returned and only an internal session (i.e., not visible to the client) is created. If a session proxy is returned, it must be configured to route through the router that created it. This will happen automatically if the router is configured as the client's default router at the time the session proxy is created in the client process, otherwise the client must configure the session proxy explicitly.
A proxy for the newly created session, or null if no SessionManager has been installed.
Create a per-client session with the router. The user is authenticated through the SSL certificates that have been associated with the connection. If a SessionManager has been installed, a proxy to a Session object is returned to the client. Otherwise, null is returned and only an internal session (i.e., not visible to the client) is created. If a session proxy is returned, it must be configured to route through the router that created it. This will happen automatically if the router is configured as the client's default router at the time the session proxy is created in the client process, otherwise the client must configure the session proxy explicitly.
A proxy for the newly created session, or null if no SessionManager has been installed.
Destroy the calling client's session with this router.
Get the value of the session timeout. Sessions are destroyed if they see no activity for this period of time.
The timeout (in seconds).